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1、Lesson 15A Present for Li Ming!第1页THINK ABOUT IT第2页l Have you ever bought a present for a friend?l What do you consider when you shop for clothing?第3页 Jenny wants to buy a present for Li Mings birthday.She and Brian go into a clothing store.Clerk:What can I do for you?Jenny:Im looking for a birthday

2、 present for my friend,Li Ming.He lives in China.Clerk:Would he like a new jacket for his birthday?What size does your friend wear?第4页Jenny:I think hes the same size as Brian.Clerk:(He gives Brian a yellow jacket.)Try on this jacket,please.Does it fit?Brian:(He tries on the Jacket.)No,this jacket is

3、 too small.Do you have any other sizes?Jenny:I dont think Li Ming would like that jacket anyway.Do you have any other styles?第5页Clerk:(He gets another jacket.)Yes,we do.Brian:(He tries on the bright green jacket.)Would Li Ming like this one,Jenny?Jenny:No!Li Ming hates bright green.I dont like the c

4、olour,but I like the style.第6页Clerk:We have other colours.We have purple,red and blue.What colour do you want?Jenny:Red is Li Mings favourite colour.Well buy a red one.第7页Read the lesson and write true(T)or false(F).1.Jenny is looking for a birthday present for Li Ming.()2.Jenny thinks about the siz

5、e,colour and style when she buys the present.()TT第8页3.Brian is the same size as Li Ming.()4.Li Mings favourite colour is bright green.()5.Jenny doesnt find a present for Li Ming in the end.()TFF第9页buy sth for sb.=buy sb.sth.为某人买某物为某人买某物1.间接宾语前加介词间接宾语前加介词to动词有:动词有:bring hand lend mail pass post send

6、sell serveshow take teach tell throw write等等间接宾语前加介词间接宾语前加介词for动词有:动词有:choose cook draw find fix get make order pick prepare save sing play等等第10页What can I do for you?要我帮忙吗?要我帮忙吗?Can I help you?我能够帮你吗?我能够帮你吗?May I help you?我能够帮你吗?我能够帮你吗?Is there anything I can do for you?我能替你做点什么吗?我能替你做点什么吗?2.口语中极为惯

7、用句子,广泛用于商店、饭口语中极为惯用句子,广泛用于商店、饭店、旅馆、邮局、办事处等场所,作为对用店、旅馆、邮局、办事处等场所,作为对用户招呼用语。户招呼用语。第11页would like 想要想要 愿意愿意+名词(作宾语)名词(作宾语)+代词(作宾语)代词(作宾语)3.+动词不定式动词不定式I would like a long holiday to travel the world.我想要有一个长假来周游世界。我想要有一个长假来周游世界。I would like to know where to find such a beautiful place.我想知道到哪里去找这么漂亮地方。我想知

8、道到哪里去找这么漂亮地方。+名词(作宾语)名词(作宾语)+动词不定式动词不定式第12页4.size 身材身材(服装等)尺码(服装等)尺码What size is your friend?你朋友身材(高低、胖瘦)怎样?你朋友身材(高低、胖瘦)怎样?My sisters size is“L”.我妹妹尺码是我妹妹尺码是L。身材身材(服装等)尺码(服装等)尺码the same as 和和一样一样She is the same age as you.她和你同岁。她和你同岁。第13页5.try+名词名词+ontry+on+名词名词try+代词代词+on类似使用方法短类似使用方法短语:语:put on,ta

9、ke off wake up等等Try on this jacket,please.请试试这件夹克衫。请试试这件夹克衫。Try this jacket on,please.请试试这件夹克衫。请试试这件夹克衫。He tries it on.他试了试(它)。他试了试(它)。He tries on it.他试了试(它)。他试了试(它)。当宾语是代词时,只能放在动词之后。当宾语是代词时,只能放在动词之后。第14页6.Does it fit?它合身吗?它合身吗?(服装等)合身,(服装等)合身,合合身身”.This dress fits you well.这件连衣裙你穿着很合身。这件连衣裙你穿着很合身。T

10、he jacket fits me very well.这件夹克衫我穿着非常合身。这件夹克衫我穿着非常合身。第15页Do you have any other sizes?Do you have any other size?你们还有其它尺码吗?你们还有其它尺码吗?7.any other+名词复数名词复数+名词单数名词单数第16页8.I dont think Li Ming would like that jacket anyway.我认为不论怎样李明也不会喜欢那件夹克衫。我认为不论怎样李明也不会喜欢那件夹克衫。否定前置(否定转移)否定前置(否定转移)句型。只有第一人称句型。只有第一人称需要前

11、置,二三人称依然在从句中否定。这是需要前置,二三人称依然在从句中否定。这是英语一个习惯表示方式,与汉语不一样。英语一个习惯表示方式,与汉语不一样。第17页用于否定前置(否定转移)句型常见动词有:用于否定前置(否定转移)句型常见动词有:think believe suppose imagine suppose expect等等这种句式中这种句式中not从宾语从句谓语动词前面,转移从宾语从句谓语动词前面,转移到了主句谓语动词到了主句谓语动词think,believe,suppose等前面。等前面。Im sorry,but I dont think I know you.对不起,我想我并不认识你。对

12、不起,我想我并不认识你。I dont believe hell come.我想他是不会来。我想他是不会来。第18页He gets another jacket.他拿了另外一件夹克衫。他拿了另外一件夹克衫。I have an apple.I would like another one.我有一个苹果,我再要一个。我有一个苹果,我再要一个。9.再一,另一再一,另一Dont lose heart.Have another try.别气馁,再试一次。别气馁,再试一次。第19页 the other 两个中另一个两个中另一个I have two pens.One is red,the other is b

13、lue.我有两支钢笔。一支红色,另一支是蓝色。我有两支钢笔。一支红色,另一支是蓝色。I have two lessons this afternoon.One is English,the other is math.今天下午我有两节课。一节英语,一节数学。今天下午我有两节课。一节英语,一节数学。第20页others作代词,表泛指。指作代词,表泛指。指“另外一些,还有另外一些,还有 ”。指余下当中一部分,而非全部。后面。指余下当中一部分,而非全部。后面 不接任何名词或代词。不接任何名词或代词。After class,some play basketball;others play footba

14、ll.课后有打篮球,有踢足球、课后有打篮球,有踢足球、不是余下全部些人都踢足球,还有玩其它项目标。不是余下全部些人都踢足球,还有玩其它项目标。第21页There are many students in the classroom.Some are watching TV,others are reading books.教室里有许多同学。一些在看电视,还有一些教室里有许多同学。一些在看电视,还有一些在读书。在读书。并不是只有两部分同学,还可能有做其它事情并不是只有两部分同学,还可能有做其它事情第22页4.the others 指整体中除去一部分之后全体。指整体中除去一部分之后全体。There

15、 are 40 students in the classroom.One is reading books,the others are watching TV.There are twenty girls in our class.The others are boys.我们班有我们班有20个女生,其余是男生。个女生,其余是男生。除一个同学之外,全部都在看电视除一个同学之外,全部都在看电视第23页Listen to the dialogues and tick the correct answers.3.The girl will buy a _ skirt.1._birthday is

16、on Sunday.The girls mums.The girls friends.The girls cousins.2.The jacket is _.just righttoo smalltoo bigredgreenpurple第24页Match the words with the correct meanings.presentclothing size fit stylean exact measurementthe shape or kind of somethingbe the right size and shape for somebody or somethingsomething you give to or get from somebodythings you wear 第25页Work in pairs.Pretend you want to buy something for your mothers or your fathers birthday.You are in a shop talking to a clerk about what to buy.What will you buy?Why?Make up a dialogue with your partner.Then act it out.第26页

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