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1、XXX产品售后服务协议 TCL-XXX附件H:XXX产品售后服务协议XXX After Sales Service Agreement 合同编号Contract No.:甲方:Party A地址:Address乙方:Party B地址:Address1. 总则General Principles1.1. 本XXX产品售后服务协议是甲乙双方于xxxx年xx月xx日签订的手机项目合作框架协议(“框架协议”)及xxxx年xx月xx日签订的XXX项目合作商务协议(“商务协议”)不可分割的部分,作为处理产品售后服务问题的基本程序。This (“this Agreement”) is entered in

2、to the basic procedure for dealing with after sales service problems, which is an indivisible part of (“frame agreement”) and (“business agreement”) signed on xxxx, xx,xx, by and among Party A and Party B.1.2. 为了保证产品合作项目的正常进行,甲乙双方有责任和义务对产品售后服务问题协同处理,为明确双方的责任和义务,本着平等合作、共同发展的原则,甲乙双方经协商签订本协议。Both parti

3、es have the responsibility and obligation to deal with after sales problems together to guarantee the cooperative projects going smoothly. Also both parties sign this agreement friendly in the spirit of principle of equal cooperation and common development.1.3. 甲乙双方应严格遵守本协议各条款的规定和要求,因违背协议而出现影响双方合作的问

4、题,违约方应负全部责任,并按协议的规定赔偿对方的损失。Party A and Party B must have a strict performance of all clauses and requirements of this Agreement. If any quality problem or quality accident due to non-compliance of the agreement, party in breach must take all responsibilities and compensate the other party according

5、to the agreement.1.4. 本协议对甲乙双方都有同等约束力。本协议及附录与主合同组成不可分割的部分,具有同等效力。对本协议及附录条款的任何变更、修改或增减,须经双方协商并签署书面文件后方可生效。This Agreement is equally binding on both Party A and Party B. Any modification, revision, add or subtract of this Agreement will not be validated before both parties coordination and signature o

6、n paper documents.2. 定义Definition2.1. 产品包修期限:乙方承诺为甲方提供的产品(包括甲方向乙方采购的成品机,机头,PCBA,物料及维修后PCBA的质量保证期为18个月,以最终产品上记录的产品生产日期为保质期计算起点;Product Warranty Term: Party B guarantee that the product which includes commercial unit, handset, PCBA, spare parts provided by Party B and the PCBA repaired by Party B will

7、 have 18 months warranty period, accounting from the producing date record.2.2. 保内故障品和保外故障品:在本协议第2.1条规定的产品质量保证期限以内的产品质量原因造成的故障品为保内故障品;除此之外为保外故障品。Defective products in warranty and out of warranty: Defective products in warranty is that the quality problem occurred in the warranty period of what clai

8、ms in Clause 2.1; otherwise will be out of warranty.2.3. PCBA外观检验标准:此标准由甲乙双方共同确定,具体见附录三PCBA外观检验标准。 PCBA cosmetic inspection standard: which will be determined by both parties, details refer to Appendix 3 PCBA Cosmetic Inspection Standard.2.4. 产品质量检验标准:此标准由甲乙双方共同确定,具体见附件GXXX产品质量协议Product quality insp

9、ection standard: which will be determined by both parties, details refer to Attachment G XXX Quality Agreement.2.5. 维修权限分为3个技术级别:即Level 1、Level 2、Level 3,各级别定义如下:Repair will be defined as 3 levels: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and definitions of each as below:2.5.1. Level 1:简单维护和器件更换。如:清洗、紧固重装、换天线(外置)、

10、更换配件(包含数据线)、送修、检测、软件升级等。Level 1: Simple maintain and change accessories, such as: clean, reassemble casing, change external antenna, accessories including data cable, send to upper level repair centers, check the failure, SW upgrading.2.5.2. Level 2:需要拆机和补焊的主板外围器件维修和更换。如:更换主板、模块、天线弹片、按键、按键弹片、按键板、翻盖组

11、件、FPC、LCD、按键灯、信号灯、内置摄像头、触摸屏、钮扣电池、闪光灯、受话器、发话器、蜂鸣器、马达、按键板连接器、耳机座、USB口、电池连接器、SIM卡座等其他接插件的更换和维修。Level 2 includes change or repair components around the PCBA that can be removed need to repair or change, such as change PCBA, module, antenna spring, key-pad, dome, keypad PCB, finished flip casing, FPC, LC

12、D, keypad LED, signal LED, camera, TP, button battery, flashlight, receiver, speaker, microphone, vibrator, keypad PCB connector, audio jack, USB connector, battery connector, SIM connector and other connectors. 2.5.3. Level 3:工艺要求较高的主板贴片器件或塑胶贴片器件及指定BGA器件的更换和维修:如:电源管理IC、PA、双工、CPU、滤波器元器件、射频、flash等的更换

13、和维修。Level 3 indicates the PCBA SMT components, plastic SMT components or BGAs change or repair which need high technical demands, such as power IC, PA, duplexer, CPU, filter components, RF, flash, etc.3. 项目合作模式Cooperation Mode整机(含配件)合作方式。乙方负责最终产品的设计方案、生产制造及包装成商品机,甲方向乙方提供IMEI资源,乙方向甲方提供IMEI号和SN号等相关对应资

14、料。Commercial unit (including accessories) ODM mode: Party B takes responsibility for the final product design, manufacture, packing. Party A takes the responsibility to release IMEI resource, Party B offer the correspondence information between IMEI and SN to Party A. 4. 服务模式Service Mode4.1. 产品包修期内,

15、甲方负责L1,L2售后维修服务,乙方承担L3售后维修服务并负责向甲方提供最终产品的所有售后服务支持,要求详见附录六售后服务L3维修标准。When the product is in warranty, Party A should be responsible for L1, L2 after sales repair service, while Party B for L3 repair and all relative support, refer to Appendix VI L3 Maintenance Standard.4.2. 在项目运作过程中,若产品出现批次性质量故障,乙方有责

16、任和义务协助甲方处理并承担相关责任,详见附件GXXX产品质量协议。In the process of projects development, Party B take the responsibility and obligation to assist Party A to deal with and assume the relevant responsibilities for the epidemic failures, refer to Attachment GXXX Quality Agreementfor more details.5. 免费服务资源及服务保证金Free Re

17、source and Warranty Fee5.1. 免费服务资源Free Resource5.1.1. 最终产品试产期间乙方须向甲方免费提供一套LCD, TP, PCBA检验夹具以支持甲方的物料来料检验工作。Party B should offer 1 set of inspection jig to support Party As IQC inspection.5.1.2. 乙方免费向甲方提供L3维修服务,相关规定详见附录六售后服务L3维修标准。Party B should offer L3 repair service for free as claimed on Appendix

18、VI L3 Maintenance Standard.5.1.3. 甲方定期向乙方提供产品返修率报告,当该报告中返修率超过附件GXXX产品质量协议规定的返修率标准时,在甲乙双方确认该返修率报告的前提下,对于超过返修率规定标准的部分,乙方按照附件GXXX产品质量协议向甲方提供相应数量的免费周转机头和赔偿,并承担由此产生的物流费(国内指定售后收货地点),详见附件GXXX产品质量协议。Party A should provide return rate report regularly, if the return rate higher than specified standard claime

19、d in Attachment GXXX Quality Agreement, then Party B need to supply relative free swap handsets and compensation after confirmation of return rate, and also need to take of the logistics cost (appointed delivery place), details referred to Attachment GXXX Quality Agreement.5.2. 服务保证金Warranty Deposit

20、乙方为向甲方保证售后服务的响应速度、支持程度及对本协议服务条款的有效履行,乙方承诺,以项目为单位向甲方支付服务保证金,甲方有权按如下标准和方式从应付乙方的货款中扣留售后服务保证金:Party B should pay warranty deposit which taking project for the unit to keep which guaranty prompt and effective after sales service support. Party A keeps the right to deduct the warranty fee from Party Bs pa

21、yment.a) 扣留标准:1%成品采购价(含税)*订单出货量,单个项目累计扣留RMB300,000元,如有多个项目合作,累计扣留上限为RMB900,000元未更新英文。Deduction standard: if purchasing order quantity more than 100K (including 100k), warranty fee will be RMB100,000; if between 100K150K, then RMB200,000; if over 150K, then RMB 300,000.b) 扣留方式:甲方直接从应付乙方的成品预付款中按批次扣留相应

22、的售后服务保证金未更新英文; Deduction method: when purchasing order quantity matches the relative warranty fee deduction standard, Party A will directly deduct it from Party Bs cargo payment.c) 返还方式:在最终产品达到商务协议附件HXXX产品售后服务协议规定的质量保证期,并满足协议中规定的各项服务要求后,甲方将在五个工作日内向乙方返还相应保证金。Refund method: Party A will refund the war

23、ranty fee within 5 working days when the productsmeet the warranty claimed in agreement and service requirements.5.2.1. 若乙方未能严格履行本协议条款以及对甲方售后服务的支持程度和响应速度不够,甲方给出正式书面通知,有权从乙方支付的服务保证金中给予处罚,处罚标准见附录十售后服务保证金处罚细则未更新英文;If Party B fails to carry out the agreement and provide less support to after sales servi

24、ce, Party B will be punished directly from the warranty fee after Party A send out notification in written form and Party B dont take action to correct it within 7 working days, the penalty will depend on the status.5.2.2. 乙方就提供本最终产品的服务无法达到双方已约定的服务保证时,甲方保留追溯与索赔直接损失的权利。If Party B fails to achieve the

25、 service requirement for the final products, Party A will reserve the right to take traceability and claim for direct loss on the part of Party B.6. 客服可维修性需求Repair Requirements of Customer Care6.1. 乙方须保证产品的可维修性,包括但不限于易拆装、部品分离、拆装寿命等。Party B should guarantee the maintainability which including but not

26、 limited such as easy to disassemble, independent component and dismantling life. 6.2. 乙方在产品的设计和制造时,应充分考虑甲方的需求,具体见附录四客服可维修性需求。Party B should fully consider partners requirements for design and manufacturing, refer to Appendix IV CC Requirement to Product Designfor more detail.6.3. 乙方在收到甲方的可维修性分析报告后须

27、在3个工作日内回复改善意见未更新英文, 如因最终产品可维修性差(如拆装易损坏等)造成甲方服务成本增加,甲方服务成本增加部分损失由甲乙双方协商解决。If poor repairable ability (easy to damage for disassembly) causing the repair cost up for Party A, then both parties will need to negotiate to solve for the cost-up.7. 培训、技术支持及资料提供Training, Technical and Documents Support7.1.

28、在最终产品上市之前,乙方至少提前5个工作日对甲方客服的相关技术人员免费进行售前技术培训,培训次数不低于2次,每次培训不少于2小时。培训内容包含但不限于:产品功能介绍、产品电路原理(性能指标、参数)、常见故障维修、软件下载校准等安装操作方法、DAP翻新现场指导等;Party B should provide free technical training to Party As CC staffs before final product launched market, and the training should be no less than twice within 2hrs for

29、each. The training contents including but not limited to product function instruction, circuit diagram (performance index, parameter), troubleshooting, SW downloading adjusting and operating, on-site guide for DAP refurbish, etc. 7.2. 在最终产品上市直到退市的过程中,甲方有权要求乙方对产品售后服务相关内容免费进行5次培训,每次培训不少于2小时。乙方在收到甲方的培训

30、需求后,需在3个工作日内回复确认,并在10个工作日内安排培训。During the product from launch to out of market, Party A has the right to ask Party B to provide free after sales service training 5 times within no less than 2hrs each. Party B need to respond and confirm within 3 working days after receiving the training demand, and

31、arrange it within 10 working days.7.3. 乙方须在甲方要求的时间节点前免费提供相关L1,L2和L3的技术资料,包括但不局限于以下内容:Party B should offer L1, L2 & L3 information before Party As required date, which including but not limited to:a) 元件位置图(丝印图)Block diagramb) 拆装工艺图(爆炸图)Disassembly and assembly process chart (explosive pic.)c) 客服软件下载平

32、台、客户端升级软件(不清除Flash的软件)及使用指导文档。SW downloads platform for after sales, customization SW (not erase flash) and user guide.1) 终端用户使用的软件下载工具-支持FOTA或者SD卡升级The upgrade tool for end user should support FOTA or SD card upgrade.2) 维修网点使用的软件下载工具-多串口离线升级工具,此工具有如下需求:The SW upgrade tool for repair networks which

33、is multi-port upgrade tool and should meet following requirement:操作简单,不需要配置下载端口;Easy to run it and there is no need to select download com port;单台下载时间少于5分钟;The upgrade period is less than 5 minutes per unit;具备每小时至少下载120部手机软件的能力;The tool should support at least 120 units upgrade per hour;不能擦除IMEI, CU

34、 reference, SN, WIFI, BT等信息。The upgrade won t erase the IMEI, CU reference, SN, WIFI, BT.d) 维修手册(L1/L2维修手册含产品及附件基本参数介绍、测试指令、软件升级使用指南、常用未更新英文维修物料BOM清单等)Repair Document (L1/L2 repair document which includes circuit explanation, special SW tool instruction, FAQ, general material BOM list)e) L1&L2维修设备清单

35、及报价L1/L2 repair equipment list and quotationf) 电路原理图Circuit diagramg) IC资料(引脚定义、IC封装图、功能模块特性等)IC information (pin definition, IC sealing diagram, functional module specification, etc)h) 手机自检测试软件、板测、综测工具Cell phone auto test SW, PT, FT tooli) 客服软件下载平台、IMEI, BT, WIFI写入工具及打印平台及使用指导文档。SW download platfor

36、m for after sales, IMEI writing tool, print platform and the user guide.1) 维修车间使用的软件下载工具-多串口离线升级工具,此工具有如下需求:The SW upgrade tool for L3 repair center which is multi-port upgrade tool and should meet following requirement:操作简单,不需要配置下载端口;Easy to run it and there is no need to select download com port;单

37、台下载时间少于5分钟;The upgrade period is less than 5 minutes per unit;具备每小时至少下载120部手机软件的能力;The tool should support at least 120 units upgrade per hour;可改写IMEI, CU reference, WIFI, BT信息等。The tool would change the IMEI, CU reference, WIFI, BT, etc.2) IMEI, BT, WIFI写入工具,打印平台及打印脚本。The IMEI, BT, WIFI write tool,

38、 IMEI print tool and script.j) 维修手册(L3维修手册含电路说明、特殊工具软件的使用指南、常见故障讲解、电路说明、常用维修物料BOM清单等)Repair document (L3 repair document includes but not limited to circuit explanation, special SW tool instruction, FAQ, general material BOM list)k) L3维修设备清单及报价L3 repair equipment list and quotation7.4. 乙方的培训工程师必须具有乙

39、方正式颁发的授权书及相应的专业能力证明,在整个培训过程中所产生的一切费用由乙方自行承担。Party Bs trainer should hold the authorized certification and related ability, and Party A and Party B shall take all the cost respectively which caused by the training.7.5. 乙方须协助甲方进行翻新线的建设以及L3级维修的培训,以确保甲方受训人员具有对最终产品所有故障(含主板级)的维修能力;为保证培训效果,须根据甲乙双方共同确认的标准对甲

40、方受训人员进行考核,直至确认甲方受训人员具有最高级别(Level 3)的维修能力。Party B should assist Party A to create DAP line and L3 training, and guaranty Party As trainee have the ability to repair all defectives including PCBA; also Party B should better check the trainee to ensure they have such repair ability.7.6. 乙方须向甲方免费提供一套维修用

41、的夹具、配套软件、驱动程序及相关专用高级别维修设备等,乙方保证其所提供的夹具和维修设备等的包修期为2年,且乙方提供的软件、驱动程序等不限制使用次数和使用期限(在DONLGE使用期满时,乙方有义务根据甲方的需求更新软件使用次数和期限,保证甲方使用权限)。Party B should offer a set of jig, accompanying SW, driver and other equipment for high level repair for free, and guaranty 24 months warranty; Furthermore, Party B must ensu

42、re the SW, driver and others with no limited time for using (when DONLGE expire, Party B should update SW using time to ensure Party As using freely).7.7. 乙方须配合甲方要求提供出货相关数据,并在甲方规定的时间内实现数据导入甲方相关系统;数据内容详见附录七出货数据清单。Party B should offer after sales related data, and introduce it into Party As system, de

43、tails refer to Appendix VII Delivery Record.8. 维修物料要求Repair Materials Requirements8.1. 产品EOL后,乙方必须在十八个月内充分保障该最终产品的维修物料(包括机头及PCBA)供应。若乙方或乙方供应商因特殊原因无法供应时,乙方应至少提前2个月通知甲方并协商解决办法,甲方由于乙方原因无法供应维修物料而遭受的相关直接经济损失由乙方承担。甲方向乙方采购的客服周转机头及客服周转PCBA必须依照附录一机头包装规范及附录二主板包装规范的要求交货并直接寄送至甲方指定仓库,甲方向乙方采购的售后物料,须依照附录八售后物料送货标准的

44、要求交货并直接送至甲方指定仓库。在每次发货前,乙方须与甲方确认详细地址。After products EOL, Party B should ensure repair materials (including handset and PCBA) supply sufficiently within 18 months. Party B should notify Party A for the lack of materials ahead of 2 months, and both parties will negotiate the resolving, if Party B fail

45、to notify Party A, then the relevant direct economic loss caused will be taken by Party B. The SWAP PCBA and handset purchased by Party A should follow Appendix IHandset Packing Guidelineand Appendix IIPCBA Packing Guidelineto pack and send to appointed Party As warehouse directly; The after sales m

46、aterials shipping must meet Appendix VIIIAfter Sales Material Delivery Standards requirement and send to appointed Party As warehouse directly . Party B need to check the address with Party A before delivery.8.2. 乙方须向甲方提供open BOM,且保证提供的BOM清单必须是扩展BOM清单;对于模组上焊脚大于等于3个的电子元器件必须单独报价,并且甲方可以以BOM成本价格向乙方单独采购模

47、组上的任意电子元器件(扩展BOM清单中电阻、电容不做硬性要求,但若因单个电阻、电容的问题而出现批量性故障时,甲方可单独向乙方采购电阻、电容)。Party B must offer open BOM to Party A, and ensure the BOM list is the stretch one; for the special components with welding point is more than 3 in the module, Party B should quote separately, also Party A can purchase each compo

48、nent in module based on the BOM cost (resistor, capacitor on stretch BOM list will not be mandatory; but if there is epidemic failure for some resistor or capacitor, Party A can purchase it separately.)8.3. 乙方必须在最终产品上市一个月前向甲方提供该最终产品的树形BOM清单、物料规格书、RoHS声明及检验标准(BOM清单要求须满足8.2条款内容),并在甲方定义的DR2节点通过前预先提供给甲方一版BOM清单供甲方展开相关工作。BOM清单包括但不

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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