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1、语言暴力中英文介绍Rejection of verbal violenceIts good to say that its three winters,and it hurts for June.这段不足两分钟的视频,像一记耳光,打醒了许多“施暴者”。曾以为语言暴力离我们很遥远,那些问题家庭父母说的话都 不堪入耳,充满血腥暴力,但是看了片子发现 其实它就在每天的生活中。“你还能干点什么”“没出息”这样的话是不是似曾相识?这样的话一句两句确实不会有什么影响,但反反复复,不分场合的出现,就变成了暴力!孩子的自信心,社交能力,还有性格无疑都会受到巨大的影响。一句无心的话,在孩子心里就投射下深深的阴影

2、,久久挥之不去。但是很多时候家长并没有认识到自己对孩子做了些什么。This less than two minutes of video,like a slap in the face,woke up many perpetrators.I used to think that the language violence was far away from us,and the words of the parents of those families with problems were hard to hear and full of bloody violence.“What else

3、 can you do“Worthless“Does that sound familiar It is true that a sentence like this will not have any effect,but repeated,no matter the occasion,it will become violence!A childs confidence,A careless word,in the childs heart cast a deep shadow,lingering for a long time.But many times parents dont re

4、alize what theyre doing to their children.一项研究表明,中国青少年犯罪与童年时期遭受的语言暴力之间有很大联系。但在这样一个孝道为先,人权意识模糊的国家,施暴者不自觉,受害者不自救,累积的恶果就是越来越多的青少年误入歧途。对于孩子而言,什么是家庭暴力?很多家长认为,打孩子就是家庭暴力。其实不然,对孩子使用语言暴力,在很多家庭里随处可见。孩子不听话骂一下又如何,又不影响孩子的身体健康,然而,孩子若长期生活在不平等、不被尊重的环境中,语言暴力将给孩子带来的严重的危害。语言暴力,仅仅是指骂孩子?对孩子的语言暴力,不仅仅是指大声的谩骂,对孩子使用 诋毁、嘲笑等侮

5、辱性的语言,甚至是恶意地拒绝与孩子说话,使得孩子在精神和心理上遭到侵犯和损害,都可以认为是语言暴力。A study shows that there is a strong link between juvenile delinquency in China and language violence in childhood.What is domestic violence to children Many parents believe that beating a child is domestic violence.In fact,language violence against

6、children is common in many families.however,if a child lives for a long time in the environment of the inequality,not be respected,language violence will bring serious harm to the child.Language violence,just to scold the childViolence in childrens language,not only refers to the abuse,loudly for ch

7、ildren use offensive language,such as laugh at and even maliciously refused to speak to the child,which makes children in mental and psychological was invaded and damaged,can be regarded as the language violence.广告带给我们的启示语言暴力不仅仅是语言会让孩子受伤,说话者的神态,动作,甚至父母咄咄逼人的气势,无一不是一把锋利的匕首,让孩子被这种暴力的噩梦困扰。父母一句不经意的言语,有可能

8、成为孩子一生甩不掉的伤害。也许用爱,能慢慢把钉子拔除,但孩子心灵上的伤口是否也能愈合?愈合之后,那难看的疤痕是否也能抚平呢?因此,请各位家长在批评教育孩子的时候,把自己的语言、行为好好反思,将心比心、换位思考,始终用自己的心与孩子保持诚挚的沟通,这样才能达到教育的本来目的,才能让孩子有一个更好的认知。Violence is not only a language can let children hurt,the speakers expression,action,and even parents aggressive momentum,let the child is the nightm

9、are of violence.Parents a careless word,may become the childs life can not throw away the injury.Perhaps with love,can pull out the nail slowly,but the wound on the childs heart also can heal Can the ugly scar be healed after healingSo,please criticism education child,their own language,behavior,a g

10、ood reflection,and always keep sincere communication with the child in his heart,so as to achieve education purpose,can let the children have a better cognition.The implications of advertising小组成员对广告的看法 父母再次和孩子交父母再次和孩子交谈的的时候,要把握尺度,拒候,要把握尺度,拒绝对孩子使孩子使用用语言暴力言暴力:1.选择合适的时间。尽量选择大家比较清闲的时间,这样谈话的时间不会太赶。2.学会倾

11、听。应该学会倾听孩子说,孩子说的越多,事情就越容易沟通。父母要尽量保持心情平静,在理智的状态下结束谈话。3.拥抱孩子。无论今天发生了什么,请在睡觉前拥抱一下孩子,告诉孩子,我很爱你。When parents talk to their children again,they should grasp the scale and refuse to use verbal violence against them:Choose the right time.Try to choose a time when everyone is free,so the conversation wont be

12、 rushed.Group members views on advertisingLearn to listen.Learn to listen.The more your child says,the easier it will be to communicate.Parents should try to keep calm and end the conversation in a sensible state.Hug your child.No matter what happens today,hug your child before you go to bed and tell him that I love you.医学资料仅供参考,用药方面谨遵医嘱

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