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1、Its cold,_?isnt itYes,it is.1.They are playing football,?arent theyYes,they are.2.They dont like swimming,_?do theyNo,they dont.They enjoy it a lot.3.There was a heavy snow last year,_?Yes,there was.wasnt there4.TagQuestions反意疑反意疑问问句句5.Grammar:反意疑反意疑问问句句 1.Sheisastudent,isntshe?2.WespeakChinese,dont

2、we?一、定一、定义义:当我当我们陈们陈述了一个事述了一个事实实,而又不是很,而又不是很有把握,就可以在有把握,就可以在陈陈述句后加一个述句后加一个简简短短问问句,称句,称为为反意疑反意疑问问句。句。例:例:6.二、二、结结构:构:结结构一:构一:前肯,前肯,+后否后否eg.Sheisastudent,isntshe?结结构二:构二:前否,前否,+后肯后肯eg.Sheisntastudent,isshe?7.三、反意疑三、反意疑问问句的解答步句的解答步骤骤Jack wasnt playing soccer,_ _?Their parents have gone to London,_ _?I

3、have never been to the park,_ _?You have a good friend,_ _?We had a meeting,_ _?was hehavent theyhavent Ididnt wedont you1.1.判定判定判定判定(判断(判断(判断(判断该该该该用肯定用肯定用肯定用肯定还还还还是否定);是否定);是否定);是否定);2.2.找找找找动动动动(找句子的助(找句子的助(找句子的助(找句子的助动词动词动词动词:bebe用用用用be,be,动词动词动词动词原形原形原形原形dodo,三,三,三,三单单单单doesdoes,过过过过去去去去diddid,

4、完成,完成,完成,完成havehave););););3.3.换换换换代代代代(将主(将主(将主(将主语换为语换为语换为语换为代代代代词词词词););););8.1.be动词动词(is,are,was,were)的句型:)的句型:现现在在 主主语语+is(are),isnt(arent)+主主语语?过过去去 主主语语+was(were),wasnt(werent)+主主语语?1 He is your uncle,_?2 You are not students,_?3 The students are going to have a picnic,_?4 Kate isnt from the

5、USA,_?5 He was German,_?6 The Greens werent at home last night,_?isnt heare you arent theyis shewasnt hewere they9.2.一般一般动词动词(play,study,watch 等等)句型:句型:现现在在 主主语语+play/plays,dont(doesnt)+主主语语?过过去去 主主语语+played,didnt+主主语语?1 Your mother likes cooking,_?2 He has an apple,_?3 The plane took off an hour ag

6、o,_?4 He didnt go to school late this morning,_?5Lucy studied pop music,_?6 You have a good time,_ _?doesnt shedont youdidnt itdoesnt hedid hedidnt she10.3.情情态动词态动词(can,will)的反意疑的反意疑问问句句主主语语+can/will,cant/wont+主主语语?1 Tom can swim very well,_?2 Your parents cant swim,_?3 All of your friends will come

7、 to your party,_?4 They wont come,_?can theycant hewont theywill they11.4.完成完成时时的反意疑的反意疑问问句句主主语语+have/has+过过去分去分词词,havent(hasnt)+主主语语?1 You have heard of him,_?2 He has been to America,_?3 Marry hasnt lived in the countryside,_?4 You havent been to Shanghai,_?5 They have never been to Hong Kong,_?ha

8、vent youhasnt hehas shehave youhave they12.5.There be 句型的反意疑句型的反意疑问问句句1 There is a pen on the chair,_?2 There are 60 students in our class,_?3 There was nothing in the fridge,_?4 There will be a paper factory near my home in about 2 years,_?isnt therewas therewont therearent thereThere is/are/will b

9、e,isnt/arent/wont there?13.6.当当陈陈述部分有述部分有never,seldom(很少很少),hardly(几乎不几乎不),few,little,nothing(没有没有)等否定意等否定意义义的的词时词时,后,后面的反意疑面的反意疑问问句句则为则为肯定形式肯定形式1.Theyhavenevervisitedhishome,_?2.Therearefewapplesinthebasket,_?3.Hecanhardlyswim,_?4.Ithasnolegs,_?5.Thereislittlewaterintheglass,_?6.Theyseldom很少很少comel

10、ate,_?are therecan hedoes itis theredo theyhave they14.7.祈使句的反意疑祈使句的反意疑问问句句1 Dont be late,_ _?2 Have a rest,_ _?3 Speak louder,_ _?4 Dont wait for me,_ _?will you祈使句祈使句,will you?will youwill youwill you15.Lets have a rest,_?(包括听包括听话话者者)Let us have a rest,_?(不包括听不包括听话话者者)will youshall we8.Lets的反意疑的反意

11、疑问问句句shall we16.8 You have never been to Beijing,_?9 He didnt say anything about your mistakes,_?10 Tom can swim very well,_?11 All of your friends will come to your party,_?12 There is a pen on the chair,_?13 There is nothing in the fridge,_?14 There will be a paper factory near my home in about 2

12、years,_?15 Open your books,_?16 Dont go across the road now,_?17 Lets wait,_?18 Let us have a rest,_?have youdid hecant hewont theyisnt thereis therewont therewill youwill youshall wewill you17.There are few people in the street,_?A.arent there B.are there C.are they D.arent theyB18.Hewashardlytwelv

13、ethen,?那那时时他他还还不到不到12岁岁吧,吧,对吗对吗?was he19.1.Linda went to the zoo three times last year,_?didntshe2.This is your sister,_?isntshe20.1)Tomisaworker,isntTom?(找找错错)_2)Youcanswim,cannotyou?(找找错错)_3)Hehadlunch,doesnthe?(找找错错)_isnt he?cant you?didnt he?21.He has few friends in the school,_?doesheThey have

14、never been to the USA,_?havethey22.对反意疑问句的回答,无论问题的提法如何,如果事实是肯定的,就用yes,事实是否定的,就要用no.要特别注意陈述句部分是否定结构,反意疑问句部分用肯定式提问时,回答yes或no与汉语正好相反。这种省略回答的yes要译成“不”,no要译成“是”。例-He likes playing football,doesnt he?他喜欢踢足球,是吗?-Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.是的。/不是。-His sister didnt attend the meeting,did she?他妹妹没有参加会议,是吗?-Yes

15、,she did./No,she didnt.不,她参加了。/是的,她没参加。23.They are pictures,?arent theyYes,they are.24.Lingming makes lots of friends,?doesnt he Yes,he does.25.can heYes,he can.Beckham can t play football,?26.You like rock music,_?dont youYes,I do./No,I dont.27.He never speaks English,_?does heYes,he does.28.反意疑反意疑

16、问问句句一、一、陈陈述句(肯定式)述句(肯定式)+疑疑问问部分(否定式)?部分(否定式)?be动词动词(is,are,was,were)的句型:)的句型:2.一般一般动词动词(play,study,watch 等)句型:等)句型:3.情情态动词态动词(can,will)的反意疑的反意疑问问句句4.完成完成时时的反意疑的反意疑问问句句现现在在 主主语语+is(are),isnt(arent)+主主语语?过过去去 主主语语+was(were),wasnt(werent)+主主语语?现现在在 主主语语+play/plays,dont(doesnt)+主主语语?过过去去 主主语语+played,did

17、nt+主主语语?现现在在 主主语语+can/will,cant/wont+主主语语?主主语语+have/has+过过去分去分词词,havent(hasnt)+主主语语?29.反意疑反意疑问问句要注意的要点句要注意的要点1.Your classmates like you,dont they?反意疑反意疑问问句的主句的主语语必必须须用用人称代人称代词词,且,且要与前一句的要与前一句的人称数一致人称数一致。2.You are a student,arent you?He goes home,doesnt he?反意疑反意疑问问句的句的否定否定式要用式要用缩缩写形写形势势注意注意语调语调:询问问题询

18、问问题用升用升调调,核,核对对信息用降信息用降调调。30.3.He cant come tonight,can he?You arent a teacher,are you?She went home,didnt she?反意疑反意疑问问句的句的动词动词要与要与陈陈述句述句一致一致 be/助助动词动词/情情态动词态动词4.You were not at home,were you?Lily is watching TV,is she?He will come,wont he?反意疑反意疑问问句的句的时态时态要一致要一致31.5.She has never seen you,_?has she*

19、若句中出若句中出现现有有never,seldom,little,few 等副等副词时词时,反意疑,反意疑问问句要句要用肯定用肯定其他特殊反意疑其他特殊反意疑问问句:句:1.There is some milk in the cup,isnt there?there be 句型的反意疑句型的反意疑问问句句还还是用是用 there be32.1.她不喜她不喜欢欢流行音流行音乐乐,是,是吗吗?She_likepopmusic,_?2.你听你听说过说过他,他,对吗对吗?You_ofhim,_?3.他是德国人,是他是德国人,是吗吗?HewasGerman,_?doesntdoes shehave heardhavent youwasnt he33.

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