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1、(完整word)广州新版本教材与课文内容匹配的语法选择广州新版本教材七年级上与课文内容匹配的语法选择(1) Good afternoon, kids. I am Smith。 Today Ill talk about Traffic Safety。 Many people get hurt or die 31 they are crossing the road every year。 Most of them are old people and young kids. Old people often get hurt or die 32 they cant see 33 hear ver

2、y well. Kids meet with accidents because they are not careful enough. They forget to look and listen before crossing the road. How can we lessen(减少)traffic accidents? All of us 34 obey the traffic rules。 35 the drivers, they shouldnt drive too fast。 If they drive too fast, it will be very difficult

3、to stop the cars in a very short time. For the pedestrians(行人),its very important to be careful when they are 36 across the road. 37 when we cross the road, we must try to walk along the pavements(行人道)。We must stop and look both ways before crossing the road. First look left, next look right, then l

4、ook left again。 Only when we are 38 that the road is clear, can we cross it 。 The right way to cross the road is walk 39 .Its not safe to run. If people run across the road, they may fall down。 Teens should try to help kids, old or blind people to cross the road ,and 40 play in the street。31. A.When

5、 B。after C。before D.until32. A。why B.because C.so D.but33. A.and B.but C。or D。so34. A.can B。may C.could D。must35. A.For B.To C.About D。As36. A.walk B。walking C。walked D.walks37. A.But B。And C。So D。As38. A.sure B。glad C。know D。understand39. A。slowly B。quietly C。quickly D.fastly40. A。never B.sometimes

6、 Calways D。often(2) Mr。 Smith is a factory worker. He is often very 31 after a days work. His wife ,Jenny, hs no job , so she stays at home 32 the meals and to do the housework 。 Every day he can have dinner when he 33 home from his factory。 One day, Mr. Smith came home very late 34 he was very busy

7、 in the factory 。 He was very hungry when he got home. He was not happy when he found his dinner was not ready . He was very angry 35 his wife。 He shouted at her, “Im going out 36 in a restaurant。 “ 37 for five minutes,” said his wife. “ 38 ?Do you think dinner will be ready 39 5 minutes ?” asked Mr

8、. Smith。 “Of course not, ” she answered。 “But I can 40 ready to go with you then.”31. A。 tire B。 tiring C。 tired D. being tired32. A. cook B. cooks C。 bo cook D. by cooking33. A. get B。 get to C. gets to D。 get34. A. so B. because C。 and D。 but35. A。 To B. for C. as D。 but 36. A。 eat B。 eats C. eati

9、ng D。 to eat37. A. Wait B。Waits C。 Waiting D。 To wait 38. A. How B. When C。Why D。 Where39. A. of B。 in C。 on D. at40. A。 be B。 am C. being D. to be(3)In spring, big sand storms often happen in the north。 Deserts (沙漠) are growing bigger and bigger. Scientist _31_to turn deserts into good land again。

10、The best way is to bring water to deserts and scientists do their best to work out the water problem. So people _32_ live and grow food there. However, land _33_ deserts. Scientists may not be able to change deserts in time。 Why does land become deserts? Scientists think that people are doing bad th

11、ings to the Earth。 Some places on Earth dont get _34_ rain。 But they still do not become deserts. This is because there_35_ grass and some green plants growing there. _36_ are very important to dry places。 Plants do not let _37_ sun make the land even _38_。 Plants do not let the wind blow the soil (

12、泥土) away. When rain _39_, plants hold the water. Without plants, the land can become desert very _40_。 31。 A。 tries B. tried C. trying D. are trying32. A. must B. could C. can D. would33。 A. become B. is becoming C. became D. to become34. A. much B. many C. more D。 few35. A. are B。 were C。 is D. was

13、36。 A. We B. They C。 You D。 It37. A。 the B. an C。 a D. /38。 A. the driest B. driest C. dry D。 drier39。 A. falls B。 fell C。 falling D. to fall40。 A. easy B. easier C。 easiest D. easily(4)Autumn 1 lots of changes in America. The trees 2 colours,bring a wonderful scene of beautiful trees with different

14、 coloured 3 .It also brings 4 weathe. We begin putting away our summer clothes,short sleeves,etc。 And its time 5 the wood an start the fire in the fireplace.When the leaves begin to change 6 the trees,people here start going for 7 ,or trips to the mountains,especially to Gatlinburg, TN。 There are ma

15、ny places like this 8 the south of America 9 the fall months.At the end of autumn, the cold weather makes the birds 10 to the south.It also brings about the freezing of the ponds and lakes in most of the country.1 A brings B bring C brought D will bring2 A begins changing B began changing C begin to

16、 change D began to change3 A leaves B leaf C leafs D leave4 A warmer B cooler C hotter D wetter5 A bring in B bringing in C to bring in D brought in6 A in B on C for D at 7 A drives B drive C driving D to drive8 A in B on C to D by9 A at B on C to D during10 A flying B to fly C flew D fly(5) I live

17、in small village。 Look at the first picture of our village。 Our village is _1_ two hills on a river。 There is an old stone bridge over _2_ river. Many years ago, our village was very peaceful and beautiful。 The air was fresh and the water in the river was very clean. My parents often_3_ along the ba

18、nks of the river. I used to _4_ in the river。 There is a park near the river。 Next to the park is a primary school。 In the past, children often went to the park to have fun after school。 Things have been changed since our village became a tourist spot(旅游景点) years _5_. At weekends, _6_ people come fo

19、rm the city to see our village。 Visitors have been asked to keep the village _7_. But people throw their rubbish everywhere。 Last Wednesday, I went for a walk in the park. What I saw made me very_8_. The ground was covered with _9_ and empty bottles. Earth is our home。 _10_ is time to stop polluting

20、 it.( ) 1。 A。 among B. between C. on D。 in ( ) 2. A。 a B. an C. the D. /( ) 3。 A。 walked B。 walk C. walks D。 walking( ) 4。 A. swam B。 swim C。 swims D. swimming( ) 5。 A。 ago B. later C。 before D。 after( ) 6。 A。 some hundreds B。 hundred of C。 hundreds of D. some hundreds of ( ) 7。 A。 cleaning B. to cl

21、ean C. clean D。 cleaned( ) 8. A。 sad B。 sadly C。 happy D。 happily( ) 9. A. a piece of paper B。 papers C. pieces of papers D. pieces of paper( ) 10。 A。 This B。 That C。 It D。 Its(6)My English teacher, Miss smith is a(an)_31_teacher, everyone likes _32_very much 。she works very hard, _33_ she is often

22、very tired。 Her home is about 10 kilometers _34_ school。 She gets up _35_ six o clock every day, and she has a _36_ breakfast。 Then she _37_ school at six thirty. First, she walks to the bus station. It takes about 10 minutes. _38_ the early bus takes hear to school. The bus usually takes about 25 m

23、inutes。 How long does it _39_ her to school? Do you know _40_ minutes。31 A tiring B boring C exciting D popular32 A she B her C hers D him 33 A and B but C so D for 34A on B from C to D of35 A at B on C in D about 36 A quick B quickly C fastly D busy 37 A goes B go C goes to D go to38A First B Final

24、 C Than D Then39 A take B takes C taking D is taking40 A twenty five B ten C thirty five D forty five(7)A sunny day in winter is colder than a sunny day in summer。 31 the summer day is longer, everything has a longer time to warm up and the sun shines more directly on the earth. 32 winter, the day i

25、s short, there is less time for everything 33 warm.Land, just 34 the sand, warms up more quickly than water but it also loses its heat more quickly. So on a hot and sunny summer day on the beach, you can feel 35 hot the sand gets。 The 36 is cool to the feet when you go for a paddle(涉水). 37 sun makes

26、 our earth beautiful。 It gives light to 38 . It keeps us 39 . It makes things grow。 We cannot 40 without the sun。31。A。BecauseB.WhyC.FromD。Of32.A。OnB.InC.ByD。To33.A。getB.gotC.to getD.gets34.A.forB.withC.likeD。in35.A.howB。whoC.whichD.when36.A.waterB。watersC。wateringD.watered37。A./B.AnC.AD.The38.A。ours

27、B。ourC.usD.we39。A。warmB。warmingC。warmedD.warms40。A。livesB。liveC。livingD.lived(8)Reading Is a Good Hobby With development of science and technology, new knowledge comes every day. 31 you stop learning even for a day, you will be lost。 32 is a good way to help you keep in touch with the outside world.

28、 Read widely and youll be rich in knowledge. Reading is also a good way 33 relax yourself. You can 34 a lot of fun in the books. A good book is a good friend to comfort you when you are unhappy。 So long as you have a good book at hand, youll never feel lonely. 35 valuable book will open a new world

29、before you. There are 36 many books in the world that it is impossible for every one to read all of them,even if he spends all his life 37 。So I spend my spare time reading the books。 Im interested 38 .Before I start reading, I always 39 whether it is valuable for me to read. Reading books is an imp

30、ortant way to get knowledge. It makes me learn 40 about things I dont know before。 The more books I read, the more knowledge I will get。 31。 A。 When B.If C。So D.But32. A. Reading B.Read C。To read D。Reads33. A。 on B.about C。 of D。to34。 A. get B. got C. getting D.to get35. A. Each B。Other C。 Everyone D。All36。 A. so B. such C。 too D。many37. A。 reading B. read C. to read D。reads38。 A。 on B. at C。 to D。in39. A。 find B。 look for C。 find out D。look40. A. a little B。 more C。 much D.less

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