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1、Learn General Secretary on two to learn a strengthening four Consciousnesses important speech caused a strong reaction in the country. Time, watching red treasure, the origin of building the party back to power, how to strengthen services for the masses, improve party cohesion, fighting to become th

2、e grass-roots party members and masses hot topic. Grass-roots party organizations two is to strengthen the service of party members and cadres, the pioneer spirit. Distribution of grass-roots party organizations in all walks of people, clothing, shelter, which belongs to the nerve endings of the par

3、ty organization and comments reputation has a direct perception of the masses. Strengthen the party ahead of the pedal spirit; strengthen the party members and cadres success does not have to be me and the first to bear hardships, the last to service spirit to set the partys positive image among the

4、 people is important. Grass-roots party organizations two is to cleanse all people not happy not to see stereotypes, establish the honest faithful, diligent faith for the people. No need to avoid mentioning that, some members of our party can not stand the money, corrosion of temptation, thin, Xu Zh

5、ou, such abuse and corrupt bribery, malfeasance borers, and rats. Two, is to clean up, thin, Xu, Zhous solution to restore the partys fresh and natural, solid and honest work style. Cleansing take, eat, card, undesirable and behaviour, cross, hard and cold, push attitude. Grass-roots party organizat

6、ions two is to strengthen the sense of ordinary party members, participating in consciousness, unity consciousness. For reasons known, members of grass-roots party branches less mobile, less resources, and the construction of party organizations have some lag. Two studies, is to focus on the grass-r

7、oots party branches loose, soft, loose problem, advance the party members and cadres, a gang working, Hong Kong report. Strong cleanup actions, style and rambling, presumptuous unqualified party members, pays special attention to party members and cadres joining party of thought problem. Party build

8、ing is obtained in the long-term development of our partys historical experience accumulated. Two is our party under the new historical conditions, strengthen the partys construction of a new rectification movement. Grass-roots party organizations should always catch the hard work, results-oriented.

9、 Two educational outcomes are long-term oriented and become an important impetus for the work. Two should have three kinds of consciousness two study and education, basic learning lies in the doing. Only the Constitution address the series of party rules, and do solid work, be qualified party member

10、s had a solid ideological basis. Only the learning and do real unity, to form a learn-learn-do-do the virtuous cycle, and ultimately achieve the fundamental objective of education. This requires that the Organization磷酸铁锂电池简介什么是磷酸铁锂电池磷酸铁锂电池的全名应是磷酸铁锂锂离子电池,简称为磷酸铁锂电池,是用磷酸铁锂(LiFePO4)材料作电池正极的锂离子电池,是2002年后

11、推出的产品,是锂离子电池家族的新成员。由于它的性能特别适于作动力方面的应用,则在名称中加入“动力”两字,即磷酸铁锂动力电池。也有人把它称为“锂铁(LiFe)动力电池”。 目前市场上的锂离子电池正极材料主要是氧化钴锂(LiCoO2),另外还有少数采用氧化锰锂(LiMn2O4)及氧化镍锂(LiNiO2)作正极材料的锂离子电池,一般将后两种正极材料的锂离子电池称为“锂锰电池”及“锂镍电池”。在组成电池正极材料的金属元素中,钴(Co)最贵,并且存储量不多,镍(Ni)、锰(Mn)较便宜,而铁(Fe)最便宜。正极材料的价格也与这些金属的价格行情一致。因此,采用LiFePO4正极材料做成的锂离子电池应是最便



14、铁锂电池的标称电压是3.2 V、终止充电电压是3.6V、终止放电压是2.0V。由于各个生产厂家采用的正、负极材料、电解质材料的质量及工艺不同,其性能上会有些差异。例如同一种型号(同一种封装的标准电池),其电池的容量有较大差别(10%20%)。磷酸铁锂动力电池主要性能列于表1。为了与其他可充电电池的相比较,也在表中列出其他种类可充电电池性能。这里要说明的是,不同工厂生产的磷酸铁锂动力电池在各项性能参数上会有一些差别;另外,有一些电池性能未列入,如电池内阻、自放电率、充放电温度等。磷酸铁锂动力电池的容量有较大差别,可以分成三类:小型的零点几到几毫安时、中型的几十毫安时、大型的几百毫安时。不同类型电

15、池的同类参数也有一些差异。这里再介绍一种目前应用较广的小型标准圆柱形封装的磷酸铁锂动力电池的参数。其外廓尺寸:直径为18mm、高650mm(型号为18650),其参数性能如表2所示。磷酸铁锂电池的特点1高效率输出:标准放电为25C、连续高电流放电可达10C,瞬间脉冲放电(10S)可达20C;2 高温时性能良好:外部温度65时内部温度则高达95,电池放电结束时温度可达160, 电池的结构安全、完好;3 即使电池内部或外部受到伤害,电池不燃烧、不爆炸、安全性最好;4 极好的循环寿命,经500次循环,其放电容量仍大于95%;5 过放电到零伏也无损坏;6 可快速充电;7 低成本;8 对环境无污染。磷酸

16、铁锂动力电池的应用由于磷酸铁锂动力电池具有上述特点,并且生产出各种不同容量的电池,很快得到广泛地应用。它主要应用领域有:1 大型电动车辆:公交车、电动汽车、景点游览车及混合动力车等;2 轻型电动车:电动自行车、高尔夫球车、小型平板电瓶车、铲车、清洁车、电动轮椅等;3 电动工具:电钻、电锯、割草机等;4 遥控汽车、船、飞机等玩具;5 太阳能及风力发电的储能设备;6 UPS及应急灯、警示灯及矿灯(安全性最好);7 替代照相机中3V的一次性锂电池及9V的镍镉或镍氢可充电电池(尺寸完全相同);8 小型医疗仪器设备及便携式仪器等。国内外情况当前,国内的磷酸铁锂产业投资热正在兴起,其势头超过了其他任何国家

17、。这一点通过企业数量对比就可见一斑,目前在这个领域(单指正极材料),美国的制造企业不过A123、Valence两家,加拿大仅有Phostech一家,台湾有长园科技、鸿运电子、立凯电能(ALEES)、大同科技4家,而内地企业数量却非常之多,截至 2008年10月统计,全国有40多家磷酸铁锂电池材料生产厂商,其中已进入工业化批量生产并向市场稳定供货的企业有天津斯特兰、北大先行、苏州恒正、新乡华鑫(原新乡八化)、深圳贝特瑞、比亚迪等8家,可批量生产并在试销阶段的企业也有8家(不一一例举),其余都在中试阶段,而有意向进军这个产业的企业则更多。其中有很多企业都是08年冒出来的新面孔,展望09年,肯定还会

18、诞生一批新的企业,另外随着技术和市场不断趋于成熟,风险投资也必将介入进来。国内对磷酸铁锂产业的投资可谓一浪高过一浪。说得好听点,大家都是在积极做准备,说的不好听点,大家都是在冲锋陷阵,其中有很多企业会成为垫脚石。产业优势:第一、磷酸铁锂产业符合国家产业政策的导向,各国都把储能电池和动力电池的发展放在国家战略层面高度,配套资金和政策支持的力度很大,中国在这方面有过之而不及,过去关注镍氢电池,现在则把目光更多的集中到磷酸铁锂电池上。 第二、磷酸铁锂电池作为一种实用新型锂电池,代表了电池未来发展的方向。它是迄今为止发明的最理想的动力电池。尽管目前存在技术和价格上的一些缺陷,但毕竟已经走向商业化的道路

19、。业内专家普遍认为,磷酸铁锂技术不会成为产业发展的障碍(已有A123、Valence、Phostech成熟技术的先例),而价格也会随着产能的扩张而大幅降低,未来甚至会成为最廉价的动力电池。 第三、磷酸铁锂产业的市场蛋糕大的超乎想象,其中正极材料全球有几百亿的市场容量,而电池更是有超过5000千亿的市场容量。现有几家企业捷足先登进入这个领域,但他们只是尝到了一口奶油,今后还会享受到更丰美的蛋糕。按照风险投资业内的一种说法,这是一个很肥很肥的产业。 第四、根据电池产业发展的规律,无论是材料,还是电池,基本呈现稳定增长的趋势,能够抗周期性和国家宏观调控的影响。而作为新型的材料和电池磷酸铁锂,随着存量

20、市场的开发和增量市场的渗透,其增长速度明显快于电池行业整体发展速度。 第五、磷酸铁锂电池应用领域广泛,终端产品如电动工具、UPS电源、矿灯、玩具、电动自行车、电动汽车等都是关系民生的消费量很大的产品,此外在军事和航天领域也是一种最佳的动力电池。 第六、磷酸铁锂产业利润率非常之高,正极材料的毛利在70%以上,而电芯的毛利也有50%以上。而且由于未来强大市场的支撑,行业将在很长一段时间内(初步推测是5年)维持较高的利润率。 第七、磷酸铁锂行业有一定的门槛,不是谁来做就会做成功的,尤其是材料领域,技术壁垒很高,可以避免太多的竞争。笔者认为,作为新进入这个产业的企业,选择做材料肯定要比做电池更为明智,

21、因为现有的一些锂电池厂商很多,尤其是大厂的地位很难撼动,他们切入到磷酸铁锂电池更具优势。 第八、磷酸铁锂产业不会过分依赖国外市场,原料和设备也不会受制于国外企业,国内整个产业链相对是比较成熟的。这跟太阳能电池行业有很大差别,太阳能电池所需多晶硅原料(指过去)和终端应用市场两头在外,受国外政策和市场变化影响很大,这些问题在此次金融危机中已经显现。结语磷酸铁锂动力电池是一种新型动力电池,由于其性能优良,受到各方面的重视。我国现在已有一些工厂生产磷酸铁锂电池正极材料及生产各种不同容量的磷酸铁锂动力电池,但普遍生产时间不长,规模还不大。国内磷酸铁锂电池没有普及很大原因是:1、电池生产厂商没有稳定的货源


23、句的运用、对思想语言和口头语言的提炼、对现实生活知识经验的总结升华、对情感价值观的宣泄。learning education, need three kinds of consciousness: one is to establish an integrated awareness. Learning and do what car isTwo-wheel, bird wings, need to go hand in hand, one end can be neglected. Communist theoretician and man. Only by closely combini

24、ng theory and practice together in order to truly realize their value. Learning is the Foundation, the Foundation is not strong, shaking; Is the key to net to net thousands of accounts. Two education, lay the basis, going to do the key grip, so that the learning and doing back to standard, so that t

25、he majority of party members learn learning theory of nutrients, in the doing practice partys purposes. Second, to establish a sense of depth. Learning and do not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organic unity of the whole. Two learning education, we need to explore integrating learning in do,

26、 exhibit do in Science. To avoid the learning into simple room instruction, do into a monotone for doing. Should exploration learn in the has do, do in the has learn of education and practice of carrier, makes general grass-roots members can in learn in the has do of achievements sense, in do in the

27、 has learn of get sense, real makes party of theory brain into heart, put for people service concept outside of Yu shaped. Third, to adhere to long-term the awareness. Style construction on the road forever, two had to catch the long-term. Two study and education, by no means, assault-style wind-spo

28、rt, but the recurrent education within the party. In recent years, the partys mass line education practice and three-three special education in grass-roots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and cadres withstood the baptism of the spirit. Two greater need to focus on longer hold long-t

29、erm, to establish and perfect the effective mechanism of the education, focusing on the creation of long-term education, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintain their vanguard Color, maintain the partys advanced nature and purity. Awareness-raising, antennas and atmosphere a disc

30、ussion on how leading cadres of party members two current, two activity is in full swing up and down the country, party cadres as a key minority is both a barometer and impetus. The two meaning enough deep, is to determine the party cadres can resolve to study hard first. In the two in the process,

31、some cadres of himself, standing long, high awareness, that Constitution Party rules is simple, its not worth bothering some party cadres think speak series has nothing to do with the grass-roots work, water business learning series of speeches seen as window dressing. These lazy, casual, and decadent ideas learning lacks motivation, a serious impediment to two effect. John Stuart Mill once said, only a basic element of human thought patterns change dramatically, human destiny can make great improvement. The same, only party members and

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