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高中英语 Unit1 SectionA 同步课件 重庆大学版必修5.pdf

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1、fcGSection AGetting Ready and Reading时思口技天天学习;时GSection A_k预习多维感知课堂互动探究时思口技天天学习;时G预习多维感知I.词语翻译1.be connected to2.believe in_3 centre round_4 compete for_5 be unfamiliar with6 under the rule of7 come to life_时思口技天天学习;时G8 be allowed to do sth.9.be added to_10 alternate.and.11.be known as sth.12.consis

2、tent with13.throughout the world14.for the first time15.take place_时思口技天天学习;时G答案:1.与相连2.信任3.当做中心或重点4.为竞争5.对不了解6.在的统治下7.复苏8.被允许做9.倍增加到10.使交替发生11.被称为12.符合13.全世界14.第一次15.举行,发生时思e技 天天学习;时刻愚智GII.句型必背l.The first recorded ancient Olympic Games were held in 776 BC in ancient Greece and were closely connecte

3、d to the worship of the gods and heroes.首次有记录的古代奥运会于公元前776年在古希腊 举办,而奥运会的举办与对神灵以及英雄的崇拜 有着密切的联系。时思口技天天学习;时fcCS G2.1t was therefore considered one of the greatest honours to win a victory at Olympia.因此,在奥林匹亚赢得胜利被认为是巨大的荣誉 之一。3.An olive wreath as the only prize suggested that the athletes competed for ho

4、nour;not for material goods.橄榄花环是唯一的奖品,这表明运动员是为了赢 得荣誉而非物质奖品而比赛。时思口技天天学习;时G4.The Olympics started again in 1896 when the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens,Greece?with 245 athletes from 14 nations.1896年,首次现代奥运会在希腊雅典举办,共有来自14个国家的245名运动员参加了比赛。时思e技 天天学习;时刻愚智G5.Beginning in 1994,it was decide

5、d that the Winter Olympic Games would be in different years from the Summer Games,so now there are the Olympic Games every two years,alternating winter and summen从1994年开始,人们决定将在不同的年份举办冬 奥会和夏奥会,因此冬奥会和夏奥会交替进行,每两年就有一次奥运会。时思口技天天学习;时GUI.根据课文Olympic History”完成表格海空一词.ParaMain IdeaDetailIAncient Olympic Gam

6、esThey were first 1._in776 BC,and it was considered a great 2._to win a victoryat Olympia.An olive 3._was the only prize and the athletes 4._for honour.时思口技天天学习;时 G时思口技ParaMain IdeaDetailIIModern Olympic GamesThey started in 5._andwomen could 6._untilthe second Olympic.In 1924 the first 7._Winter Ol

7、ympicGames were held in France.In 1948?Sir Ludwig Guttmann organized a sports competition,now known as the 8._.OnFebruary 21,2008,it was decided that 9._was to host the2010 Summer Youth Olympics.天天学习;时WG答案:l.held 2.honour peted 5.Athens 6.participate7.separate 8.Paralympics 9.Singapore时思e技 天天学习;时刻愚智

8、fc G句法简析句中suggest后跟that引导的宾语从句,此处意为“表明,暗示“,这时从句不用虚拟语气;另外,suggest 还有“建议”的意思,此时后面的宾语从句要用虚 拟语气,即:(should)+r.suggest的其它用法:suggest+/doing sth/sbs doing sth”如:Tom suggested our visiting the museum the nextweek.时思口技天天学习;时G现学现用翻译填空l)The dark clouds in the sky suggest going to be a heavy rain.天上的乌云表明即将有一场大雨。

9、2)The teacher suggestedevery studentcarefully in class.老师建议所有的学生上课时都应该做好笔记O答案:1)that there is 2)that;take notes时思口技天天学习;时G2.原句展示The Olympics started again in 1896 when the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens,Greece,with 245athletes from 14 nations.(page 2)1896年,首次现代奥运会在希腊雅典举办,共有来自14个国家的24

10、5名运动员参加了比赛o时思口技天天学习;时G句法简析句中when引导定语从句。在定语从句中,如果先 行词是表示时间的名词,且关系词在从句中作状 语,则用关系副词when引导定语从句,此时when=相应介词+which;如果关系词在从句中作主语 或宾语,则应用关系代词that或which引导定语从 句。时思e技 天天学习;足思考G现学现用翻译填空3)She will never forget the day she graduated from college.她永远不会忘记自己大学毕业的那一天。4)The daywe had looked forward toat last.我们所盼望的那一天

11、终于到来了。答案:3)on which 4)that/which;came时思日技 天天学习:时刻G3.原句展示Beginning in 1994,it was decided that the Winter Olympic Games would be in different years from the Summer Games,so now there are the Olympic Games every two years,alternating winter and summen(page 3)从1994年开始,人们决定将在不同的年份举办冬奥 会和夏奥会,因此冬奥会和夏奥会交替进行,每两年 就有一次奥运会。时思口技天天学习;时G句法简析beginning in 1994是现在分词在句中作状语。分词 在句中作状语时,相当于一个状语从句,必须和 主句的主语保持一致。如果分词和主句的主语之 间是主动关系,则用现在分词作状语,如果是被 动关系,则用过去分词作状语。时思口技天天学习;时G现学现用 翻译填空5),twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。6)He lay in bed,his own future.他躺在床上,思考着自己的未来。答案:5)Once bitten 6)thinking about时思口技天天学习;时

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