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1、小学五年级上册英语句型复习(一)、动词的第三人称单数形式(即三单式)一、.第三人称单数:1. 第三人称单数代词有:he, she, it。2. 指示代词this, that。3. 不定代词 everyone, somebody, something, nobody, everything, everybody ,who等。4. 单数可数名词。如:Lucy, a cat, my book, an orange, the bag等。5. 不可数名词可被看作第三人称单数。6. 当数字或字母作主语时,看作第三人称单数。二、动词的第三人称单数形式的构成规则。(和名词变复数一样)1)一般在动词词尾加 s;

2、 e.g. singsingsdance- danceslike- likes2) 以s, x, o, sh, ch结尾加es; washwashes watchwatches do- does3) 末尾是辅音字母y动词,改y为I,再加es; carrycarries4)haves- has am/ are- is三、一般现在时谓语动词的用法:1)be动词:主语是第一人称用am,第三人称单数用is,其他用are;2)一般动词: 主语是第三人称单数,动词词尾加s或es.主语是其他人称或复数时,动词要用原形。练习:一、用括号内的词的正确形式填空。1. He _ (like) watching TV

3、. 2. She _( have) lunch at twelve. 3. It_( look)like a cat.4. Han Mei _ (go) shopping with her mother.5. Beijing _ ( be)in China.6. Uncle Wang often_(make) cakes.7. A horse_ (run) very fast. 8. Everyone _( be)here. 9. This_ (be) a pen. 10. Those _(be) cucumbers.11. There _(be) some milkin the glass.

4、12. There _(be) some apples on the tree.13.My brother _ ( fly) a kite.14.You he and I _( come) from China15.Mr. White _( teach) us math.16. 6 _(be) a lucky number.17.I _( sweep) the floor. 18. He can _( ride) a horse.19.The children _(play) football on the playground.20.Mr.Rice and Mrs. Rice _(watch

5、) TV at home.21.The girl in red _(speak) English very well.22. Ill _(do) my homework.23. Shell _(go) to the zoo.24.There _ (be) a pen, a book and two rulers on the desk.25. There _(be) two ruler, a pen and a book on the desk.26. Amy must _(get) up now.27.My Chinese teacher _(give) me a hand.28.They

6、often _(listen) to music.(二)改写一般疑问句的方法:1. 用yes 或no回答的句子叫一般疑问句。2. 当句子中有be(is,am,are,was,were), can, will, would, could, must, should 等词时,变一般疑问句将上述单词提到句首,第一人称变为第二人称,some要改为any。e.g.:3.当句子中有行为动词时,变一般疑问句要借助动词Do/ Does/ Did放在句首(即第三人称单数借Does, 一般过去时借Did, 动词原形的借Do),第一人称改为第二人称,原来的动词(即三单式和过去式)要变回原形。Some要改为any。4

7、.祈使句的一般疑问句在句首加Will you.?e.g.: Open the door. - Will you open the door?但lets引导的祈使句一般疑问句用Shall we?e.g.: Lets go home.- Shall we go home?练习:将下列的句子改为一般疑问句,并肯定、否定回答。1.I am very active. 2. We are classmates. _ _3. She is watering the flowers. 4.I was a football player._ _5.There are some students here. 6.

8、 This is a desk._ _7.These are goats. 8.I can milk a cow._ _9.She can shear a sheep. 10. Itll be rainy tomorrow._ _11. Ill come here early. 12.You must hand in your homework._ _13.Id like some beef. 14. Shed like a hamburger._ _15.I could have some noodles. 16. I like painting._ _17.She watches TV e

9、very day. 18.Mike has math on Monday._ _19.They eat some peaches. 20.Tom missed the bus this morning._ _21.Miss White had a cold yesterday.22.My science teacher often play with us._ _23.Lets go shopping. 24.Close the window._ _25.He cant wash the plates. 26. I know she is Amy._ _(三)改否定句的方法:1. 当句子中有b

10、e(is,am,are,was,were), can, will, would, could, must, should 等词时,变否定句在上述单词后面加not, some 要改为any,and 要改为or,too 要改为either。2. 当句子中有行为动词时,变否定句在行为动词的前面加dont/ doesnt/ didnt. (即第三人称单数借助动词doesnt, 一般过去式借助动词didnt, 动词原形的借助动词dont) 原来的动词(即三单式和过去式)要变回原形。Some要改为any,and 要改为or, too要改为either.3.祈使句的否定在句首加Dont .e.g.: Ope

11、n the door.- Dont open the door.Be quiet!- Dont be quiet!但let引导的祈使句在let sb 后面加not . (即let sb not do sth)e.g.:Lets go home.- Lets not go home. Let me see. - Let me not see.练习:将下列的句子改为否定句。1.This is an egg. 2. These are onions._ _3.Miss Zhang and Miss Chen are our teachers. 4.He was at home yesterday._

12、 _5.There is some milk in the cup. 6.I can sweep the floor and make the bed._ _7.She can use the chopsticks,too. 8.Ill go to Beijing._ _9.Itll be snowy tomorrow. 10. I could have some vegetables._ _11.Id like some noodles for lunch. 12. Shed like to eat a hot dog._ _13.He must clean the classroom. 1

13、4. I run very fast._ _15.She studies English very well. 16.Amy watches TV at home._ _17.My friends often play computer games. 18.They go to school at 7:00._ _19.The dog eats bone and rice. 20.I got a book from Amy._ _21.He made a kite. 22. Mike won the ping-pong game._ _23.Please answer the phone .

14、24. Be late for school._ _25.Lets clean the board. 26. Let him play in the street.(街道)_ _27.I know he is from Canada. 28.I think its going to rain.(四)改特殊疑问句的方法(即划线提问)1.句型结构: 特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句2.常用的疑问词: What 什么 (问东西、事情、干什么) What colour (问颜色) What day (问星期)What time (问时间、几点钟)Whats the date?(问日期) Whatlike(问样

15、子) How(问怎样、方式) How old (问年龄) How many+名词复数(问数量)How much +不可数名词(问数量) 11.How much (问价格)12.How often (问次数、频率) 13.How long (问长度、时间长短)14.Where (问地点、方位) 15.When(问时间)16.Who(问谁(主格),提问主语时谓语动词要用三单式)17.Whom(问谁(宾格)) 18. Whose (问谁的(所有格))19.Which (问哪一个/一件/一只)20.Why(问原因(即为什么)回答用because.)练习:划线提问。1.This is a pen. 2.

16、 Hes Mr. Heart. 3. His name is Gao Wei._ _4.The notebooks are on the desk. 5. Im fine. 6. Im five._ _7.We are from China. 8. She comes from England. _ _9.Its cloudy in Maoming. 10.My mom is well. 11.My grandpa is ill._ _ _12.This is my book. 13. These socks are my brothers_ _14.The bikes are ours. 1

17、5. My dress is pink and white._ _16.Its Sunday today. 17. Its 7:15 now. 18.Its May 20th today._ _ _19.My birthday is in June. 20. We have English on Mondays._ _21.We have math and music on Fridays.22.She is active and funny._ _23.My sweater is 90yuan . 24. I can see two birds in the tree._ _25. I ha

18、ve two pens. 26. There are some sheep at the farm._ _27.I have a pair of sneakers. 28.There is some bread on the plate._ _29.She often read books on Sunday. 30.She can clean the window._ _31.Mr.Liu teaches us math. 32. I play football with Tom._ _33.The girl in yellow in my classmate. 34. Id like some soup.5 / 5

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