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1、外研版七年级上册英语全册知识点归纳MODULE 1一、同义句1.My names Daming. = Im Daming.2.Im from England. = I come from England.3.Are you a new student? Are you new?4.Nice to meet you. = Nice to see you. =Glade to meet you. = Glade to see you.5.Whats your name ? = May I have your name?二、特殊疑问句1. 询问姓名:Whats your name? My name

2、is . = ImWhats his/her name? His/her name is . = He/She is2.询问年龄:How old are you? = Can you tell me your age?= Whats your age? Im twelve years old.3.询问来自哪里:Where are you from? Im from. Where is he/she from? Hes/Shes from.Are you from China ? Yes, I am/ we are. No, Im not/ we arent.4.询问在哪个班:What clas

3、s are you in? Im in Class One, Grade Seven.三、单词1.China Chinese America American England English capital city2.small big first last everyone all 四、语法1.代词人称代词主格 I you he she it we you they形容词性物主代词(的) my your his her its our your their2.be动词: am I am= Im I am not= Im notis He /She is = Hes /Shes is not

4、 = isntare We /You /They are = Were / Youre /Theyre are not= arent MODULE 2一、单词grandparents grandfathergrandmother parents fathermother mum-dad daughterson sisterbrother auntuncle cousin husband-wife family woman-man women-men职业:job actor driver doctor manager nurse worker teacher policeman 工作地点:fac

5、tory hospital hotel office school theatre bus station shop二、短语a photo/picture of my family in front of in/at the front of next to on the right - on the left三、语法1.this-that these-those I-we he/she/it-they 2.名词所有格:Miss Lis =her Toms = hisLily and Lucys 两人共有的 eg: Lily and Lucys desk is bigLilys and Luc

6、ys 两人各有的 Lilys and Lucys desks are small.My parents room is very clean.四、句子1.-Is this your sister? - Yes, it is. No, it isnt-Are these her books? -Yes, they are. No, they arent.2.-Who is this? - This is my brother.- Who are they/these? - They are my cousins3. -Whats your sisters name? -My sisters na

7、me is/Her name is4.-What does your father do?=What is your fathers job?=What is your father?-He is a . MODULE 3一、单词1.buildings: classroom, dining/sports hall, library, office, science lab, playground2.something: blackboard, book , room, computer, desk, furniture, map,wall, picture, television3.numbe

8、rs: thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteenthirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety4.介词:next to near behind in front of in/at the front of:在.里面的前面 in on under5. in the middle of on the left of- on the right ofbetween and a map of our school6.right 正确的wrong 右边的left二、句子1. W

9、here is the office building ? It is between the dining hall and the library.2. How many students are there in your class? There are 38 students in my class.三、语法(There be)-Are there any school offices?-Yes, there are. There are some offices.-Is there a computer on Miss Lis desk?-No, there isnt.注意:1.就

10、近原则:1). There is an orange and two apples on the desk. There are two apples and an orange on the desk.2). There are some students in the classroom. Are there any students in the classroom? Yes, there are. No, there arent3)There arent any students in the classroom. There isnt an orange on the desk.MO

11、DULE 4一、family members:aunt uncle grandma grandmother grandpa grandfather mother father mum dad sister brother二、短语句型Thank you for your email. your help. helping me. asking me. inviting me.Make a family tree for your family.-How many people are there in your family?-There are four. There are my mum a

12、nd dad, my sister and me.-Have you got an aunt?/any .?-Yes,I have./No,I havent.-Have you got a small family or a big family?-Ive got a big family.or的用法: 或; (选择疑问句) 并列否定:I dont like swimming or dancing.MODULE 5-6一、单词1. orange 橙汁 have some orange U 橙色 the oranges are orange C 橙子 This is an orange C2.k

13、ind 善良 He is very kind. 种类=tyre a kind / type of fruit two kinds /types of fruits3. gym: 不受天气影响的室内体育馆、健身房或运动馆 stadium: 周围有看台的露天大型运动场4.healthy unhealthy keep/stay healthy保持健康in good health in poor/bad healthbe healthy = be in healthbe good for ones health be bad for ones health名词变复数条件 变化形式 例词一般情况 + -

14、 s shops单词以s、x、ch、sh结尾 + - es buses以辅音字母+y结尾 去y为i + -es city-cities单词以“o”结尾 有生命 + - es tomatoes 无生命 + - s zoos一些以f或fe结尾的单词 把f或fe变成ves knife-knives二、短语三、句型四、区别MODULE 7一、短语talk about sth.谈论某事talk to sb. 跟某人谈话(一方讲一方听)talk with sb. 跟某人谈话(双方都讲)get upgo to bedgo homeleave home(for)study science/history/ch

15、emistry/maths/.二、语法时间表达法: Whats the time? =What time it is?顺 读 法 : Its two ten. 2:10 (直接读出数字)逆 读 法 : Its ten past two.(2:10) 30 Its ten to ten. (2:50) 30整点表达法:Its two oclock. (2:00) 注意: (不用介词)一般现在时(1)【No. 1】一般现在时的功能1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。eg:The sky is blue.2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。 eg:I get up at six every day.3.表示客

16、观现实。 eg:The earth goes around the sun.【No. 2】一般现在时的构成1. be动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。eg:I am a boy.2.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。 eg:We study English.【No. 3】否定句1. be动词的变化:主语+ be + not +其它。 eg:He is not a worker.2.行为动词的变化:主语+ dont( doesnt ) +V原形(+其它)。eg:I dont like bread.MODULE 8一、短语句型be different from ask sb. (no

17、t) to do sth. have a habit of ding sth.get sth. from sb. by her favourite singers a box of candies/chocolateson television wear silk shirts a pair of jeans/trainers/glasses/shoessend/give sth. to sb. make/buy/choose sth. for sb.=send/give sb. sth. =make/buy/choose sb. sth.二、语法一般现在时(2)【No. 1】一般现在时中第三

18、人称行为动词的变化规律规则 动词原形 第三人称单数形式一般动词后加s play plays以s、x、ch、sh结尾加es guess guesses以辅音字母加o结尾加es go goes以辅音字母加y结尾去y为ies study studies形容词性物主代词人称 单 数 复 数 主格 形容性物主代词 主格 形容性物主代词第一人称 I my we our第二人称 you your you your第三人称 he his they their she her it its频度副词用法MODULE 9一、单词 动物名称camel elephant giraffe kangaroo monkey-

19、monkeyssnake panda lion zebra polar bear wolf-wolves 大洲及动物居住地Asia Africa Europe Oceania America Asian African European Oceanian American North/South Americain the desert / forest / grassland / jungle / sea / wild the Arctic二、短语三、语法一般现在时(3)【No. 1】一般疑问句1.be动词的变化:Be +主语+其它。eg:-Are you a student?-Yes. I

20、 am. / No, Im not.2.行为动词的变化:Do( Does ) +主语+动词原形+其它。eg:- Do you often play football?- Yes, I do. / No, I dont.MODULE 10一、单词短语connect sth. to sth. write a name for it on the computer/phone/televisionsave the document save ones life write ones homework go online/offline send email and photos make trave

21、l plans check the train timetableget information(a piece of information) download music visit one websiteon/from the Internet at/on weekends/weekdays/the weekend/weekdayswitch on/off turn on/off a kind/two kinds of different/all kinds of monitor(班长、显示器) mousemice老鼠mouses鼠标say sth. talk about sth./wi

22、th sb./to sb. speak+language tell sb. sth./sb. to do sth./a story sometimes/some times/sometime二、语法一般现在时(4)【No. 1】特殊疑问句1.be动词的变化:疑问词+一般疑问句。eg:Where is my bike?2.行为动词的变化:疑问词+一般疑问句。eg:How does your father go to work?I can/cant ride a bike.Can you ride a bike?Yes, I can.No, I cant.七年级英语上册预备篇质量检测班级 姓名 一

23、、单项选择( ) 1. Whats Tonys _ food ? A. like B. many C. favourite D. good ( ) 2. What colour _ Tinas shoes ? _ red.A. is , Its B. is , They are C. are , there are D. are , They are( ) 3. Tony is _ friend. _ in Class One.A.I, Hes B. my, Hes C. my , His D. me , He( ) 4. Your English is very good. _A. That

24、s OK B. Thank you C. Yes, Thats right D. Of course ( ) 5. _ your name ? Im Li Ling.A. whats B. How is C. Is D. What( ) 6. Is this your mother? Yes, _A. She is B. it is C. this is D. I am( ) 7. _ do you spell “Green G-R-E-E-NA. What B. How C. Why D. What colour( ) 8. There _ an apple and two eggs on

25、the table. A is B am C be D are( ) 9-This is _ Li, he is my English teacher.A. Mr. B. Mrs. C. Ms D. Miss ( ) 10. -Good afternoon, class. - _, teacher. A. Goodbye B. Good morning C. Good afternoon D. Hello ( ) 11. This is _ ear and this is _ arm. A. a, a B. a, an C. an, an D. an, a ( ) 12. -Whats thi

26、s? A pen? - _ a pencil. A. Yes B. No C. Thanks D. Its ( ) 13. -What are _? -Desks A. this B. there C. these D. that ( ) 14 This is _ “s and That is _k. A a a B. a an C. an a D. an an ( ) 15 The green _ are over there .A bike B a bike C bikes D the bike 二.完型填空 (每小题1分,共10分) A: _1_ Miss Jones. B: Good

27、morning._2_ your name, please? A: _3_ name is Joe. B: _4_ are you, Joe? A: Im fine._5_ is my friend. _6_ name is Jack. B: Hello, Jack. C: Hello, Miss Jones. A: How do you do? B: _7_? A: Nice to meet you. B: _8_. A: Please _9_ down. B: _10_ you.( ) 1. A. Hello B. Good morning C. Good afternoon D. Hi(

28、 ) 2. A. What B. Whats C. This D. What are( ) 3. A. My B. Your C. This D. His( ) 4. A. How B. What C. which D. what colour( ) 5. A. This B. She C. That D. He( ) 6. A. Hes B. His C. Her D. shes( ) 7 .A. How are you B. How do you do C. Fine , thanks D. Thats OK( ) 8. A. OK B. Nice to meet you, too. C.

29、 Fine. D. And you ?( ) 9. A. sit B. stand C. sit down D. sits ( ) 10. A. Thank B. Thanks C. Thank you D. And 三阅读理解(每小题1分,共25分) ALook at this . Its a blue bag. It is my bag . Whats in it ? Look, this is my English book. Its blue , too. My Chinese book is also in my bag. It is yellow. This is my penci

30、l case. Its big and nice. I like English and Chinese . My bag is my good friend.( ) 1, My bag is _ . A. yellow B. blue C. nice D. big( ) 2, Whats in my bag ? _ . A. My English book. B. My Chinese book C. My pencil case D. A. B and C ( ) 3, My Chinese book is also in my bag. “Also means(意思是)_A. 也 B.

31、颜色 C. 不在 D. 放进( ) 4, My _ is my good friend. A. Chinese book B. English book C. pencil case D. bag( ) 5, My pencil case is _ . A. yellow B. blue C. big and nice D. my friendB Ann is an English girl. Shes in class Three. Grade One. Shes twelve . Shes in No. 2 middle school in Beijing . Daming is a Ch

32、inese boy, Hes twelve , too. Hes in No.2 Middle school, too. Daming is in Row(排) Four, Ann is in Row Two . Theyre good friends. 根据短文判断正(T)误(F)( ) 1.Ann is from English .( ) 2. Ann is in Nanjing. ( ) 3.Ann and Daming are in the same (同样) row.( ) 4. Ann and Daming are in the same School. ( ) 5. Ann an

33、d Daming are good friends.CToday we have two new students in our school. They are American, They are twins. They look the same . Their names are Lucy and Lily . They are in Class 3, Grade 1. Their mother and father are teachers. They teach English in the same school . But theyre not in Lucy and Lily

34、s school.( ) 1. Lucy and Lily are _ . A English B. in Class C. twins D. Friends ( ) 2. Lucy and Lily _ new students . A. are B. have C. do D. ask ( ) 3. They come from _ . A. China B. Japan C. English D. America ( ) 4. Lucy and Lily look _. A. like sister B. after their brother C. at the picture D.

35、the same( ) 5. Their father and mother teach _ .A. Chinese in the same school. B. Chinese in the different schools. C. English in Lucy and Lilys school . D. English is another school.DMy names Yangyang. Im not from England. And Im not English. Im from China. Im Chinese. Im a student. Im 11 years old

36、. Im in Class Five. Jim is my friend. Hes from America. But he is in China. Hes 12 years old. We are in the same class. We are good friends, too. ( )1. Yangyang is from_. A. China B. England C. America D. American ( )2. Jim is _. A. a student B. 11 years old C. Yangyangs teacher D. 10 years old( )3.

37、 Wheres Jim now? A. England B. China C. America D. English( )4. How old is Yangyang? A. 5 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13( )5. Are they in the same class? A. Yes, they are B. No, they arent C. Sorry, I dont know. D. Yes, I amECindy: Good afternoon, Eric! Eric: Afternoon, Cindy! How are you? Cindy: Fine, thanks. H

38、ow are you? Eric: Im fine, too. Oh, whats this in(在里面) your left hand(左手)? Cindy: Its a pen. Eric: whats this in your right hand(右手)? Cindy: Its a hat. Eric: H-A-T, hat, right (对吗)? Cindy: Yes.( ) 1. Its_ now. A. evening (傍晚) B. morning C. afternoon D night( )2. Eric is_. A. not free B. OK C. not OK

39、 D not fine( ) 3. _ is in Erics(埃里克的) left hand.A. A pen B. A bike C. A fan D A cat( ) 4._ is in Erics right hand. A. A dog B. A pen C. A hat D A boy ( )5. _ can spell(拼写) “hat. A. Eric B. Cindy C. Eric and (和) Cindy D No one四、 短语互译1、我的朋友 _ 2、他的名字 _ 3、十四个男孩 _ 4、my new desk _ 5、in English _ 6、在星期一 _ 五、句型转换:1. This is an apple tree . (改为复数句)_ _ _ _2. These are eight eggs . (改为单数句). _ _ _ egg.3. My name is Lucy Green .(一般疑问句) ._ _ name Lucy Green? 4. There are ten desks .(对划线部分提问) _ _ desks _ _

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