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1、 Book 5 Module 4 Carnival Reading Tree-planing DayArbor DayWe often plant trees to beautify our environment.Valentines DayThey often send roses to show their love to others.AimsToday we are going to1 learn some useful words related to festival;2 read a passage about Carnival;3 discuss more about our

2、 Chinese festival;4 be more aware of intercultural communication and respect for Chinese festival.Group Competition Group A B C DChoices:rightwrong +0 Answers:Chinese +1 English +2English+spelling +3Stand up as quickly as you can,but only after I say“begin”or“start”can you do it.Spring Festival Lant

3、ern Festival Tomb-sweeping Day Chinese festivalsMid-Autumn Day Tree-planting DayArbor DayTeachers DayDragon Boat Festival Double Ninth Festival Chinese Valentines Day Western festivalsChristmas DayMothers DayThanksgiving DayFathers Day April Fools Day Labor Day Halloween Easter New Years DayCarnival

4、What do you know about it?Last oneThe magic of the maskMatch Para.1 Para.2 Para.3Para.4Para.5Para.6A.The meaning of carnival B.The law about wearing masksC.General impression of carnivalD.Venice CarnivalE.Todays Venice CarnivalF.The revival of CarnivalTip:Just read the first and the last sentences o

5、f each paragraph.Match Tip:Just read the fist and the last sentences of each paragraph.part1part2part3peoples_ _of Carnival.The_and_of Carnival.Carnival in _.generalimpressionmeaningoriginVenicePara.2Para.1Para.3-6costumecrowdconfusionexcitementcarnivalpart1 peoples general impression of Carnival.1

6、lots of people in one place2 special clothes3 a situation where things do not seem organized4 when you feel this,your heart beats fastpart 2 The meaning and origin of Carnival.Questions:1 Where did the Carnival start and how many days did it last?Carnival started in Europe and followed by forty days

7、 without meat.2 When was it celebrated?It was celebrated at the end of the winter season.3 What does“have fun”mean?It meant eating,drinking and dressing up.part 3 Carnival in Venice.TimeWhat happened?At the beginningAs time passedIn the 14th centuryAt the end of18th centuryIn the late 1970sTodaylast

8、ed one day,ate,drank,wore masks lasted weeks on end,walked round wearing masks.not allowed to wear masks at night and dress up as women.masks were banned completely,carnival became just a memory.the tradition was revived by students.is celebrated for five days in FebruaryThe magic of the mask things

9、 people do on Carnival rise and fall of the mask the magic of the maskCarnivalSummarywhats the theme(主题主题)of Carnival?celebrating life,having fun.What is the magic of the mask?It can satisfy peoples different wishes by hiding their real identity.Whats your favorite Chinese festival and why?Discussion TimeHomeworkWrite an email to Stephen(the foreign friend)to introduce your favorite Chinese festival.(about 70 words)

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