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1、沪教牛津版八年级下册Module 1 测试题满分:120分 时间:80分钟一、 单项选择(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。( ) 1. We decided to visit _ old mans house this weekend.A. the B. aC. an D. /( ) 2. I have to get _ from my parents if I want to buy a car.B. joy B. peaceC. courageD. permission( ) 3.You can call me when you are _ ne

2、ed.A. For B. inC. withD. on( ) 4. His uncle lives in the house alone. He ofen feels _ becausse no one can talk with him.A. angryB.lonelyC. seriousD. tired( ) 5.The boy is very honest, and he _ to pay for the desk he had broken.A. offered B. keptC.providedD. protected( ) 6.He gets up very early _ cat

3、ch the first bus.Or he will be late for school.A. as well as B. so thatC. such asD. in order to( ) 7.Tom had difficulty _ the sound because there is something wrong with his ears. A. Hear B.hearingC. heardD. to hear( ) 8. The river near our village is _ the pollution from the factories.A. Turning of

4、f B.dying outC. suffering fromD. giveing up( ) 9. My father taught me _ the new computer _ a picture.A. to use; drawing B.using; to drawC. use; to drawD. to use; to draw( ) 10.What are you going to do? Im not sure. _A. Im thinking about visiting sick people in hospitalB.Im going to visit disabled ch

5、lidren in hospital.C.Im planning to help old people in communityD.Im going to raise money for chlildren in need.( ) 11. Robots can do many _ jobs because they will never get _.A. boring; boredB. boring;boringC. bored; boredD. bored; boring ( ) 12. Could you tell me _ the People Park?A. how can I get

6、 to B. how to getC. which was the way toD. how I can get to( ) 13.Why are you keeping these old photos? Because they can _ me _ my old close friends.A. think; of B.look; afterC. remind; ofD. turn off( ) 14. Trees can stop the sand from moving _ the rich farmland .A. toB. towardsC. atD. into( ) 15. W

7、here is Mary? She may be in the next room. I heard her _ loudly when I passed by just now.A.singB.to singC. singingD.sang( ) 16. The new computer is _ expensive. I do not have _ money.A. too much; much too B. much too; too much C. too much; too muchD. much too; much too( ) 17. Climbing hills _ good

8、for our health.A. am B. isC. areD. be( ) 18. Why not _ to our teacher for help?. Good idea. Lets go.A. goB. to goC. goesD. going( ) 19. The weather was terrible and it _ me _ sad.A. makes; felt B.made; feltC. made; feelD. makes; feel ( ) 20. Which of the following sentences is correct ?A. His father

9、 wanted to help him raise his spirit.B. My sister offered to carry this heavy bag.C. The dogs legs hurted badly in the accident yesterday.D. He is looking forward to go to Shanghai.二、 按要求做题。(共10分)A. 写出下列句子的同义句:(5分)1. The old woman is so old that she cant look after herself.The old woman is _ old _ l

10、ook after herself.2. He spent two hours doing the work. It _ him two hours _ _ the work.3. Whats wrong, Alice? _ _ _, Alice?4. His mother doesnt want to eat.His mother doesnt _ _ eating.5. Lets go to play basketball. _ _ playing basketball?B. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)1. She is not good at _ with others.

11、(communication)2. He enjoy _ to music.(listen)3. Many people get all kinds of strange _ because of pollution. (ill)4. Eric helped the girl _ Sally. (call)5. Your whole _ communicates things.(appear)三、 完形填空(共10分) One night, 6-year-old Christian and his mom were watching a program through the iPad. It

12、 was about a hair donation charity (捐赠假发的慈善活动). They showed great 1_ in it. “What does it mean, Mom?” he asked. “It means people can give away wigs(捐赠头发)tol sick ones. Those people may 2_ their hair because of medical reasons.” “Then I want to do that,” Christian said.It surprised his mother. But sh

13、e know he would hardly 3_ his mind and would really follow the decision. With his moms OK, Christian began growing out his hair. However, as his hair grew 4_ , he looked different. Sometimes his classmates would laugh at 5_ . “You look like a girl,” they said. His mother was used to hearing”Your 6_

14、is so pretty” when she was out with Christian. Sometimes these words made Christain 7_ , but his mother alwaays tried to raise his spirits. After two and a half years, the big haircut(理发) day 8_ came. With his mothers help, Christain cut his hair. And they 9_ it to the charity. As for Christain, he

15、said it felt goodd to have short hair again. Somewhere , 10_ chlid would be feeling good, too. Because of Christain.( )1. A. spirit B. role C. interest D. hobby( )2. A. lose B. have C. buy D. find ( )3. A. knowB. get C. lose D. change( )4. A.shorter B. longer C. heavier D. thinner ( )5 A. herB. it C

16、. himD.them ( )6. A. son B.daughter C. brother D.sister( )7. A. sad B. glad C. comfortable D. tired( )8. A.usually B. seriously C. possibly D. finally( )9. A. sentB. agreed C. improvedD.sovld ( )10. A. any B. some C. other D.another 四、阅读理解(共45分)阅读下面三篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。A What are carers(照护者). They care

17、for their friends or family members who are ill or disabled for free. There are about seven hundred thousand young carers in the UK. They are younger than 18, but they have to take the hard job.Young carers storiesJodies story Jodie is a 14-year-old yong carer. She looks after her brother Rocky. Roc

18、ky is 8 and he has serious illness. He cant see and he has many other health problems.Kikis story The day starts early for 12-year-old Kiki. She gets up early, takes a shower, and then she has to help her five-year-old sister Victoria get up and take a shower. Victoria has difficulty in walking.Gran

19、ts story Sometimes life is too difficult for 13-year-old Grant. When he is sitting in school trying to study, he cant help worrying about his old grandma at home.If you want to learn more about the young carers and help them, call us at 688-7689.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )1. Young carers _. A. may care for the

20、ir friends B. dont go to school C. are older than 20 D. dont have a job( )2. Jodie looks after _. A. her brotherB. her sister C. her father D. her grandma( )3. Victoria cant _, so she sister helps care for her. A. hearB. walk easily C. see D. speak easi( )4. Which is TRUE about Grant _? A. He has ma

21、ny health problems B. He cant take a shower by himself. C. He cant go to school.r D.He keeps worrying about his grandma.( )5. You can _ if you want to help the young carers. A. send an e-mailB. make a phone call C. write a letter D. have a lookB Every morning when Karen wakes up, Mack turns on the l

22、ighes. This is just one of the ways Karen gets help from her dog friend. Karen has a bad disease. It makes her body not able to move, and makes her getting around difficult. “I look like a healthy girl,” Karen said.” “My teachers and classmates all think Im healthy. Nobody knows Im sick all the time

23、.” Karen used to need her moms help to get around. Luckily for herm NEADS, a volunteer group, sent Karen Mack. Mack helps Karen in many ways. He helps pick up anything Karen drops. When Karen tries to sit down, he keeps her from falling off. If Karen falls, he will bark until someone comes to help,

24、and can even ger a phone for her. Karens mom is thankful to Mack. “I thought I was losing my kid, my job and everything. Thanks to Mack, I reslly feel we are lucky.”根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )6. Who is Makc? A. Karens classmates B. Karens brother C. Karens teacher D. Karens dog friend ( )7. Who used to help Ka

25、ren get around? A. Her brotherB. Her mom C. Her classmates D. Her teacher( )8. What is the fourth paragraph talking about? A. How Karen got Mack. B. How Mack asks for help. C. How Mack gets a phone for Karen. D. How Mack helps Karen.( )9. What can we learn from the passage? A. Karen has problems wit

26、h her eyes. B. Karen got Mack from NEADS. C. Mack can help Karen do her homework. D. Karens mother lost her job.( )10. What does the underlined word “thankful” means in Chinese? A. 感激的B. 痛恨的 C. 担忧的 D. 嫉妒的CGestures (手势) are the silent language of every culture. We point a finger or move another part

27、of thebody to show what we want to say. It is important to know the body language of every country or we may be misunderstood. In the US, people greet each other with a handshake in a formal discussion. The handshake must be firm.If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or unfriendliness.

28、Friends may place a hand on the othersarm or shoulder. Some people, usually women, greet each other with a hug.Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other, they usually stand about 2.5 feetaway and at an angle, so they are not facing each other directly. Americans get uncomfo

29、rtable when a personstands too close. They will move back to have their space. If Americans touch another person by accident, they say, Pardon me or Excuse me. Americans like to look at the others in the eyes when they are talking. If you dont do so, it means you arebored, hiding something, or are n

30、ot interested. When you stare at someone, however, it is not polite. For Americans, thumbs (拇指)-up means yes,very good orwell done. Thumbs-down means theopposite. To call a waiter, one might put up one hand to head level or above. To show you want the check,make a movement with your hands as you are

31、 signing a piece of paper. It is all right to point at things but notat people with the hand and index finger (食指). Americans shake their index fingers at children when theyscold(斥责) them and pat(轻拍) them on the head when they admire them. Learning a cultures body language is sometimes confusing. If

32、 you dont know what to do, the safest thing to do is to smile.1. If you will atten a conference(会议)in America,you can greet others with _ .A. a firm handshakeB.a weak handshakeC. a hugD. anger2. In the US, people usually _ if you stand too close to them.A. feel friendlyB.keep stillC. get uncomfortab

33、leD. hit you angrily3. If you talk with an American friend, its polite to _.A. stare at him/herB. look at the groundC. look here and thereD. look at him/her in the eyes4. When an American gives you the thumbs-up, he, in fact _.A. expresses his satisfaction with youB. wants to please youC. needs to c

34、all a waiterD. means that you are number on5. Whats the main idea of this passage?A. Learning a cultures body language is very important and necessary.B. Every country has its own gestures.C.People greet each other by shaking hands in America.D. It is all right to point at things but not at people w

35、ith the hand and index finger.五、 词语运用。(共10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整。每空限填一词,方框中有两项是多余的。joy, blind, after, raise, difficulty, leave, they,for, have, alone, or, exciting“Make-A-Wish”is one of the worlds most famous charities. In 1980, people set up this charity in Phoenix, Arizona. It makes

36、 wishes come true for children who are very sick. It gives them hope and 1_ . And it helps them forget about 2_ health problems and have fun. At the same time, it tries to help children get over some 3_. David was a 7-year-old 4_ boy. He couldnt see anything. You could imagine how hard his life was.

37、 He wasnt able to look 5_ himself. He couldnt open the door by himself. His father never left him 6_ at home because they thought he might get into trouble. Unluckily(不幸地), they were so poor that they 7_ no money to go to school. “Make-A-Wish”knew this. The workers in this charity tried their best 8

38、_ some money to help David get treatment(治疗). After getting treatment, he could see something. He and his parents were really 9_ and happy. Lets hope more wishes will come true in the future. People who work in the charity always try for the best. Almost 25,000 volunteers help, work 10_ give money.

39、Will you be one of them?六、补全对话(5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据下面的对话情景名字每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Good moring, Mary!B: Good moring , Tom! 1_?A: Im a member of the volunteer club. I usually take part in some voluntary activities at weekends.B: Well,2 _?A: We often clean up the city park, visit the sick children

40、 in the hospital, give out food in a food bank, and so on.B: How great! 3_. What could I do?A:What do you like doing?B: 4_.A: You can start a Chinese History Club.B: Soundl good. Thank you.A: 5_. 七、书面表达(15分)请你以“Body language is important in our every-day lives”为题写一篇小短文。要点:1. 肢体语言的作用;2.使用肢体语言的经历;3. 你对使用肢体语言的看法。要求:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 2. 词数80词左右。Body language is important in our every-day lives _答题卡一、1-5 _ _ _ _ _ 6-10 _ _ _ _ _ 11-15 _ _ _ _ _ 16-20_ _ _ _ _ 二、A. 1._ _ 2. _ _ _ 3._ _ _ 4._ _ 5. _ _ B .1-5 _ _ _ _ _

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