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1、 May I take your order?SaraNoodles First made in ChinaCirca 1000 B.C.CoffeeFirst farmed in the Middle East in 850ChocolateBrought to Spain from Mexico in 1520French fries first made in Belgium circa 1680SushiModern-style sushi first made in Japan in the 1700sThe sandwichNamed for the English Earl of

2、 Sandwich in 1760PizzaFirst pizzeria in New York City opens in 1895The hamburgerInvented in Connecticut,USA,in1900Put the foods in order from your favorite to your least favorite.What are three other foods you enjoy?Going out for dinnerGoing out for dinnerJeff:Say,would you like to go out to dinner

3、tonight?Bob:Sure.Where do you want to go?Jeff:Well,what do you think of Indian food?Bob:I love it,but Im not really in the mood for it today.Jeff:Yeah,Im not either,I guess.Its a bit spicy.Bob:Hmm.How do you like Japanese food?Jeff:Oh,I like it a lot.Bob:I do,too.And I know a nice Japanese restauran

4、t near here its called Iroha.Jeff:Oh,Ive always wanted to go there.Bob:Terrific!Lets go!So,too,neitherI like Japanese food a lot.So do I.Me,too.Really?I dont like it very much.Im crazy about dessert.So am I.Me,too.Oh,Im not.I can eat really spicy food.So can I.Me,too.Really?I cant.I dont like greasy

5、 food.Neither do I.Me,neither.Oh,I like it a lot.Im not in the mood for Indian food.Neither am I.Me,neither.Really?I am.I cant stand fast food.Neither can I.Me,neither.Oh,I love it!healthyhealthy greasy salty blandrich Write responses to show agreement with these statements.Then compare with a partn

6、er.1.Im not crazy about French food.2.I can eat any kind of food.3.I think Mexican food is delicious.4.I cant stand greasy food.5.I dont like salty food.6.Im in the mood for something spicy.7.Im crazy about Korean food.8.I dont enjoy rich food very much.9.I always eat healthy food.10.I cant eat blan

7、d food.Write statements about these things.1.two kinds of food you like2.two kinds of food you cant stand3.two kinds of food you are in the mood forInternational dishesBeef curryTuna sushiFried bananasSweet and sour shrimpGrilled salmonLamb kebabsMushroom omeletStir-fried tofuChicken burritomeatseaf

8、oodvegetarianOrdering a meal Waiter:May I take your order?Customer:Yes.Id like the lamb kebabs.Waiter:All right.And would you like a salad?Customer:Yes,Ill have a mixed green salad.Waiter:OK.What kind of dressing would you like?We have blue cheese and vinaigrette.Customer:Blue cheese,please.Waiter:And would you like anything to drink?Customer:Yes,Id like a large iced tea,please.

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