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1、英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)辅音(28个)长元音/i:/:/U:/:/:/短元音/e/双元音/e/a/a/e/爆破音/p/b/t/d/k/g/摩擦音/f/v/s/z/h/破擦音/ts/dz/tr/dr/t/d/鼻音/m/n/舌侧音/半元音/r/j/ w/第一章:元音发音时,气流通过口腔或鼻腔不受嘴唇,牙齿和舌头的阻碍,声带震动,发出洪亮的音,这样形成的语音称为元音。 第一组 短元音/e/1音素 i词首ink墨水;油墨 ignore不顾;不理会ill生病的;不健康的 issue发行;发布invest投资) imply暗指;暗示 词中little 小的 sister 姐妹;姐姐;妹妹 L

2、ive 生命 big大的 city城市 rich 有钱的;富有的 visit 参观;拜访 limit界线;界限 minister部长;大臣词尾taxi出租车 thirty 三十的;三十个的city城市;都市 badly坏;拙劣地 singly单身地 sunny阳光充足的;和煦的rainy下雨的;多雨的 happy高兴的;乐意的sleepy想睡的;瞌睡的短语集训 give up 放弃stick to 贴在-之上 put into practice 实施;实行be interested in 对-感兴趣 短句集训We should try to put the principal into pra

3、ctice.我问应该把理论应用于实践。The little kid will fix his little ship.这个小孩会修他的小船。超级口腔肌肉集训If I assist a sister-assistant, will the sisters sister-assistant assist me ?如果我帮助一个女助手,那个姐妹的女助手会帮助我吗?In India, innocent infants are thrown into the river.在印度,无辜的婴儿被抛进大河里。 2音素 e 词首egg蛋;鸡蛋 end末端;尽头envy妒忌;羡慕 elephant 象anyone

4、 任何人 edit 编辑;校订anything任何事情anywhere任何地方 empty空的词中let让 rest 休息;休养red 红的;红色的 letter信;函件 never从未 forget 忘记mend修理;修补 step 脚步 set 放;置 bed床;睡眠处 best最好的短语集训 get together 聚集; 相聚get ready for 准备好never mind 没关系; 不要紧check out 查明;结账make a dead set at 联合攻击step by step 一步接一步短句集训I will never forget the splendid ti

5、me we spent together.我永远不会忘记我们一起度过的美好时光。Lets get together when the weather is better.让我们在天气好转后聚一聚。超级口腔肌肉集训He sent ten men to mend the dent in the engines of the tender. 他派了十个人去修理供应船发动机的齿轮。Ted sent Fred ten hens yesterday sos fresh bread is ready already. 特德昨天给弗莱德送去了十只母鸡,所以弗莱德的新鲜面包已经准备好了。3音素词首apple苹果

6、 action行动;行为active活跃的;活泼的 abdomen 腹;下腹 absent缺席的 atom 原子 angry 发怒的;生气的 alley 小巷;胡同;后街词中mad 发疯的 man 成年男子;男人bad 坏的;不好的 happy高兴的;乐意的family家;家庭 glad 高兴的;快活的hand 手 hat帽子 flag 旗 sad悲哀的 stand 站立;站着短语集训as the matter of fact 事实上hand in hand 手拉手 catch up with 赶上; 抓住短句集训It is very bad of you to talk back to yo

7、ur dad.你竟然和你爸爸顶嘴,真是太无礼了。 That black man has taken my jacket。那个黑人拿走了我的夹克衫。超级口腔肌肉集训Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗?4音素 词首Often 常常;时常Office 办公室Operation 操作;运转Off 离)开;(走)开;(隔)开opposite 相反的;对立的词中hot热的 job工作;职业cock公鸡 cost 费用;成本shop商店 dog 狗top顶部 短语集训belong to 属于; 是.的成员drop in 走访

8、in honor of 为了纪念; 向致敬in common 共同的;共有的短句集训She is eating a hot dog in the door way.她站在门口,吃热狗 。Bob has a lofty job and a lot of hobbies.鲍勃从事上层的工作而且爱好广泛。Modeling became a profession only in modern times.模特只是在现代才成为一种职业。超级口腔肌肉集训When a doctor doctors a doctor, does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as

9、 the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored or does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as he wants to doctor?当一个医生给另一个医生看病时,这个医生是按照来看病医生想要的方式给他治疗还是按照自己的方式给他治疗呢?5音素u词中good 好的;令人满意的 look 看put 放;摆;装 book书;书本hook 钩;挂钩 hood头巾;兜帽;风帽wood木头;木材 cook 烹调;煮短语集训put off 推迟;拖延look at 看pull through 度过危机短句集训T

10、he cook took some sugar and put it in the soup.那个厨师把糖放在汤里。He understood what the women wanted .他知道那个女人需要什么。超级口腔肌肉集训Good cookies could be cooked by a good cook if a good cook could cook good cookies. 一位出色的厨师如果知道做美味小甜品的话,那么他就一定能够做出好吃的小甜饼。 6音素 词首away 离开 above在.上面along沿着;顺着 about 关于;对于another又一;再一 await

11、 等候;期待abroad在国外;到国外 amaze使大为惊奇attach装上;贴上;系上词中England 英格兰 ocean 海洋;海decision决定;决心 general 一般的fashion流行;式样 famous著名的;出名的nation国家短句集训be famous for 以著名; 以闻名by accident 偶然in danger of 处于危险之中in somebodys opinion 依某人的看法once upon a time 很久以前短句集训Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚。I am afraid that the co

12、lor is unsuitable for my mother.恐怕这种颜色不适合我妈妈。Readers are supposed to keep silent in the library.在图书馆,要求读者保持安静。超级口腔肌肉集训Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper pickedIf Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,Wheres the peck of pickled peppers Peter Pipe

13、r picked? 彼德派柏捏起一撮泡菜,彼德派柏捏起的是一撮泡菜。如果彼德派柏捏起一撮泡菜,那么彼德派柏捏起的泡菜在哪儿?7音素词首under 在下面;在下方other另一个的;其余的 ugly丑的;难看的uncover揭开的盖子unlock 开的锁undress 脱下的衣服uncertain不明确的;含糊的umbrella伞;雨伞uncle 伯父;叔父词中couple(一)对;(一)双 much许多;大量的lucky 幸运的;好运的 must 必然要trust 信任;信赖 enough 足够的;充足的 truck卡车;载货汽车 hurry使赶紧;催促mother 母亲;妈妈 husband

14、 丈夫drug 药品;药材短语集训such as 如此的; 例如cut down 削减 ; 砍到in a hurry 匆忙地in public 公开地;当众suffer from 受之苦;因而受损短句集训I am not accustomed to making a speech in public.我不习惯在公众场合大发言论。We heard the occasional rumble of a passing truck.我们偶尔听到卡车驶过的隆隆声。Several provinces in the south of China are suffering from floods.中国南方

15、的几个省份正遭受水灾。 超级口腔肌肉集训The spunky skunk slumped and the stinky slug slouched. Soon they switched and the spunky skunk slouched and the stinky slug slumped.大胆的小人掉了下来;臭鼻涕虫没精打采。很快它们调换了一下,大胆的小人没精打采而臭鼻涕虫掉了下来。第二组 长元音/i:/:/U:/:/:/1音素i:词首 each各;各自的;每 ego 自我;自我意识east东;东方 easy容易的;不费力的eat 吃;喝 even 平的;平坦的ease 容易;不

16、费力 equal 相等的;相当的eagle 鹰 evening傍晚;晚上词中meat 食用的)肉 keep 持有;保有feed 饲料;牧草 sheep羊;绵羊dream 梦 seed 种子;籽deep 深的 team队;组;班 seat 座;座位词尾free自由的;不受控制的 key钥匙tea茶;茶叶 see看见;看到degree度;度数 tree树;乔木fee赏金;小账 she (主格)她we (主格)我们短语集训sit down please 请坐 keep up with 跟上seeing is believing 眼见为信 take it easy 慢慢来; 别紧张 短句集训Frien

17、d in need is friend indeed.患难的朋友才是真正的朋友。Peace-keeping troops try to keep peace in that place.联合国维和部队尽力维持那个地方的安全。超级口腔肌肉集训 scream, all scream for icecream! 我叫喊,你叫喊,我们喊着都要冰淇淋!2音素 : 词首awful 可怕的;吓人的all 一切的;所有的autumn 秋季;秋天 already 已经;先前 almost 几乎;差不多always 总是;经常august 威严的;令人敬畏的offer 提供;出示author 作者;作家词中For

18、m 形状;外形 board 木板;板 reform 改革;革新;改良talk讲话;谈话;演讲horse 马 corner 角;街角tall 高大的walk走;散步lord 贵族词尾four 四的;四个的 before在.以前law法;法律 shaw杂木林haw 山楂果;山楂树caw鸦叫声draw划;画;绘制 raw生的 短语集训talk about 谈论;谈到according to 根据;按照before long 不久以后ought to 应该;必须短句集训She thought she ought to take a walk before four oclock.她想她应该在四点之前出

19、去散步。When the storm is coming ,the ship has to call at a port.风暴来临时,轮船只好靠港。The man walking on the lawn is my boss.走在草地上的那个人是我的老板。超级口腔肌肉集训Mr.See owned a saw and Mr.Soar owned a seesaw. Now Sees saw sawed Soars seesaw before Soar saw See. 西先生有一个锯,萨先生有一个秋千。如今在萨先生看见西先生之前,西先生的锯锯断了萨先生的秋千。3音素u:词首noodles 许多

20、ooze 渗出;冒出词中mood心情;心境 food 食物;食品root 根;地下茎 prove 证明;证实true 真实的;确实的 tooth 牙齿tool工具;器具;用具 troop 军队;部队rude 粗野的;粗鲁的 rule 规则;规定词尾blue蓝色的;天蓝色的 Jew犹太人to 向;往;到 too太;过分two二的;两个的 who谁;什么人do 做;干 grew(grow的过去式)短语集训as soon as 立即; 一. 就 .be used to 习惯于quite a few 相当多;许多in the future 将来短句集训I am not in the mood to a

21、rgue with you .我没有心情和你争辩。What he said is proved to be true.他所说的话被证明是真的。The news is too good to be true.这个消息好的让人难以相信。超级口腔肌肉集训A tutor who tooted a flute, 一个吹长笛的老师,Tried to tutor two tutors to toot. 试图教两个初学者吹长笛。Said the two to their tutor, 两个初学者说,Its hard to toot, or tutor two tutors toot?.是吹长笛难, 还是教两个

22、初学者吹长笛难呢?。4音素 : 词首earn 赚得;挣得 earth地球early 早的;提早的 earnest认真的;诚挚的词中work工作;劳动 firm 稳固的;牢固的 hurt使受伤 girl 姑娘;少女 murder谋杀;凶杀 nurse护士 first第一的;第一流 burn发热;发光church教堂;礼拜堂 dirty 脏的;污秽的词尾Sir 先生;阁下 stir搅拌;搅动Blur 模糊;污点 refer把.归因infer推断;推论;猜想 were(are的过去时)Inter 埋;葬 defer推迟;使展期 prefer宁可;宁愿短语集训in search of 寻找first

23、of all 首先turn away from 对.感到厌烦to ones surprise 另某人吃惊的是短句集训The early bird catches the worm.早鸟先得食,捷足先登。I would like to have a word with you when you finish your work at hand .等你干完手头上的活,我想和你说句话。He cursed the nurse for her bad service .他诅咒那个服务质量极差的护士。超级口腔肌肉集训He searched and searched for the bird he hear

24、d in the church.他仔细地寻找在教堂鸣叫的鸟儿。5音素 a: 词首art艺术;美术 arm臂article 一件;物品;商品argument 争执;争吵;辩论arbitration仲裁;调定词中farm 农场;饲养场 park 公园;游乐场last最后的 fast快的;迅速的smart 漂亮的 card 纸牌hard硬的;坚固的 dark暗;黑暗的mark 记号;符号词尾far远的;遥远的 car汽车 bar酒吧;小吃店短语集训far away 离很远start out 出发pass by 经过ask for 请求;询问短句集训It will do a lot of harm t

25、o the heart.这样做对你的心脏很有害。Barbara and Charles are dancing in a large garden.巴巴拉和查理斯正在一个大花园里跳舞。Martin is an artist who occupies the opposite apartment.马丁是个艺术家,他就住在对面的公寓里。超级口腔肌肉集训After class Mike drove his car fast to the park and got there after dark.放学后,麦克驱车直奔公园,直到天黑前才到达。 第三组双元音/e/a/a/e/1音素e词首able能;可;

26、会 aimless没目标的ail使痛苦 aid帮助;救助ache(持续性地)疼痛 aim把瞄准ate eat的过去式) Asia亚洲词中lazy懒散的;怠惰的raise举起;抬起 parade 行进;行列;游行Main 主要的;最重要的vein静脉;血管Reign 统治;支配potato 马铃薯steak牛排;肉排indicate指示;指出词尾bay(海或湖泊的)湾 gay 同性恋的say说;讲 pay 支付;付款给 play 玩耍;游戏 tray 盘子;托盘hideaway隐匿处 bouquet花束;一束花短语集训be able to 能够;有能力by the way 顺便说说make fa

27、ces 扮鬼脸wait for 等待make a mistake 犯错误短句集训No pains ,no gains.一分劳动,一分收获。 I hate waiting and I also hate to keep others waiting.我讨厌等人,也不喜欢让别人久等 。I dont like speaking in a roundabout way, I always call a spade a spade.我不喜欢拐弯抹角,我总是有话直说。超级口腔肌肉集训They say that rain came every eight days in May.听说在五月份每隔八天就有一场

28、雨。I know a boy named Tate who dined with his girl at eight eight , I am unable to state what Tate ate at eight eight or what Tates tete-a-tete ate at eight eight.我知道一个叫泰德男孩,他和他的女朋友在八点八分吃饭,我说不出泰德八点八分吃的是什么东西,或泰德的女朋友八点八分吃的是什么东西。 2音素ai词首ideal 理想的;完美的 eye眼睛iron 铁 item项目;品目island 岛 eyelid眼皮;眼睑词中like喜欢 lif

29、e 生命;生存wife 妻子;太太 white 白色的price价格 fight 打仗night夜;晚上 ride 骑马;乘车词尾my(I的所有格)我的 shy怕羞的;羞怯的lie 躺;卧 fly 飞;飞行why为什么 high 高的buy 买;购买 rely依靠;依赖短语集训right away 立刻; 马上fight back 还击white lie 善意的谎言at the sight of 一见到短句集训Mike is flying a kite high in the sky by the river side.麦克在河边放风筝放得很高。Time and time again I tr

30、ied to hold back my sad feeling.我多次试着去抑制我悲伤的心情。I like to read in the bright light at night.我喜欢在晚上明亮的灯光下看书。超级口腔肌肉集训There is no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight,for a bright night light is just like a slight light.像今夜这样明亮的夜晚,就不需要点一盏夜灯,因为明亮的夜灯也会变得微弱.The sunshines on the shop si

31、gns. 灿烂的阳光照在商店门牌上。3音素词首oil 油 oyster牡蛎ointment软膏;药膏词中soil土,泥土 boil(水等)沸腾,开choice 选择,抉择 spoil损坏;糟蹋;搞糟coin 硬币,钱币 point点;观点noise 声响;喧闹声 join连接;使结合词尾joy 高兴;欢乐 employ 雇用 annoy 惹恼;使生气 destroy 毁坏;破坏 Enjoy 欣赏;享受短语集训point out 指出enjoy oneself 玩的高兴;玩的愉快have no choice 别无选择join in 加入短句集训The boy was annoyed becaus

32、e his toy was destroyed. 那个男孩很恼火,因为他的玩具坏了。His answer is not to the point .他没有答到要点。I hope you will come and join us again next year.我希望明年你会再次和我们相聚在一起。 超级口腔肌肉集训How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil?如果橡胶罐能够把油煮开的话,它可以煮开多少油呢?A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an

33、 oyster more! 声音令牡蛎烦恼, 但是嘈杂的声音更让牡蛎烦躁不安。4音素 词首open 打开 old 老的;上了年纪的over在.之上 only 唯一的;仅有的oath 誓言;誓约 omit 遗漏;省略owner物主;所有人 overdue过期的odious可憎的;可恶的词中home家;住家 hope希望;盼望hold 握着;抓住;夹住 post 邮寄goat山羊 coast 海岸;沿海地区road 路;道路 cold 冷的;寒冷的词尾no没有 toe 脚趾;足尖woe悲哀;悲痛 know 知道;了解;懂得so这么;那么 below在下面;到下面low低的;矮的 bow弓;状物gr

34、ow成长;生长 短语集训on the road 在路上go over 察看; 重温at (the) most 至多close to 接近go home 回家短句集训No notice was given of the closing of the show.没有发出任何关于结束演出的通知。 He is nobody and holds no post here .他在这里既无名也无职。My home is very close to my school.我家离学校很近。We have to follow them since only one third of the whole class

35、goes against the plan.我们只好顺从他们的计划,因为整个班只有三分之一的同学反对这个计划。超级口腔肌肉集训Moses supposes his toes are roses,but Moses supposes erroneously.For nobodys toes are supposed of roses as Moses supposes his toeses to be. 摩西觉得他的脚趾头像玫瑰。但是摩西的想法是错误的。因为没有人会像摩西一样认为自己的脚趾头像玫瑰。5音素 a 词首out出外;在外;向外 outcome结果;结局hour小时 outline 外形

36、;轮廓output出产;生产 outside 外面;外部 our 我们的 owl 猫头鹰 词中about 关于;大约 shout呼喊;喊叫 loud 大声的;响亮的 mouth 嘴mouse 鼠 drown把淹死mountain山 crown王冠 ground 地面词尾how怎样;怎么 cow 母牛;奶牛allow允许;准许 brow 额头somehow不知怎么的 eyebrow眉;眉毛 plow犁短语集训shout out 喊出来 without doubt 无疑; 毫无疑问round up 收集;集合短句集训How about going out for a walk ?出去散散步怎么样?

37、The rumours spread like wildfire from mouth to mouth in that town.谣言在那个小城镇像野火般地传开了。Without doubt,he is the best student in our class.毫无疑问,他是我们班上最好的学生。超级口腔肌肉集训Now I have to doubt he can pronounce the word amount现在我不得不怀疑他能够读数量这个单词。6音素 词首ear 耳词中real 真的;真正的 material材料;资料 fearful可怕的词尾here 这里;在这里 appear出现

38、;显露 dear亲爱的;可爱的 hear听见;听 fear害怕;恐惧短语集训hear from 收到.的信here and there 到处all (the) year round 一年到头be all ears 全神贯注地听clear away 清除;清理短句集训There is nothing to fear in the world . 世事没什么可怕。I tried to hear but I cant hear clearly what he said.我试着去听但是听不清楚他说什么。超级口腔肌肉集训Last year I could not hear with either ear.去年我的两只耳朵都听不到。7音素 e 词首area 面积;区域 air空气;大气 airport机场词中barely 勉强;几乎没有 various各种各样的Careful 仔细的;小心的词尾bare 裸的;勉强的 care照料;关怀fair 公平的 dare敢;竟敢 wear 穿着;戴着 share 分享;分担 stare 盯;凝视短语集训wear off 逐渐消逝stare at 盯着tear off 扯

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