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1、必修2Unit1课后1.survive-N,survival/survivor-surviving Survive 作幸存时,后不加in/from.2.寻找:in search of=search sp/sb(表搜索范围)-search for sth/sb(表搜索对象) 搜索某处为了某物:search sp/sb for sth3.select :从中挑选,加以鉴别; choose 强调人的意愿 Pick ,没有鉴别,没有意愿,口语化。 Elect,选举4.目的是。: be designed to do sth5.打算给。用:be designed for sb/sth6.打算当作。:be

2、designed as7.打算做某事:design doing sth=design to do sth8.故意地:by design=on purpose-(反)by chance=by accicdent9.想象某人做某事:fancy ones doing sth10.认为某是。:fancy sb to be=fancy sb as11.真没有想到! Fancy that!12.用。装饰A:decorate A with sth13.作为报答:in return,=in return for sth14.处于战争中:at war15.remove :侧重取走 move :侧重改变位置16.

3、少于:less than-不少于:no less than.=as much as 除了。之外:other than=except ; 并非,而不是:rather than17.毫无疑问:There is no/little doubt that18.某有怀疑。:sb doubts if/whether.19.值得做某事:It is worth doing sth=It is worthy to be done=It is worthy to be doing =It is worthwhile doing sth/to do sth20.把。拆开:take apart21.分开(介词):ap

4、art from22.分辨;tellapart23.爆炸:V explode-N explosion 探测:explore24.看重:think (well) highly of-(反) think badly/little of25.陷入沉思中:be sunk into课内1. value-valuable-valuelessvaluation(估价)-invaluable(极其有用的)2. amazeamazement-amazing,amazed对。感到惊讶:be amazed at3.在受审中:be on trial4.试一下:make a trial5.的入口:the entranc

5、e to-出口: exit6.与某人争辩某事:debate sth with sb7.为某事争辩:debate on/about sth重点句式和语法1. 当rarely,never,seldom,scarcely,hardly,by no means,in no case 等否定意义词放在句首时,句子用部分倒装2. 不定式的完成式:表式动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前。Is it enough to have survived for a long time?Unit2课后1. compete(竞争)-competition-competitor(竞争者)-competitive(有竞争力的2.

6、 参加。比赛:compete in3. 与。比赛:compete with/against4. 为。而比赛:compete for5. 参加,起作用:take part in.=play a part in6. 代表,支持:stand for7. 允许某人进入。:be admitted to +sp8. 作为。被接受:be admitted as+成员9. 取代某人:replace sb=take ones place=take the place of sb10. 用取代某人:replace with/by11. 取代(介词短语):in place of12. 管理: sb be in ch

7、arge of sth=take charge of- sth in the charge of sb13. 控告某人:charge sb with sth=accuse sb of sth14. 为做广告: advertise sth -征聘:advertise for15. 就某物与某人讨价还价:bargain with sb about sth16. 与某人就达成协议:make a bargin with sb about sth17. 与成交:strike a bargain with sb18,陆续地:one after another=one by one19.值得被sth des

8、erve doing sth=sth deserve to be done-sb deserve to do sth课内1. ancient 指物,年代久远。Old 指人,物,存在已久;elder ,形容老人,更尊重2. 对负责: have responsibility to do sth/ for (doing) sth3. 响应:respond to4. 收听节目;学会;增加速度;恢复健康: pick up重点句式和语法1. 每隔。/每。: every +数词+时间名词Every+序数词+单数=every+基数词+复数每隔两天:every third day-每三天:every three

9、 days每隔一天:every second day-每两天:every two days每隔:every other+单数:=every few +复数二.被动语态:1. 谓语动词的主动形式表被动,(主语是物的话,强调主语特征)(如果用被动,强调人为原因) Break,catch,clean,drive,lock,open,sell,read,write,washThe door wont lock-the door wont be locked.2.happen,come about,take place ,belong to ,break out,turn out,come ture,r

10、un out,qive out3.做定语是,人-动作-名词 (动宾关系,用主动表被动) Do you have a letter to post? Unit3课后1. 结果:as a result of; as a result,2,由导致: result from- 导致:result in3.人类:human race=human being4type 典型 ; kind 性质相同; sort 大体相似5.在某种程度上: in a way=in one way=in some way6.arise 出现 arouse 唤起7.当心:watch out ,=look out,=be care

11、ful,: 提防:watch out for看护:watch over=care for课内1. 和有共同之处:have (much) in common (with)2. 没有共同之处:have nothing in common3. 常识:common sense4. common 指常见,ordinary 指平凡,没有特别之处; general 在多个关注(总体上)5. 依靠:depend on=calculate on6. 技术革命:technological revolution7. 人工智能:artifical intelligence8. 为人类服务:serve the huma

12、n being9. 使.生效:.bring into effect.重点句式和语法1. technology 泛指技术,technique 某种具体的技术2. 上线:log on/in 下线:log off/out3. 发出(气味,声音):give forth4. 停止/放弃;give over5. 让位于:give way to.6. 发出(光):give off.7. 在于;consist in8. 与一致:consist with9. 由组成:consist of=be made up of.=be composed ofUnit4课后1. 灭亡:die out 2. 相继死去:die

13、off3. 逐渐平息(外界声音,风,光线等):die away4. 逐渐变弱(内心兴奋程度):die down5. 去打猎:go hunting6. 追逐,搜索:hunt for7. 和平地:in peace8. 与。处于和平状态: at peace with9. 与。讲和:make peace with10. 处于危险中:be in danger (of.)11. 脱离危险:be out of danger12. A 对B有危险:A be a danger to B13. 如释重负:in relief14. 使某人放心的是:(much) to ones relief15. A 减轻了来自B的

14、痛处:A bring relief from B16. 减轻了某人的负担:relief sb of sth17. 保护。不受。危害:protect /stop/prevent.(from) doing sth=keep .from doing sth18. contain:包含全部内容-including +被包括部分=被包括部分+included19. 对。产生影响:have an effect on sb/sth20. 将注意力集中于:fix/focus ones attention on21. 吸引某人的注意力到。:draw/attract/catch/get ones attentio

15、n to22. 感激做某事:appreciate doing sth23. 要是。不胜感激:Id appreciate it if24. 成功做某事:succeed in doing sth25. 继某人之后担任:succeed sb as26. 继承:succeed to sth27. 雇佣某人担任:employ sb to be=employ sb as28. 受雇佣做某事:be employed to do sth29. 忙于做某事:be employed in (doing) sth30. 对有伤害:do harm to31. 产生,形成:.come into being32. 根据:

16、according to+n/doing; according as+句子课内1. 在。方面减少:decrease in2. 在。基础上减少:decrease from3. 减少到。:decrease to4. 减少了。:decrease by5. 损失某物:the loss of6. 沉迷于。:be lost in7. 不知所措: at a loss (to)8. 弥补损失:make up the loss9. 坦率地:without reserve10. 保留。以备。所需:reserve sth for=keep a reserve of.for11. 响应,对。作出反应:respond

17、to=in response to12. 乞求宽恕:ask for mercy13. 残忍地:without mercy14. 任某人、某物摆布:at the mercy of sb/sth15. 怜悯某人:show mercy to sb=have/take mercy on sb16. 无疑地:for sure=for certain17. 相信某事:sb be sure of sth= 物Be certain of sth18. 一定要做某事:be sure/certain to do sth19. 一定的:Its certain that(不能用sure)20.重点句式和语法1. en

18、d :指时间,事件,活动的末尾2. ending 故事,小说,戏剧的结尾(书本):3. before long=soon after (不久以后)4. It will (not) be long before+句子(do,does) 要过很久才 ;过不了多久就5. It was (not) be long before+句子(Ved,would +V原)Unit5课后1. 打滚,翻身:roll up2. 卷起:roll up3. 梦想做某事:dream of/about doing sth4. 说实话:to be honest5. 认为/强调某方面有重要性,价值,意义:attach impor

19、tance/value/significance to6. 缠着某人:attach oneself tosb7. 养成的习惯:form/develop the habit of8. 以的形式:in the form of9. 采取的形式:take the form of10. 用现金支付:payin cash11. 用支票支付:payby cheque12. 用信用卡支付:payby credit/card13. 戏弄某人:play jokes on=play tricks on sb=laught at sb=make fun of sb14. 拿某人开玩笑:make a joke abou

20、t /of +sb/sth15. 闹着玩的:be in joke=be for a joke16. 信赖于:rely on=depend on17. 依靠某人做某事:rely on sb to do sth18. 熟悉:人 be familiar with sth19. 与交情好: A be familiar with B20. 某物为某人所知:sth be familiar to sb21. 大约:数学+or so.=about/around/some+数字22. 打碎:break up23. 突然发生:break out24. 突破:break through25. 分类:sort out26. 一种.:a sort of27. 演出:give a performance28. 履行职责:perform ones duty29. 动手术:perform an operation30. 首先:above all31. 总之:all in all课内1. 在观光,在巡回演出中:on a tour2. 在休假中:on leave3. 简单地说:to be brief4. 简言之:in brief(长话短说) in short 长话说完后,总结5. 对。敏感;be sensitive to重点句式和语法

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