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1、英语小学六年级上册阅读理解专项复习试题测试题(附答案)一、阅读理解One day, John was back home after work. He found that his wife was shaking (摇晃) their daughter in her arms, she was only half a year old. She said “Daddy” to the baby girl again and again. John felt very happy because he thought his wife chose the word “Daddy” to tea

2、ch their baby. Two weeks later, the little girl cried loudly and shouted “Daddy” one night. His wife said to John, “Dear, she is calling you.” Then the wife turned to sleep.1、Johns daughter was _. ()A1year oldB6 monthsC10 months2、The mother taught(teach的过去式) the baby girl to say the word _. ()AMummy

3、BloveCDaddy3、The baby could shout “Daddy” when she _ at night. ()Asaw her fatherBwas happyCdidnt feel good4、The husband had to _ the baby girl at night. ()AworkBlook afterCsleep5、The wife could go on _ when the girl cried. ()AteachingBshakingCsleeping二、阅读理解 Mary is from Canada. She teaches English i

4、n China now. She knows a little Chinese. She isnt free (空闲的) from Monday to Friday. So she often goes shopping on Saturday.Today is Saturday. Mary goes to the shop. She comes out of her car and goes into the shop. “What can I do for you?” the man in the shop asks her in Chinese. So she says in Chine

5、se, ” A quilt (被子), please.” Then the man goes to the back of the shop. “My Chinese is not bad. The man understands (理解) me, ” she thinks. Mary is happy. Soon the man comes back. He shows Mary a cup.6、Mary is a _. ()AstudentBdoctorCteacher7、Mary often _ on Saturday. ()Adoes some washingBgoes shoppin

6、gCgoes to school8、Mary goes to the shop _. ()Aby busBby trainCby car9、Mary wants to buy _. ()Aa cupBa quiltCbooks10、From the passage(文章), we know _. ()AMary is busy from Monday to FridayBMarys Chinese is goodCthe man understands Mary三、阅读理解根据短文内容,选择正确答案。What is recycling? It is to reuse anything that

7、 can be used again. Recycling may save our world. “Recycling” also means doing everything we can do to prevent(阻止) the need for recycling. How do we do this? Here are some suggestions:If you bring your own bags with you to the shop, you wont need to use the bags of the shop. This will save bags befo

8、re they are recycled.Dont buy things that can be used only once(一次). For example, use cloth napkins(餐巾) instead of(代替) paper napkins.Put on warm clothes in winter, dress in cool clothes in summer and avoid(避免) using air conditioners(空调).Dont leave the fridge door open for a long time!Turn off the ta

9、ps and the lights after you use them.Take showers instead of baths(淋浴). If you take showers, you use much less(较少的) water.11、“ ” is to reuse something that can be used again.()ASave bagsBTake showersCRecycling12、 can be used only once. ()APaper napkinsBGlass bottlesCCloth napkins13、Can we leave the

10、fridge door open for a long time? ()AYes, we can.BNo, we cant.CSorry, I dont know.14、We should after we wash our hands. ()Aturn on the tapBturn off the tapCturn on the light15、In summer we should put on to avoid using air conditioners. ()Adown jackets (羽绒服)Bwarm clothesCcool clothes四、阅读理解Hi! Dear fr

11、iends! Im Sam. Please come and meet my family! Look, this is a photo of my family. This is my father. He is tall and strong. He is a bus driver. But he usually goes to work by subway. This is my mother. She is a maths teacher. Her school is near, so she goes to work by bike. Look at the tall boy. He

12、 is my brother. He is a basketball player. The man and the woman are my uncle and aunt. My uncle is a doctor and my aunt is a nurse. They work in the same hospital. They go to work in their car. Oh, look! The girl in front of them is my cousin. We are in the same school. We go to school by school bu

13、s.16、Sams father is a _. ()AworkerBdriverCfarmer17、Sams mother goes to work _. ()Aby bikeBby subwayCby car18、_ work in the same hospital. ()ASams parentsBSams grandparentsCSams uncle and aunt19、Sams cousin goes to school _. ()Aby bikeBby carCby school bus20、There are _ people in Sams family. ()Afive

14、BsixCseven五、阅读理解People around the world celebrate New Years Eve. Lets have a look. Sydney, AustraliaThe city is famous for its fireworks show. The fireworks are bright and beautiful and they make the dark sky very bright. Paris, FranceLots of people get together around the Eiffel Tower. People can s

15、ee fireworks over there. Madrid, SpainThe Spanish people eat 12 grapes on New Years Eve. Every grape stands for one month of the year. They believe this will bring them good luck for the coming year. Beijing, ChinaPeople usually spend New Years Eve with their family. They usually have a wonderful di

16、nner. People often say “Happy New Year” to each other.21、How many countries are mentioned in the passage? ()AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.22、Sydney is famous for _. ()Aits seaBits fireworks showCits foodDits tower23、What kind of fruit do the Spanish people eat on New Years Eve?AApples.BPears.CBananas.DGra

17、pes.24、Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ()AIn France, people get together around the Eiffel Tower on New Years Eve.BEvery grape stands for one month of the year in Spain.CChinese people usually spend New Years Eve with their friends.DPeople in Australia can see beautiful

18、fireworks.25、Whats the best title of the passage? ()ADifferent Ways to Celebrate New Years EveBDifferent Food on New Years EveCDifferent Countries and Their FestivalsDDifferent Countries and Their Capitals六、阅读理解It is Saturday. The Brownsare at home. Mrs Brown is in the kitchen. Shes cooking meals. S

19、he makes the meal very delicious. Do youwant to have a taste? Mr Brown isnt in the living room. He is outside. He is washing his car. The car is new and very beautiful. So he likes it very much. Jim is in the garden. He is playing football with some other boys. Where is his sister, Linda? Shes in he

20、r bedroom. She is watching the Animal World.26、What day is today? ()AMonday.BTuesday.CSaturday.27、Mr Brown likes _ very much. ()AMrs BrownBhis familyChis car28、Who is playing football? ()AMrs Brown.BJim.CLinda.29、Where is Linda? ()AIn the living room.BIn the bedroom.CIn the garden.30、There are _ peo

21、ple in Mr Browns family. ()AsixBfiveCfour【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、B2、C3、C4、B5、C【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了妻子教婴儿说爸爸是为了夜里孩子哭闹时喊爸爸。1、句意:约翰的女儿_了。A一岁解析:1、B2、C3、C4、B5、C【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了妻子教婴儿说爸爸是为了夜里孩子哭闹时喊爸爸。1、句意:约翰的女儿_了。A一岁;B六个月;C十个月;根据短文中的He found that his wife was shaking (摇晃) their daughter in her arms, she was only half a year

22、old. 可知约翰的女儿六个月了,故选B。2、句意:妈妈教小女孩说的单词是_。A妈妈;B爱;C爸爸;根据短文中的 She said “Daddy” to the baby girl again and again.可知妈妈教小女孩说的单词是爸爸,故选C。3、句意:当婴儿晚上_时会喊叫爸爸。A看见爸爸;B很开心;C感觉不舒服;根据短文中的Two weeks later, the little girl cried loudly and shouted “Daddy” one night.可知婴儿感觉不舒服才会大声哭喊叫爸爸,故选C。4、句意:丈夫不得不在夜里_女婴。A工作;B照顾;C睡觉;根据短

23、文中的 His wife said to John, “Dear, she is calling you.” Then the wife turned to sleep.可知丈夫不得不在夜里照顾女婴,故选B。5、句意:当女孩哭时妻子可以继续_。A教;B摇晃;C睡觉;根据短文中的His wife said to John, “Dear, she is calling you.” Then the wife turned to sleep.可知当女孩哭时妻子可以继续睡觉,故选C。【点睛】二、阅读理解6、C7、B8、C9、B10、A【分析】本文讲了玛丽来自加拿大,现在在中国教英语,周六去购物买被子的

24、事情。6、句意:玛丽是一名_。解析:6、C7、B8、C9、B10、A【分析】本文讲了玛丽来自加拿大,现在在中国教英语,周六去购物买被子的事情。6、句意:玛丽是一名_。A学生,B医生,C老师,根据Mary is from Canada. She teaches English in China now.,可知玛丽是一名老师,故选C。7、句意:玛丽经常星期六_。A洗衣服,B去购物,C去上学,根据So she often goes shopping on Saturday.,可知玛丽经常星期六去购物,故选B。8、句意:玛丽_去商店。A乘公共汽车,B乘火车,C开车,根据Mary goes to the

25、 shop. She comes out of her car and goes into the shop.,可知玛丽开车去商店,故选C。9、句意:玛丽想买_。A一个杯子,B一床杯子,C书,根据So she says in Chinese, ” A quilt (被子), please.”,可知玛丽想买一床被子,故选B。10、句意:从文章,我们知道_。A玛丽从星期一到星期五很忙。B玛丽的汉语很好,C这个男人懂玛丽,根据She isnt free (空闲的) from Monday to Friday.,可知玛丽从星期一到星期五很忙,故选A。【点睛】三、阅读理解11、C12、A13、B14、B

26、15、C解析:11、C12、A13、B14、B15、C四、阅读理解16、B17、A18、C19、C20、C【分析】本文讲述了萨姆一家人的职业及出行方式。16、句意:萨姆的爸爸是_。A工人,B司机,C解析:16、B17、A18、C19、C20、C【分析】本文讲述了萨姆一家人的职业及出行方式。16、句意:萨姆的爸爸是_。A工人,B司机,C农民,根据He is a bus driver. 可知他是司机。故选B。17、句意:萨姆的妈妈_去上班。A骑自行车,B乘地铁,C乘小汽车,根据Her school is near, so she goes to work by bike. 可知她骑自行车去上班。故

27、选A。18、句意:_在相同的医院工作。A萨姆的父母,B萨姆的祖父母,C萨姆的叔叔和婶婶,根据My uncle is a doctor and my aunt is a nurse. They work in the same hospital. 可知是他的叔叔和婶婶。故选C。19、句意:萨姆的堂妹_去上学。A骑自行车,B乘小汽车,C乘校车,根据 We go to school by school bus.可知是乘校车。故选C。20、句意:萨姆家有_人。A五,B六,C七,根据短文内容可知有萨姆,萨姆的父母,萨姆的叔叔和婶婶,萨姆的哥哥,萨姆的堂妹。共七人,故选C。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、B22

28、、B23、D24、C25、A【导语】本文主要讲述了不同国家的除夕。21、句意:文章中提到了几个国家?A三,B四,C五,D六。根据解析:21、B22、B23、D24、C25、A【导语】本文主要讲述了不同国家的除夕。21、句意:文章中提到了几个国家?A三,B四,C五,D六。根据语篇可知提到了澳大利亚,法国,西班牙和中国四个国家,选项B符合题意,故选B。22、句意:悉尼以_而闻名。A它的海,B它的烟花,C它的食物,D它的塔。根据“The city is famous for its fireworks show.”可知悉尼以烟花出名,故选B。23、句意:西班牙人在除夕夜吃什么水果?A苹果,B梨,C香

29、蕉,D葡萄。根据“The Spanish people eat 12 grapes on New Years Eve. ”可知西班牙人除夕吃葡萄,故选D。24、句意:根据短文,以下哪项不正确?A在法国,人们在除夕夜聚集在埃菲尔铁塔周围。B在西班牙,每一颗葡萄都代表一年中的一个月。C中国人通常和朋友一起度过除夕夜。D澳大利亚的人们可以看到美丽的烟花。根据“People usually spend New Years Eve with their family.”可知中国人和家人一起度过除夕,故选C。25、句意:这篇文章最好的标题是什么?A庆祝除夕的不同方式。B除夕夜的不同食物。C不同国家和节日。

30、D不同国家和首都。根据语篇及“People around the world celebrate New Years Eve.”可知本文主要讲述了庆祝除夕的不同方式,故选A。六、阅读理解26、C27、C28、B29、B30、C【解析】26、题干句意:今天星期几?It is Saturday.根据可知是星期六,A星期一。B星期解析:26、C27、C28、B29、B30、C【解析】26、题干句意:今天星期几?It is Saturday.根据可知是星期六,A星期一。B星期二。C星期六。故选C。27、题干句意:布朗先生非常喜欢_。根据The car is new and very beautiful

31、. So he likes it very much.可知是他的车,A布朗太太,B他的家人,C他的车,故选C。28、题干句意:谁在踢足球?根据Jim is in the garden. He is playing football with some other boys.可知是吉姆,A布朗夫人。B吉姆。C琳达。故选B。29、题干句意:琳达在哪里?根据Where is his sister, Linda? Shes in her bedroom.可知在卧室,A在客厅里。B在卧室里。C在花园里。故选B。30、题干句意:布朗先生家里有_人。根据全文,可知有The Browns,Jim和Linda共4人,A六,B五,C四,故选C。

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