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1、英语小学六年级上册阅读理解专项复习试题测试题一、阅读理解Bill is seven years old. He is polite(有礼貌的). So his friend and his parents like him very much. It is Saturday today. Bill is at home. He is watching TV and his sister is doing her homework. At eleven, his father comes back with some oranges. Bill likes oranges very much a

2、nd he wants to eat one. His mother asks,” Which orange do you want, Bill?”“The biggest (最大的) one, Mum.”“What?” says his mother. “You should be polite and want the smallest(最小的)one.”“Should I tell a lie (说谎) just to be polite, Mum?”1、Is Bill polite? ()AYes, he is.BNo, he isnt.CHe is polite.DYes, he d

3、oes.2、How many people are there in Bills family? ()AThree.BFour.CFive.DMany.3、What is Bill doing? ()AWatching TV.BAt home.CDoing homework.DPlaying computer games.4、What time does his father come back? ()AAt seven.BAt nine.CAt ten.DAt eleven.5、Which orange does Bill like? ()AThe smallest one.BThe red

4、 one.CThe biggest one.DThe green one.二、阅读理解Hello! I am Danny. This is my family photo. My father is a doctor. He likes playing basketball. My mother is a teacher. She likes cooking. My grandfather is a businessman. He likes reading books. My sister is nurse. She likes listening to music. I am a stud

5、ent. I like playing football. On the weekend we usually go hiking together. We are a happy family.6、Dannys father is a _. ()AteacherBpostmanCdoctor7、Dannys mother likes _. ()Aplaying sportsBcookingCdancing8、Dannys grandfather likes _. ()AsingingBdrawing picturesCreading books9、Dannys sister is a _.

6、()AsingerBnurseCsecretary10、On the weekend Dannys family usually _. ()Ago hikingBclimb mountainsCtake trips三、阅读理解There are so many bikes, cars and buses on the roads, so we must obey the traffic rules all the time. Children under 12 cannot ride bikes on the road. When we ride bikes, we should keep b

7、oth hands on the handlebars. We should ride bikes on the right of the road in our country. Like drivers of cars or buses, we must follow(遵守) all traffic signs. All of us know we must not turn left or go across the street at a red traffic light. Usually we can turn right, but we shouldnt ride too fas

8、t. If we want to turn or stop, we must give a sign to others.11、Children under _ cant ride bikes on the street. ()A10B12C14D1612、Whats the meaning of the underlined word “handlebars”? ()A方向盘B把手C车轮D手柄13、We should ride bikes _ the road in our country. ()Aon the right ofBon the left ofCin the middle of

9、Dat the back of14、Everyone must _ if he wants to make a turn. ()Adrive fastBgo across the streetCgive a sign to othersDdo it at a red traffic light15、The passage tells us to _. ()Aobey the traffic rulesBtake buses and carsCride fast on the roadDlove our country四、阅读理解Oliver: Oh! Your tanghulu looks n

10、ice and delicious! Where did you buy it?Zhang Peng: I bought it in a tanghulu specialty shop (专卖店) on Dongfang Street.Oliver: Is it far from our school?Zhang Peng: No, you can walk there.Oliver: How can I get there?Zhang Peng: Start (出发) from our school. Go straight for ten minutes (分钟) then turn ri

11、ght, then go straight for three minutes. Its on the left. Its just near the cinema. The shop is red.16、_ wants to buy a tanghulu. ()AOliverBZhang Peng17、The shop is _ the school. ()Afar fromBnear18、The shop is _. ()AyellowBred19、The shop is near a _. ()AcinemaBrestaurant20、He can get to the shop abo

12、ut _ minutes.A10B13五、阅读理解 Jim went to a beautiful beach on Monday with his friends. It was sunny and hot. So they had great fun playing in the water. They went shopping at 3:20 p.m. But the shops were crowded(拥挤的). They didnt enjoy it. The next day, it was rainy, so they went to a museum. It was bor

13、ing. Jim found a small boy crying in the corner. The boy was lost. Jim helped the boy find his father. Jim was very happy. But he had no money to take a taxi. So he had to walk back to the hotel. That made him very tired. On Wednesday, the weather was very cool, so they played tennis. They played al

14、l morning. It was really fun.21、Jim went to a beautiful beach on a _ Monday with his friends. ()ArainyBsunnyCcoldDwarm22、They went shopping _. ()Ain the morningBin the afternoonCat nightDat noon23、There were _ people in the shops. ()AanyBfewCmanyDno24、They went to a museum on _. ()AMondayBTuesdayCTh

15、ursdayDFriday25、Playing tennis all morning was _. ()AterribleBboringCtiringDfun六、阅读理解Im Alice. Yesterday was June 1st. It was my birthday. In the morning, I did my homework and cleaned my bedroom. In the afternoon, I rode a bike with my family in the park. That was fun! We took pictures and ate some

16、 delicious food. In the evening, there was a big birthday party in my grandmas house. Many friends went to my grandmas house. They were Amy, Lucy, Kitty, John, Mike and Tom. My mother cooked a big dinner. My grandma made a beautiful cake. I got many presents. My father gave me a new bike. My grandpa

17、 gave me a new bag. I was very happy.26、Alice rode a bike, took pictures and _ in the afternoon. ( ) Adid her homeworkBcleaned her roomCate delicious food27、Alices grandpa gave her _.()Aa new bikeBa new bagCa cake28、What did Alices mother do for the birthday party? ()AShe cooked a big dinner.BShe ma

18、de a beautiful cake.CShe sang a birthday song.29、Where did Alice have the birthday party? ()AIn the restaurant.BIn grandmas house.CIn the park.30、When is Alices birthday? ()AIts on June 2nd.BIts on Childrens Day.CIts on July 1st.【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、A2、B3、A4、D5、C【分析】本文讲述了在周六比利在家看电视时妈妈问他要哪个橘子的故事。1、句意:比利有礼貌吗

19、?根据He is p解析:1、A2、B3、A4、D5、C【分析】本文讲述了在周六比利在家看电视时妈妈问他要哪个橘子的故事。1、句意:比利有礼貌吗?根据He is polite(有礼貌的).可知他有礼貌,故做肯定回答,故选A。2、句意:比利家有几口人?A三口。B四口。C五口。D很多。根据短文内容可知他家有他的妈妈,他的爸爸,他的妹妹和他。故有四口人,故选B。3、句意:比利在做什么?A看电视。B在家。C做家庭作业。D玩电脑游戏。根据He is watching TV and his sister is doing her homework.可知他在家看电视。故选A。4、句意:他的爸爸什么时间回来的

20、?A在七点。B在九点。C在十点。D在十一点。根据At eleven, his father comes back with some oranges. 可知他十一点回来的。故选D。5、句意:比尔喜欢哪个橘子?A最小的那个。B红色的那个。C最大的那个。D绿色的那个。根据“The biggest (最大的) one, Mum.”可知他想要最大的。故选C。【点睛】二、阅读理解6、C7、B8、C9、B10、A【分析】短文大意:主要介绍丹尼的家人以及他们的职业和兴趣爱好。6、句意:丹尼的爸爸是一名_。由短文My解析:6、C7、B8、C9、B10、A【分析】短文大意:主要介绍丹尼的家人以及他们的职业和兴趣

21、爱好。6、句意:丹尼的爸爸是一名_。由短文My father is a doctor.可知丹尼的爸爸是一名医生,A老师,B邮递员,C医生,故选C。7、句意:丹尼的妈妈喜欢_。由短文She likes cooking.可知丹尼的妈妈喜欢做饭,A运动,B做饭,C跳舞,故选B。8、句意:丹尼的爷爷喜欢_。由短文He likes reading books.可知丹尼的爷爷喜欢读书,A唱歌,B画画,C读书,故选C。9、句意:丹尼的姐姐是一名_。由短文My sister is nurse.可知丹尼的姐姐是一名护士,A歌手,B护士,C秘书,故选B。10、句意:在周末丹尼的家人经常_。由短文On the we

22、ekend we usually go hiking together.可知周末他们经常去远足,A远足,B爬山,C旅行,故选A。【点睛】三、阅读理解11、B12、B13、A14、C15、A【导语】本文讲述了我们必须遵守的交通规则。11、句意:_以下的孩子不能在街上骑自行车。解析:11、B12、B13、A14、C15、A【导语】本文讲述了我们必须遵守的交通规则。11、句意:_以下的孩子不能在街上骑自行车。根据“Children under 12 cannot ride bikes on the road.”可知是12岁以下的。故选B。12、句意:画线的单词“handlebars”是什么意思?根据

23、“When we ride bikes, we should keep both hands on the handlebars.”当我们骑自行车时,我们应该把双手放在车把上。故选B。13、句意:在我们国家的道路上我们应该_骑自行车。A在的右边,B在的左边,C在的中间,D在的后面,根据“We should ride bikes on the right of the road in our country.”可知是在马路的右边。故选A。14、句意:如果他想转弯,每个人都必须_。A开快,B过马路,C给别人打手势,D等红灯的时候就这样做,根据“If we want to turn or stop,

24、 we must give a sign to others.”可知必须向别人打手势。故选C。15、句意:这篇文章告诉我们_。A遵守交通规则,B乘坐公共汽车和小汽车,C在公路上快速行驶,D热爱我们的国家,根据短文第一段可知我们必须一直遵守交通规则。故选A。四、阅读理解16、A17、B18、B19、A20、B【分析】对话主要讲奥利弗询问张鹏在哪里买糖葫芦。16、句意:_想买一根糖葫芦。根据Oh! Yo解析:16、A17、B18、B19、A20、B【分析】对话主要讲奥利弗询问张鹏在哪里买糖葫芦。16、句意:_想买一根糖葫芦。根据Oh! Your tanghulu looks nice and de

25、licious! Where did you buy it?可知奥利弗想买糖葫芦,A奥利弗;B张鹏;故选A。17、句意:店铺离学校_。根据Is it far from our school?和No, you can walk there.可知店铺离学校近,A远离;B在附近;故选B。18、句意:店铺是_。根据The shop is red.可知店铺是红色的,A黄色的;B红色的;故选B。19、句意:店铺在_附近。根据 Its just near the cinema.句中it指糖葫芦店铺,可知店铺在电影院附近,A电影院;B餐厅;故选A。20、句意:他大约_分钟能到糖葫芦店铺。根据Go straig

26、ht for ten minutes (分钟) then turn right, then go straight for three minutes. Its on the left.可计算出大约需要13分钟到达,故选B。五、阅读理解21、B22、B23、C24、B25、D【分析】短文主要描写了吉姆和朋友周一到周三的经历。21、句意:在一个_星期一,吉姆解析:21、B22、B23、C24、B25、D【分析】短文主要描写了吉姆和朋友周一到周三的经历。21、句意:在一个_星期一,吉姆和他的朋友们去了一个美丽的海滩。A下雨的,B晴朗的,C寒冷的,D温暖的。根据文中句子It was sunny an

27、d hot. 可知天气是晴朗炎热的,故选B。22、句意:他们_去购物。A在早上,B在下午,C在晚上,D在中午。根据文中句子They went shopping at 3:20 p.m.可知他们在下午3点20分去购物,故选B。23、句意:在商店里有_人。A任何,B少数,几乎没有,C许多,D没有。根据文中句子But the shops were crowded(拥挤的).可知商店里很拥挤,所以有很多人,故选C。24、句意:他们在_去博物馆。A周一,B周二,C周四,D周五。根据文中句子Jim went to a beautiful beach on Monday with his friends.

28、The next day, it was rainy, so they went to a museum. 可知他们在星期二去博物馆,故选B。25、句意:整个早上都在打网球是_。A糟糕的,B无聊的,C累人的,D有趣的。根据文中句子It was really fun.可知整个早上打网球是有趣的,故选D。【点睛】六、阅读理解26、C27、B28、A29、B30、B【分析】26、句意:爱丽丝在下午骑自行车,拍照并且_。根据We took pictures解析:26、C27、B28、A29、B30、B【分析】26、句意:爱丽丝在下午骑自行车,拍照并且_。根据We took pictures and a

29、te some delicious food.可知是吃美食。故选C。27、句意:爱丽丝的爷爷给了她_。根据My grandpa gave me a new bag.可知是新书包。故选B。28、句意:在爱丽丝的生日聚会上她妈妈做了什么?根据My mother cooked a big dinner.可知做了丰盛的晚餐。故选A。29、句意:爱丽丝在哪里举行了生日聚会?根据 In the evening, there was a big birthday party in my grandmas house. 可知是她奶奶家。故选B。30、句意:爱丽丝的生日在什么时候?根据Yesterday was June 1st. It was my birthday.可知是6月1日。故选B。【点睛】

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