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1、英语小学六年级上册阅读理解专项质量综合试题测试题(附答案)一、阅读理解 Last winter vacation, our class went to Xiangshan for a trip. Though (虽然) the weather was a little cold, it was sunny.At 6:00 in the morning we met at the school gate. We took a bus there. On the bus, our monitor told us an interesting story. The story was about a

2、n interesting man. Then three girls in our class sang songs. We were very happy. At about 7:30 we got there. It was a beautiful mountain. There were many visitors. Then we started to climb the mountain. The boys had a climbing race (比赛). Li Ming won the first prize. He got a blue hat. At about nine

3、oclock we met a famous singer. Qi Hui and Ma Yan even got his autographs (亲笔签名). They were very excited. We had lunch in the mountain. We brought food from home and ate together. After lunch we went to the zoo, because there was a new member (成员) in the zoo. It was a cheetah (猎豹). It came from Afric

4、a.Finally, we took the bus back to school. Although we were tired, we really had fun.1、How was the weather on that day? ()AIt was warm and sunny.BIt was hot and sunny.CIt was cold, but sunny.DIt was cold and cloudy.2、They went to the mountain _. ()Aby bikeBby busCon footDby car3、It took them about _

5、 to get to the mountain. ()Aone and a half hoursBan hourCforty minutesDhalf an hour4、They had lunch _. ()Aat homeBat schoolCin a restaurantDin the mountain5、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ()AThey were quiet on the bus.BTwo students got the singers autographs.CThey bought fo

6、od in the mountain.DThe cheetah came from America.二、阅读理解I have a pen pal. Her name is Jenny. She lives in Germany. She is twelve years old and shes friendly and hard-working.Jennys father is a pilot. He works near the sea. Usually he goes to work by car, and sometimes on foot. Her mother is a yoga c

7、oach. She works in a club. She has a very healthy life and she often goes to work by bike. Jenny has a twin (双胞胎) brother. His name is Jerry. Jenny and Jerry usually go to school by bus. They think its cheap and fast. Sometimes their father takes them to school by car. Jenny likes doing word puzzles

8、. But Jerry doesnt like it because he thinks its boring. Jerry likes playing computer games and watching TV. But his mother doesnt allow (允许)him to do them for long because its not good for his eyes. I write to Jenny every week. She looks forward to (盼望) my email. We are good friends now.6、Jenny and

9、 Jerry are _. ()AsistersBbrotherCsister and brother7、How old is Jerry?()He is _.A11B12C138、The underline word (划线单词) it” refers to (指) _. ()Aplaying computer gamesBdoing word puzzlesCwatching TV9、How does Jenny and Jerry usually go to school?()ABy bikeBBy carCBy bus10、Is Jenny happy to get my email?

10、 ()AYes, she is.BNo, she isnt.CI dont know.三、阅读理解In England, people often talk about the weather because they can have four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later clouds come, and then it rains hard. In the afternoon, the sky will be clear, the sun

11、will begin to shine, and it will be sunny at this time of the day.In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter they can swimsometimes, and in summer sometimes, they should wear warm clothes.When you go to England, you will see that some English people usu

12、ally take an umbrella or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them. If you dont take an umbrella or raincoat you will regret later in the day.11、“People can also have summer in winter.” means “It is sometimes too _ in winter.” ()AwarmBcoolCcold12、From the passage we

13、 know that when _, there is heavy rain. ()Asunshine and snowBblack cloudsCsummer and winter13、In the sunny morning, why do some English people usually take a raincoat or an umbrella with them? ()ABecause they feel cold outside.BBecause theyre afraid of the sun.CBecause it often rains.14、Why do peopl

14、e in England often talk about weather? ()ABecause they like the weather.BBecause they can have four seasons in one day.CBecause they want to change the weather.15、The best title(标题) for this passage is _. ()ABad seasonsBSummer or winterCThe weather in England四、阅读理解Sams room is big. But it is not cle

15、an (干净的). There are many comic books everywhere. His mother is very angry with him. Sam is very afraid. When he cleans his room, his mother is happy. But his sister is ill today. Sams mother is very worried. She takes his sister to see a doctor. They go to the hospital by car.16、Is Sams room big? ()

16、AYes, it is.BNo, it isnt.CIts not big.17、Is Sams room clean? ()AYes, it is.BNo, it isnt.CIt is very clean.18、There are many _ everywhere in Sams room. ()AstorybooksBcomic booksCword books19、Whats wrong with Sams sister? ()AShes ill.BShes happy.CShes angry.20、How do they go to the hospital? ()ABy shi

17、p .BBy bike.CBy car.五、阅读理解On New Years Day, lots of people eat some food for good luck(运气). In Spain(西班牙), people eat twelve grapes at twelve oclock on New Years Eve. One grape is for good luck in each month of the new year. In China, people often eat dumplings, tangyuan or rice cakes. Some people e

18、ven(甚至) put coins(硬币) in dumplings. They do not eat the coins, but they want to get the coins for good luck in the new year. Japanese eat noodles on New Years Day. It is for good luck too.21、People in Spain eat _ grapes at twelve oclock on New Years Eve for good luck. ()AtwentyBtwelveCeleven22、On Ne

19、w Years Day, many people eat some food for_. ()Agood dayBgood timeCgood luck23、Some people eat dumplings, tangyuan or _ in China. ()Amoon cakesBrice dumplingsCrice cakes24、Who eats noodles for good luck on New Years Day? ()_.AJapaneseBChineseCAustralians25、Why do some people put coins in dumplings?

20、()_.ABecause they want to get the coins for good luckBBecause they want to eat the coinsCBecause they want to draw on the coins六、阅读理解Danny is a little pig. He is unhappy because he wants to leave (离开) home to see the world.Its a sunny day. Danny goes away when his parents are sleeping. On his way he

21、 meets an elephant, a peacock (孔雀) and a rabbit. At last, he gets to a lake. He looks at his refection (倒影) in the water and says, “I wish I had an elephants nose, a peacocks tail and a rabbits ears.” After a while (一会儿), Dannys wish comes true. He runs back excitedly.But his parents cant recognize

22、(认出) Danny. “Go away! Youre not our son.” says his mum. Danny is very sad. He goes to the lake again. “I just want to be a pig, he says sadly. Danny waits and waits. He becomes a pig again.Danny runs back to his home quickly. His parents hug (拥抱) him and say, “This is our lovely baby.”26、There are _

23、 kinds of animals in the passage. ()AthreeBfourCsixDone27、Why does Danny want to leave his home? ()ABecause he doesnt like his home.BBecause he wants to see the world.CBecause he wants to play with the other animals.DBecause he doesnt like his parents.28、The little pig Danny likes _. ()Aan elephants

24、 noseBa peacocks tailCa rabbits earsDAB&.C29、Does Dannys wish come true? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he does.CYes, he doesnt.DNo, he doesnt.30、Which of the following sentences is RIGHT? ()ADanny thinks his ears are beautiful.BA peacocks tail isnt very beautiful.CAfter Dannys wish comes true. his parents ca

25、n recognize him.DDanny wants to be his parents lovely baby.【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、C2、B3、A4、D5、B【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了去年寒假,我们班去香山旅游的事情。1、句意:那天天气怎么样?A天气温暖阳光明媚。B解析:1、C2、B3、A4、D5、B【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了去年寒假,我们班去香山旅游的事情。1、句意:那天天气怎么样?A天气温暖阳光明媚。B天气很热阳光明媚。C天气很冷,但阳光明媚。D天气很冷多云。根据短文中的Though (虽然) the weather was a little cold, it was s

26、unny.可知那天天气很冷,但阳光明媚,故选C。2、句意:他们_去了山上。A骑自行车;B乘公共汽车;C步行;D乘汽车;根据短文中的We took a bus there. 可知他们乘公共汽车去了山上,故选B。3、句意:他们花了大约_到达那座山。A一个半小时;B一个小时;C四十分钟;D半个小时;根据短文中的At 6:00 in the morning we met at the school gate.We took a bus there.At about 7:30 we got there.可知他们花了一个半小时到达那座山,故选A。4、句意:他们_吃了午饭。A在家;B在学校;C在饭店;D在山

27、里;根据短文中的We had lunch in the mountain. 可知他们在山里吃了午饭,故选D。5、句意:根据文章下列哪项是正确的?A他们在公共汽车上很安静。B两个学生得到了歌手的亲笔签名。C他们在山里买了食物。D猎豹来自美国.根据短文中的On the bus, our monitor told us an interesting story. At about nine oclock we met a famous singer. Qi Hui and Ma Yan even got his autographs.We brought food from home and ate

28、 together. It was a cheetah (猎豹). It came from Africa.可知ACD选项不正确,B选项正确,故选B。二、阅读理解6、C7、B8、B9、C10、A【分析】文章主要介绍了我的笔友Jenny的家庭情况。6、句意:Jenny和Jerry是_。A解析:6、C7、B8、B9、C10、A【分析】文章主要介绍了我的笔友Jenny的家庭情况。6、句意:Jenny和Jerry是_。A选项是姐妹,B选项是兄弟,C选项是妹妹和哥哥。根据文中句子Jenny has a twin (双胞胎) brother. His name is Jerry.可知他们是兄妹。故选C。7

29、、句意:Jerry几岁了?根据文中句子She is twelve years old. Jenny has a twin (双胞胎) brother. His name is Jerry.可知Jerry和Jenny一样大,故选B。8、句意:划线单词it指_。A选项是玩电脑游戏,B选项是猜字谜,C选项是看电视。根据文中句子Jenny likes doing word puzzles. But Jerry doesnt like it because he thinks its boring. 可知it指的是猜字谜,故选B。9、句意:Jenny和Jerry通常怎样去学校?A选项是骑自行车,B选项是

30、坐车,C选项是坐公交车。根据文中句子Jenny and Jerry usually go to school by bus.可知他们通常坐公交车去学校。故选C。10、句意:Jenny收到我的邮件高兴吗?根据文中句子She looks forward to (盼望) my email.可知她盼望收到我的来信。故作肯定回答,A选项符合题意,故选A。【点睛】三、阅读理解11、A12、B13、C14、B15、C【分析】该篇文章主要描写了英国的天气状况。11、句意:“人们在冬天也可以有夏天”意思是“冬天有时候太解析:11、A12、B13、C14、B15、C【分析】该篇文章主要描写了英国的天气状况。11、

31、句意:“人们在冬天也可以有夏天”意思是“冬天有时候太_了”。A温暖的,B凉爽的,C寒冷的。根据文中句子So in winter they can swimsometimes, and in summer sometimes, they should wear warm clothes.可知在冬天有时是温暖的,故选A。12、句意:从文章中我们知道,当_时,就会下大雨。A阳光明媚和下雪,B乌云,C夏天和冬天。根据文中句子An hour later clouds come, and then it rains hard.可知当云来时,会有大雨,故选B。13、句意:在阳光明媚的早晨,为什么有些英国人通

32、常带雨衣或雨伞?A因为他们在外面感觉冷。B因为他们害怕太阳。C因为经常下雨。根据文中句子In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later clouds come, and then it rains hard.可知在英国经常下雨,故选C。14、句意:为什么人们在英国经常谈论天气?因为他们喜欢那个天气。B因为他们可以在一天之内拥有四个季节。C因为他们想要改变天气。根据文中句子In England, people often talk about the weather because they can ha

33、ve four seasons in one day. 可知他们带雨伞或者雨衣是因为他们一天可以拥有四个季节,故选B。15、这篇文章最好的标题是_。A坏的季节,B夏天或者冬天,C英国的天气。根据文章内容可知该篇文章主要描写了英国的天气状况,故选C。【点睛】四、阅读理解16、A17、B18、B19、A20、C【分析】本文讲述了萨姆的房间很脏,他的妈妈很生气。当他打扫房间的时候,他妈妈很高兴,今天他的妹妹生病了,解析:16、A17、B18、B19、A20、C【分析】本文讲述了萨姆的房间很脏,他的妈妈很生气。当他打扫房间的时候,他妈妈很高兴,今天他的妹妹生病了,他和妈妈带妹妹去了医院。16、问句句意

34、:萨姆的房间大吗?根据Sams room is big.可知很大。故做肯定回答,故选A。17、问句句意:萨姆的房间干净吗?根据But it is not clean (干净的).可知不干净。故做否定回答,故选B。18、句意:在萨姆的房间里到处都有很多_。A故事书,B漫画书,C单词书,根据There are many comic books everywhere. 可知是漫画书。故选B。19、问句句意:萨姆的妹妹怎么啦?A她生病了。B她很高兴。C她很生气。根据But his sister is ill today. 可知她生病了。故选A。20、问句句意:他们怎么去的医院?A乘轮船。B骑自行车。C

35、乘小汽车。根据They go to the hospital by car.可知是乘小汽车。故选C。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、B22、C23、C24、A25、A【导语】本文讲了在元旦那天,许多人吃一些食物以求好运。21、句意:西班牙人在除夕十二点吃_解析:21、B22、C23、C24、A25、A【导语】本文讲了在元旦那天,许多人吃一些食物以求好运。21、句意:西班牙人在除夕十二点吃_颗葡萄以求好运。A二十,B十二,C十一,根据“In Spain(西班牙), people eat twelve grapes at twelve oclock on New Years Eve.”,可知西班牙人在除

36、夕十二点吃十二颗葡萄以求好运,故选B。22、句意:在元旦,许多人吃一些食物以求_。A很好的一天,B好时机,C好运,根据“On New Years Day, lots of people eat some food for good luck(运气).”,可知在元旦,许多人吃一些食物以求好运,故选C。23、句意:在中国,一些人吃饺子,汤圆或_。A月饼,B粽子,C年糕,根据“In China, people often eat dumplings, tangyuan or rice cakes.”,可知在中国,一些人吃饺子、汤圆或年糕,故选C。24、句意:谁在元旦吃面条以求好运?A日本人,B中国人

37、,C澳大利亚人,根据“Japanese eat noodles on New Years Day.”,可知日本人在元旦吃面条以求好运,故选A。25、句意:为什么有些人在饺子里放硬币?A因为他们想得硬币以求好远,B因为他们想吃硬币,C因为他们想在硬币上画画,根据“Some people even(甚至) put coins(硬币) in dumplings. They do not eat the coins, but they want to get the coins for good luck in the new year.”,可知有些人在饺子里放硬币,是因为他们想得硬币以求好远,故选A

38、。六、阅读理解26、B27、B28、D29、C30、D【导语】本文讲了一只小猪想有大象的鼻子,孔雀的尾巴和兔子的耳朵,但最终他还是想成为自己。26、句意:解析:26、B27、B28、D29、C30、D【导语】本文讲了一只小猪想有大象的鼻子,孔雀的尾巴和兔子的耳朵,但最终他还是想成为自己。26、句意:文章中有_种动物。A三,B四,C六,C一,根据On his way he meets an elephant, a peacock (孔雀) and a rabbit.,可知文章中有四种动物,故选B。27、句意:丹尼为什么想离开他的家?A因为他不喜欢他家。B因为他想看看世界。C因为他想和其他动物玩。

39、C因为他不喜欢他的父母。根据He is unhappy because he wants to leave (离开) home to see the world.,可知丹尼想出去看看世界,故选B。28、句意:小猪丹尼喜欢_。A大象的鼻子,B孔雀的尾巴,A兔子的耳朵,根据I wish I had an elephants nose, a peacocks tail and a rabbits ears.,可知小猪丹尼喜欢大象的鼻子,孔雀的尾巴,兔子的尾巴,故选D。29、句意:丹尼的愿望成真了吗?根据After a while (一会儿), Dannys wish comes true.,可知丹尼的愿望成真了,答语为肯定回答,选项C表达正确,故选C。30、句意:下面哪个句子是对的?A丹尼认为他的耳朵很漂亮。B孔雀的尾巴不是很漂亮。C在丹尼的愿望实现之后。他的父母能认出他来。D丹尼想成为他父母可爱的孩子。根据最后一段可知选项D正确,故选D。

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