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1、郑州市英语新初一分班试卷含答案一、单项选择1What did you do yesterday? ()I _ at home and _ TV.Astay; watchBstays; watchesCstayed; watched2_ did you go with? ()My friend Tim.AWhereBWhoCHow3Shall we go by bus? It is faster than _. ()AwalkingBwalkCwalked4How _ is it? ()It is 4.81 kilograms.AheavyBtallCmuch5My sister _ do he

2、r English homework yesterday. ()AdontBdoesntCdidnt6I will play _ or play _ in the afternoon. ()Afootball; the basketballBthe piano; basketballCpiano; the football7What _ is it? () Its blue.AcolourBsizeCday8My brother _ like English songs before. ()AwasntBdoesntCdidnt9Lucy didnt _ to school because s

3、he _ a cold. ()Ago; haveBgo; hadCwent; had10What do you want _? ()AbuyBto buyCbuys11What are you going to do _? ()AtomorrowByesterdayClast night1an he _ chess? ()AplayBplaysCplayed13What_Amy_last weekend? ()Adid, doBdo, doCdoes, do14Your schoolbag is _ than mine. ()AbiggerBbigCbiggest15I usually _ u

4、p at seven oclock. But this morning I _ up at five oclock. ()Agot; getBget; getCget; got二、用单词的适当形式填空16My father is 2 years _(young) than my mother.17Mike is _ (old) than Peter.18The boy fell off the bike and _ (hurt) his foot.19My brown dog is _ (big) than the black one.20Chen Jie is _ (thin) than y

5、ou.21Look, Yang Ling is dancing _ (beautiful).2ont eat too _ (much) sweets.23There _ (be) eight bags of rice in the kitchen this morning.24He is my new _ (teach). He _ (teach) us English.25He is good at _ (write). He _ (want) to write stories for children.三、完成句子26She h_ a cold (感冒) and she went to s

6、ee a doctor.27Tom often g_ for a walk in the evening. But he s_ at home last night.28Stay s_ and follow the rules on the roads.29My mother got up early and she w_ me up this morning.30People mustnt _ (浪费) water.31_ _ (认真听) in class.32I like dancing. I want to be a d_.33_ is on the 10th of September.

7、34My uncle is a car worker. He works in a car f_.35I w_TV yesterday.36Where did you go yesterday?To the cinema. We _ _ food (吃新鲜的食物) and _ pictures (拍照).37I w_ TV with my mother last weekend.38Its twelve oclock. Lets go to the d_ hall to have lunch. 39Whats your C_ teacher l_?He is h_.40Did Lucy w_

8、TV last Sunday?四、完形填空Mozart was born in 1756 and died(死于)in 141、He died when he was still a _41_man.He studied music,taught music,_42_ music and wrote music during his_43_life. He worked very hard,_44_he couldnt make_45_money. Often he_46_borrow money from his_47_Though he_48_a hard life,his music m

9、ade him_49_.And for many years his music has made_50_people of the world happy, too.41、AyoungBoldCbigDlittle42、AlistenedBplayedClookedDheard43、AsmallBlongCshortDkind44、AandBorCsoDbut45、AalotBmuchCmanyDvery46、AcouldBshouldChad toDshouldnt47、AfriendsBchildrenCpupilsDstudents48、AworkedBwasCdidDlived49、

10、AfantasticBhappyCbadDquiet50、ApoliteBkindCfunnyDother五、阅读判断Bob is an old man. He has two big houses and a new car. He has no wife, but he is a father of four children. He has two sons (儿子) and two daughters (女儿). One son is from England. His name is Bill. The other son is from America. His name is M

11、ike. One of his daughters is from China. Her name is Lanlan. The other one is from Japan. Her name is Nikon.Bob is not the childrens real father. But he loves them very much. The children love their “father”, too. Bob has many toys for the children. He gives different toys to different children. The

12、 boys play with toy cars. The girls play with dolls and toy animals. Bob is the childrens “father”, and he is their good friend, too.51、Bob has six children. ( )52、Bob is a nice young man. ( )53、Nikon is a Japanese girl. ( )54、Bill and Mike are from England. ( )55、Nikon and Lanlan like toy cars. ( )

13、六、阅读理解Miss Liu is ill, so Nancy and her friends want to go to the hospital to see her. They want to buy something for Miss Liu together. First they walk to a flower shop. They want to buy some flowers for Miss Liu but they dont know which kind of flowers is suitable (合适的). The shopkeeper tells them

14、to buy some carnations (康乃馨). They buy some yellow ones, because yellow is Miss Lius favourite colour. The flowers are twenty-six yuan. Then they take a bus to a big supermarket to buy some food and fruit. They spend thirty-eight yuan in the supermarket. After that, they go to the hospital by taxi.

15、It costs them twelve yuan. They give their gifts to Miss Liu and wish her well. Miss Liu is very happy.56、The students go to the flower shop _. ()Aon footBby busCby taxi57、The students go to the supermarket to buy _ for Miss Liu. ()AflowersBclothesCsomething to eat58、They spend the most money on _.

16、()AflowersBtaking a taxiCfruit and food59、They go to _ places in all. ()AthreeBfourCfive60、The students spend about _ yuan in all. ()Aseventy-sixBeighty-sixCninety-six【参考答案】一、单项选择解析:C【详解】句意:昨天你做什么了?我呆在家里看电视了。本题考查动词的形式,根据时间yesterday可知该句是一般过去时,故谓语动词用过去式,stay的过去式为stayed,watch的过去式为watched。故选C。解析:B【详解】句意

17、:你和谁一起去的?我的朋友蒂姆。本题考查疑问词,A在哪,B谁,C怎样,答语回答的是人,用who提问,故选B。解析:A【详解】句意:我们乘公共汽车去好吗?它比走路快。本题考查动名词,A是动名词/动词的现在分词,B是动词原形,C是动词过去式,than是介词,后面的动词用动名词形式,故选A。解析:A【详解】句意:它多重?它4.81公斤。本题考查疑问词,how heavy多重,how tall多高,how much多少/多少钱,根据答语可知问句问多重,故选A。解析:C【详解】句意:我的姐姐/妹妹昨天没有做英语作业。本题考查一般过去时态下陈述句的否定形式,A用于主语为非单数第三人称的一般现在时态,B用于

18、主语为单数第三人称的一般现在时态,C用于一般过去时态,根据句中时间状语yesterday可知句子为一般过去时,否定形式用助动词didnt,故选C。解析:B【详解】句意:下午我要弹钢琴或打篮球。本题考查动词短语,play football踢足球,play basketball打篮球,play the piano弹钢琴,球类前不加the,乐器前加the,故选B。7A解析:A【详解】句意:它是什么_?它是蓝色的。what colour什么颜色,what size什么尺码,what day哪一天,根据答语可知问句询问颜色。故选A。8C解析:C【详解】句意:我哥哥以前不喜欢英文歌。根据before,可知

19、句子是一般过去时,like是动词原形,助动词用didnt,故选C。9B解析:B【详解】句意:露西没有去上学,因为她感冒了。didnt为助动词,后面加动词原形go,根据句意可知句子为一般过去时,动词用过去式,have的过去式为had,故选B。10B解析:B【详解】本题考查want的用法,want to do sth. 想要做某事。1解析:A【详解】句意:你_要去做什么?What are you going to do_ ? 这是一个表示将来时态的句子,时间状语应该选择tomorrow,now用于现在进行时态, yesterday 用于一般过去时态。故选A。【点睛】1解析:A【详解】略1解析:A【

20、详解】句意为“上个周末艾米做什么了?”last weekend意为“上个周末”,由此可知句子为一般过去时,故选助动词A.did 。助动词do和does用于一般现在时中,故不选B和C。1解析:A【详解】句意:你的书包比我的大。本题考查形容词的比较级。A.更大的,形容词比较级;B.大的,形容词;C.最大的,形容词最高级。根据is和than,可知句子为两者作比较,该空应填形容词的比较级,故选A。1解析:C【详解】句意:我通常七点起床。但是今天早上我五点起床。第一空usually是一般现在时的标志词,主语I,动词用原形;第二空this morning是一般过去时的标志词,动词get用过去式got,故选


22、:我的棕色狗比黑色的大。 than是比较级的标志词,big的比较级是bigger,故答案为bigger。20thinner【详解】句意:陈洁比你瘦。根据than可知该句考查比较级,thin瘦的,比较级是thinner更瘦的,故答案为thinner。2eautifully【详解】句意:看,杨玲跳舞跳得很漂亮。考查副词修饰动词的用法,beautiful漂亮的,副词是beautifully,故答案为beautifully。22many【详解】句意:句意:不要吃太多的糖。sweets是可数名词,many修饰可数名词,much修饰不可数名词,故答案为many。2re【详解】句意:今天早上厨房里有八袋大米

23、。该句是there be句型,该句可用一般现在时,主语bags是复数,故be动词用are,故答案为are。24H解析: teacher teaches【详解】句意:他是我的新_。他_我们英语。结合句意和所给的单词可知,前句形容词new后应用名词teacher,意为教师。该句时态为一般现在时,后句主语He为单数第三人称,其后动词应用teach的单数第三人称形式teaches,意为教,故答案为teacher;teaches。25 writing wants【详解】句意:他擅长写作。他想要为孩子们写故事。at介词后用动名词,write是以不发音的e结尾的单词,要去掉e再加ing,后面一句中主语是he

24、第三人称单数,动词也用第三人称单数wants,故答案为writing;wants。三、完成句子26had#ad【详解】句意:她感冒了,去看了医生。该句时态为一般过去时,结合句意和首字母提示可知,此处应用动词have的过去式had,have a cold意为感冒,为固定短语,故答案为had。27 goes#oes stayed#tayed【详解】句意:汤姆经常晚上去散步。但是他昨晚待在家里。根据often可知该句为一般现在时态,根据所给字母及横线后的for a walk,可知该空考查短语go for a walk去散步。主语Tom是第三人称单数,动词应该用第三人称单数形式goes。根据last

25、night可知该句为一般过去时态,动词要用过去式。根据所给字母及横线后的at,可知该空考查短语stay at home待在家,stay的过去式为stayed。故答案为goes;stayed。【点睛】28safe#afe【详解】句意:在路上保持_和遵守规则。根据句意及首字母s,可知该空考查形容词safe,意思是安全的,符合题意,故答案为safe。29woke#oke【详解】句意:我妈妈今天早上起得很早,并且她叫醒了我。根据句意和首字母可知,妈妈起床后叫醒我,wake醒来,动词,今早上已经发生的事情,用过去式,wake变woke。故答案为woke。30waste【详解】句意:人们不能浪费水。浪费用

26、动词waste表示,mustnt后面加动词原形。故答案为waste。31 Listen carefully【详解】句意:上课认真听。这是一个祈使句,动词原形听Listen放句首,首字母大写,认真地修饰动词用副词carefully,故答案为Listen; carefully。3ancer#ancer【详解】句意:我喜欢跳舞。我想成为一位舞蹈家。结合句意和首字母可知考查dancer舞蹈家,前面有冠词a,用单数,故答案为dancer。3解析:Teachers Day【详解】句意:_是在9月10日。根据常识可知九月十日是教师节。教师节Teachers Day,故答案为Teachers Day。34fa

27、ctory#actory【详解】句意:我的叔叔是一个汽车工人。他在一个汽车厂工作。工厂用factory,一个工厂用名词单数,故答案为factory。35watched#atched【详解】句意:我昨天看电视了。由首字母及句意,可知考查短语watch TV,根据yesterday,可知句子是一般过去时,watch用过去式watched,故答案为watched。36 ate fresh took【详解】句意:你昨天去哪儿了?去电影院。我们吃新鲜的食物和拍照。yesterday是一般过去时的标志词,动词吃eat用过去式ate,新鲜的fresh,拍照take pictures,take用过去式took

28、,故答案为ate;fresh;took。37watched#atched【详解】句意:上周末我和妈妈一起看电视了。根据句中的last weekend,可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用动词过去式,由句意和首字母,可知考查短语watch TV看电视,watch过去式为watched,故答案为watched。38dining#ining【详解】句意:现在是十二点。让我们去_吃午饭。根据句意及首字母提示可知该空填dining,dining hall食堂,故答案为dining。39C解析: Chinese#hinese like#ike heart#eart【详解】句意:你的语文老师是什么样的人?他是热

29、心的人。结合句意和首字母提示可知应是语文老师Chinese teacher,怎么样应用like,由答语首字母可知应是热心的heart,故答案为Chinese;like;heart。40D解析:watch#atch【详解】句意:露西上星期天看电视了吗?根据首字母可知考查短语watch TV看电视,前面有助动词Did,后面的实义动词用原形,故答案为watch。四、完形填空解析:41、A42、B43、C44、D45、B46、C47、A48、D49、B50、D【解析】41、略42、略43、略44、略45、略46、略47、略48、略49、略50、略五、阅读判断42F解析:51、F52、F53、T54、F

30、55、F【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了鲍勃没有妻子却是四个孩子的父亲,四个孩子来自不同国家。51、句意:鲍勃有六个孩子。根据短文中的He has no wife, but he is a father of four children.他没有妻子,但是他是四个孩子的父亲。可知鲍勃有四个孩子,该句与短文不符,故答案为F。52、句意:鲍勃是一个年轻的男人。根据短文中的Bob is an old man.鲍勃是一个老年人。可知该句与短文不符,故答案为F。53、句意:尼康是一个日本女孩。根据短文中的The other one is from Japan. Her name is Nikon.另一个来自日

31、本。她叫尼康。可知尼康是一个日本女孩,该句与短文相符,故答案为T。54、句意:比尔和迈克来自英国。根据短文中的One son is from England. His name is Bill. The other son is from America. His name is Mike.一个儿子来自英国。他叫比尔。另一个儿子来自美国。他叫迈克。可知该句与短文不符,故答案为F。55、句意:尼康和兰兰喜欢玩具汽车。根据短文中的The girls play with dolls and toy animals.女孩们玩娃娃和玩具动物。可知该句与短文不符,故答案为F。【点睛】六、阅读理解解析:56

32、、A57、C58、C59、A60、A【导语】本文讲述了南希和她的朋友们去看生病的刘老师的买东西的消费情况。56、句意:学生们_去花店。A步行,B乘公交车,C乘出租车。根据First they walk to a flower shop.可知学生们步行去花店,故选A。57、句意:学生们去超市给刘老师买_。A花,B衣服,C吃的东西。根据Then they take a bus to a big supermarket to buy some food and fruit.可知学生们去超市给刘小姐买食物和水果,故选C。58、句意:他们花最多的钱在_。A花,B乘出租车,C水果和食物。根据The flo

33、wers are twenty-six yuan. They spend thirty-eight yuan in the supermarket. It costs them twelve yuan.可知他们花最多的钱在水果和食物上,故选C。59、句意:他们总共去了_个地方。A三,B四,C五。通读全文,可知他们花店,超市,医院三个地方,故选A。60、句意:学生们总共花了_元。A76,B86元,C96。根据The flowers are twenty-six yuan. They spend thirty-eight yuan in the supermarket. It costs them twelve yuan.可知他们26元买花,38元买水果和食物,12元乘出租车,一共76元。故选A。

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