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1、Unit 2 Big Cities(2)江汉区北湖小学 郭思思What do you know about London?Where do you want to go?Look and listen:Where is Emma visiting today?the Buckingham Palacethe Buckingham Palacethe Buckingham PalaceRead and think:Who lives in the Palace?_lives in the Palace._lives in the Palace.The QueenThe Queen-Elizabe

2、th-ElizabethThe QueenThe QueenRead and think:How is Emma feeling?Read and think:Whats on the street?What else can you see on the street?Oxford Street is a major road in London.It is the busiest shopping street in Europe.Talk:Oxford Street is a major road in London.It is the busiest shopping street i

3、n Europe.There are _There are _Its the home to _Its the home to _You can _You can _the Hyde ParkpeacefulThere _ many trees in the Hyde Park.areThere _ a Speakers Corner in the Hyde Park.isThe man _ speaking in the Speakers Corner.isRead and IntroduceWhats your favourite place?My_,because_.So I like

4、it here!Travel and send a postcard.How to write a postcared in LondonSend a postcard to your classmateWhats the form?Task:send a post card to me.Whats the form?Task:send a post card to your classmate.Dear xxx,Love xxxxxxAddressPost codeNO 12 Beihu Street,Jianghan DistrictWuhanHu Bei,China湖北省武汉市江汉区北湖

5、正街12号AdderessM16 ORA430000POST CODETask:send a post card to your classmate.How to write a postcard?Dear _,Love_NO.12 Beihu StreetJianghan DistricWuhan Bei Hei,China430000_Guess where we are today.Its great.I like it here._We are looking at the Palace.We are walking around the Hyde Park._There are so

6、 many big shops.There are lots and lots of people._Tomorrow Ill be back in Manvhester.Next we are going to Big Ben and Tow Bridge.How are you felling?What are you doing?What can you see?What are you going to do?How are you felling?What are you doing?What can you see?What are you going to do?More pla

7、ces of interests of LondonThis is the Big Ben.Listen!Can you see a big clock on the tall builing?Its striking Ding-dongDing-Dong at the moment.The Tower BridgeThere are many bridges on the River Thames.Tower Bridge is the most famouse one.It opens to let the tall ships through.Write a postcard and post it.1.Choose any places to visit on the booklet.2.First read the booklet,and then write.REDTHANKS

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