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1、词法大全词法大全形容词形容词形容词形容词/副词副词副词副词He is angry.He is looing at me angrily.形容词形容词副副词词名词名词 代词代词动词动词 形容词形容词 整整句句angry angrily1.Miss Yang is a woman.(beautiful beautifully)2.The dog is dancing .(happy happily)3.He is with me.(angry angrily)4.He looks today.(happy happily)5.Listen .(careful carefully)6.Dont dr

2、ive so .(quick quickly)sound taste feel smell look 感官动词感官动词 形容词形容词 副词的转化规则副词的转化规则一般一般直接加lyloud loudly quietquietly slowslowly carefulcarefully quickquickly bad-badly 形容词形容词 副词的转化规则副词的转化规则二二般般以辅音字母+y的形容词,把y变i再加lyhappy happily easyeasily angryangrily heavyheavily形容词形容词 副词的转化规则副词的转化规则三特三特goodwell truet

3、ruly terrible-terriblyShe sings well.Its terribly cold.形容词形容词 副词的转化规则副词的转化规则特中之特特中之特latelate earlyearly highhigh fast-fastHe is late.He arrived at school late.She is fast.She runs fast.形容词形容词 副词的转化规则副词的转化规则特中之特中之特中之特特中之特hardhardHe studies hard.Its raining hard.作为副词来讲:两个含义:1.努力地 2.大地,猛烈地 形容形容词的比的比较级和

4、最高和最高级比较级用于两者之间的比较Yao Ming is taller than Guo Jingming.比最高级用于三者或三者以上的比较Yao Ming is the tallest of the three.of the threeof them allin our classin Chinain the world比较级、最高级的变化规则比较级、最高级的变化规则一般一般加er或esttall taller-tallest smallsmaller-smallest二二般般以不发音的e结尾的,加r或stlarge larger-largest widewider-widest比较级、最

5、高级的变化规则比较级、最高级的变化规则三三般般以辅音字母y结尾,变y为i,加er或estheavy easy lazy hungry busy thirsty四四般般以重读辅元辅结尾,双写尾字母,加er或estbig hot sad fat thin 比较级、最高级的变化规则比较级、最高级的变化规则五五般般多音节加more或the mostbeautiful interesting difficult delicious intelligent famous dangerous important careful 特特goodbetterthe best bad-worsethe worstm

6、any/muchmorethe mostZhuo Yaoji is more interesting than Mei Renyu.Mei Renyu is less interesting than Zhuo Yaoji.Math is less important than Chinese.鬼斧神工鬼斧神工Yao Ming is taller than I.Yao Ming is much taller than I.B is much longer than A.a little比较级 表示一点.Ula is a little taller than Shi Yin.much比较级 表示

7、得多.Fan Bingbing is much more beautiful than Yang Mi.第第第第一一一一招招招招Im as clever as you.第第第第二二二二招招招招Im as beautifu as my mother.Im not as/so beautiful as my mother.as比较级原级as 表示和一样.not as/so比较级原级as 表示不如第第第第三三三三招招招招You are more beautiful than any other woman in the world.你比世界上任何一个女性都漂亮I am more clever tha

8、n any other student in the world.Its getting warmer and warmer.第第第第四四四四招招招招比较级+and+比较级 表示越来越.Our country is getting more and more beautiful.We are getting taller and taller.The thinner I am,the happier I feel.第第第第五五五五招招招招The+比较级,the+比较级 表示越.越.The more,the better.MJ is one of the best singers in the

9、world.第六招第六招第六招第六招One of the+最高级+复数 表示最的之一My mother is one of the most beautiful women in the world.1.The man looks .He looks at his son .A.angrily,angrily B.angry,angry C.angry,angrily D.angrily angry2.When we grow we can look after our parents.A.enough old B.old enough C.young enough D.enough youn

10、g3.It is to speak Japanese so I study in Japanese.A.hard,hardly B.hardly,hard C.hard,hard D.hardly,hardly 4.Eating is bad for your health.A.carefully B.happily C.heavily D.quickly5.Russia is larger than country in the world.A.any other B.another C.the other D.any6.I dont know which T-shirt was ,so I took them both.A.better B.well C.best D.good7.The old respected in China.A.is B./C.are D.be8.This problem is harder than that one.A.very B.much C.more D.many9.Please listen as as possible so that you wont miss any important message.A.careful B.carefully C.careless D.carelessly

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