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1、PreventingAIDSfromPreventingAIDSfromyouandme youandme Buildabeautifulcampus What is AIDS?1、Technical Term2、Characteristice of AIDS3、The status of AIDSAIDS patients.1、Why is it ill?2、The harm of AIDSThe spread of AIDS.1、Sexual contact transmission2、Blood transmission3、Mother to child transnissionPrer

2、ention of AIDS1、Condom2、Denial of drugs3、Pay attention to healthStay away from AIDS(HIV HIV)艾滋病病毒 HIVistheabbreviationoftheHIVvirus.HIVisavirusthatcansurviveinhumanbloodandattackthebodysimmunesystem.IttargetsthemostimportantT4lymphocytesinthebodysimmunesystem.(AIDS)(AIDS)艾滋病Thefullnameacquiredimmuno

3、deficiencysyndrome,aseriesofinfections,tumorsandnervoussystemdiseasescausedbytheimmunodeficiencyoftheAIDSvirus,caneventuallyleadtodeath.Atpresent,therearenoeffectivevaccinesandcuredrugsforAIDS,buttherearebettertreatments,whichcanprolonglifeandchangethequalityoflife.Characteristice of AIDS(Characteri

4、stice of AIDS(特点特点)Oneofthethreemostseriousinfectiousdiseasesintheworld Aids cannot be cured,can only be controlledStatus of AIDS patients-Young peopleStatus of AIDS patients-Young people(现状)(现状)ThedirectoroftheBureauofdiseasepreventionandcontrolofthestatehealthandFamilyPlanningCommissionsaidon303mo

5、nthof3monththatthenumberofHIVinfectionandpatientsfoundin2012wasontherise,and1700newcaseswerefoundintheyear,up24.5%from2011.The harm of AIDSThe harm of AIDS(危害)(危害)1.to the patients own harm:At present,AIDS has become a controllable chronic disease.However,there are still a large number of patients w

6、ho die or become disabled due to not timely diagnosis and treatment,drug resistance or side effects of drugs.At the same time,because of social discrimination against infected persons,it often brings heavy mental stress to infected persons.2.the harm to others:Unprotected sexual behavior,multiple pe

7、rsonality partners,sharing of needles,intravenous drug use and mother to child transmission can spread the virus to others.3.the harm to the family and society:Although China has already implemented the four free and one care policy for people with HIV infection,the treatment of late complications m

8、ay still bring heavy economic burdens and social problems to families and society.Attitude to the people of AIDS(Attitude to the people of AIDS(态度态度)equalityequalityCare forCare forHelpHelpThe spread of AIDSThe spread of AIDS(传播)(传播)1、Sexual contact transmission2、Mother to child transmission3、Blood

9、transmissionTHANK YOUSUCCESS2024/2/27 周二11可编辑Sexual contact transmissionSexual contact transmission(性传播)(性传播)opposite sexopposite sexHomosexualHomosexualBlood transmissionBlood transmission(血液传播)(血液传播)Sharing syringe drug useSharing syringe drug useSelling blood at the bottomSelling blood at the bot

10、tomMother to child transmissionMother to child transmission(母婴)(母婴)The most brutal way of spreadingFar from AIDS,the spread of AIDS(1)handshakes and hugs do not infect AIDS.(2)sharing labor tools,office equipment and telephone AIDS.(3)the common meal will not be infected with AIDS.(4)with one offici

11、al room,one bath and toilet sharing will not infect AIDS.(5)cough,sneeze and conversation will not spread AIDS.(6)mosquito bites do not infect AIDS.The prevention of AIDS The prevention of AIDS (预防)(预防)and the and the prevention of AIDS prevention of AIDS 1.we must keep ourselves clean,do not engage

12、 in prostitution or prostitution,and avoid premarital and extramarital sex.2.prohibit drug use and do not share syringes with others.3.do not allow blood transfusion and use of blood products without authorization.4.do not borrow or share personal items such as toothbrushes,razors,razors and so on.5

13、.condom use is one of the most effective measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS in sexual life.6.avoid direct contact with blood,semen,milk and urine of AIDS patients,and cut off their transmission routes.For your safety and health,please use condoms every time you have sexual in

14、tercourse.Pay attention to health and responsibilityCherish life,refuse drugs,keep away from AIDSThe prevention of AIDS The prevention of AIDS (预防)(预防)and the and the prevention of AIDS prevention of AIDS Feature:Feature:in fact,HIV is a very fragile in fact,HIV is a very fragile virus.Commonly used

15、 virus.Commonly used disinfectants such as hydrogen disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide(H2O2),peracetic acid peroxide(H2O2),peracetic acid and carbolic acid(phenol)can and carbolic acid(phenol)can effectively kill them.Secondly,effectively kill them.Secondly,Wbruswhtor physical methods such Wbru

16、swhtor physical methods such as high temperature(commonly as high temperature(commonly used steam and dry hot air)and used steam and dry hot air)and ultraviolet lamp method can ultraviolet lamp method can achieve good results.achieve good results.AIDS is more sensitive to all kinds of disinfectants!

17、The prevention of AIDS The prevention of AIDS (预防)(预防)and the prevention and the prevention of AIDS of AIDS Seven noSeven no(1)no unclean sexual behavior;(2)do not take drugs in any way;(3)blood transfusion and blood products were not easily accepted.(if necessary,hospitals are required to receive H

18、IV testing.Test qualified blood and blood products);(4)do not share needles,needles,gauze,cotton and other appliances with others.(5)do not disinfect needless medical institutions or other places for injection,tooth extraction,ear piercing,tattooing,and tattooing.Eyebrow,acupuncture,or surgery;(6)do not touch the blood of the injured person during routine ambulance.(7)do not share with others any appliances that may puncture the skin,such as toothbrushes,razors and electric razors.THANKTHANKTHANK YOUSUCCESS2024/2/27 周二21可编辑

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