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1、定题演讲1.一、英文演讲稿的写作技巧content structure language2.Content观点:1.1.所所选选择择的的题题材材和和角角度度一一定定是是你你深深有有感感触触,或或深深受感动的。受感动的。2.2.所所选选择择的的题题材材和和角角度度应应该该是是新新颖颖的的,有有独独创创新新的,是听众可能会感兴趣的。的,是听众可能会感兴趣的。3.3.所选择的题材和角度应该是具体的。所选择的题材和角度应该是具体的。4.4.所选择的题材和角度应该是真实而有意义的。所选择的题材和角度应该是真实而有意义的。5.5.所所选选择择的的观观点点和和角角度度是是经经得得起起推推敲敲和和琢琢磨磨的的


3、用清晰的语言:1.1.使用听众熟悉的词汇2.2.使用具体的词汇3.3.使用简洁有力的词语或结构,避免冗长的结构9.使用生动的语言:1.1.明喻2.2.暗喻3.3.排比句10.即兴演讲(impromptu speech)思维能力 逻辑能力 语言能力11.1.开头:三分钟的即兴演讲:要有一个有趣的、能吸引人注意力的开头。I guess most of you have seen the movie Terminator.I want to make a very bad prophecy that human beings will one day be terminated by our own

4、 technology.12.Literature to our mind is like the food to thought.And I believe,whatever vocation we hold,everyone needs a place reserved for the literature works in their heart.Literature makes me wise.By reading Shakespeares Macbeth,I understood the overarching ambition.By reading the Canterbury T

5、ales,the cautionary tales in the Canterbury Tales,I understand the ambition and the greed may kill people in the end.13.一分钟的即兴演讲:因时间非常有限,开头中只需要直接切入主题,开门见山,表明立场,简洁明了。I believe its good for Peking Opera to adopt some western style,western influences and western musical instruments to enrich and improv

6、e itself for the following reasons.14.2.正文:主要观点的数量适宜控制在两到三个,不宜过多。尤其是在一分钟的即兴演讲中,主要观点不要超过两个,对每个观点解释几句即可。15.And first I hope my boyfriend could be well educated,lets say smart.And second I hope that he can be a bosom friend.He can be my soulmate.I dont think I need to explain more about the first point

7、 because I think everyone is trying to find someone who is smart,who is well educated,because they can always bring passion to your life.They can always come up with different ideas and can make you happy,and bring excitement to your life.And for me Im just the same.And talking about the second poin

8、t,I hope that I can find someone who can be also my soulmate.I hope that we two can understand each other.I think this is very important in the relationship of these two people.16.I mean that,uh,I have come across,not myself but my friends has come cross this kind of situations.That,um,these two peo

9、ple they have got differences towards one issue and maybe one of them will say no I cant,I cant agree with you and I cant stay with you any longer so lets break up.And then they broke up.And I think why they did this is that they couldnt understand each other so well.And for me I just want to find s

10、omeone who can understand me well and also I hope I can understand him well as well.Yes.So these are the two main points that I,uh,these are the two main requirements that I look for.Thank you.17.First,nothing is perfect.Everything changes.The world is changing.People are changing.And so the art sho

11、uld catch up with the change of the world.So I say that the opera,the Peking Opera we are enjoying today is different than it was 10 years ago,so much different than it was a hundred years ago.Now we still enjoy it so much because were changing.The opera is changing.Its good to have some beneficial

12、good things to Peking Opera to enrich and improve itself.Second,the more things we adopt from different cultures and different countries,the more it will be popular.And it will be enjoyable worldwide.18.切忌在正文部分中翻来覆去,完成了一个观点就进行下一个,千万不要正谈着第二个观点时,突然想到第一个观点还有些补充,于是又返回去谈第一个观点,这样会显得结构混乱。19.3.结尾:对于结尾部分,许多选

13、手因为时间紧迫,草草收场。其实应该用一两句总结你的主要观点作为结尾,给听众一种完整的感觉。这对一分钟和三分钟的演讲同样适用。So these are the two main points that I,uh,these are two main requirements that I look for.Thank you.20.4.过渡性的词句表时间关系的:until,previously,later,earlier,in the past,in the future,meanwhile,before,after,at present,today,eventually表因果关系的:there

14、fore,consequently,thus,so,as a result,since,due to,accordingly,because of21.表比较的:compared with,likewise,similarly,just as,much like表转折的:but,yet,however,on the other hand,in contrast,rather than,on the contrary表递进的:moreover,in addition,not only,also,furthermore,besides22.问答部分(question and answer)赛前准备

15、:定题演讲部分的提问可以在赛前有针对性地准备;即兴演讲部分的提问,从某种程度上来说是对该部分的补充和延伸。考查选手的英语基本功、平时素材的积累、分析问题的能力。台上技巧:5点23.问答部分的台上技巧:1.首先,要听清评委的问题。切忌:注意力不集中、听得过于仔细、过早下结论或过分注意演讲者的外表和演讲风格。前往不要假装听懂,似懂非懂。如果听懂了问题,最好也要重复或用自己的话复述一下评委的问题,尤其当这个问题比较长,或比较复杂时。这是一个良好的习惯,不仅可以验证你是否听懂了评委的问题,还可以给自己多留一些时间进行思考,组织语言回答问题。24.Judge:.Contestant:Ok,thank y

16、ou for your question.If I have understand your question correctly,you mean to ask me to suggest several examples that birds and human beings can co-exist peacefully together.Is that right?.OK,umm.25.2.尊重提问人,等他说完了在回答问题。3.回答问题时,要简短明了,直接切入正题。切忌:回避问题,不着边际地漫谈。Judge:Thank you contestant 24.You talked abou

17、t prosperity and its importance.Many people think of prosperity only as materialistic.What do you think of prosperity?What do you think are the characteristics of prosperity?Zhao:Excuse me,I beg your pardon?Judge:Materialism.Zhao:Uhn huh.Judge:Right.Some people think prosperity is only materialism.W

18、hat do you think of prosperity?26.Zhao:Oh thank you for your question.Of course,by prosperity I mean both material part and the spiritual part.Material part means we enjoy a better life,better living standard;we have more money in our pockets.By spiritual life I mean,we have richer spiritual life an

19、d maybe the moral standard of the nation can be higher.And I think to achieve a harmonious and prosperous world,we have to pay attention to both these parts.Thank you.Thank you very much.27.4.在回答问题时,和所有听众保持眼神交流,不是只和评委交流。在回答问题的开始和结束,可以和评委保持眼神交流,示意评委已准备好问题或回答完毕。而在回答问题的过程中,要和其他听众进行交流。回答问题本身也就是和听众一起把一个问


21、咄逼人,把对方当成敌人,甚至到你死我活的境地,这样做违背了辩论的主旨和精神,也不是听众想要的。30.2.组织结构一定要清楚而严密 Proposition:The local government should take strict measures to punish those chemical plants which emptied many pollutants into the local river.31.Firstly,it is true that those chemical plants emptied many pollutants into the local riv

22、er.(claim of fact)Secondly,its wrong for them to do so because these pollutants are harmful.(claim of value)Thirdly,the local government therefore should take some strict measures to punish those chemical plants for doing so and these measures have proved to be effective.(claim of policy)32.首先,证明这件事

23、是存在的、真实的;其次,说明这些污染物是有害的。然后,地方政府需要措施解决这个问题,而且这些措施证明是可行、有效的。这几个层次与辩论和说服性演讲中三个最基本的概念紧密相连的,即事实判断(claim of fact)、价值判断(claim of value)以及政策判断(claim of policy).33.事实判断是指一件事是否真实,但请注意它涉及的时间范围比较广,可以指过去发生的事,也可能是对现在或将来发生的事所做出的一种判断。如:Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in shooting President Kennedy.(the past)Growing up

24、 in a single parent family is harmful to children.(the present)There will be another war in the Middle East in the near future.(the future)34.价值判断指的是对某种行为、想法或概念的判断,它们是好的、公平的,还是错误的、有害的等等。如:Yoga is the best kind of exercise.Cloning is wrong.Deng Xiaoping is a great person.35.政策判断指的是是否应该采取某项措施。如:Vehicl

25、e acquisition tax should be greatly raised.We should donate organs to the people who are in great need after we die.36.3.避免犯一些逻辑错误。My sisters dont like sports.My girl friend doesnt like sports either.So all girls dont like sports.仓促概括型。Violence among teenagers is caused by TV violence.错误原因型。Since yo

26、u are good at playing tennis,you must be good at playing badminton.错误类比型。37.Well either have to invest more in the factory or the workers will all get laid-off.非此即彼型。There is no need for me to bike with a helmet.Everyone bikes without wearing such a helmet.从众型。Why are we here talking about animal rights since there are ao many people suffering from starvation.转移注意型。Since he is a dropout,how could he complete such a huge project successfully?人身攻击型。38.

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