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1、Crazy English 2023.7为了丰富学生的校园生活,学校组建了各种俱乐部,你想加入哪个俱乐部?你该如何做出选择?Choose the right school club for you加入理想的学校俱乐部浙江江丽主题语境:学校生活篇幅:350词建议用时:7分钟1High school can be stressful.Youll need tocomplete challenging courses and examinations.Joining a club while youre still in high schoolplays an important role in m

2、aking your life morecolorful.Here are some tips for choosing the rightschool club for you.2Always choose quality.Dont join everyclub in school.Choose one or two that you find enjoyable and something that will improveyour focus.If you join many clubs,you wont get to enjoy what you love,and you will i

3、nstead feel tired and finally lose interest in continuing.Just focus on something that mostlydraws your attention and at the same time,give yourself space to do other things as well.3Know your choices.There is a wide variety of extracurricular activities(课外活动)and organizations available in high scho

4、ol.There are political organizations,math or science clubs,sports teams,or arts and theater clubs.You will be introduced to these organizations at the start of the school year.You can attend the meetings to see which one you like.Then you can narrow down your list to your top choice.4Seek profession

5、al experience.Getting a parttime job while youre in high school canbe hard sometimes,although there are some choices.But if you love experimenting,you can10疯狂英语(新悦读)join the science club and hone(磨炼)your skills by being an intern(实习生)in a roboticscourse.If you love dancing,on the other hand,try the

6、dance club and see the dance showssponsored in your school or community.Spend time developing your interests and learningto improve them for your future.5Learn to give back.Some clubs are known for allowing their members to give back.They would often provide choices to do community service or perhap

7、s offer to help you connect with families who are in need so you can provide them with whatever you can share.Inthis way,you are encouraged to give your time,or you can send some of your blessings tothose who need them.ReadingCheck.Read the text quickly to find the main idea of each paragraph.Paragr

8、aph 1:Paragraph 2:Paragraph 3:Paragraph 4:Paragraph 5:.Read the text again and answer the questions.1.Is it a good idea to join every club?Why?2.If youre introduced to many organizations at the start of the school year,what should youdo according to the text?3.Can you get professional experience in

9、school clubs?If so,how do you do that?LanguageStudy.日积月累stressful adj.有压力的11Crazy English 2023.7challenging adj.有挑战性的available adj.可用的;可获得的seek v.寻求join a club 加入一个俱乐部lose interest in 对失去兴趣a wide variety of 多种多样的be introduced to 被介绍到narrow down 使变窄;使缩小.单句填空1.That is a(challenge)and rewarding career

10、as a teacher.2.It was a(stress)time for all of us.3.We are(seek)new ways of expanding our membership.4.Too much homework will probably make students lose intereststudy.5.There is a wide varietybooks in that library.6.He was introducedmusic when he was 6 years old.12疯狂英语(新悦读)参 考 答 案群文阅读最重要的一天Reading

11、Check14BADCLanguage Study.1.uncomfortable2.anxious3.smiling4.to learn5.to6.to get街舞女孩,势不可挡Reading Check14CBDCLanguage Study.1.won2.pressing3.takes4.for5.for6.in加入理想的学校俱乐部Reading Check.Paragraph 1:Joining a club in high school is necessary.Paragraph 2:Always choose quality.Paragraph 3:Know your choic

12、es.Paragraph 4:Seek professional experience.Paragraph 5:Learn to give back.1.No.If you join many clubs,you wontget to enjoy what you love,and you will instead feel tired and finally lose interest incontinuing.2.You can attend the meetings to seewhich one you like.Then you can narrowdown your list to

13、 your top choice.3.Any answer can be possible as long asit makes sense.Language Study.1.challenging2.stressful3.seeking4.in5.of6.to那是我的高中时光Reading Check14BDCCLanguage Study.1.wait for2.imagined walking3.not only;but also4.Now that5.am dying to know高中生活,应该这样度过Reading Check14CBADLanguage Study1.to ask2.Additionally3.in4.in5.to wander主题应用 语库构建Dear Terry,Knowing you are invited to have dinner at your Chinese friends house,I dohave a few suggestions for you.Since people in China are very cautious about time,I strongly advise you toarrive 5 minutes earlier.You may take a75

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