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1、305181000【(K18 A 1674-9243(2023)02030-133120232“生”“熟”32(939-997)四21】续资治通鉴长编,下简称长编,卷3 5,淳化五年正月条(未史未琪传)5 5(史传)2杜建录.宋代属户史论 J.宁夏社会科学,1 9 9 2(1).3320232((伯特)(图伯特)()(唐特(a唐古特)(唐特2黎宗华,李延恺.安多藏族史略M.西宁:青海民族出版社,1992:146.()34“()()5“(以夷制夷)()28(省地)5 5 5 5(省民)1【东汉】卫宏撰.汉官议四部备要本:253(熟界)5 5“5 0 3 0()”“55(热夷)5 5 5RS53(

2、生界)5 5“5 5 5 3(生户)“5 (生圣武记清史稿穆宗纪二(生)2安国楼.宋朝周边民族政策研究 M.北京:文津出版社1 9 8 6:8-9.35202321西宁府续志M.西宁:青海人民出版社,1 9 8 5 4 0 3.2西宁府续志M.西宁:青海人民出版社,1 9 8 5:4 1 3.3658201&2A200-250&2Hm140-1902520035042141朱普选.青海藏族千百户制度研究J.西藏研究,2 0 0 5(2):1 9-2 0.372023223839202321】周希武.玉树调查记M.西宁:青海人民出版社,1 9 8 6:3 2-34.陈庆英.中国藏族部落M.北京:

3、中国藏学出版社,1 9 9 1:3-380.王昱.青海地方志资料类编M.西宁:青海人民出版社,1 9 8 7:1 2 0 0 清长白文孚.青海事宜节略M.西宁:青海人民出版社,1 9 9 3:8 9 清】杨应.西宁府新志 M.西宁:青海人民出版社,1 9 8 8:5 3.循化志卷4,族寨工屯404120232(列维一斯特劳斯)&1】庄孔韶.人类学概论 M.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2 0 1 4:7 1.【本文系2 0 2 2 年度四川省社会科学重点研究基地康巴文化研究中心重点项目“青海玉树地区“千户制度研究”(项目号:KBYJ2022A001)的阶段性成果。汉文史料中“生番”“熟番”“野番”

4、之称谓新考以青海千百户制度相关史料为依据扎果(青海省社会科学院藏文编辑部,青海西宁8 1 0 0 0 0)【摘要“生户”“熟户”是汉文文献史料中出现的始于宋代的专有术语,是历代中原王朝对周边少数民族辖境实行管理和交往交流交融的历史产物。在宋代,我国西北地区的吐蕃、木雅等少数民族土官纷纷接受宋王朝封授的各种官职,其中将中原地区汉文化视为先进文化,并对其进行效仿学习的少数民族,宋王朝称其为“熟户”;虽接受宋王朝封册但不接受中原文化的少数民族则称作“生番”。时至42-清朝,由于青海涉藏地区已经形成独具地方特色的千百户制度,清政府以历代中原王朝沿袭下来的“生番”“熟番”为基础,结合青海涉藏地区部族的实

5、际分布,将其称作“生番”“熟番”“野番”,进而划分区域界线,其地方土官封授千百户官职并逐步实现全面管理。本文通过深入分析清政府在青海涉藏地区实行千百户制度期间,将其部族百姓划分为“生番”“熟番”“野番”的语义渊源、划分依据及功能特点,提出“生番”“熟番”“野番”是根据青海涉藏地区农、牧、农牧兼备三区的地缘和生产模式差异而划定,进而研究“生番”“熟番”“野番”划分目的与历史意义,全面阐释清政府在青海涉藏地区通过封授千百户官职逐步实行全面管理的历史进程和现实意义。关键词清朝;千百户;“生番”;“熟番”;“野番”;An Analysis on the Chinese Terms“Raw Minori

6、ties,“Minorities,and“UncivilizedMinorities in Historical Literature-Based on Historical Materials Related to the Qinghai Thousand andHundred Household SystemTago(Department of Tibetan Journal in Qinghai Academy of Social Sciences,Xining,Qinghai 810000)Abstract“Raw household and“familiar minorities a

7、re terms appeared in historical literature of SongDynasty,which was originated from the administration system of ethnic-minorities in bordering area by centralgovernment of various dynasties in China.During the Song Dynasty,the local leaders of ethnic-minorities,such asTibetans and Tanguts in Northw

8、est of China,accepted the official titles offered by Central Government of China,andthought the Han-Chinese culture was more advanced and accepted,thus those were called“familiar household by Songcourt,while those never accept the official titles from central government of Song,were called“raw house

9、hold.Laterduring the time of Qing Dynasty,there were local administrative system called Stong Dpon and Brgya Dpon in QinghaiTibetan areas,based on the“raw household and“familiar household policy,they were categorized into three groupsnamed“raw minorities,“familiar minorities,“uncivilized minorities”

10、by the Qing court,and the local leadersoffered the official titles of Stong Dpon and Brgya Dpon.Based on the function,characteristics,and meaning of theterms“raw minorities,“familiar minorities,“uncivilized minorities,this paper concluded that this division wasalso based on the differences between m

11、onadic area,semi-nomadic area,and farming areas.The paper also discussed theadvantage and purpose of“raw minorities,“familiar minorities,“uncivilized minorities in the administration ofethnic-minorities,and how Qing court administrated the Tibetan tribes with offering the official titles of Stong Dpon andBrgya Dpon.Key words Qing Dynasty;Stong Dpon and Brgya Dpon;raw minorities;familiar minorities;uncivilizedminorities作者简介:扎果,男,藏族,青海尖扎人,副研究员,博士后,青海社会科学(藏文版)编辑,主要研究方向:藏族历史和文学。

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