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1、2016年湖南省怀化市中考英语试卷(教师版).听力技能(两个部分,共5小题,满分5分,每小题1分)第一节对话理解听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置(共5小题,每小题1分)1(1分)What does Bettys sister look like?【考点】14:听录音选图菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】v2(1分)What time does Tom usually get up?【考点】14:听录音选图菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略3(1分)How often does Peter use the

2、Internet?AOnce a weekBTwice a monthCTwice a week【考点】15:短对话理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略4(1分)Whose pencil is this?AIts LucysBIts MarysCIts Tonys【考点】15:短对话理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略5(1分)When was the computer invented?AIn 1961BIn 1970CIn 1971【考点】15:短对话理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略第二节听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的

3、A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置(共5小题,每小题2分)6(2分)听第6段材料,回答第6至7题6Whats Annas favorite subject?APEBArtCMusic7Why does Sam like PE?ABecause its relaxingBBecause its funCBecause its exciting【考点】15:短对话理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略7(2分)听第7段材料,回答第8至9题8What was Daves father doing when the rainstorm came?AReadingBEati

4、ngCWatching TV9Who was playing games?ADaves fatherBDaves sisterCDave【考点】15:短对话理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略8(3分)听第8段材料,回答第10至12题10What day is it today?AFridayBSaturdayCSunday11Why does Jack like Saturdays?ABecause he has no homeworkBBecause he can go to the parkCBecause he can watch sports on TV12What do

5、es Jacks mother ask him to do first?AWatch the matchBDo his homeworkCClean the room【考点】16:短文理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略9(4分)听第9段材料,回答第13至16题13Where does this dialogue happen?AOn the phoneBAt the doctorsCIn the shop14Whats wrong with the young man?AHe has sore eyesBHe has a sore backCHe has a headache15

6、How long has the young man been like this?AFor two daysBSince last nightCSince last week16What should the young man do?AHe can still watch the phones too oftenBHe should read lessCHe should do more eye exercises【考点】16:短文理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略10(4分)听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17Bills sister is略Aa teacher Ba n

7、urse Ca student18Why cant Sally go with her family?AShe wants to stay at homeBShe wants to see her friendsCShe is busy19Where will his mother go?AFranceBIndiaCEngland20How long will Bill and his father stay in Beijing?ASeven daysBSix daysCFive days【考点】16:短文理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略.知识运用(两个部分,共10小题,满分

8、10分)第一节单项填空从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空(共10小题,每小题1分)、11(1分)Does your mother go to work by bike every day?NoShe sometimes takes bus()AaBanC/【考点】52:不定冠词(a,an)菁优网版权所有【分析】你的母亲每天骑自行车上班吗?不,她有时乘公共汽车【解答】答案:A根据语境by bike(乘自行车)是一类出行方式,故bus(单数名词)也应是一类出行方式,乘公交车的固定短语为:take a bus所以答案为:A【点评】本题考查固定短语的用法,考生可结合语境方能正确作答12(1分)T

9、ina,is this your dictionary?No is at home()AMyBMineCYours【考点】62:物主代词菁优网版权所有【分析】蒂娜,这是你的词典吗?不,我的词典在家呢【解答】答案:B根据语境your dictionary可这是问我的词典,故答语应为名词性物主代词mine(相当于my dictionary)做主语,故答案为B【点评】本题考查物主代词的用法,考生可根据语境作答13(1分)My brother joined the school basketball team August 1st last year()AinBonCat【考点】71:时间介词菁优网版

10、权所有【分析】去年8月1号我的哥哥加入了校篮球队【解答】答案:B根据时间August 1st last year可知句子中的时间状语是去年8月1号,这个时间具体到某一天,用介词on at+时间点; in+年、月、季节等;on+具体的某一天或某一天的上午/下午/晚上故选B【点评】本题考查时间介词的用法熟记时间介词的用法,掌握每一个时间介词后跟的时间类型及每个时态常用时间状语,是做题的关键14(1分)Mum,Im hungryMay I have some ?SureBut dont eat too much()AhamburgersBmilksCcake【考点】48:名词的词义辨析菁优网版权所有

11、【分析】妈妈,我饿啦,我可以吃些汉堡吗?当然行,但不要吃太多【解答】答案:C;hamburgers;汉堡包( hamburger的名词复数 );milk,牛奶,不可数名词;cake,蛋糕,可数名词单数形式;根据上句Im hungry推测下句句意:我可以吃些汉堡(蛋糕)吗?句子中的some可加可数名词,也可以加不可数名词,关键是根据回答的too much来判断上述提问的物体,much后加不可数名词,因此可以推知为cake;cake即可作可数名词也可做不可数名词;故选C【点评】首先根据语境,细读选项,然后通过题干中的已供信息,捕捉到解题线索15(1分)Which city is beautiful

12、,Hangzhou,Beijing or Shanghai?Hangzhou,I think()Athe mostBthe betterCmore【考点】81:形容词的比较级和最高级菁优网版权所有【分析】哪个城市最漂亮,杭州,北京还是上海?我认为是杭州【解答】答案:A根据Hangzhou,Beijing or Shanghai可知,是要在三个城市中选出一个较漂亮的,三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用形容词最高级形式,故这里应该用beautiful的最高级形式 most beautiful,形容词最高级前通常需加定冠词the,故答案为A【点评】两者比较时用形容词比较级;三者或三者以上的人或物进

13、行比较时,用形容词最高级形式,形容词最高级前通常需加定冠词the16(1分)During the May Day holiday, visitors came to Zhijiang to visit the Memorial Hall of Flying Tigers()Athousand ofBthousandsCthousands of【考点】A9:数词的用法菁优网版权所有【分析】在五一假期期间,成千上万的游客来到芷江参观飞虎纪念馆【解答】答案:C根据句意在五一假期期间,成千上万的游客来到芷江参观飞虎纪念馆thousand前面没有具体数词时,需要与of连用,且表示不具体、不准确的数目时,

14、词尾须加s故选C【点评】中考在考查学生数词的用法时,hundred,thousand和million三词用法是考查热点当它们前面有具体的数词修饰时,hundred,thousand和million不能加s,当它们后面接of时,它们必须加s不管哪种情况,它们都是直接接名词,名词前不能有限定词17(1分)May I speak to MrSmith?Sorry,he isnt inHe Changsha()Ahas been toBhas gone toCwent to【考点】F5:现在完成时菁优网版权所有【分析】我可以跟史密斯先生通话吗?抱歉,他不在家,他去长沙了【解答】答案:B根据设空处前面的

15、Sorry,he isnt in推断断史密斯先生去了长沙并且没有回来英语中用have/has gone to表示去了某地,还没回来用have/has been to表示为曾经去过某地,现在已不在那里了,故答案为B【点评】本题考查时态和语态每个时态都有标志词,熟记这些标志词是做题的关键在没有时间状语的情况下可以根据语境来对时态做出判断判断语态的关键则是观察主语是谓语动词的执行者还是承受者18(1分)Sixteenyearolds should not to drive()AallowingBbe allowedCallow【考点】G4:情态动词的被动语态菁优网版权所有【分析】十六岁的青少年不应该

16、被允许开车【解答】答案:B首先根据语境十六岁的青少年不应该被允许开车,主语 Sixteenyearolds 是动作allow 的承受者,表示被允许,确定用被动语态,设空处前面有情态动词should,说明本题考查含有情态动词的被动语态,其构成是:主语+情态动词+be+动词的过去分词 故答案为:B【点评】本题考查时态和语态每个时态都有标志词,熟记这些标志词是做题的关键在没有时间状语的情况下可以根据语境来对时态做出判断判断语态的关键则是观察主语是谓语动词的执行者还是承受者19(1分) nice weather today!Lets go hiking()AHowBWhat aCWhat【考点】I8:

17、感叹句菁优网版权所有【分析】今天的天气多么好啊!让我们去远足吧【解答】答案:C根据nice weather today!可知这里考查了感叹句,本句的中心词是weather,它是一个不可数名词,nice是一个形容词,在这里修饰weather,根据What+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语!故选C【点评】本题考查了感叹句的用法解答时需注意感叹句的基本结构:What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!What+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语!How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!20(1分)Excuse me,could you tell me ?Go along t

18、he streetIts on your right()Awhere the bank isBwhere is the bankCwhere was the bank【考点】K5:宾语从句菁优网版权所有【分析】打扰一下,你能告诉我银行在哪里吗?顺着这条街往前走,它就在你的右面【解答】答案:A根据Could you tell me,可知本句考查了宾语从句的用法在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序,选项BC是疑问句语序,排除掉选项A是正常语序,符合宾语从句语序的要求,故选A【点评】此题考查宾语从句考生在答题时要注意宾语从句必须采用陈述语序,根据上下文语境确定合适的选项第二节完形填空通读下面的短

19、文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案(共1小题,每小题10分)21(10分)Surprise plays an important role in our livesLast term my classmates and I gave our teacher a big (31)COur teacher had a bad (32)Aand coughed a lotShe could hardly speak a sentenceLooked at her pale (苍白的)face,we (33)Cthe warmth she always gave us

20、So we decided to do (34)Afor herSince Christmas was coming at that time,we planned a surprise for herI made a postcard and wrote1 hope you get (35)CsoonDuring class break,there were some other things on her desk,like candies and cakesThey all came from my classmatesA note was also lying there saying

21、Take care,our (36)BteacherMy classmates and I hid where our teacher couldnt (37)Aus,waiting for her appearance (出现)Finally,our teacher cameSeeing the presents on her desk,she smiled(38)Cwe were not right by her side,we could feel her happinessTears (眼泪)ran down her faceAnd when she looked up again,i

22、n front of (39)Awere three shining faces smiling back at herThank you!She whispered (低声的说),holding our hands tightly (紧紧地)Every one of us (40)Bneeds helpAnd to methe best thing to do is surprise them and cheer them up31AboxBcupCsurprise32AcoldBtoothacheCstomachache33Alooked forward toBlooked forCtho

23、ught about34AsomethingBanythingCnothing35AfatterBworseCbetter36AunfriendlyBlovelyClazy37AseeBcallCask38AAndBButCThough39AherBthemChim40AhardlyBsometimesCnever【考点】N1:记叙文菁优网版权所有【分析】老师感冒很严重,她的学生们为了让她尽快好转,给她做了一些让她感动的事情,老师感动的留下了泪水文章通过这个故事说明了,我们每个人都需要帮助,最好的办法就是给他们一个惊喜,让她他们振奋起来【解答】31C,考查名词,AboxB盒子cup杯子 Csu

24、rprise惊讶,根据Surprise plays an important role in our lives惊讶在我们生活中扮演着重要的作用,可知后文谈论的也是惊讶,故选C32A,查动名词,Acold 冷的;感冒 Btoothache牙疼 Cstomachache胃疼,根据后面的coughed a lot咳嗽很严重,可知老师感冒了,故选A33C,考查动词,Alooked forward to 盼望Blooked for 寻找Cthought about想到,根据语境,老师感冒严重,结合the warmth she always gave us她总是给予我们的温暖,可知学生们看到老师苍白的脸

25、,想到了平日里给予他们的温暖,故选C34A,考查不定代词,Asomething 某事Banything任何事 Cnothing没什么事情,根据语境,可知学生想为老师做些事情,让老师振奋起来,故选A35C,考查形容词,Afatter更远 Bworse更差 Cbetter更好,根据I made a postcard and wrote我做了一个卡片,上面写着,可知为老师做卡片,是希望老师尽快好转,卡片上的话是吉祥的语言,故选C36B,考查形容词,Aunfriendly 不友好的 Blovely可爱的 Clazy懒的,根据语境,可知学生是热爱他们的老师的,所以称呼老师为可爱的老师,故选B37A,考查

26、动词,Asee看到 Bcall打电话 Cask问,根据My classmates and I hid 我和同学们都藏了起来,可知是为了不让老师看到,故选A38C,考查连词,AAnd 和;又 BBut但是 Chim他,根据we could feel her happiness,我们仍能感受到她的幸福感,可知表达的是虽然看不到她的正面,但仍能感受到老师的幸福,考查的though虽然,故选C39A,考查代词,Aher 她的Bthem他们 Chim他,根据when she looked up again,当她再次抬头的时候,代词she推出说的是老师,故后面代词应该用her,故选A40B,考查副词,Ah

27、ardly几乎不 Bsometimes有时 Cnever从不,根据语境可知,有时我们每个人都需要帮助,故选B【点评】解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文,了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边做,注意联系上下文.阅读技能(两个部分,共4小题,满分30分)第一节阅读选择阅读短文或图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子.22(6分)Journey to the WestAuthor (作者):Wu Chengen20 (in bookstores)18 (online)Journey to the West is one of the most famous novels

28、in Chinese historyThe Monkey King is the main characterHe can make 72changesTo fight bad people,he uses a magic stickPeter PanAuthor (作者):JM Barrie15 (in bookstores)It is a childrens story full of adventures (冒险),which is about Wendy,John,and Michael Darlings adventures in NeverNever Land with Peter

29、 Pan,the boy who would not grow upThe children are happy and lovely41Who wrote the Peter Pan?AAJM BarrieBWu ChengenCHodgson Burnett42If you buy the Journey to the West and the Peter Pan in bookstores,you have to payCA15B20C3543We can know from the passage thatCAwe can buy the Peter Pan onlineBthe Jo

30、urney to the West is a childrens story full of adventureCthe Journey to the West is2 cheaper online than in bookstores【考点】O7:广告布告类阅读;P2:判断推理;PB:文中细节菁优网版权所有【分析】西游记作者:吴承恩20(书店)18(在线)西游记是中国历史上最著名的小说之一孙悟空是主要人物他能有72种变化为了打败敌人,他用金箍棒彼得潘作者:JM 巴里15(书店)这是一个充满冒险的故事,关于温迪,约翰,迈克尔达林和一个永远都不会长大的男孩彼得潘,在梦幻岛的奇妙故事孩子们很快乐、

31、很可爱【解答】41答案A 细节理解题 由文中Peter Pan Author (作者):JM Barrie 可知彼得潘 作者:JM 巴里,故选A42答案C 细节理解题 由文中Peter Pan15 (in bookstores)可知彼得潘15(书店)Journey to the West20 (in bookstores)西游记20(书店)20+1535,故选C43答案C 文章理解题 由文中Journey to the West20 (in bookstores)18 (online)可知西游记20(书店)18(在线),在线比书店便宜2元,故选C【点评】本文较为简单,大部分题目都是细节理解题,

32、只要理解文章意思,仔细阅读,从文中寻找答案,即可轻松解答23(8分)One day,my grandpa went fishing and let me come with himHe handed me the rod (鱼竿)and taught me how to throw my line into the waterThe sun warmed usWe sat and talkedI remember when I could sit here and watch the fish swimming in the water,he saidSometimes,theyd jump

33、out and land beside meI didnt even need a fishing rod thenWe have to be patient,he continuedThe fish may come or may notIt doesnt matterWe are out in the sunIts a beautiful dayIf it rained,we couldnt be hereWere lucky to have the warmth of the sunHe leaned(依靠)back against a treeYes,its a great day,h

34、e saidI watched our bobbers(浮子)No fish pulled them under the water that dayIt didnt matterI was with GrandpaI felt grown upJust being with him was specialHe was well liked by everyoneHe had worked hard all his life for what little he had,but he could still find time to laughI wanted to be like him w

35、hen I grew upHe was an amazing manIn the short time we had together,he taught me many things:how to fish,the value of a good laugh,the value of a good friend,respect (尊重) for my elders and the importance of working hard and loving harderThis list is long44How was the weather on that day?CARainyBClou

36、dyCSunny45After fishing with Grandpa,the writerAAenjoyed the time with himBdidnt want to fish with him againCfelt disappointed for not catching any fish46From the story,we learn that GrandpaAAwas a cheerful personBdidnt like to fish at allCdidnt get on with others47What does the story mainly tell us

37、?BAPoor people often have a rich heartBWe should keep a good heart and enjoy lifeCFishing is good for peoples minds【考点】O6:人生感悟类阅读;P2:判断推理;P9:内容归纳菁优网版权所有【分析】本文作者讲述了和爷爷一起钓鱼的经历和对人生的感悟爷爷告诉我,钓鱼要有耐心,鱼可能会上钩也可能不上钩,但这并不重要,重要的是外出钓鱼可以享受这美丽的天气,如果下雨的话,就不能享受到阳光那天并没有钓到鱼,不过这没关系,那天和爷爷在一起,我感到自己长大了爷爷是一个受人爱戴的人,他一生努力工作,

38、收获却很少,但他仍然能够找到时间开心大笑,那一天,他教会了我很多事情:如何钓鱼,教给我开心笑的价值,以及朋友的价值,教我尊重比我年长的人,也教给我努力工作的重要性,这个清单太长了,说不完【解答】44答案:C 细节理解题 题干的意思是那天的天气怎么样?根据短文中的We are out in the sunIts a beautiful dayIf it rained,we couldnt be hereWere lucky to have the warmth of the sun推断作者和爷爷一起去钓鱼那天天气晴朗,故选C45答案:A 推理判断题 根据短文中的No fish pulled th

39、em under the water that dayIt didnt matterI was with GrandpaI felt grown upJust being with him was special那天并没有钓到鱼,不过这没关系,那天和爷爷在一起,我感到自己长大了和爷爷在一起很特别,可以推断那天和爷爷钓鱼后,作者很喜欢和爷爷在一起的时光,故选A46答案:A 推理判断题 根据短文后面提到的He was well liked by everyoneHe had worked hard all his life for what little he had,but he could s

40、till find time to laughI wanted to be like him when I grew up爷爷是一个受人爱戴的人,他一生努力工作,收获却很少,但他仍然能够找到时间开心大笑,当我长大了我想成为一个像他那样的人可以推断爷爷是一个乐观的人,故选A47答案:B 主旨大意题 短文通过和爷爷一起去钓鱼,对爷爷的言谈举止的描述,尤其是通过爷爷对钓鱼的态度钓不到鱼不重要,重要的是可以享受温暖的阳光,作者主要的目的是告诉我们人应该保持好的心态,享受生活故选B【点评】做阅读理解时,要注意培养自己快速阅读的习惯切不可在个别难懂的词句上磨蹭,只要全篇理解了,个别难懂的词句可以根据上下文

41、和构词法去猜测,去推断24(8分)In 1959,When Jean Harper was in the third grade,her teacher asked the class to write a report on what they wanted to be when they grew upJeans father was a crop duster(农作物喷粉作业)pilot on a farm,so Jean was very interested in planes and flyingShe wrote about her dream to become an airl

42、ine pilotHer paper came back with anFon itThe teacher told her this was afairytale(童话 )and it wasnt a job for a womanJean experienced years of hurt and fear because of this discouragement(气馁)until she met her English teacher MrsDorothy Slaton in senior high schoolMrsSlaton said to Jeans classYou hav

43、e the abilities and talentsIf you dont go after(追求) your dreams after you leave school,no one will do it for youJean felt a rush of her old enthusiasm (热情),and with excitement,she told MrsSlaton all about her old dreamsThe teacher saidThen do it!So Jean didIt took her 10years of hard workBut in 1978

44、,she became one of the first three women pilot trainers ever accepted by United Airlines(航空公司)and one of only 50women airline pilot in the country at the timeSome years later,Jean Harper became a Boeing 737captain (机长)for United Airline48When Jean was young,her dream wasCAto be a crop duster pilotBto fix planesCto be an airline pilot49Jean spentC years in becoming an airline pilotAfifteenBthirteenCten50What did MrsSlaton mean when she talked to the class?AAEveryone should go after his or her dreamBEveryone should have a dream aft

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