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1、2018年湖南省郴州市中考英语试卷(教师版)一、听力技能(共两节,满分20分)1(1分)What otheranimals(动物) do you like?【考点】R1:翻译填空菁优网版权所有【分析】你还喜欢其他什么动物?【解答】答案:animals根据空格前为other在句中为形容词意为其他的后接可数名词复数形式或不可数名词,结合汉语提示动物的英文表达为animal为可数名词,故填入其复数形式,故答案为animals【点评】结合句意并根据汉语意思利用已有的词汇储备写出正确的单词;一定要抓住关键词注意单词形式的变化,避免出错2(1分)What will Molly put on?【考点】14:

2、听录音选图菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略3(1分)What do Chinese usually do on Midautumn Day?A Have a big dinnerB Enjoy mooncakesCMake dumpling【考点】15:短对话理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略4(1分)How often does Peter watch movies?A Once a monthB Twice a monthC Twice a week【考点】15:短对话理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略5(1分)Where is Scotts fat

3、her now?A In the gardenB In the studyC In the living room【考点】15:短对话理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略6(2分)(1)What is Laura like?A Lovely and kindB OutgoingC Shy and quiet(2)What subject does Laura often help Sara?A EnglishB ChineseC Math【考点】17:长对话理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略7(3分)(1)Where will the students give th

4、eir performance?A In the Old Peoples HospitalB In the Childrens hospitalC In the Womens Hospital(2)What will Mark do?A Play the guitarBPlay the violinC Tell stories(3)What time will they meet?A At 3: 00 pm, SundayB At 3: 00 pm, SaturdayC At 3:30 pm, Sunday【考点】17:长对话理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略8(3分)(1)Wh

5、ats the matter with Rose?A She has a backacheB She has a headacheC She has a stomachache(2)When will Rose have exams?A In one weekB In two weeksC In three weeks(3)What sport does Rose play sometimes?A TennisB Table tennisC Basketball【考点】17:长对话理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略9(3分)(1)What color are the shoes?

6、A BlackB BlueC White(2)What size are the shoes?A Size 39B Size 40C Size 41(3)How much will the mother pay for the shoes and socks?A 420 yuanB 400 yuanC 380 yuan【考点】17:长对话理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略10(4分)(1)How long does it take by car from Chenzhou to Dongjiang Lake?A About an hourB About half an hourC

7、 About two hour(2)How do many young people go to Dongjiang Lake?A They drive carsB They take busesC They ride bicycles(3)What can you do during the trip?A Go boatingB Have a picnicC Climb mountain(4)How are the people of Dongjiang Lake?AFriendlyB SimpleC Hardworking【考点】17:长对话理解菁优网版权所有【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略

8、二、单项填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)11(1分)My daughter seldom has breakfastIts _unhealthy habit Breakfast is very important to health()AaBanCthe【考点】52:不定冠词(a,an)菁优网版权所有【分析】我女儿很少吃早饭这是一种不健康的习惯早餐对健康非常重要【解答】考查冠词句意我女儿很少吃早饭这是一种不健康的习惯早餐对健康非常重要这里泛指一个健康的习惯unhealthy是以元音音素/开头,用an修饰故选:B【点评】考查冠词,冠词

9、包括定冠词the,通常表示特指不定冠词a和an,a修饰以辅音音素开头的单词,an修饰以元音音素开头的单词要根据语境完成试题12(1分)Have you ever been to South Tower Park?Yes I _there a few months ago()AwentBhave beenChave gone【考点】F1:一般过去时菁优网版权所有【分析】你去过南塔公园吗?是的,几个月前我去过那里【解答】根据题 a few months ago,可知应该用一般过去时态一般过去时态的构成:主语+谓语动词的过去式所以答案是:went,是go的过去式结合句意:你去过南塔公园吗?是的,几个

10、月前我去过那里故选:A【点评】本题主要考查动词时态,判断动词的时态,要通过所给的时间状语或上下文等,去判断动词的时态13(1分)Do you know the student _got an A in the English exam?Of course She is my deskmate, Li Hong()AwhoBwhomCwhose【考点】67:关系代词菁优网版权所有【分析】你认识那个在英语考试中得了A的学生吗?当然她是我的同桌,李洪【解答】结合句意你认识那个在英语考试中得了A的学生吗可知_got an A in the English exam在句子中作定语,是定语从句,修饰先行词

11、the student ,当先行词是人的时候,引导定语从句的引导词用who或者whom,whom先行词是人,在句中做宾语,本题中横线后是谓语动词,在这做的是主语,应该用who故选:A【点评】本题考查的是定语从句的引导词,确定先行词是解答本题的关键14(1分)You can only keep the books for two weeks, Tom Remember _them on timeI will()AreturnBreturningCto return【考点】DC:动词的固定搭配菁优网版权所有【分析】汤姆,你只能借两周的书,记得按时归还我会的【解答】remember to do st

12、h记得去做某事;remember doing sth记得已经做过某事结合句意:汤姆,你只能借两周的书,记得按时归还我会的故选:C【点评】本题考查的是动词的固定搭配,理解句意并熟记固定用法是解答本题的关键15(1分)Look at the girl in the square!Oh Im surprised that a _ girl can dance so well!()AthreeyearsoldBthreeyearoldCthree years old【考点】86:复合形容词菁优网版权所有【分析】看看广场上的女孩!哦,我很惊讶一个三岁的女孩跳得那么好!【解答】a threeyearold

13、 girl一个3岁的女孩,threeyearold作前置定语,应用连词符号连接,中间的名词year不能用复数故选:B【点评】本题考查复合形容词,先弄清其表达法,再根据用法选择正确答案16(1分)Sally, its already 10: 00 pm Its time for you to go to bedOK Dad Ill turn _ the TV right now()AonBdownCoff【考点】DC:动词的固定搭配菁优网版权所有【分析】莎丽,已经10点了,你该睡觉了好的,爸爸我马上关掉电视【解答】turn on 打开;turn off关闭;turn down声音调低一些;结合句

14、意:莎丽,已经10点了,你该睡觉了好的,爸爸我马上关掉电视故选:C【点评】本题考查的是动词的固定搭配,理解句意并熟记固定用法是解答本题的关键17(1分)Do you know when and where the 24 Winter Olympic Games_?In Beijing and Zhangjiakou, in 2022()Ais heldBwill be heldCwill hold【考点】G3:一般将来时的被动语态菁优网版权所有【分析】你知道第24届冬奥会将在何时何地举行吗?2022年在北京和张家口【解答】根据句中的时间状语 in 2022要用一般将来时,其构成是will +

15、do, 再根据句中的主语 the 24Winter Olympic Games和所给的动词hold之间是被动关系,可知要用一般将来时的被动语态构成will be+动词的过去分词故选:B【点评】本题考查时态和语态每个时态都有标志词,熟记这些标志词是做题的关键在没有时间状语的情况下可以根据语境来对时态做出判断判断语态的关键则是观察主语是谓语动词的执行者还是承受者18(1分)I saw Toms father bought lots of books yesterdayThats not strange Not only Tom but also his father _reading()Aenjo

16、yBenjoysCenjoyed【考点】F7:一般现在时菁优网版权所有【分析】我昨天看见汤姆的父亲买了很多书这并不奇怪不仅汤姆,而且他的父亲也喜欢读书【解答】根据Not only Tom but also his father _reading,可知这里句子叙述一件事实,时态用一般现在时,not onlybut also引导的成分做主语的时候,谓语动词使用就近原则故选:B【点评】本题考查了动词的时态做题时,一定要特别关注有关的时间短语,这是判断句子时态的标志在没有时间状语的情况下可以联系上下文根据语境来做出正确判断19(1分)May I be allowed to choose a summe

17、r course?Its up to you Youre _ to make your own decision()Atoo oldBenough oldCold enough【考点】82:形容词的位置菁优网版权所有【分析】我可以选择暑期课程吗?由你决定,你已经长大了,可以自己做决定了【解答】从Its up to you,可知后面说的是你足够大了,可以自己做决定了,enough修饰形容词放在后面故选:C【点评】考查形容词位置,这里要分清形容词和副词的用法,掌握enough修饰形容词时位于形容词后面的用法结合语境,完成试题20(1分)My grandfather does Chinese Kun

18、g Fu every day _ he is over eighty()AsinceBthoughCuntil【考点】C2:从属连词菁优网版权所有【分析】我爷爷每天都练习中国功夫,虽然他已经八十多岁了【解答】选项A:自从,选项B:虽然,选项C:直到结合句意:我爷爷每天都练习中国功夫,虽然他已经八十多岁了故选:B【点评】本题考查连词的辨析熟记词的用法及结合语境是解答本题的关键三、完形填空 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案(共1小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)21(15分)Sometimes, kids dont think their paren

19、ts are fair to them When you want to dress in a modern way, your mum doesnt like you wearing a (1)C When you are(2)B, they ask if youre speaking to a boy or a girl Sometimes it seems that youre not as (3)Ato your parents as you used to be How can you changes such a situation? Closing the Gap by the

20、American author Jay McGraw gives advice on how to have a better (4)Bwith your parents Both parents and children have needs They need to feel they are (5)Cand loved You your parents your needs, and (6)Awhat their needs are To get your parents to know what youre doing and what you want to do, you coul

21、d talk about your school life now and your dreams for the (7)C It helps your parents know more about you Maybe you can think of a way to make (8)Bof you happy The book gives ways to help teens understand their parents When you think my parents dont want me to have any fun, it usually means your pare

22、nts want you to be(9)A The book gives you lots of ideas, such as making time to talk, keeping a diary and showing your parents you are growing up If you follow these steps, you will be able to make your(10)Ba happier place(1)A warm coatB thick sweaterC miniskirt(2)A writing lettersB making phone cal

23、lsC taking risks(3)A closeB farC awful(4)A ideaB relationshipC environment(5)A outgoingB comfortableC important(6)A find outB bring outC give out(7)A pastB presentC future(8)A bothB allC none(9)A safeB happyC dangerous(10)A schoolB homeC room【考点】N1:记叙文菁优网版权所有【分析】短文讲了孩子们和家长会有很多不同的意见,从而影响他们之间的关系,短文详细的

24、介绍了如何更好地与父母相处的建议【解答】(1)C 考查名词短语A warm coat棉衣; B thick sweater 毛衣;C miniskirt迷你裙根据前句When you want to dress in a modern way,可知结合选项,应说当你想穿流行服装时,你妈妈不喜欢你穿迷你裙故选C(2)B 考查短语A writing letters 写信;B making phone calls打电话; C taking risks 冒险根据后句they ask if youre speaking to a boy or a girl 可知结合选项,应说当你打电话时,他们会问你是在

25、和一个男孩还是女孩说话故选B(3)A 考查形容词A close亲近的; B far远的; C awful可怕的根据前后句Sometimes it seems that youre not asto your parents as you used to be可知结合选项,应说有时候,你似乎并不像过去那样亲近你的父母故选A(4)B 考查名词A idea想法,主意; B relationship 关系;C environment 环境根据前句How can you changes such a situation?你怎么能改变这种局面?可知结合选项,应说美国作家Jay McGraw提出了一个关于如

26、何与父母建立更好关系的建议故选B(5)C 考查形容词A outgoing外向的; B comfortable舒服的; C important 重要的根据前句Both parents and children have needs父母和孩子都有需求可知结合选项,应说他们需要感觉到自己是重要的和被爱的故选C(6)A 考查短语A find out找出,查明;B bring out 出版;C give out 分发根据前句You your parents your needs,可知结合选项,应说你的父母是你的需要,并找出他们的需求是什么故选A(7)C 考查名词A past过去; B present 现

27、在;C future未来根据前句you could talk about your school life now and your dreams for the,可知结合选项,应说你可以谈论你的学校生活和你对未来的梦想故选C(8)B 考查代词A both表示两者都; B all 全部的;C none 没有根据前句 It helps your parents know more about you它能帮助你的父母了解更多关于你的信息可知结合选项,应说也许你可以想出一个让所有人都开心的方法故选B(9)A 考查形容词A safe安全的; B happy高兴的; C dangerous 危险的根据前

28、句When you think my parents dont want me to have any fun,当你认为我的父母不想让我有任何乐趣的时候可知结合选项,应说这通常意味着你的父母希望你是安全的故选A(10)B 考查名词A school学校; B home 家;C room房间根据前后句If you follow these steps, you will be able to make your(10)a happier place可知结合选项,应说如果你遵循这些步骤,你就能让你的家更快乐故选B【点评】完形填空题要根据上下文语境,运用语法和词汇知识,反复推敲以求得解答对于同义词和近

29、义词的选项,在充分考虑到上下文具体语境下特别注意这些同义词和近义词搭配本文主要考查了动词、名词、形容词、副词、等实词,需要考生弄懂上下文的语境四、阅读技能(共两个部分,满分40分)22(4分)A school in Hunan has changed its playground into a garden full of fruitand vegetables, so that its students can grow and eat their own food So far the fruit and vegetables have been used in school mealsA

30、 great coin collection is going on show in Guangzhou in July, 2018 The exhibition has more than 1,000 kinds of coins It is said to have taken10 years to collect It will have a world tour in March, 2019(1)The playground in a school in Hunan has been changed intoCA a new schoolB a flower gardenC a fru

31、it and vegetable garden(2)A coin collection exhibition will beAA in July, 2018B in March 2019C in July 2028【考点】O8:新闻报道类阅读菁优网版权所有【分析】文章介绍了一个学校将操场改为学生的种植园和一个钱币收藏展【解答】1C 细节理解题,根据文中的第一段A school in Hunan has changed its playground into a garden full of fruit and vegetables,可知湖南的一所学校把操场变成了一个满是水果和蔬菜的花园 ,故答

32、案是C2A 细节理解题,根据文中的第二段A great coin collection is going on show in Guangzhou in July, 2018可知 2018年7月,一枚盛大的钱币收藏正在广州展出,故答案是A【点评】解答此类题时先弄清楚短文的意思和文章的脉络;然后在文章中找到对应的信息;并要进行词类的转换和概括23(6分) Indoor Water ParkOpening time9: 00 am6:00 pm from Monday to Friday8: 00 am 10: 00 pm from Saturday to SundayTicket priceAd

33、ults: 150 yuan/person: 130 yuan/memberChildren: above 1.2 meters, 75 yuan/person; 60 yuan/member under 1.2 meters freeShould not takefood, pets, knives, ringsThings to rememberChildren under 1 4 meters and old people above 60 should stay withother adultsYou should follow the rules in the water parkI

34、f you have some health problems and arent suitable for water activities,youd better not come in(1)How long is the water park open on Tuesday?CA For seven hoursB For eight hoursC For nine hours(2)An adult member and a child member(above 1.2 meters)should payA for the ticketsA 190 yuanB 205 yuanC 225

35、yuan(3)What can visitors probably take to the Indoor Water Park?CA RingsB FoodC Mobile phones【考点】O7:广告布告类阅读菁优网版权所有【分析】短文讲了室内水上公园的一些信息,包括营业时间,票价,不能随带的物品和一些注意事项等【解答】1C 细节理解题根据表格二句子9: 00am6:00pm from Monday to Friday可知星期二的水上公园要开9个小时故选C2A 计算归纳题根据表格三句子Adults: 150yuan/person: 130yuan/memberChildren: above

36、 1.2meters, 75yuan/person; 60yuan/member under 1.2meters free可知是会员的话一名成人成员和一名儿童成员(超过1.2米)应支付130+60190故选A3C 细节理解题根据表格四句子Should not take :food, pets, knives, rings不能带:食品、宠物、刀、戒指可知游客们可能会带着电话去室内水上公园故选C【点评】在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案24(10分)You have been working hard to learn English D

37、o you know foreigners are trying to learn Chinese? According to a survey, one in four American young men would like to learn it There will be over 150,000,000 people learning Chinese around the world in the early 2019 Because of Chinas fast development, Chinese has become more useful More and more p

38、eople begin to learn it said Scott McGinnis, a Washington language expert For example, in 2010, only 30 schools in America had Chinese lessons This year, more than 300 schools there have Chinese lessons during school days Last year, China gave 3,000 textbooks to a school in America because they had

39、done a good job Although Chinese is becoming more and more popular, it is one of the most difficult languages to learn Usually, an English speaker takes about 1, 320 hours to become good at Chinese He needs only 480 hours for French, Spanish or Italian(1)According to the passage, more and more forei

40、gners begin to learn ChineseCA because they have more free timeB because Chinese is easy to learnC because China is fast developing(2)Bschools in America give students Chinese lessons, in 2018A Over three thousandB About three hundredC Only thirty(3)The students at the schools in America take Chines

41、e lessonsAA on school daysB after schoolC at weekends(4)Last year, China gave 3,000 textbooks to a school in America becauseBA they wanted to build a libraryB they had done a good jobC they had given Chinese students many English books(5)From the passage we know thatBA English speakers like to learn

42、 French, Spanish and Italian more than ChineseB Chinese is more difficult to learn than French, Spanish and ItalianC Chinese is easier to learn than French, Spanish and Italian【考点】O8:新闻报道类阅读菁优网版权所有【分析】这是一篇新闻报道类阅读,主要介绍你一直在努力学习英语但你知道外国人正在努力学习中文吗?根据一项调查,四个美国年轻人中有一个愿意学习虽然汉语越来越受欢迎,但它是最难学的语言之一【解答】1C细节理解题根

43、据第二段Because of Chinas fast development, Chinese has become more useful More and more people begin to learn it由于中国的快速发展,汉语变得越来越有用,越来越多的人开始学习它可知,越来越多的外国人开始学习汉语,因为中国发展很快选C2B细节理解题根据第三段This year, more than 300schools there have Chinese lessons during school days今年,有300多所学校在上课期间有汉语课可知,2018年在美国大约有300个学校有汉语

44、课选B3A细节理解题根据第三段This year, more than 300schools there have Chinese lessons during school days今年,有300多所学校在上课期间有汉语课可知,应该是在上学日上汉语课选A4B细节理解题根据第三段最后一句Last year, China gave 3,000textbooks to a school in America because they had done a good job去年,中国为美国的一所学校赠送了3000本教科书,因为它们做得很好可知,因为它们做得很好选B5B细节理解题根据最后一句Although Chinese is becoming more and more popular, it is one of the most difficult languages to learn Usually, an English speaker takes about 1, 320hours to become good at Chinese He needs only 480hours for French, Spanish or Italian虽然汉语越来越受欢迎

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