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1、初二下册英语单项选择(50题) 含答案一、选择题1Dont you think Obama is _ success? Yes, I do. He is popular with _ public in America.A/ , aBa, aCthe, aDa, the2I like _ color of your skirt.It is _ good match for your blouse.Aa;theBa;aCthe;aDthe;the3Thailand is _ Asian country and it is a good place to visit.AaBanCtheD/4I d

2、idnt do my best . Could you give me second chance, please?AanB/CtheDa5There is _ “l” in the word “apple”.AaBanCtheD/6Have you ever seen _ film Hello, Mom!Yes, I have. It is such _ excellent film that many people are deeply moved.Aa; anBan; theCthe; anDthe; a二、选择题7Wu Xinhai, a stay-at-home dad, said

3、“I want my kids to have a different childhood from _.”AmeBmineCmyselfDI8The chairman thought _ necessary to invite Professor Johnson to speak at the meeting.AthatBitCthisDhim三、选择题9Although this may sound like a _ process, great care is needed.AstupidBsimilarCsimpleDstrict四、选择题10Lets vote _ Chinas In

4、spirational Role Models(感动中国人物) _ the Internet, shall we?Afor; inBto; onCon; overDfor; on11_small actions, like reusing water, we can make a great difference to our world.AAcrossBBeyondCThroughDAgainst12Why cant we drive in the emergency lane (应急车道) on expressway?Because the lane makes it possible t

5、o race _ the clock to save peoples lives.AbeyondBoverCagainstDthrough13I met Nancy _ my way home yesterday.AinBatCbyDon五、选择题14Its rude and impolite to _ before others while everyone is queuing to buy tickets.Atake inBcut inCput inDbreak in六、选择题15If you buy your mum an iRobot floor cleaner, she _ swe

6、ep the floor every day.AcantBmustntCneedntDshouldnt七、选择题16_and amazing progress our country has made in the last few years!AHow a greatBHow greatCWhat a greatDWhat great八、选择题17Mike, _ do you have a health examination?Once a year.Ahow longBhow manyChow muchDhow often18_ are you doing here, baby? You

7、must go to bed. Its late.AWhatBWhoCWhenDWhere19 _ is it from your school to your home? 20 minutes by bus.AHow farBHow longCHow soonDHow often九、选择题20Your order _ if you fail to pay for it in 15 minutes on Meituan.AcancelsBis cancelledCwill cancelDwill be cancelled21Gullivers Travels _ so well that it

8、 _ out in all the shops in my town.Ais sold; sellBsells; sellsCis sold; is soldDsells; is sold十、选择题22Sitting cross-legged in a manner in which the bottom of a foot _ toward an Arab is a serious insultAhad pointed Bpointed Chave pointed Dis pointing23-Why _ so early? The movie doesnt start till seven

9、.-I dont want to be at the traffic there. Its terrible during the rush hour.Ahad you leftBdo you leaveCwill you leaveDare you leaving24Ethan, lets go to play basketball, shall we?Sorry, I cant. I _Yao Mings game. Would you mind going later?AwatchBhave watchedCam watchingDwas watching25 Tom, whats yo

10、ur sister doing? She _ her homework in the study.AdoesBwill doCdidDis doing26I cant find David. Where is he? He_ for tomorrows competition at home.ApreparesBis preparingChas preparedDprepared27Can Peter play games with us, Mrs. Hawking?Wait a minute. He _ a shower.Ais takingBtakenCtookDwas taking28H

11、i, Daming. What are you up to?I _ a project about family history.AdoBdidCam doingDwas doing29Grandma _ dinner. Lets go and help her.Ais makingBmakesCmadeDwas making30I havent seen Jack for a couple of days. He _ for the English speaking competition which will take place next week.Awill prepareBis pr

12、eparingChas preparedDwas preparing十一、选择题31Can you tell me _ this term?On September 21st.Awhen will the school trip beBwhen the school trip will beCwhere will the school trip beDwhere the school trip will be32The students are discussing _.Awhy they are often under stressBwhen did Tom saw a doctorCwho

13、 would teach them EnglishDwhether is stress a big problem十二、选择题33I hope to get the highest grades in the final exams. _. You never work hard.AWork like a dogBIn your dreamsCEvery dog has its dayDPut all your eggs in one basket十三、选择题34Another Friday! Lets go to see the play tonight. _ I will book the

14、 tickets online.AMy pleasure.BThats right.CWhy not?DNever mind.十四、选择题35What terrible weather!I simply cant get the car_.Why not try_the engine with some hot water?Astarted; fillingBto start; fillingCstarted; to fillDto start; to fill36I think middle school students should not get their hair _.Acolor

15、BcolorsCcoloredDcoloring37(2017届山东省滨州市滨城区九年级第二次模拟)David enjoys _ music at weekends, but I prefer _ for a picnic.Alistening to;go outBlistening to;to go outCto listen to;to go outDlisten to;going out38How much work have you finished _ for the coming exam? Everything is done. Im ready for it.Aprepared

16、BpreparingCto prepareDto preparing十五、选择题39In the sentence “I have bought a new bicycle, so I can ride to school now.”, we use present perfect tense to tell _.Athe result of a past actionBactions that happened in the pastCactions that happened at a certain time in the pastDhow many times an action ha

17、s happened till now40Have you been to SuNing Plaza in our city?No. Although it _ for more than a week, I am far too busy to go there.Ahas startedBhas openedChas been openDhas been on十六、选择题41Tu Youyou proves with hardships _ great honor.Sure. Opportunities favour the prepared mind.Acomes Bwill come C

18、is coming Dare coming42 Where have you been these days?Ive just come back from Canada. I _ there for three weeks.Ahave stayedBstayedCstayDwill stay43 Where have you been these days?Ive just come back from Canada. I there for three weeks.Ahave stayedBwill stayCstayDstayed44What a pity! Its raining. D

19、o we have to cancel the family trip?No. As soon as the rain stops, we _out to have fun.AgoBwill goCwentDhave gone十七、选择题45How was your trip to Yangzhou?Wonderful. I think I have just visited the best place _ can show us the beauty of Spring.AwhatBwhoCthatD/46So Young, the movie _ was filmed in Nanjin

20、g, is on in many cities.AwhichBwhatCwhoDwhen47The girl is wearing a beautiful hat is my sister.AthatBwhereCwhoseDwhich十八、选择题48_ more and more people surf the Internet for news, the traditional newspaper may not disappear in a short time.ABecauseBIfCThoughDWhen49What is our head teacher like?Oh, he i

21、s very kind _ he looks very serious.AbecauseBthoughCifDwhen50The astronaut lives in _ that he has to be careful with every movement.Asuch little spaceBso little spaceCso much spaceDsuch more space【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1D解析:D【解析】考察冠词用法,根据题意,你不认为奥巴马是一个成功人士吗?这里是泛指,用不定冠词。是的,我这样认为。他在美国深受大众欢迎。这里的大众指的是美国

22、的大众,为特指,故用定冠词。所以选D。2C解析:C【解析】color由of your skirt修饰,表示特指要用定冠词the。good match表示泛指要用不定冠词a。3B解析:B【详解】句意:泰国是一个亚洲国家,它是一个可以参观的好地方。考查冠词。a一个,修饰辅音音素开头的单数名词;an一个,修饰元音音素开头的单数名词;the那个,表示特指;D项是零冠词。Asian是元音音素开头,因此用不定冠词an修饰,故选B。4D解析:D【详解】本题考查:冠词用法。选项分析:a用在以辅音音素开头,或以读做辅音音素开头的单词前面。an用在以元音音素开头的单词前面。序数词前加不定冠词表示“再.,又.”之意

23、;加定冠词表示顺序。此处表示再,又之意,不表示顺序,故应该用不定冠词。综合分析前后文及答案选项,second以辅音音素开头,选a最合题意。完整句意为:I didnt do my best . Could you give me a second chance, please我没有尽力。你能再给我一次机会吗?正确答案为:D【点睛】a和an都用来修饰可数名词的单数。但a和an又有区别用法:(1)a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前面,例如:a man一个男人。(2)an用在以元音音素开头的单词前面,简言之即an用在元音前,a用在辅音前。一般而言,元音字母发元音,辅音字母发辅音,但也有例外情况,主要有如下例

24、外情况:(1)拼写以辅音字母开头读音却以元音开头的单词。例如:hour,honest,honor等单词的拼写虽然以辅音字母h开头,但其读音却以元音开头,因此,前面要用an。 (2)拼写以元音字母开头读音却以辅音开头的单词。useful,university,usual等单词的拼写虽然以元音字母开头,但其读音却以辅音开头,因此,前面要用a。5B解析:B【详解】试题分析:根据l的发音是以原因因素开头的故用冠词an。句意:在这个单词love里面有一个字母l。结合句意,故选B考点:考查冠词的用法。6C解析:C【详解】句意:你看过电影你好,李焕英吗?是的,我看过。这是一部如此优秀的电影,使许多人深受感动

25、。考查冠词的用法。the表示特指,a/an表示泛指,a用在首字母的发音是辅音音素的前面,an用在首字母的发音是元音音素的前面。第一空是特指的电影Hello, Mom!,此处用定冠词the;第二空表示泛指,用不定冠词,excellent首字母的发音是元音音素用不定冠词an。故选C。二、选择题7B解析:B【详解】句意:吴新海,一位全职爸爸,他说:“我希望我的孩子有一个和我不同的童年”。考查代词辨析。me我,人称代词宾格;mine我的,名词性物主代词;myself我自己,反身代词;I我,人称代词主格。为了避免与前面的名词重复,这里用名词性物主代词mine代替my childhood“我的童年”。故选

26、B。8B解析:B【详解】句意:主席认为邀请约翰逊教授在会上发言是有必要的。考查形式宾语。根据句子结构可知,空处的词是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式“to invite Professor Johnson to speak at the meeting.”;作形式宾语的词只能是it。故选B。三、选择题9C解析:C【详解】句意:虽然这听起来像是一个简单的过程,但需要非常小心。考查形容词辨析。stupid愚蠢的;similar相似的,相像的;simple简单的;strict严格的。根据连词“although ”和后半句“great care is needed”可知,前后句意之间表示转折,指

27、虽然简单,但是仍需小心。故选C。四、选择题10D解析:D【详解】句意:让我们在互联网上为“感动中国人物”投票,好吗?考查介词辨析。for给;为了;in在里面;on在上面;to到;over在之上。根据“Lets vote . Chinas Inspirational Role Models”可知,第一空是指给某人投票,用介词for;on the Internet在网上,固定搭配。故选D。11C解析:C【详解】句意:通过一些小的行动,比如重新利用水,我们可以给我们的世界带来巨大的变化。考查介词辨析。Across在对面,穿过(外部);Beyond超出,超过;Through通过,用,凭借(方式或行为)

28、,穿过(内部);Against反对,紧靠。根据空格后“small actions”可知是,凭借小的行动,故选C。12C解析:C【详解】句意:为什么我们不能在高速公路上的应急车道上开车? 因为这条路可以使我们与时间赛跑来拯救人们的生命。考查介词辨析。beyond超越;over在之上;against与相比;through穿过。race against ,固定搭配,与赛跑。此处是与时间赛跑。故选C。13D解析:D【详解】句意:昨天在我回家的路上我碰到南希。考查介词辨析。in在里面;at在某个具体的点;by通过;on在上面。on ones way home在某人回家的路上;in ones way挡道、

29、妨碍人;by the way顺便说一下。根据语境,应是在回家的路上碰到南希。故选D。五、选择题14B解析:B【详解】句意:在大家排队买票的时候插队是粗鲁和不礼貌的。考查动词短语。take in吸收,领会;cut in插入;put in安装;break in闯入。根据“while everyone is queuing to buy tickets”结合常识可知排队时插队是不礼貌的。故选B。六、选择题15C解析:C【详解】句意:如果你给你妈妈买一台扫地机器人,她就不必每天扫地了。考查情态动词辨析。cant不能;mustnt禁止;neednt不需要;shouldnt不应该。根据“If you bu

30、y your mum an iRobot floor cleaner”可知,买了扫地机器人,就不需要人工每天扫地了,故选C。七、选择题16D解析:D【解析】【详解】句意:在过去的几年里,我们的国家取得了多么伟大和惊人的进步啊!考查感叹句。感叹句:what引导感叹句时,what修饰名词,结构为“What+(adj.)+不可数名词/复数名词+(主语+谓语)”或“What+a/an+(adj.)+单数名词+(主语+谓语)”;how引导感叹句时,how修饰形容词或副词,结构为“How+adj./adv.+(主语+谓语)”。此处修饰不可数名词progress,故选D。八、选择题17D解析:D【详解】句意

31、:迈克,你多久去做一次健康检查?一年一次。考查特殊疑问句。how long多长时间;how many多少,接可数名词;how much多少,接不可数名词;how often多长时间一次。根据“Once a year”可知此处询问的是频率,用how often,表示“多长时间一次”。故选D。18A解析:A【详解】句意:你在这里干什么,宝贝?你必须去睡觉。已经很晚了。考查特殊疑问词辨析。What什么;Who谁;When什么时候;Where哪里。根据句中的动词“doing”可知,空处应是what,什么,作宾语。故选A。19A解析:A【详解】句意:从你的学校到你家有多远? 大约20分钟的公交路程。考查

32、特殊疑问句。How far多远,提问两地之间的距离;How long多长时间,问一段时间;How soon多久以后,对“in +一段时间”提问;How often多久一次,提问频率。根据答句“20 minutes by bus”可知,此处是对距离进行提问,故选A。九、选择题20D解析:D【详解】句意:如果你在美团的订单15分钟内未能付款,你的订单将会被取消。考查一般将来时的被动语态。order与cancel之间是被动关系,表示“订单被取消”,所以排除A和C;if引导条件状语从句,所以遵循“主将从现”原则,主句时态是一般将来时,所以空格处使用一般将来时的被动语态,结构为will be done。

33、故选D。21D解析:D【详解】句意:格列佛游记卖得很好,在我们镇上所有的商店都卖光了。考查动词的时态和语态。根据“Gullivers Travels . so well”可知此处讲书卖得好,sell后面加副词时,用主动形式表被动含义,第一空用sells;再由“it . out in all the shops in my town”可知书被卖光,一般现在时的被动语态,第二空用is sold。故选D。十、选择题22D解析:D【解析】【分析】考查时态。【详解】考查时态。句意为翘腿而坐,脚底指着阿拉伯人被认为是严重的侮辱。主句时态为一般现在时,再根据句意可知此处是在陈述事实,要用现在的某种时态,所以

34、AB错误,而现在完成时表示过去动作对现在造成影响,或动作持续到现在,而原句没有这个意思。所以D正确,表示动作在进行。23D解析:D【解析】试题分析:考查时态。本交际用语用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。 句意:为什么要这么早离开?电影7点钟才开始呢。我不想在那儿堵车。在高峰时间太可怕了。故D正确。考点:考查副词辨析24C解析:C【详解】句意:伊森,我们去打篮球,好吗?对不起,我不能。我在看姚明的比赛。你介意晚一点去吗?考查现在进行时。根据“Sorry, I cantWould you mind going later?”可知,现在不行,提议晚点去,所以此处描述正在做的事,用现在进行时。故选C。2

35、5D解析:D【详解】句意:Tom,你的姐姐在做什么?她正在书房里做她的家庭作业。考查动词时态。do做,是一个动词。根据问题“whats your sister doing”可知,这里问的是正在做什么,应用现在进行时态,表示正在发生的事情。故选D。26B解析:B【详解】句意:我找不到大卫,他在哪儿?他在家准备明天的比赛。考查现在进行时。prepares一般现在时(主语是三单形式) ;is preparing现在进行时;has prepared现在完成时;prepared一般过去时。结合语境可知下文描述的是说话时正在进行的动作,故用现在进行时态。所以选B。27A解析:A【详解】句意:霍金夫人,彼得

36、可以和我们一起玩游戏吗? 等一会儿,他正在洗澡。考查现在进行时的用法。根据“Wait a minute.”可知,彼得现在正在洗澡,强调动作正在进行,所以时态应该用现在进行时,结构为:am/is/are + 动词的现在分词,主语He为第三人称单数,be动词用is。故选A。28C解析:C【详解】句意:嗨,大明。你在忙什么?我正在做一个关于家族史的项目。考查动词时态。根据“What are you up to”可知,答语要用现在进行时,表示现在正在进行的动作,结构为am/is/are doing,故选C。29A解析:A【详解】句意:奶奶正在做晚饭。我们去帮助她吧。考查动词时态。根据“Lets go

37、and help her”可知,此处指让我们去帮助正在做晚饭的奶奶,故为现在进行时,其结构为am/is/are doing。故选A。30B解析:B【详解】句意:我有几天没见到杰克了。 他正在为下周举行的英语演讲比赛做准备。考查动词时态。选项A为一般将来时;选项B为现在进行时;选项C为现在完成时;选项D为过去进行时。根据语境可知,英语演讲比赛下周举行,杰克现在应该是正在准备,因此用现在进行时;其结构是:be(am/is /are)+动词的现在分词。故选B。十一、选择题31B解析:B【详解】句意:你能告诉我这个学期学校旅行的时间吗?9月21日。考查宾语从句。根据“宾语从句用陈述句语序”的原则,排除

38、A、C选项;根据回答“On September 21st.”可知,应该问的时间,故选B。32A解析:A【详解】句意:学生们正在讨论为什么他们常处于压力之下。考查宾语从句。此句为宾语从句,从句的语序应为陈述句,即“主语+谓语”的顺序,故排除B和D。根据“are discussing”可知,从句为现在时态。故选A。十二、选择题33B解析:B【详解】句意:我希望在期末考试中取得最好的成绩。做梦吧。你从不努力学习。考查习语和情景交际。Work like a dog拼命工作;In your dreams做梦吧;Every dog has its day风水轮流转;Put all your eggs in

39、 one basket孤注一掷;根据“You never work hard.”可知,上句说的“get the highest grades in the final exams”是不可能的事情,此处应该是说“做梦吧”,故选B。十三、选择题34C【详解】句意:另一个周五!我们今晚去看戏吧。为什么不去?我将在网上订票。考查口语交际。My pleasure我的荣幸,表同意请求;Thats right没错;Why not为什么不解析:C【详解】句意:另一个周五!我们今晚去看戏吧。为什么不去?我将在网上订票。考查口语交际。My pleasure我的荣幸,表同意请求;Thats right没错;Why

40、not为什么不,表同意提议;Never mind别介意。根据下文“I will book the tickets online”,可知同意今晚去看戏。ABD三项不合语境,故选C。十四、选择题35A【详解】句意:多糟糕的天气啊!我根本发动不了汽车。为什么不试着给发动机加些热水呢?考查过去分词做宾补和动名词做宾语。get the car started“车被启动”;try doing解析:A【详解】句意:多糟糕的天气啊!我根本发动不了汽车。为什么不试着给发动机加些热水呢?考查过去分词做宾补和动名词做宾语。get the car started“车被启动”;try doing sth“尝试做某事”;

41、try to do sth“尽力做某事,试图做某事”。根据句意可知,第一个空格可根据get sth done“某事被做”结构来完成,结构中的sth和done存在着被动关系,应该填started;第二个空所在句是建议尝试给发动机加些热水,故用try doing sth“尝试做某事”,应该填filling。故选A。36C【详解】句意:我认为中学生不应该染发。A. color动词原形;B. colors动词单三形式;C. colored过去式或过去分词;D. coloring现在分词。get sth. don解析:C【详解】句意:我认为中学生不应该染发。A. color动词原形;B. colors动

42、词单三形式;C. colored过去式或过去分词;D. coloring现在分词。get sth. done意为“让别人做某事”,宾语sth.后面用过去分词作宾语补足语,故选C。37B【详解】句意:在周末David喜欢听音乐,但是我更喜欢外出野餐。listening to听,动名词形式;to listen to动词不定式;go out外出,动词原形;to go out动词不解析:B【详解】句意:在周末David喜欢听音乐,但是我更喜欢外出野餐。listening to听,动名词形式;to listen to动词不定式;go out外出,动词原形;to go out动词不定式;going out

43、动名词。第一个空格前动词是enjoy,enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事,故先排除C和D;第二个空前prefer的意思是更喜欢,prefer to do sth.,故应选B。38C【详解】句意:为了即将到来的考试你完成多少准备工作了?万事俱备,我都准备好了。考查动词不定式。prepared过去式或过去分词;preparing动名词或现在分词;to prepar解析:C【详解】句意:为了即将到来的考试你完成多少准备工作了?万事俱备,我都准备好了。考查动词不定式。prepared过去式或过去分词;preparing动名词或现在分词;to prepare 动词不定式;to preparing 介词+动名词。 根据How much work have you finished 可视作完整的句子结构,后接面不定式作目的状语。结合句意可知,此空应填to prepare,故选C。十五、选择题39A【详解】题意:“我买了一辆新自行车,因此现在我骑车去学校”我们使用现在完成时是为了讲述过去动作的结果。考查现在完成时。“I have bought a new bicycle, so I c解析:A【详解】题意:“我买了一辆新自行车,因此现在我骑车去学校”我们使用现在完成时是为了讲述过去动作的结果。考查现在完成时。“I have bought a new bicycle, so

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