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1、初二下册北师大版完整版英语单项选择100题练习题含答案一、选择题1Read this sentence She felt small as she walked to the enormous, empty stage.Which word has the SAME meaning as the underlined word enormous?ACleanBBright.CHugeDTiny2 It will be a long time before Mike finishes doing his homework. Yeah, you have to be_with our kid.As

2、trictBpopularCseriousDpatient3No one could be more suitable for the job than you. Thanks. Your words have made me more _ of my interview.AcreativeBrelaxedCnervousDconfident4How do you like the talk show?I think its _, but some people think its so _.Awonderful enough; boredBenough wonderful; boringCw

3、onderful enough; boringDenough wonderful; bored5What do you think of your English teacher?She is very _. She often explains the difficult points many times until we understand.AstrictBhard-workingCpatientDsmart6The basketball match will be covered _ on TV tonight.AlivelyBliveClivingDalive7Its _ know

4、ledge that bad moods can have an influence on our health.AunusualBspecialCgeneralDcommon8As the number of the novel coronavirus infections grows_, the World Heath Organization takes active steps to control the serious disease.AmoreBlargerChigherDwider9Thanks a lot for offering such _ to me in my res

5、earch.Ausual adviceBimportant adviceCa usual tripDvaluable trip10My English teacher is a_ lady and she often corrects my pronunciation again and again.ApatientBcreativeCmodestDcurious11My little sister is _ and she always asks me different kinds of strange questions.AcreativeBwiseCcuriousDgenerous12

6、This kind of drink tastes _ but theres only _ in this bottle. Id like some more.Agood;a littleBwell;a littleCgood;littleDwell;little13I hear there will be _jobs for people because robots will do some of the jobs.AfewerBlessCmoreDbetter14It will be _.Thats great! The whole world will be white.AsunnyB

7、cloudyCsnowyDfoggy15 Are you a fan of the TV show Chinese Poetry Conference ? Of course. Ive never missed any of episodes and I am _ by these players excellent knowledge of classical poems.AtiredBsatisfiedCboredDamazed16Its very _ for teenagers to feel a little bit worried and stressed because most

8、of us have such feelings.AcommonBstrangeCcuriousDenergetic17Im always _ before the exam. I often try to make myself calm down by taking a deep breath.ArelaxedBboredCnervousDhappy18Millie does welt in her lessons, but she never shows off.I cant agree more. She is quite_.AmodestBcuriousCgentleDpolite1

9、9 How do you find the price now? As a_rule, prices follow needs.AprivateBgeneralCcentralDfixed20Have you unlocked any new skills during the long winter holiday?Yes. Cooking has become more and more _ and I can cook nice dishes now.AcomfortableBdifficultCdifferentDpopular21Can we chat in the library?

10、Im afraid not. We should keep _.AhealthyBcleanCquietDwarm22Dont be angry with your monitor, Tom. Hes just a little _, but in fact hes kind to us each.ApoliteBbraveCmodestDstrict23Dad, Ive tried my best but I still cant solve these problems.Dont worry, my son. No one is _ and everyone fails from time

11、 to time.AsuccessfulBconfidentCperfectDexcellent24Mr Zheng is so _that he has donated five million yuan to the schools in his hometown.AenergeticBpatientChumorousDgenerous25Sorry, I dont know how many colours there are in a rainbow.Are you joking? This is just _ knowledge.AnaturalBgeneralCproperDanc

12、ient26You havent said a _ word since last Friday. Whats wrong?Nothing. Just let me alone.AsimpleBsingleCsimilarDsilent27Were late! Its already 7:30.Dont worry. My clock is 20 minutes _.AfastBlateCslowDearly28I cant afford the red shoes.What about the black pair? The price is a little _.AcheaperBlowe

13、rChigherDmore expensive29Students should be _ that even a small thing like saving water and looking after a tree can make a big difference to our environment.AaloneBawakeCawareDafraid30Peter, have you heard of the song Let it go? Yes, it sounds _ and its popular among young people.AniceBbadCterrible

14、Dstrange31Although this may sound like a _ process, great care is needed.AstupidBsimilarCsimpleDstrict32How was your exam the day before yesterday?Well, I feel quite good. I made _ mistakes than before.AfewerBthe fewestClessDthe least33Some people change the wetlands into farms. This will lead to _

15、space for wildlife.Afewer and fewerBsmaller and smallerCbigger and biggerDless and less34 I got a job in a sales company. Great! Make yourself _ so that they dont want to lose you.AvaluableBpossibleCenjoyableDcomfortable35Linda is practising the violin for an hour these days.I see. Itll make her _ e

16、nough to perform on stage tonight.AactiveBhumorousCconfidentDpatient36Mr. King is very _. He explains the difficulties many times until we understand them.AstrictBpatientCpoliteDhard-working37I like collecting old stamps because they are _.AsimpleBvaluableCimpossibleDnatural38Henry, you seem _ than

17、before. What are you doing these days?Well, I am preparing for the coming examination.AbusierBhappierClazierDhealthier39Yesterdays film was really _ and it made all of us laugh.AboringBfunnyCmeaninglessDexpensive40Like so many creative people, he was never _.Thats why he has made lots of valuable pa

18、intings.AcheerfulBskillfulCsatisfiedDsurprised41Theres a _ feeling that a high price means good quality.AsuddenBjoyfulChardDgeneral42What do you think of the film Hi, Mom directed by Jia Ling?I have never seen a _ one before. I cant wait to see it again.AbestBworseCbetterDworst43The fruits are _ bec

19、ause they were picked from the garden just now.AhealthyBbeautifulCfreshDnatural44This is the chance he needs to make a _ start.AcuriousBpatientCfreshDnatural45People in poor areas have improved their lives by selling goods _ online.AaliveBliveClivingDlively46 Mr. Green, please feel _ to let us know

20、if you arent satisfied with our service. OK, I will. It has been good so far.ArealBreadyCfreeDfresh47Because of the war, love and happiness were totally _ from little Toms childhood.AseparateBabsentCextraDblind48It is a _ choice to decide whether take on a new challenge or remain the same.Yeah, I ju

21、st have difficulty making the decision.AsimpleBstraightCdoubleDtypical49 Mary can get good marks in all her subjects, but she never shows off. I agree. She is _.AgenerousBmodestCpatientDcurious50My little cousin is a(n) _ boy and he always comes up with new ideas for class activities.AcreativeBcurio

22、usCorganizedDenergetic二、选择题51 The Dragon Boat Festival falls_May or June every year. Yes, this years Dragon Boat Festival is_June 25th.Ain; onBon; inCin; inDon; on52My mum searched _ the messy books and found my pencil was under a Harry Potter.AasBacrossCthroughDfor53The exercise is _ my ability and

23、 its hard for me to work it out.AoverBagainstCbeyondDthrough54I cant think of any other actress who is more beautiful than Audrey Hepburn.Youve got the point. Her beauty is _ words and she succeeded _ hard work.Aover; byBover; throughCbeyond; byDbeyond; through55Everyone was touched _ words after th

24、ey watched the film Hi, MOM 你好,李焕英directed by Jia Ling.AunderBacrossCbeyondDagainst56The girl is _ a singer _ everyone in her hometown.Awell known as; forBwell-know as; toCwell known as; toDbest known for; for57I met Nancy _ my way home yesterday.AinBatCbyDon58The girl is _ a singer _ everyone in he

25、r hometown.Awell known as; forBwell known as; toCwell-know as; toDbest known for; for59_ a spring morning, a bird flew into our classroom and we were very excited to see it.AInBOnCAtDFor60 Would you like to visit the zoo with me now?Sorry, its _ the visiting hours. Lets go there tomorrow.AbeyondBthr

26、oughCduringDon61My family is always _ me no matter what I decide to do. That makes me very pleased.AaboveBbehindCagainstDthrough62The story The Ugly Duckling _ Hans Christian Andersen has remained popular among children for centuries.AinBonCbyDwith63Peter is clever enough to read and write _ the age

27、 of 4.AbetweenBatCtoDduring64Why cant we drive in the emergency lane (应急车道) on expressway?Because the lane makes it possible to race _ the clock to save peoples lives.AbeyondBoverCagainstDthrough65Its reported that Stanley Ho Hung-sun passed away on May 26th at the age of 98.The whole country felt s

28、ad about that. As a successful businessman, his contribution to society and love for the motherland went far _ his wealth.AbesideBoverCbeyondDabove66To our joy, Tom pleased everybody by making his dog walk _ two legs.AbyBoverCfromDon67Ive been a League member for about two years. What about you?I jo

29、ined the League _May, 2017.AinBonCatDby68Bees and butterflies play _ flowers. Then they hide _ the April showers.Aamong; fromBamong; inCwith; inDwith; on69China sent up the final satellite of Beidou Navigation Satellite System(北斗卫星导航系统) from Xichang Satellite Center_ June 23,2020.AatBinCtoDon70 What

30、 do you think of those smart kids in the game show? There is no doubt that many of them have a gift _ maths.AforBinConDat71The exercise was _ the abilities of most students, so very few could work it out.AbeyondBoverCagainstDthrough72You shouldnt eat so much chocolate _ meals. Because it will affect

31、 your appetite.AexceptBthroughCbetweenDunless73The grassland, reaching out far away, looks rather beautiful _ the blue and clean sky.AagainstBaboveCthroughDpast74 Excuse me, will you please tell me the way to Yangzhou State Guesthouse? Walk _ the bridge and go straight on, and you will see it on you

32、r left.AoverBaboveCacrossDinto75 I havent been to Shenzhen for years. You really need to pay a visit, and youll find changes there are _ imagination.AbeyondBthroughCwithoutDfor76How did you get to the zoo, Helen?I went to the bus station _ my bike, and took the No. l bus to the zoo.AonBbyCinDwith77D

33、ont be afraid of difficulties. Remember: kites rise highest _ the wind, not with it.AoverBagainstCacrossDalong78A serious study of physics is impossible _ some knowledge of maths. I couldnt agree more. So we should also learn maths well.AamongBbetweenCagainstDwithout79We must study hard to enter our

34、 ideal high school.Exactly! Just as President Xi says,“Happiness is achieved _ hard work.”AthroughBacrossCalongDwith80The little stream ran dawn from a high mountain _ many villages and forests.AacrossBagainstCbeyondDthrough81Almost everyone was touched _ words after they saw Jia Lings moving film H

35、i Mom.AbeyondBunderCofDin82There is a stone bridge _ the river in front of my house.AoverBunderCaboveDbelow83Wu Mengchao, known as the “father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery” passed away _ the age of 99 on Saturday.AonBinCatDby84To fully understand the writer, we must read not only between the lin

36、es, but sometimes _ the lines.AwithinBbeyondCbesideDamong85The 20th China Jiangning Hengxi Watermelon Festival was held _ May this year.AatBonCinDfrom86In western countries, children play “trick or treat” _ the evening of October 31st.AatBinConDto87Anyone who can find the clues _ the case will get a

37、 reward of 5,000 yuan.AwithBtoCatDfrom88The underground in this city has been _ service for almost 3 years.AonBinCatDof89Lets vote _ Chinas Inspirational Role Models(感动中国人物) _ the Internet, shall we?Afor; inBto; onCon; overDfor; on90Taking part in a social activity can help take your mind _ matters

38、that worry you and make you feel good about yourself.AthroughBacrossCoffDinto91I like reading. I often fill my bookshelf _ all kinds of books, like novels, detective stories, and so on.AonBinCwithDof92He was born _ Feburary, the coldest month of a year in this city.AonBinCatDover93Dont be afraid of

39、difficulties. Remember: kites rise highest _ the wind, not with it.AagainstBaboveCacrossDalong94Its a pity that the exercise is _ the abilities of most of the class.AoverBaboveCbeyondDwithout95A new bridge the Yangtze River in Nanjing opened to traffic on Dec. 24, 2020.AthroughBoverConDalong96 Maybe

40、 you should call her up. But I dont want to talk with her _ the phone.AatBinConDwith97She was forced to marry _ her mind to receive the following painful life.AagainstBwithCbyDin98Its raining heavily outside. May I push my bicycle into your house?Certainly. But please put it _ the wall so that it wo

41、nt take up too much space.AinBonCagainstDover99Xuzhou Metro Line 2 came into use _ November 28, 2020, it is one of the most important events in our daily life.AatBinConDfor100It is a good idea to experience life _ the school by volunteering. Take an active part in it, and you will make a difference

42、to the world.AaboveBbeyondCoverDagainst【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1C解析:C【详解】题意:读这句话“当她走向巨大的空空的舞台时,她感觉很渺小。”哪个词和划线的单词“enormous”有相同的含义?考查形容词。clean干净的;bright明亮的;huge巨大的;tiny小的。enormous此处表示“巨大的”,与huge意思相近。故选C。2D解析:D【详解】句意:迈克完成作业还需要很长时间。是的,你必须对我们的孩子有耐心。考查形容词辨析。strict严格的;popular受欢迎的;serious严重的;patient有耐心的。根据句意可知,空格所在句说的意思是:必须对孩子有耐心。根据be patient with sb. “对某人有耐心”。故选D。3D解析:D【详解】句意:没有人比你更适合这份工作了。谢谢。你的话使我对面试更有信心了。考查形容词辨析。creative有创造力的;relaxed放松的;nervous紧张的;co

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