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1、初二下册译林版英语单项选择(50题)专项练习(含答案和解析)含答案一、选择题1Ive learned that your company has _ vacant position for a secretary. Im calling to apply for _ job.Aa; theBa; aC/; aD/; the2Much of _ humour of the book was unfortunately lost in _ translation.Athe; /Bthe; aCa; /Da ; a3Teng Xiuqin, _ head of the Beijing Home of

2、 Red Ribbon, says that societys understanding of _ AIDS patients has progressed a lot in the past decade.Athe; theBthe; /C/ ; /Da; /4It is_ honour to hear you speak so highly of me.A不填BaCtheDan5All these changes will lead to_ better Yangzhou High School,_ that can surprise and inspire all the alumni

3、Aa; the oneBa; oneCthe; oneDthe; one6_ Nantong today is much more beautiful. Mr Jackson said he would visit it _ second time.AThe; /B/; theC/; aDThe; a二、选择题7Seasons in Australia are the opposite of _. Its autumn there.AusBweCourDours8Wait a minute. I have _ more to tell you about the travelling plan

4、.AsomethingBeverythingCanythingDnothing9Could you tell me how many classes you have on Friday afternoon?_. We can take part in activities in any club we like.ANoneBNothingCNeitherDEither三、选择题10I was attracted by the ladys warm smile. It was really like a hidden _ .ApleasureBtreasureCattentionDinvent

5、ion11Mr. Zhang is an excellent Chinese teacher. He has over 20 years teaching _.AexperienceBprogressCinformationDknowledge12So let me say here that in front of the Chinese side, the United States does not have the qualification (资格) to say that it wants to speak to China from a _ of strength.Asituat

6、ionBpositionCconditionDlocation13The air is very fresh in our city. There is less _ than before.Yes. The government has taken action to protect the environment.AwoodBpollutionCnoiseDwater四、选择题14Its really _ that modern technology can help doctors treat patients online!AprivateBfamousCamazingDtraditi

7、onal15No one could be more suitable for the job than you. Thanks. Your words have made me more _ of my interview.AcreativeBrelaxedCnervousDconfident16Wow, Parasite (寄生虫) won the Oscar for Best Picture this year.I was really _ when I heard about it, because it is the first time that an Asian film won

8、 the award.AsurprisedBluckyCconfidentDsure17 It will be a long time before Mike finishes doing his homework. Yeah, you have to be_with our kid.AstrictBpopularCseriousDpatient五、选择题18Lets vote _ Chinas Inspirational Role Models(感动中国人物) _ the Internet, shall we?Afor; inBto; onCon; overDfor; on19I like

9、reading. I often fill my bookshelf _ all kinds of books, like novels, detective stories, and so on.AonBinCwithDof六、选择题20Judy waited a long time for her mom, but she didnt _.Ashow upBget upCwake upDstay up七、选择题21Whos the man over there? Is that Mr. Black? It _ be him. Mr. Black is much taller than th

10、at man.AmayBmustCcantDmustnt八、选择题22Bob, _ can you have your product ready?Its hard to say. Im still waiting for the final design.Ahow longBhow soonChow oftenDhow far23一_ is it from Gusu Childrens Palace to Zhuozheng Garden, Tom?About 30 minutes ride by bike.AHow soonBHow longCHow muchDHow far九、选择题24

11、Last March, thousands of trees _ along the street to make our city more beautiful.Awere plantedBwere plantingCwould plantDplanted十、选择题25-_you_ TV at the moment? -No. You can turn it off.ADid; watchBAre; watchingCDo; watchDHave; watched26Jane is crazy about painting these days. She in her studio all

12、day long.Awas stayingBstayedCis stayingDwill stay27Joe, answer the phone for me. I _ how to make dumplings in the kitchen.AlearnedBam learningChave learnedDlearn28Be quiet! The students _ an English exam.AtakeBare takingCtookDhave made29 Hello. May I speak to Laura, please?Sorry, shes not at home. S

13、he_in the library.AreadBreadsCis readingDwas reading十一、选择题30Could you tell me _ yuanxiao in China?Usually at the Lantern Festival.Awhen people eatBhow people eatCwhen do people eatDhow do people eat十二、选择题31Is the air pollution getting better these days?No. _ , water in the rivers nearby is becoming

14、worse and worse. Can you find out the reason?AIt never rains but it poursBA miss is as good as a mileCThe early bird catches the wormDBurn the candle at both ends十三、选择题32Its a shame to ask you to lend me more money, but. . . _ . You really need money to keep on with your education.ADont be sillyBFor

15、get itCNo wayDDont mention it十四、选择题33-Is Jack in the next room ?-Its hard to say. But I heard him _ loudly when I passed by just now.AspeakBto speakCspokenDspeaking34Cao Wenxuans hometown in Yandu is well worth_.Ato visitBvisitsCvisitingDvisited35We often see young couples go_ with their dogs along

16、the lakeside paths at the weekend.AjoggingBboatingCskiingDswimming36Tina is showing off her new phone. She wont stop _about it.Atalk Bto talk Ctalks Dtalking37Spending the holiday in nearby places has become a trend this year as local governments encourage people _ too far.AtravellingBnot travelling

17、CtravelDnot to travel38The workers are made _ ten hours a day.AworkBto workCworkingDworked39I still like the good old songs I often listen to myself in my spare time.AenjoyBenjoyingCto enjoyDenjoyed40Im sorry to keep you _ for an hour. Now lets begin our work.Ato wait Bwaiting Cwait Dwaited十五、选择题41P

18、lease turn up the music, dont worry about the baby because he _ for half an hour.Awoke upBhas woke upCwas awakeDhas been awake42Look! How dry and clean the road is! Yes. Someone _ up the snow. Theyre so early.AcleanBcleanedChas cleanedDwas cleaning十六、选择题43 When we _ to the movie theater, the tickets

19、 may be sold out. Dont worry. I told Jane we might be late and she will buy our tickets.AgotBgetCwill getDhad got44- Do you like the new pen?- Yes, it _ very well.Ais writtenBwritesCis writingDhas written十七、选择题45Home is a place _ you grow up hoping to leave, and grow old hoping to return to.AwhoBwha

20、tCthatDhow46 According to the survey, women _ drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a great chance of having heart disease than _ who dont. Oh, really? How great he is!Awho, thatB/, theseCwho, thoseD/, /47The boy_ parents died two years ago lives with his grandpa now.AwhoseBwhoCthatD/48- Do

21、you know what Robinson Crusoe did just after he got to the island?- Yes. The first thing _ he did was to look for some food.AwhoBthatCwhichDwhat49The place _ interested me most was the Childrens Palace.AwhatBwhereCwhichDin which50The girl is wearing a beautiful hat is my sister.AthatBwhereCwhoseDwhi

22、ch【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1A解析:A【解析】试题分析:一个空缺职位,泛指,所以用a; 申请这一职位,指前面提到的空缺职位,特指用the。选A项。考点:考查冠词用法2A解析:A【解析】考查固定结构。The+形容词+of,表示“关于某物的什么”,是固定结构,translation是专有名词,专有名词,并且为不可数名词,前面不加冠词。句意:这本书的很多幽默的地方都消失在了翻译中。故选A。3C解析:C【解析】这题考查冠词的用法:第一空是职位前不加冠词,第二空不填冠词,AIDS patients泛指艾滋病人。选C。4D解析:D【解析】句意:听你这样高度赞扬我是一种荣幸。Hon

23、our以元音开头,所以选D。5B解析:B【解析】这题考查冠词和代词,第一空填a,a better Yangzhou High School“一个更好的扬州中学,第二空填one,代指a school,选B。6C解析:C【详解】句意:今天的南通更漂亮了。杰克逊先生说他会再去参观一次。考查冠词用法。不定冠词包括a和an ,表示泛指某人或某物,a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前面;an用于以元音音素开头的单词前面;the是定冠词,表示特指某个(些)人或者物,或者在文中再次提到该事物时;零冠词用于一些特殊的结构中。第一个空,Nantong单独用作主语,无须加任何冠词,因为它是一个专有名词;第二个空,“不定冠词

24、a/an+序数词+名词”是固定搭配,强调在已知数量上再累加一个,且second的发音是以辅音音素开头的,应用a修饰,a second time意思是“再一次”;故选C。二、选择题7D解析:D【详解】句意:澳大利亚的季节和我们的正好相反。那里现在是秋天。考查代词辨析。us我们,人称代词宾格形式;we我们,人称代词主格;our我们的,形容词性物主代词;ours我们的,名词性物主代词;根据句意可知,这里将“澳大利亚的季节”与“我们的季节”进行对比,这里应用名词性物主代词ours,代指our seasons。故选D。8A解析:A【详解】句意:等等,关于旅行计划,我还有别的事要告诉你。考查不定代词。so

25、mething一些事情;everything每件事情;anything任何事情,用于否定句和疑问句;nothing没有事情。分析句子结构可知,此句为陈述句,排除C;根据“I have more to tell you about the travelling plan.”可知,此处是我有一些别的事情要告诉你。故选A。9A解析:A【详解】句意:你能告诉我周五的下午你有多少课么?一节也没有。我们可以参加任何我们喜欢的俱乐部的活动。考查不定代词。none一个也没;nothing指物,没有什么;neither二者都不;either二者之一。根据“how many classes”可知回答表达的是数量上

26、的“一节课也没”,用none。故选A。三、选择题10B解析:B【详解】句意:我被那位女士温暖的微笑所吸引。它就像一个隐藏的宝藏。考查名词词义辨析。pleasure快乐;treasure宝藏;attention注意力;invention发明。根据“I was attracted by the ladys warm smile.”我被那位女士的微笑所吸引,可知这里说的是它就像隐藏的“宝藏”。故选B。11A解析:A【详解】句意:张老师是一位优秀的语文老师。他有20多年的教学经验。考查名词辨析。experience经验;progress过程;information信息;knowledge知识。根据“H

27、e has over 20 years teaching”可知,此处指他的教学经验很丰富,故选A。12B解析:B【详解】句意:所以我想在这里说,在中方面前,美国没有资格说它想从一个强势的立场和中国对话。考查名词辨析。situation形势;position立场;condition状况;location位置。根据“it wants to speak to China from a of strength”可知,此处指强势的立场,故选B。13B解析:B【详解】句意:我们城市的空气很新鲜。污染比以前少了。是的。政府已采取行动保护环境。考查名词辨析。wood树木;pollution污染;noise噪音

28、;water水;根据“The government has taken action to protect the environment.”可知,这里说的是污染变少了,故选B。四、选择题14C解析:C【详解】句意:现代科技能帮助医生在线治疗病人,真是太神奇了!考查形容词辨析。private私人的;famous著名的;amazing惊人的,神奇的;traditional传统的。根据“modern technology can help doctors treat patients online”可知,此处感慨科技的神奇,故选C。15D解析:D【详解】句意:没有人比你更适合这份工作了。谢谢。你的

29、话使我对面试更有信心了。考查形容词辨析。creative有创造力的;relaxed放松的;nervous紧张的;confident自信的。根据“No one could be more suitable for the job than you.”可知,此处表示对面试更有信心,故选D。16A解析:A【详解】句意:哇,寄生虫赢得了今年的奥斯卡最佳影片奖。当我听到这个消息的时候,我真的很惊讶,因为这是亚洲电影首次获得该奖项。考查形容词辨析。surprised吃惊的,惊讶的;lucky幸运的;confident自信的;sure确信的。根据句中“because it is the first time

30、 that an Asian film won the award”可知,这是亚洲电影首次获得该奖项,所以此处使用surprised,表示“听到这部电影的获奖消息的时候很惊讶”。故选A。17D解析:D【详解】句意:迈克完成作业还需要很长时间。是的,你必须对我们的孩子有耐心。考查形容词辨析。strict严格的;popular受欢迎的;serious严重的;patient有耐心的。根据句意可知,空格所在句说的意思是:必须对孩子有耐心。根据be patient with sb. “对某人有耐心”。故选D。五、选择题18D解析:D【详解】句意:让我们在互联网上为“感动中国人物”投票,好吗?考查介词辨析

31、。for给;为了;in在里面;on在上面;to到;over在之上。根据“Lets vote . Chinas Inspirational Role Models”可知,第一空是指给某人投票,用介词for;on the Internet在网上,固定搭配。故选D。19C解析:C【详解】句意:我喜欢阅读。我经常在我的书架上摆满各种各样的书,像小说、侦探故事等等。考查介词辨析。on关于;in在里面;with用,使用;of的。fill . with . 把装满,是固定搭配。故选C。六、选择题20A解析:A【详解】句意:Judy等妈妈很长时间,但是她没有出现。考查短语辨析。show up出现;get up

32、起床;wake up醒来;stay up熬夜。根据上文“waited a long time”及下文“but”可知是没有出现,故选A。七、选择题21C解析:C【详解】句意:那边那个人是谁? 是布莱克先生吗? 不可能是他。布莱克先生比那个人高得多。 考查情态动词。may可能;must一定;cant不可能;musnt禁止。根据“Mr. Black is much taller than that man.”可知,这个人不可能是布莱克先生。故选C。八、选择题22B解析:B【详解】句意:鲍勃,你们多久能把产品准备好?我不确定。我还在等待最终的设计。考查疑问词辨析。how long 多久(时长),多长(

33、长度);how soon 多久以后(将来的时长);how often 多久一次(频率);how far 多远(距离)。根据答语可知,空处讨论的是将来所需的时间。故选B。23D解析:D【详解】句意:汤姆,从姑苏少年宫到卓正花园有多远?骑自行车大约30分钟。考查特殊疑问句。How soon还有多久;How long多长时间;How much多少;How far多远;根据句意理解及回答About 30 minutes ride by bike可知,这里提问的是两地之间相隔多远,所以应该用how far,故选D。【点睛】英语中常用的几个特殊疑问词的用法要注意区别。How often多久一次,提问频率;

34、How many多少,提问可数名词复数;How much多少,提问不可数名词;How far多远,提问距离,本题就是对两地距离的提问;How old多大,提问年龄;How long多长,提问时间持续多久或者具体物品的长度,做题时注意区分,根据句意理解来判断。九、选择题24A解析:A【详解】句意:去年三月,成千上万棵树被种植在街道上,使我们的城市更加美丽。考查被动语态。were planted被种植(一般过去时被动语态结果);were planting(过去进行时结构);would plant(过去将来时结构);planted(过去式,过去分词)。主语thousandsoftrees与动词pla

35、nt之间是被动关系,根据LastMarch可知用一般过去时的被动语态,由be(was,were)+过去分词构成。故选A。十、选择题25B解析:B【解析】试题分析:句意:-你现在在看电视吗?-没有。你可以将它关闭。at the moment此处表示现在,因此用现在进行时,故选B。考点: 考查动词时态的用法。26C解析:C【解析】考查动词的时态。句意:这些天她沉迷于画画,成天呆在画室里。根据Jane is crazy about painting these days和all day long.可知选C项。27B解析:B【详解】句意:乔,替我接电话。我正在厨房学习如何包饺子。考查动词时态。“我”正

36、在厨房学习如何包饺子,没时间接电话,所以请求乔帮忙接电话;某一时刻正在做某事,应为进行时态。故选B。28B解析:B【详解】句意:安静点!学生们正在参加英语考试。考查现在进行时。根据语境可知,为了让对方安静下来,此句应强调学生现在正在考试这个事情;强调此刻正在进行的动作,时态应用现在进行时,其构成为“be doing”。故选B。29C解析:C【详解】句意:你好。我可以和劳拉讲话吗?对不起,她不在家。她正在图书馆看书。考查动词时态。read读书,原形;reads读书,第三人称单数; is reading 正在读书,现在进行时;was reading正在读书,过去进行时。根据上文“Hello. Ma

37、y I speak to Laura, please?”及下文“Sorry, shes not at home.”可知,这里是现在进行时,其结构是be doing的形式。主语是she,be动词用is。故选C。十一、选择题30A解析:A【详解】句意:你能告诉我在中国人们什么时候吃元宵吗?通常在元宵节。考查宾语从句。此句是含宾语从句的复合句,从句用陈述语序,排除C和D选项。根据答语“Usually at the Lantern Festival”可知,询问什么时候吃元宵,故选A。十二、选择题31A解析:A【详解】句意:最近空气污染有所好转吗?没有。祸不单行,附近河流的水质越来越差。你能找出原因吗?

38、考查谚语。It never rains but it pours祸不单行;A miss is as good as a mile失之毫厘,谬以千里;The early bird catches the worm捷足先登/早起的鸟儿有虫吃;Burn the candle at both ends过分耗费;不顾身体过度劳累(尤指日夜都有活动)。根据答句“Nowater in the rivers nearby is becoming worse and worse”可知,空气污染没有好转,河流的水质越来越差,坏事不止一件,用“祸不单行”来表述。故选A。十三、选择题32A【详解】句意:向你借更多的钱

39、真是一件可耻的事情。不要傻了,你确实需要钱来继续学业啊。考查情景交际。Dont be silly别傻了,是生活口语;Forget it忘记它,常用于回答解析:A【详解】句意:向你借更多的钱真是一件可耻的事情。不要傻了,你确实需要钱来继续学业啊。考查情景交际。Dont be silly别傻了,是生活口语;Forget it忘记它,常用于回答道歉;No way没门儿;Dont mention it没关系;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是对上句对方所说内容的一种口语化的安慰,与后句内容一起,更好的表达对对方的说服,故选A。十四、选择题33D【详解】句意:-Jack在隔壁吗?-不好说,但是我刚才经过的时

40、候,听到他正大声说话呢。A speak说,动词原形; Bto speak说,动词不定式形式; Cspoken说,过去分词形式;解析:D【详解】句意:-Jack在隔壁吗?-不好说,但是我刚才经过的时候,听到他正大声说话呢。A speak说,动词原形; Bto speak说,动词不定式形式; Cspoken说,过去分词形式; Dspeaking说,动名词或现在分词形式。根据句意可知,这里表示听到某人正在做某事, 即hear sb doing sth, 故选D。【点睛】hear后一般会有两种形式作宾语补足语,即hear sb do听到某人做了某事(强调结果,听到动作的全过程) hear sb doi

41、ng 听到某人正在做某事(强调动作正在进行,而且是听到动作的一部分) ;类似用法的单词还有see sb do和see sb doing.34C【详解】句意:曹文轩的家乡盐都值得一观。考查非谓语动词。to visit 动词不定式;visits 动词第三人称单数;visiting 动名词和现在分词;visited 动词过去式或过去分词解析:C【详解】句意:曹文轩的家乡盐都值得一观。考查非谓语动词。to visit 动词不定式;visits 动词第三人称单数;visiting 动名词和现在分词;visited 动词过去式或过去分词。be worth doing sth. “值得做某事”。故选C。35

42、A【详解】句意:在周末,我经常看见年轻夫妇们带着他们的狗,一起沿着湖边小路慢跑。考查名词辨析。A项 慢跑;B项 划船;C项 滑雪;D项 游泳。根据句中along the lakeside pa解析:A【详解】句意:在周末,我经常看见年轻夫妇们带着他们的狗,一起沿着湖边小路慢跑。考查名词辨析。A项 慢跑;B项 划船;C项 滑雪;D项 游泳。根据句中along the lakeside paths可知,只有慢跑符合本题题意。故选A。36D【解析】试题分析:句意:蒂娜正在展示她的新手机。她是不会停止谈论她的手机的。Stop后接动名词表示停止正在做的事情,接不定式表示停下来去做另一件事情,结合语境可知

43、选D。考点:非谓语动词点评解析:D【解析】试题分析:句意:蒂娜正在展示她的新手机。她是不会停止谈论她的手机的。Stop后接动名词表示停止正在做的事情,接不定式表示停下来去做另一件事情,结合语境可知选D。考点:非谓语动词点评:不定式作句子成分表示具体的将要进行的动作,一般不用于介词后面。动名词作句子成分往往表示抽象的,反复发生的动作。介词后面一般接动名词作宾语,也有部分动词后接动名词做宾语,注意和不定式作宾语表达含义的不同。37D【详解】句意:由于地方政府鼓励人们不要到太远的地方旅游,所以在附近的地方度假已经成为今年的一种趋势。考查非谓语动词。固定搭配:encourage sb. (not) t

44、o do sth.“鼓解析:D【详解】句意:由于地方政府鼓励人们不要到太远的地方旅游,所以在附近的地方度假已经成为今年的一种趋势。考查非谓语动词。固定搭配:encourage sb. (not) to do sth.“鼓励某人(不)做某事”,动词不定式作宾补。故选D。38B【详解】句意:工人们被迫一天工作十小时。考查非谓语动词。be made to do sth.被迫做某事。此处用动词不定式作主语补足语。故选B。解析:B【详解】句意:工人们被迫一天工作十小时。考查非谓语动词。be made to do sth.被迫做某事。此处用动词不定式作主语补足语。故选B。39C【详解】句意:我依然喜欢那些在空闲时间为了让自己开心而听的经典老歌。A. enjoy享受,喜欢,动词原形;B. enjoying动名词; C. to en

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