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1、1. 交货期delivery date2. 报实盘firm offer3. 最新价目表the latest price list4. 市场需求market demand5. 凭单付现cash against documents(CAD)6. 修改信用证amendment to L/C7. 销售确认书sales confirmation8. 现货stock in hand9. 撤销一项发盘 to revoke an offer10. 远期付款交单documents against payment after sight (date)11. 加速开立信用证Accelerate opening l/

2、c12. 商业发票mercial invoice13. 新货源new goods source14. 立即装运immediate shipment15. 用集装箱装运shipment in containers16. 还盘counteroffer17. 长期业务关系longterm business relation18. 防潮包装dampproof packing19. 小心轻放handle with care20. 起运港port of shipment21. 已装船清洁海运提单 clean on board ocean B/L22. 底价base price或者lowest price2

3、3. 分批装船partial shipment24. 水渍险WPA (with particular average)25. 保险单policy of insurance1. FCL整箱货;整柜装箱装载(full container load)2. CIF到岸价;成本、保险费加运费(cost insurance and freight)3. FOB离岸价;装运港船上交货(free on board)Abandonment委托Acceptance接受(发盘)承兑(汇票)Account账户Actual totle loss实际全损Advance(payment)预付,定金,垫款Advanced b

4、ill of lading预借提单Advertisement广告Advice of drawing汇票通知书Advising bank通知行After date出票后After sight见票后Agency代理Agreement协定,协议Airmail航空邮寄All risks一切险,综合险Allowance津贴,折扣Amendment to an LCAntidated bill of lading倒签提单Antidumping反倾销Applicant开证申请人Arbitral award仲裁裁决Arbitration institute仲裁机构Article商品,项目,条款Assured被

5、保险人Assurer承包人Auction拍卖Back to back LC背对背信用证Balance of trade 贸易平衡,贸易差额Bank draft 银行汇票Bankeracceptance bill 银行承兑汇票Barter trade 易货贸易Bearer持有人,持票人Beneficiary受益人Bill of exchange 汇票Bill of lading 提单Blank endorsement 空白背书Bana fide holder 善意持有人,正当持有人Booming season 旺季Brand 牌号,牌名,牌子Brochure小册子Broker 经纪人Bulk c

6、argo 散装货Business license 营业执照Businessstanding 商业信用情况Buyersample 买房样品Carrier 承运人Cash against document 交单付款,凭单付款Cash on deliver 交货付现,货到付款Catalogue 商品目录Certificate of origin 原产地证书Chamber of merce 商会Charter a vessel 租房Check 支票Circular 通函Claim 索赔Clean bill 光票Collecting bank 托收行Collection 托收bined certific

7、ate 联合凭证mercial draft 商业汇票mission 佣金,手续费mision agent 佣金代理modity 商品Confirmed letter of credit 保兑信用证Confirming bank 保兑行Consignee收货人Consignment 交运得一批货物Consignor发货人Consular invoice 领事发票Contract 合同Container 集装箱Counter offer 还盘Counter sample 对等样品,回样Countersign 回签,副署,连署Cover 保险Credit 信用,贷款,信贷,贷方Current acc

8、ount 往来账户,经常账户Current price 市价,时价Customs declaration 报关Date of expiry 到期日Debit 借方Deck cargo 甲板货Deferred payment 延期付款Delivery 交货Demand draft 票汇,即期汇票Direct bill of lading 直运提单,直达提单Discharging fee 卸货费Dishonor 拒付Dividend 股息,红利Divisible letter of credit 可分割信用证Documentary letter of credit 跟单信用证Documents a

9、gainst acceptance 付款交单Documents against payment 承兑交单Door to door service 门到门服务Double insurance 双重保险Draft 汇票Drawee 受票人Drawer 出票人,付款人Due date 到期日Dumping 倾销Duplicate sample复样Endorsement 背书Enquiry 询盘,询价Exchange control 外汇管制Exchange rate 外汇率Exchange settlement 结汇,外汇结算Exchange 交易所Excursion 展延Exclusive sal

10、es 包销Fair交易会Faulty packing 不良包装Firm offer 实盘Foreign exchange 外汇Forwarding agent 发运代理,运输代理,运输行Foul bill of lading 不清洁提单Free from particular average 平安险Freight collect 运费到付Freight prepared 运费已付Freight ton 运费吨Freighter 货轮,货船Full set of bill of lading 全套提单Fundemental breach of contract 根本违反合同,根本违约Genera

11、l agent 总代理General average 共同海损Gross loss 毛重Illustrated catalogue 图解目录,插图目录Import license 进口许可证In bulk 散装In triplicate 一式三份Ine tax 所得税Incorporated pany 股份有限公司Inner packing 内包装Inspection certificate 商检证书Insurance interest 保险利益,可保利益Insurance certificate 保险凭证,小保单Insurance policy 保险单,大保单Insurance 保险Insu

12、red amount 保险金额Insured 被保险人,保户Insurer 承保人Intensive distribution 集约型经销Interest rate 利率Invoice 发票Irrevocable letter of credit不可撤销信用证Opening bank 开证行Label 标签Letter of credit 信用证Letter of guarantee 保证函Liability 责任,义务,债务,负债Limited pany 有限公司Loading fee 装船费Long form bill of lading 全式提单Mail transfer 信汇Manag

13、ing director 总经理Margin 利润,保证金,定金,押金Marine loss 海损Matereceipt 大副收据Maturity 到期More or less clause 溢短装条款Most favoured nation treatment 最惠国待遇Multi modal transport 多式联运Negotiating bank 议付行Nagotiation 议付Net weight 净重Neutral packing 中性包装Nonfirm offer 虚盘Notary public 公证人Notice of cargo readiness 转载准备完成通知,备船

14、通知Notify party 受通知人 ,到货联系人Nude cargo 裸装货Ocean bill of lading 海运提单Offer 发盘,报盘On board bill of lading 已装船提单On deck bill of lading 舱面提单Open bill of lading 不记名提单Open policy 开口保险单,预约保险单Order bill of lading 指示提单Original 正本Outer packing 外包装Packed cargo 包装货Packing list 包装单Partial shipment 分批装运Particular ave

15、rage 单独海损Patent 专利Pattern 式样Pay by installments分期付款Payee 收款人Payer 付款人Paying bank 付款行,汇出行Performance bond 履约保证书Premium 保险费Presentation 提示Principal托收人,委托人Proforma invoice 形式发票Promissory note 本票,期票Quality certificate品质保证书Quota 配额Quotation 报价Receipt 收据Received for shipment BL备用提单Reciproca letter of cred

16、it 对开信用证Red clause letter of credit 红条款信用证Reimbursing bank偿付银行,清偿银行Remit 汇付,汇出Remitting bank 托收行Retail price 零售价Revocable letter of credit 可撤销信用证Revolving letter of credit 循环信用证Ruling price 市价,时价,现价Sailing date 启航日期Sales packing 销售包装Sample 样品Selective distribution 选择性分配Seller sample 买房样品Selling seas

17、on 销售旺季Settlement 清算,结算,结账Shipper 发货人Shipping advice 装船通知Shipping document 货运单据Shipping instruction 装船须知Shipping mark 唛头,运输标志Shipping order 下装货单,装货单Short form bill of lading 简式提单Shortland memo 短卸证明书Standby letter of credit 备用信用证Sight draft 即期汇票Sole agent 独家代理Stale bill of lading 过期提单Standing信用情况Stra

18、ight bill of lading 记名提单Survey report 公正报告,检验报告Tender 招标Tenor 期限,票据到期,欠债期限Test key 密押,密码Through bill of lading 联运提单,全程提单Time bill 期票,远期汇票,远期票据,定期汇票,定期票据Trade mark 商标Trade terms 贸易术语Transferable letter of credit 可装让信用证Transport packing 运输包装Transport bill of lading 转船提单Transshipment转船Trial order 试订单,试订货Unconfirmed letter of credit 未保兑信用证Usance bill 远期汇票Validity 有效性,有效期War risk 战争险Weight memo 重量单Wholesale批发With particular average 水渍险1.调节纠纷,纠纷调解,商业纠纷调解mediation of dispute2.目得港码头交货DEQ, Delivered Ex Quay3.自然力acts of God4.大陆桥,欧亚大陆桥continental bridge5.包销exclusive sales

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