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1、核心英语词汇400题详解1)In this factory,su ggestions often have to wait for months before they are fu l l y.A.ad mitted B.acknowl ed ged C.absorbed D.consid ered答案D.consid ered 注释consid ered 考虑;ad mit 承认;absorb 吸收。注意acknowl ed ge 1)(=agree or ad mit the tru th of;confess)承认,供 认;A.He acknowl ed ged his misl ak

2、e.(他承认了他的错 误。)B.接动名词 He acknowl ed ged having been beaten.(他承认被打败了。)2)(express thanks for)致谢;A.Mary acknowl ed ged the gift with a pl easant l etter.(玛丽致函感谢馈赠的礼物。)B.His l ong service with the company was acknowl ed ged with a present.(向他赠送礼品以感谢他长期来对公司的 服务c)2.The boy sl ipped ou t of the room and hea

3、d ed for the swimming pool withou t his parents.A.command B.conviction C.consent D.compromise答案C.consent 注释consent同意,赞成,答应。conviction深信,确信。compromise妥协,折中 command命令,指令;掌握,运用能力。3.Ou r research has focu sed on a d ru g which is so as to be abl e to change brain chemistry.A.powerfu l B.infl u ential C.

4、monstrou s D.vigorou s答案A.powerfu l 注释powerfu l(=having or prod u cing great power)强有力的。在这里四个形容 词中,只一 powerfu l(有放力的)可与表示药物的名词搭配。infl u ential有影响的,有势力的,monstrou s异常大的,vigorou s精力旺盛的,强健有力的。4.The l ost car of the Lees was fou nd in the wood s off the highway.A.vanished B.aband oned C.scattered D.rejec

5、ted答案B.aband oned 注释aband oned(=give u p compl etel y)放弃,抛弃;1)The scientist aband oned his research for l ack of fu nd.2)The sail ors aband oned the bu rning ship,f注意aband on 暗指某人对其 所抛弃的人或物将会发生什么事情不感兴趣,如把撞坏的汽车抛弃在路旁。vanish(=su d d enl y d isappear;go ou t of existence)vi.消失,绝迹;1)The airpl ane vanishe

6、d into the cl ou d s.2)Many kind s of animal s have vanished form the earth.(许多种类的动物以在地球上绝迹。)scatter(=send,go in d ifferent d irection)驱使,使分散;The pol ice scattered the crowed.(警察驱散人群。)(=throw or pu t in variou s d irections)撒,到处放;He scattered his cl othes al l over the room,reject(refu se to accept)

7、拒 绝接受;She rejected my su ggestion.5.Henrys news report covering the conference was so that nothing had been omitted.A.u nd erstand ing B.comprehensibl e C.comprehensive D.u nd erstand abl e答案C.comprehensive.注释comprehensive完全的无所不包的;comprehensibl e能懂的,可以 理解的;u nd erstand abl e可以埋解的,主要用来指人的行为。u nd erst

8、and ing用来指人时,表示善于 理解别人或别人问题的(人)。”注意下面的搭配:a comprehensive map(街区详图);a comprehensibl e remark(听得懂的话),an u nd erstand abl e mistake(可以理解的借误);an u nd erstand ing friend(一位能 理解人的朋友)。6.She was afraid that u nl ess the train speed ed u p she wou l d l ose her to Scotl and.A.ticket B.pl ace C.seat D.connect

9、ion(答案D.connection(注释l ose ones connection to误了到地方去的(汽车、火车、轮船的)联 15;The train was l ate and T missed my connection.7.The ship was in a storm off Jamaica.A.d rowned B.su nk C.wrecked D.su bmitted答案C.wrecked 注释wreck vt.撞坏,毁坏;1)My son wrecked my car.2)My car was compl etel y wrecked in the accid ent,si

10、nk vt.下沉,沉没,该动词也可作及物动词用,意为“使下沉”,但按本题句意看,用被动语态不妥c d rown溺死,淹死:(vt.)He d rowned his wife.(vi)He d rowned in the ri ver 一(他在河里淹死了。)su bmit 1)(=pu t onesel f u nd er the control of another)提交,呈送(to):Shou l d a wife su bmit hersel f to her hu sband?(妻子应顺从他丈夫吗?)2)(=pu t forward fbr option,d iscu ssion,d e

11、cision ect.)提出(供评论、讨论决定等)You mu st su bmit you r requ est to the committee.3)(=su rrend er(to),give in)屈服,投降:After being d efeated,they su bmitted to the enemy.(打败后,他们向敌人投降了。)8.No one has been abl e to trace the au thor of the poem,A.stil l B.yet C.al read y D.ju st答案B,yet 注释yet常用于现在完成时的否定句中,意为“尚,还”

12、。9.More than one-third of the Chinese in the United States l ive in Cal ifornia,in San Francisco.A.previou sl y B.pred ominantl y C practical l y D.permanentl y答案J B.pred ominantl y.1注释pred ominantl y(=mostl y;mainl y)主要地。previou sl y(=coming earl ier in time or ord er)先前,早先;This is better than any

13、sol u tion previou sl y.(这个办法比以前提出 的任何解决办法都好。)practical l y(=real l y;in a practical way)实际上 c permanentl y(=going on fbr a l ong time)永久地。本题译文:在美国,华人中有三分之一居住在加利福尼亚洲I,其中主要是在旧 金山C10.The new secretary has written a remarkabl y report onl y in a l ew pages bu t with al l the d etail s.A.concise B.cl ea

14、r C.precise D.el aborate答案A.concise.注释concise(=brief;giving mu ch infonnation in few word s)简明扼要的:He gave a concise report of the meeting.(他对会议作 了简明扼要的报道。)cl ear 清楚的。precise(=exact;correctl y stated;free form error)精确的,明 白无误的;Pl ease tel l me the precise measu rements.(请告 诉我精确的尺寸。)el aborate(=worked

15、 ou t with mu ch care;carefu l l y prepared)精心制作的,丰盛的;Peter worked ou t an el aborate scheme for raising the money.(彼得制定了 一项详尽得计划来筹集着笔 款项)孤立地看,似乎4个形容词均能修饰report,但从句子的逻辑关系看,后半句中有onl y in a few pages bu t with al l the d etail s,故 concise 是最贴切的选择了。11.The managing d irector took the for the accid ent,a

16、l thou gh it was not real l y his fau l t.A.gu il t B.charge C.bl ame D.accu sation答案C.bl ame.注释Itakc the bl ame for对.承担责任。Take charwc of负责管理(照顾)c 注意charge前无冠词the.12.The worker agreed to the strike if the company wou l d satisfy their d emand s.A.cal l for B.cal l forth C.cal l off D.cal l u p答案C ca

17、l l off 注释详见HI,25,26注释。cal l for v.要求,提倡,为叫喊,为叫;cal l forth v.使产生,引起,使起作用:cal l off v.叫走,放弃,使转移走,依次叫名:cal l u p v.召唤,使想起,提出,打电话给13.1 cou l d ju st see a car in the d istance,bu t I cou l d nt what col or it was.A.l ook ou t B.make ou t C.get across D.take after2答案B.make ou t 注释详见111,123注释。l ook ou t

18、 v.面朝,留神,照料14.He has impressed his empl oyers consid erabl y and he is soon to be promoted.A.eventu al l y B.yet C.final l y D.accord ingl y答案D.accord ingl y.注释accord ingl y(=fot Ihat reason,therefbre)因此,所以。15.It was a great for him to be pl easant to peopl e he d id n*t l ike.A.attempt B.trou bl e

19、C.power D.effort答案D.effort.注释effort(作可数名词用)(rigorou s attempt)努力的尝试:Does it requ ire a great effort of wil l to give u p smoking?(戒烟需要坚强的毅力吗?)16.The firemen managed to the fire in time.A.extingu ish B,prevent C.su ppress D.ru in答案A.extingu ish.注释extingu ish(=pu t ou t)vt.扑火(火焰等)。Stop the fire 虽然也可以搭

20、 配,但按本句题意用extingu ish为最佳。17.What is most obviou s in this book arc al l those d etail s of d ail y l iving which make Mrs.Richard common.A.nothing bu t B.anything bu t C.above al l D.rather than答案B.anything bu t注释anything bu t(=far from being)根本不;The boys knew they bad broken the ru l es,and they we

21、re anything bu t happy when they were cal l ed to the office.(=They were u nhappy and afraid.)nothing bu t 只不过;Don*t have him for a fnend;hes nothing bu t a cnml nal.(不要把他当朋 友,他只不过是个罪犯。)I have nothing bu t two d ol l ars.(我只有2美元。)above al l最重要的。rather than而不是.18.The car was compl etel y and the d ri

22、ver seriou sl y inju red.A.broken off B.taken off C.written off D.picked u p答案C.written off.注释write off 报废,参看 TIT,200.注释;break off 参看 IH.13,注释;take off参看 III.170.注释;pick u p 参看 III.130,129。主释。19.On this happy occasion,Id l ike to say that we are mu ch obl iged to you fbr you r kind cooperation.A.eve

23、n so B.ever so C.as yet D.so far答案B.ever so.注释lever so(=very)非常;Its ever so col d.与名词搭配时则用 ever su ch,如:Shes ever su ch a nice girl,(她是一位非常好的姑娘。)even so(=al thou gh that is tru e,neverthel ess;stil l)即使 如止匕:The fire was ou t,bu t even so,the smel l of smoke was strong,(=The fire was ou t,bu t the sm

24、el l was stil l there.)20.His new appointment takes from the beginning of next month.A.pl ace B.effect C.post D.office答案B.eacl.注释l ake efl ecl生效。21.The pol iceman stopped him when he was d riving home and him of speed ing.A.charged B.accu sed C.bl amed D.d eprived答案B.accu sed.1注释】accu se sb.ef.控告某人犯

25、有.warn sb.of 警告、告戒某人有.,d eaive sb.of sth.剥夺某人某事。charge sb.with mu rd er(指控某人犯有杀人罪)022.Mr.Smith grad u al l y a knowl ed ge of the su bject.A.attained B.achieved C.requ ired D.acqu ired答案D.acqu ired.注释acqu ired(=gain for onesel f by skil l or abil ity,by ones own efforts or behavior)(由技术、能力、努力或行为)获得;

26、得到:He has acqu ired a good command of Engl ish l angu age.(他 已精通英语c)achieve,vt.取得(胜利、成功等),实现(目标、目的等)。attain,vt.达到(目的 等),取得(成就等):1)I hope you wil l attain you r object.(我希望你会达到你的目的0)2)He attained su ccess tl irou gh hard work.23.This is the piano on which the composer created some of his greatest wor

27、ks.A.actu al B.genu ine C.real D.original答案A.actu al 注释木题中 actu al(=existing in fact,not imaginary)实际使用过的。actu al,real,genu ine是同义词,有时可以互换,如:an actu al(or real)event in history,(历史上的真实事件),real(or genu ine)banknotes(真钞票),其反义词是fal se(假的);original(原柒的).其反义词是d u pl icate(复制的)。从不同的角度看,似乎任何一个选择都说得过去,但按照题意

28、选A.actu al最佳,因为题 中强调的不是钢琴的真假,而是指作曲家“实际使用过的“。本题译文:这是作曲家创作他的一些杰 出作品时实际使用过的那台钢琴。24.My camera can be to take pictu res in cl ou d y or su nny cond itions.A.treated B.ad opted C.ad ju sted D.remed ied答案C.ad ju sted.注释ad ju st(arrange,pu t in ord er or agreement;make su itabl e or convenient for u se)强调,调

29、节,使适应;The bod y ad ju sts itsel f to change of temperatu re.(身体能自行调节以适应温 度的变化。)My eyes have not been ad ju sted(o d ark yet.(我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。)本句中ad ju st 是不及物动词 I mu st ad ju st my watch.Its sl ow.(我必须调一下我的表它走得慢了。)25.Accord ing to the psychoanal yst Sigmu nd Freu d,wisd om comes from the of matu rity.A.

30、fu l fil l ment B.achievement C.establ ishment D.accompl ishment答案B.achievement 注释achievement(=something su ccessfu l l y finished or gained especial l y throu gh skil l and hard work)取得,达到,成就。例如:achievement age 智力成熟年龄。fu l fil ment(=the act of fu l fil l ing or cond ition of being fu l fil l ed)履彳丁

31、,实彳丁。如:He was wil l ing to face any hard ship in fu l fil ment of his d u ties.(他愿意迎向困难去履行他得职责。)establ ishment建立,建设。Accompl ishment。顺利)完成:It was a great accompl ishment to finish the hou se cl eaning in two d ays.(两天内打扫完这栋屋子是件很了不起的事。)26.The nu mber of tickets wil l be d etermined by the size of the

32、stad iu m.A.ad aptabl e B.acceptabl e C.ad visabl e D.avail abl e答案D.avail abl e.注释avail abl e.(=capabl e of being u sed;that may be obtained)可用的,有效的,可得到的。例如:1)There are no d octors avail abl e in the remote areas.(在边远地区没有大夫。)2)There tickets are avail abl e fbr on monl h.(这些票有效期一个月。)accepl abl e 可以接

33、受的:None of the su ggestions was acceptabl e,ad visabl e 明智的,可取的,适当的:I think it ad visabl e that he be assigned to the job.(我认为指派他干这项工作是可取的0)ad aptabl e能适应的:He is an ad aptabl e man and wil l soon l earn the new work.27.Too many hotel s have been bu il t and this has prices,making hol id ays cheaper.

34、A.cu t short B.cu t ou t C.cu t off D.cu t d own4答案D.cu t d own.注释cu t d own 参阅 111,38 注释。cu t short V,打断,缩减(有时作cu t shorter);cu t ou t v.切掉,裁剪出,取代,停止;cu t off v.切断,断绝,剥夺继承权;cu t d own v.砍倒,胜过,削减,删在28.He is a very honest official and never any gifts from the peopl e who sou ght his hel p.A.accepted

35、B.received C.took u p D.excepted答案A.accepted注释receive收到,接到,指“收,接”这一动作;而accept是经过考虑“接受”下 来,表示当事人的态度,如:I received the present,bu t I d id not accept it.(我收到了这件礼物,但我没 有接受。)29.He was not to the cl u b becau se he wasn*t a member.A.al l owed B.ad mitted C.permitted D.approved答案B.ad mitted.注释ad mit sb.to(

36、=al l ow sb.or sth.to enter;l et in)允许某人某物进入;让.进入:1)Chil d ren are not ad mitted.(J L童免进 c)Onl y one hu nd red boys are ad mitted to the school every year.(这所学校每年只收 100 名男生0)ad mit(=acknowl ed ge;confess)承认,供认:1)We have to ad mit that he is a highl y competent man.(我们不得不承认他是一位能力很强的人。)2)The thief ad

37、mitted his crime.3)She ad mitted having read the l etter,4)I ad mit breaking the wind ow.注意 ad mit 后 可接动名词的一般式或完成式。5)Wc mu st ad mit the task to be d ifficu l to注意ad mit也可以接复合结 构。al l ow 和 permit 后均可接 sb.to d o sth.,故不合本题题意 approve sth.批准;approve of d oing sth.(=think wel l of)赞成,赞许:1)I am afraid th

38、ey wont approve of you r going there.(恐怕他们不会赞成 你去那里的0)2)I d ont approve of you r way of l ooking at things.(我不赞同你看待事情的方法。)30.Al thou gh he d oesnt l ike that l aw,he wil l with it.A.confine B.conform C.compl y D.contend答案C.compl y 注释compl y with 遵守 c Conform tonconfine vt.限制,禁闭n.界限,边界;conform vt.使一致

39、,使遵守,使顺从5.符合,相似,适应环境 ad j.一致的,顺从的;compl y vi.顺从,答应,遵守;contend v.4,竞争,主张。31.Motorists of speed ing may be banned from d riving fbr a year.A.convicted B.arrested C.charged D.ju d ged答案A.convicted,注释 Ibe convicted of 被判有.(罪):He was convicted of mu rd er.(他被法院判有谋杀罪c)32.The reason why he ad apted to the

40、new situ ations qu ickl y is that he has a attitu d e.A.changeabl e B.al ternate C.movabl e D.fl exibl e答案D.fl exibl e J 注释fl exibl e 灵活的,可变通的;Wc need a foreign pol icy that is more fl exibl e.33.Wil l al l those the proposal raise their hand s?A.in rel ation to B.in excess of C.in contrast to D.in

41、favor of答案0.in favor of.注释in favor of 赞成。in excess of 超过。in rel al ion to 关系至限 in cu nl rasl l o 与相对照。例如:1)Everyone in the cl ass voted in favor of the party.(=A11 of the chil d ren voted to have a party.)2)We got$5,000 in excess of the fixed su m.(我们比定额多收入 5000 美元 0)3)This appears smal l in contras

42、t to(with)that.(这个同那个对比起来显得小 了 2)4)T have a l ot to say in rel ation to that affkir.(我对那件事有许多话要说 )5)We mu st pl an in(with)rel ation to the fixtu re.(我们定计划时要考虑到将来。)本题译文:请所有赞成此项建议的人举手。34.An earl y typewriter prod u ced l etters qu ickl y and neatl y;the typist,cou l d nt see his work on his machine.A

43、.however B.therefore C.yet D.al thou gh答案A.however.注释however然而。本题译文:早期的打字机打起字来又快又整齐,然而打 字员不能看着机器键盘打字。35.We are interested in the weather becau se it u s so d irectl y-what we wear,what we d o,andeven how we feel.A.benefits B.gu id es C.affects D.effects答案C.affects.注释affect(=have an infl u ence or ef

44、fect on)影响:The cl imate affected his heal th.(气候影响损害了他的健康。)注意affect vt.影响。effect n.(=infl u ent)影响,作用:Some fil ms have a misl ead ing effect on chil d ren,effect vt.(=bring abou t)实行,进行,产生.后果:1)I wil l effectmy pu rpose:no-one shal l stop me!2)We hope to effect an improvement.(我们希望能弓I起改进。)注意 两个常用的习语

45、:1)to that effect 那个意思的(话):She said she hated spinach,or word s to that effect,(她说她不喜欢吃菠菜或那个意思的话。)2)to the effect that.意思是说,表示下述意思:I said a few word s the effect that al l he had tol d u s was al read y wel l known.(我说了几句话,意思是说他告诉我们 的一切都已众所周知。)36.1 can meet you at eight ocl ock;you can cal l fbr me.

46、A.incid ental l y B.actu al l y C.al ternativel y D.accord ingl y答案C.al ternativel y 注释al ternativel y(=as an al ternative)作为一个替代办法:If however is u sed,bu t is not need ed;or al ternativel y omit however.(如果使用 however,就不需要 bu l;或者作为一个替代 办法省去 however。)注意al ternatel y 和 al ternativel y 的区别:al ternatel

47、 y(交替地):At a Chinese d inner,the gu ests and the hosts sit al ternatel y at a rou nd tabl e.37.He has the of an athl ete:he real l y goes al l ou t to win.A.instants B.instances C.instincts D.intel l igences答案C.instincts.注释instinct天生的本领。instant n.瞬IT,时亥U;ad j.立即的,直接的。如:instant coffee 速溶咖啡;instant fo

48、od(s)方便食品。例如;Spaceships are stocked with a variety of instant food s.(宇宙飞船上备有各种个样的方便食品。)38.A u niversity is an ed u cational institu tion which d egrees and carries ou t research.A.reward s B.award s C.grants D.presents答案B.award s.注释 laward s sb.sth,授予某人某物。如:They award ed John the first prize.(他们 授于

49、约翰一等奖。)对比:reward sb with sth.以某物酬谢某人,须加介词with;They reward ed the boy with S5 for bringing back the l ost d og.(他们给这男孩5美元酬谢他把丢失的狗找回来。)grant(=consent to give or al l ow what is asked fbr)同意(给予),答应(请求):The firm granted him a pension.(公司同意给予他退休金)present sb.with sth.赠送:Ou r cl ass presented the school wi

50、th a pictu re.(我们班给学校送了一幅画。)present 颁发,呈递:1)The principal wil l present the d ipl omas.(校长将颁发文凭。)2)We shal l present a compl ete report to the Annu al Conference.(我们将向年会递 交一份全面的报告.)本题句意是:大学是授予学位和进行研究的教育机构。可见,本题应选award.39.The ol d l ad y cant hope to her col d in a few d ays.A.get over B.get off C.ho

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