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1、Special Report:Trust and Health in China2024爱德曼健康信任度中国报告P.2调查方法*The sample size varies by country from 904 to 1,002.12-market global data margin of error:General population+/-1.2 percentage points(n=11,951)Country-specific data margin of error:General population+/-4.1 to 4.3 percentage points(varies

2、 by country based on sample size)Margin of error is calculated at the 99%confidence level.2024爱德曼信任度专题报告-健康信任度连续第三年的在线调研15,000+1,000+/-16调查时间:2024年3月4日-13日国家受访者每国受访者/国家*Australia*BrazilCanadaChinaFranceGermanyIndiaJapanMexicoNigeria*Singapore*S.AfricaS.KoreaUAE*UKU.S.France and S.Korea began fieldin

3、g on March 5th.For more details on global averages,country-specific sample information,or to see the full text for any shortened statements,please see the Technical Appendix.Significant change+0-Data collected is representative of the general population across age,gender,region and ethnicity/nationa

4、lity(where applicable)within each country.统计学意义表示数据中具有统计意义的差异或变化,不是偶然或随机波动造成的。所有标明的同比显著变化都是通过在t检验中将置信水平设置在99%以上得出的。.全球均值除非另有说明,全球平均数由 16 个受调查国家中的 12 个国家组成。*表示不包括在 全球 12 个 平均值中的国家。问题简洁描述本报告中,为了便于阅读,对问题文本进行了编辑。P.31.机构信任度2.直面挑战3.持续赋能报告内容P.4机构信任度P.5Percent who say I trust this institution to do what is

5、right in addressing my health needs and concerns认同“我相信该机构在面对我的健康需求和问题时会做正确的事”的比例2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.TRU_INS_HEA.Please indicate how much you trust each of the following to do what is right when it comes to addressing your health-related needs and concerns.9-p

6、oint scale;top 4 box,trust.General population,12-mkt avg,and by APAC countries.“My employer”only shown to those who are an employee of an organization(Q43/1).Year-over-year changes were tested for significance using a t-test set at the 99%+confidence level.全球:除了雇主企业,其他机构在健康领域的信任度较低6852494341My emplo

7、yerBusinessNGOsGovernmentMediaDistrust(1-49)Neutral(50-59)Trust(60-100)Significant changeGLOBAL 12+0-4-4-7-4-5Change,Apr 2023 to Apr 2024Australia*6542464331China8277628770India8976727560Japan5648343335Singapore*6652597752S.Korea3634393732P.6Percent who say,in China2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Speci

8、al Report:Trust and Health.TRU_INS_HEA.Please indicate how much you trust each of the following to do what is right when it comes to addressing your health-related needs and concerns.9-point scale;top 4 box,trust.General population,China.“My employer”only shown to those who are an employee of an org

9、anization(Q43/1).Year-over-year changes were tested for significance using a t-test set at the 99%+confidence level.中国:在所有机构中,政府在健康领域最受信任8782777062GovernmentYour employerBusinessMediaNGOsDistrust(1-49)Neutral(50-59)Trust(60-100)Significant change+0-2-5-11-10-22I trust this institution to do what is

10、right in addressing my health needs and concernsChange,Apr 2023 to Apr 2024非政府组织信任度较上一年显著下降我信任该机构在面对我的健康需求和问题时会做正确的事P.77764635751474640393837353433323068798372758618-3435-5455+LowMiddleHighPercent who say2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.DRV_HEA_REP.How much do you trust t

11、he media to report accurate information about healthcare,such as diseases,treatments and prevention?9-point scale;top 4 box,trust.Question asked of half the sample.General population,12-mkt avg.,and by China age and income.*Australia,Nigeria,Singapore and UAE are not included in the global average.F

12、ive-year changes were tested for significance using a t-test set at the 99%+confidence level.This question was not asked from 2020 to 2022.全球范围对媒体健康报道的信任度急剧下降,但中国独树一帜 0n/a-7n/an/a-14-15-7-24-9-8-21-24-17-16n/a575043201920202021202220232024 n/an/an/an/an/an/aGLOBAL 12Distrust(1-49)Neutral(50-59)Trust

13、(60-100)Significant change+0-I trust the media to report accurate information about healthcareMarketAge|Income Change,Jan 2019 to Apr 2024-14pts我信任媒体会报道医疗健康相关的准确信息P.8Percent who say2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.TRU_INS.Below is a list of institutions.For each one,pleas

14、e indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right.9-point scale;top 4 box,trust.General population,12-mkt avg.,and by China age and income.*Australia,Nigeria,Singapore and UAE are not included in the global average.Year-over-year changes were tested for significance using a t-test s

15、et at the 99%+confidence level.全球范围对医疗健康企业的信任度持续下降-5ptsChange,Apr 2023 to Apr 20245873747961778818-3435-5455+LowMiddleHigh79787875726461595756555251494240 -12-16-8-21-10-6 n/a-7n/a-12-3n/a-2-2-2n/a-5-7-2-11-6-10GLOBAL 12市场年龄分布 收入分布 Distrust(1-49)Neutral(50-59)Trust(60-100)Significant change+0-In gen

16、eral,I trust healthcare companies to do what is right总体而言我信任医疗健康企业会做正确的事P.92024健康信任度中国报告十大洞察中国政府的信任度评分为87,远高于全球平均分43,位列全球榜首,并领先于其他机构(企业、媒体和非政府组织)中国媒体健康报道信任度继续位列全球第一,且评分和2023年持平;反观全球范围内,公众对媒体健康报道的信任度急剧下降中国和全球呈现一致的下降趋势,中国企业信任度评分虽高于全球,但较2023年下降,显示企业与公众期待之间存在差距中国政府中国政府在健康领域在健康领域最受公众信任最受公众信任中国媒体中国媒体健康信任度

17、健康信任度领先全球领先全球医疗健康医疗健康企业信任度企业信任度持续下降持续下降123P.10直面挑战P.11In China,percent who worry about.2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.HEA_EMO.Some people say they worry about many things while others say they have few concerns.We are interested in what you worry about.Specifically,how

18、much do you worry about each of the following?9-point scale;top 4 box,worry.Question asked of half the sample.General population,China,and by age.Ties broken by decimal.Year-over-year changes were tested for significance using a t-test set at the 99%+confidence level.In China,the Chinese translation

19、 for Medical science becoming politicized or being used to support a specific political agenda was updated in 2024.This language change means the 2024 data cannot be compared to data from previous years.中国:对健康领域的主要担忧是流行病、可及性和支付能力6968676459AnotherpandemicAccess tomedical technologyAffordabilityof car

20、eHealthmisinformationPoliticizationof medical scienceAge 18-34656668666635-54696968665455+7467655959 -5n/an/an/an/aChange,Apr 2023 to Apr 2024Significant change+0-P.12644544373622IndiaChinaS.KoreaSingapore*Australia*JapanPercent who say2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.MIS

21、_INFO_HARM.Have you ever made a decision that you regretted regarding your personal health because you acted based on inaccurate or misleading information?Codes 1-3,once or twice or more.Question asked of half the sample.General population,12-mkt avg.,and by APAC countries and age.Base size is too s

22、mall to report data for aged 55+(less than n=100).全球:四成受访者对基于错误信息做出的健康决定感到后悔GLOBAL 12I have regretted a health decision I made based on misinformation at least once41%Ages 18-3474444654471935-5464475337383155+n/a4333262617我曾经至少有一次后悔自己根据错误信息做出的健康决定P.13444743Age 18-3435-5455+Percent who say,in China20

23、24 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.MIS_INFO_HARM.Have you ever made a decision that you regretted regarding your personal health because you acted based on inaccurate or misleading information?Codes 1-3,once or twice or more.Question asked of half the sample.General populatio

24、n,China,and by age.MIS_INFO_SOUR.Where did that inaccurate or misleading information come from?Pick all that apply.Question asked to those who have made a health decision they regretted based on inaccurate or misleading information(MIS_INFO_HARM/1-3).General population,China.中国:45%的受访者被错误信息误导及主要原因 我

25、被错误信息误导的原因是:#1产品广告信息#2未经医学培训的信息提供者45%I have regretted a health decision I made based on misinformation at least once我曾经至少有一次后悔自己根据错误信息做出的健康决定P.14636362616060575756555353515148462024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.DRV_HEA_APP.How is the application of technology to healthcare

26、 most likely to impact healthcare in the next 5 years?Pick up to two items.Question asked of half the sample.General population,12-mkt avg.Data shown is a net of attributes 2,3,5,7 and 9.*Australia,Nigeria,Singapore and UAE are not included in the global average.Six-year changes were tested for sign

27、ificance using a t-test set at the 99%+confidence level.全球:对创新技术对医疗带来负面影响的担忧急剧上升 +14+14n/an/a+11+6+20+30n/a-5+7n/a+16+13+10GLOBAL 12Significant change+0-55%I believe over the next 5 years technology will have a negative impact on healthcare Change,Jan 2018 to Apr 2024+8ptsPercent who say我认为在未来 5 年内技

28、术将对医疗健康产生负面影响P.15Patient interaction chatbots for medical inquiriesDrug developmentantibiotic discoveryMedical diagnosis identification of abnormalities313242323225Percent who say2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.CHG_HTEC_COM.How would you characterize your feelings about

29、each of the following?5-point scale;bottom 2 box,resistant or hesitant=reject;top 2 box,enthusiastic or passionate=embrace.General population,12-mkt avg.全球:人工智能驱动医疗创新的接受度不容乐观我反对这种创新 我支持这种创新GLOBAL 12人工智能越来越多应用于.P.16Drug developmentantibiotic discoveryPatient interactionchatbots for medical inquiriesM

30、edical diagnosisidentification of abnormalities161921444440Percent who say,in China2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.CHG_HTEC_COM.How would you characterize your feelings about each of the following?5-point scale;bottom 2 box,resistant or hesitant=reject;top 2 box,enthusia

31、stic or passionate=embrace.General population,China.中国:对人工智能驱动医疗创新表示谨慎接受我反对这种创新 我支持这种创新人工智能越来越多应用于.P.17Percent who say2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.CHG_HTEC_COM.How would you characterize your feelings about each of the following?5-point scale;bottom 2 box,resistant or

32、 hesitant=reject;top 2 box,enthusiastic or passionate=embrace.General population,12-mkt avg.,and APAC countries.全球大多数国家抗拒在患者互动中使用人工智能GLOBAL 122512182236384442574330282719Global 12Australia*Singapore*JapanS.KoreaIndiaChina我支持人工智能越来越多地应用于患者互动I 我反对人工智能越来越多地应用于患者互动P.18Percent trust in gene-based medicin

33、e technology2024 Edelman Trust Barometer.TEC_TRU.How much do you trust each of these technologies?9-point scale;top 4 box,trust.Question asked of half the sample.General population,28-mkt avg.全球大多数国家对基因医学缺乏信任GLOBAL 28Distrust(1-49)Neutral(50-59)Trust(60-100)I trust gene-based medicine(mRNA vaccines,

34、gene splicing,gene therapy4556737265626157575654545151505050504846434342414141404039375011 pts less trust for gene-based medicine in developed countries我信任基因医学(mRNA疫苗,基因,基因治疗)P.192024健康信任度中国报告十大洞察公众在健康领域的最大担忧是下一场流行病大爆发,这体现出经历新冠疫情肆虐后的公众对流行病严重危害的高度忧虑45%受访者表示“曾经后悔自己根据错误信息做出的健康决定”,错误信息的主要来源是产品广告和未经医学培训的

35、信息提供者尽管全球范围对创新技术对医疗带来负面影响的担忧急剧上升,但中国受访者却表现出对创新技术的谨慎接受中国受访者支持AI应用于医疗健康的占比位列全球第一;70%的中国受访者表示“信任基因医学”,而全球平均值仅为50%流行病大爆发流行病大爆发位列公众健康位列公众健康忧虑之首忧虑之首错误健康信息错误健康信息是公众健康是公众健康的主要障碍的主要障碍对创新技术对创新技术医疗领域应用医疗领域应用谨慎接受谨慎接受AI和基因医学和基因医学信任度信任度领先全球领先全球4567P.20持续赋能P.21认同“我希望以下方面能在确保我尽可能健康的过程中发挥重要或巨大作用”的比例2024 Edelman Trus

36、t Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.HEA_RSP.How big a role do you expect each of the following to play in making sure you are as healthy as possible?5-point scale;top 2 box,large or very large role.General population,12-mkt avg.,and by APAC countries.“My employer”only shown to those who are

37、an employee of an organization(Q43/1).Year-over-year changes were tested for significance using a t-test set at the 99%+confidence level.全球:个人和医生承担更多健康责任,机构责任逐渐降低Change,Apr 2023 to Apr 2024*AustraliaChinaIndiaJapan*SingaporeS.KoreaMyself887784748784My primary care provider767182707480Government42727

38、4337158My employer265363313625Business175052302923NGOs184152192822Media18455223333131323341507985+8+10-6-9-9-9-4GLOBAL 12Significant change+0-P.22Percent who say,in China中国:个人对健康负有最大责任,政府和医生也非常重要Change,Apr 2023 to Apr 2024MyselfMy primary care providerGovernmentMy employerBusinessMediaNGOs4145505372

39、7177+9+3+6-4-9-10-9I expect each to play a big or huge role in making sure I am as healthy as possibleSignificant change+0-2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.HEA_RSP.How big a role do you expect each of the following to play in making sure you are as healthy as possible?5-p

40、oint scale;top 2 box,large or very large role.General population,China.“My employer”only shown to those who are an employee of an organization(Q43/1).Year-over-year changes were tested for significance using a t-test set at the 99%+confidence level.我希望以下方面能在确保我尽可能健康的过程中发挥重要或巨大作用P.23Percent who say20

41、24 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.PHEA_INF_PEP.Below is a list of people.Which of them would you say have the greatest influence on shaping your opinions regarding policies,regulations,and laws designed to protect the health of the public and govern the way healthcare is run

42、 in this country?Pick up to three items.Question asked of half the sample.General population,12-mkt avg.,and by APAC country.全球:医生在影响卫生政策方面扮演重要角色GLOBAL 12My opinions on public health policiesare most influenced by49372922My primary careproviderMedical scientists,health expertsNational healthauthorit

43、iesGlobal healthauthoritiesAustralia*56362416China20334324India48323129Japan50453120Singapore*44274626S.Korea39455632我认为公共卫生政策受到以下因素影响最大P.2443332420National healthauthoritiesMedical scientists,health expertsGlobal healthauthoritiesMy primary careproviderPercent who say,in China2024 Edelman Trust Bar

44、ometer Special Report:Trust and Health.PHEA_INF_PEP.Below is a list of people.Which of them would you say have the greatest influence on shaping your opinions regarding policies,regulations,and laws designed to protect the health of the public and govern the way healthcare is run in this country?Pic

45、k up to three items.Question asked of half the sample.General population,China.中国:公共卫生政策受政府部门影响最大My opinions on public health policiesare most influenced by我认为公共卫生政策受到以下因素影响最大P.25*AustraliaChinaIndiaJapan*SingaporeS.KoreaCost(net)Healthy options cost too muchCannot afford good healthcareCannot affor

46、d treatments507877447068Information(net)Contradictory expert adviceChanging health recommendations Lack of information427981326165Access(net)Difficulty accessing healthcare services Lack of institutional support36666629425762585185%受访者认为自己目前实际健康状况与应有的健康状况之间存在差距2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Re

47、port:Trust and Health.HEA_BAR.How big a role does each of the following have in keeping you from closing the gap between how well you currently are taking care of your health and how well you should ideally be taking care of your health?5-point scale;top 2 box,large or very large role.Question asked

48、 of those who said there is a gap between how well they are currently taking care of their health vs.how well they should be(HEA_GAP/2-5).General population,12-mkt avg.,and by APAC countries.“Cost”is a net of attributes 1-3;“Information”is a net of attributes 4-6;“Access”is a net of attributes 8 and

49、 15.Year-over-year changes were tested for significance using a t-test set at the 99%+confidence level.全球:改善健康的主要障碍是费用、信息、可及性Change,Apr 2023 to Apr 2024GLOBAL 12Significant change+0-This plays a large role in preventing me from taking better care of my health+8+4+6以下因素很大程度上阻碍了我改善自己的健康P.26在中国 84%受访者认

50、为自己目前实际健康状况与应有的健康状况之间存在差距2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report:Trust and Health.HEA_BAR.How big a role does each of the following have in keeping you from closing the gap between how well you currently are taking care of your health and how well you should ideally be taking care of your health

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