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1、受控状态Control State发放编号Distribution NoXXXX有限公司企业标准管理评审程序Management Review Procedure发布日期Published Date: 生效日期:Effective Date:REVISION HISTORY历史修订记录Rev版本Effective Date生效日期Description and Reason of Revision修订描述及原因Revisor修订人Remark( Para。#, Page)注解(段落#,页码)A/0A/1A/2A/3A/4Warning:Electronic versions (L:QUALIT

2、Y01_Management system) are controlled。 Printed version are uncontrolled except when stamp ”CONTROLLED COPY” in red。警告:电子版本的文件(L:QUALITY01_Management system)是受控的。打印的文件只有敲上“控制复印件”的红章,才是受控的文件。签 署 栏Subscription Column编制Written by审核Reviewed by批准Approved by部门Dept.QualityMR姓名NameAaronVickyRoger签名Signed仅供内部

3、使用For Internal Use OnlySPS/QP028发布日期Published Date:25-Dec-2007 生效日期Effective Date:01-Jan-2008 版本EditionA/34管理评审程序Management Review Procedure1) 目的/Objective 按计划的时间间隔评审质量管理体系,以确保其持续改进的适宜性、充分性和有效性。Review quality management system according to time intervals of plan, to ensure the improvement is suitabl

4、e、full、effective.2) 范围/Scope 适用于本公司对质量体系的管理评审活动。All management review activities about quality system.3) 定义/Definition 管理评审由最高管理者就质量方针与质量目标,对质量体系现状的适合性和有效性进行的正式评价。Management Reviewis top administrator officially judge fitness and validity of quality system status according to quality policy and qual

5、ity target。4) 职责/Responsibility 4.1总经理厂长主持管理评审会议,批准管理评审计划和管理评审报告。MD PM is responsible for chairing the management review meeting; approve management review plan and management review report.4。2管理者代表负责管理评审会议的策划,收集并审阅管理评审会议所需的资料,编制管理评审报告.Administrator representative is responsible for edit management

6、review plan、collect and review some data about management review meeting, edit management review reports。4。3各部门准备管理评审所需的资料,落实管理评审中出现的纠正和预防措施的实施工作。 Every department prepares related data about management review, carrying out implementation work about corrective actions and preventive actions, which a

7、ppeared in management review。4。4管理者代表Management Representative4.4.1负责管理评审会议资料的收集;Collect data about management review meeting.4。5负责评审不符合项的纠正和预防措施实施的监督、验证和报告工作.Monitor、validate、report corrective actions and preventive actions about unsuitable terms。5) 程序/Procedure Warning警告: Electronic versions (L:QU

8、ALITY01_Management system) are controlled. 电子版本的文件 (L:QUALITY01_Management system)是受控的。Printed version are uncontrolled except when stamp ”CONTROLLED COPY” in red. 打印的文件只有敲上“控制复印件”的红章,才是受控的文件。页码Page:第3页,共11页仅供内部使用For Internal Use Only输入Input流程Process负责Responsible输出Output内容说明Explain内/外部审核结果Internal/e

9、xternal audit report顾客反馈Customers feedback过程的业绩和产品的符合性Performance of process and product uniformity预防和纠正措施的状况Corrective and preventive actions status以往管理评审的跟踪结果Following results of past management review年度方针目标完成情况Accomplished status of annual policy target管理评审的准备Management Review preparationAB可能影响质量

10、管理体系的变更change, which affect quality management system法律法规和其他要求的发生变化laws and rules change产品设计开发评审汇总报告product design development review process质量成本报告Cost of quality report改进建议Improvement suggestionsB管理评审会议Management review MeetingC管理评审策划Management Review PlanA管理者代表MR各部门All department总经理MD管理者代表MR各部门经理D

11、epartment ManagerC管理评审报告Management review ReportD纠正和预防措施 corrective and preventive actions管理者代表MR各部门All departmentD措施跟踪验证Follow up & verified下次管理评审Next Management review资料归档 Data arrangementGenesis管理者代表MR质量部Quality管理评审报告Management review report5。1管理评审策划Management review plan5。1。1总经理主持召开管理评审会议。MD is

12、responsible for planning management review meeting5.1。2管理评审会议类型Management review meeting type as following:5。1.2。1 董事会Board meeting (3 times/year)a)评审战略决策。Review strategy decision on changes。5。1.2。2 季度管理层会议Quarterly Management team meeting (4 times/year) a)平衡积分卡评审Review on scorecard. b)过程绩效、过程分析、上次评

13、审输出改进的评审Standard reporting format including previous meeting review, process performance (KPIs), reason analysis, corrective actions & follow up plan should be included5。1。2.3 2 月度管理层会议Monthly Management team meeting (At least 8 times/year)a)关键指标绩效评审The most important KPIs & LTI. Standard reporting

14、format including previous meeting review, process performance (KPIs), reason analysis, corrective actions & follow up plan should be included5.1。2.4 3 月度安全会议Monthly Safety council meeting (12 times/year)a)EHS绩效评审Review on EHS performance site audit. Standard reporting format including previous meeti

15、ng review, process performance (KPIs), reason analysis, corrective actions follow up plan should be included5.1.2.5 4 管理层周例会Weekly Management Team meeting5。1。2.65任何性质的管理层会议Any management team meeting5。1。3当出现下列情况之一时,应增加管理评审频次:We should increase management review frequency when the following condition

16、s occur。6) 企业的组织机构、资源配置以及活动、产品、服务发生重大变化时;Organization、allocation of resources、activities、products、service of a company have been changed greatly。 7) 发生重大质量事故或相关方关于质量有严重投诉或投诉连续发生时;Happening great quality accident or serious complain about quality or complaining continuously8) 当法律法规标准及其他要求有变化时;Laws an

17、d rules or other requirements have been changed。9) 市场需求发生重大变化时;Market requirements have been changed greatly。10) 审核中发现严重不合格时。We find unqualified terms in audit process.5.1。4公司每年至少进行一次覆盖全过程管理评审,一般可结合内部审核后的结果进行,也可根据需要安排,必须保持本次管理评审的记录.Carrying out management review at least once a year, which covering

18、the all process and requirements. Where appropriate, we should act according to the results of internal audit。 The records of this management review must be maintained。 5。1.5管理者代表负管理评审的策划工作,确定召开管理评审会议的时机,准备和收集召开管理评审会议的各类文件和资料。Management representative is responsible for planning management review, a

19、nd confirm chance for holding management review meeting, preparing and collecting the variety kinds of documents and data about management review meeting.5。2管理评审准备Management review preparation5.2。1管理评审输入必须包括内容,x详见附录A:“管理评审输入一览表”)Management review inputting must be including, according the Appendix A

20、 :”Management review input list”:5.2。2各部门针对经营目标完成情况,提交管理评审报告。Every department submit management review report according to accomplished situation of management goal。5.2.3管理者代表根据评审输入要求,收集准备必要的文件、评审资料.MR collect essential documents、review data according to requirements of review inputting.5。3管理评审会议Man

21、agement review meeting5。3。1 管理评审可采用多方论证的方法进行,可以会议评审或现场评审。Management review could be multi-side demonstrated, and reviewing in meeting or on the workshop。5.3。2 管理评审由总经理主持,管理者代表组织。MD is responsible for chairing management review; administrator representative is responsible for organizing.5。3.3参加人员:总经理

22、、管理者代表、各部门经理。Attendee: MD、administrator representative、every department manager。5。3。3 会议紧紧围绕质量管理体系的适应性、充分性、有效性和效率展开讨论,评价评审的输入。Meeting need center on fitness、sufficiency、validity efficiency、firmly, and inputting evaluation.5。3。4总经理对质量管理体系做出评审结论,并对体系、过程、产品改进、环境改进、安全改进和资源需求做出决策、包括对方针、目标和指标适宜性做出结论,提出改进要

23、求。MD come to a conclusion about quality management system, making decisions based on system、process、product improvement、environment improvement、safety improvement and resource requirement, which included in make conclusion according to policy、target and index fitness. Then put forward improvement re

24、quirement.5.4管理评审报告Management review report5。4.1 管理评审的输出必须包括以下方面的任何决定和措施:Management review output must included in any decision and measurement as follows:a) 质量管理体系的适宜性、充分性和有效性的总体评价结论;Whole evaluation of fitness、sufficiency、validity in quality management system. b)质量管理体系及其过程改进的决定和措施,必要时包括对方针和目标改进的措施

25、;Decision and measurement of quality management system and improvement process must included in measurements of policy and target improvement.c)与顾客有关的产品的改进决定和措施;Improvement decision and measurement of products, which related to customers。d)资源配置的需求改进.Requirement improvement of resource distribution。5

26、。4。2 管理者代表根据评审输入资料、总经理总结性发言以及管理评审输出的要求编写“管理评审报告”,交总经理批准。Administrator representative input data according to review results, then MD make a concluding summary, and make “Management Review Report” according to requirement of management review output, then submit it to MD to approve.5。4。3 本次管理评审的输出将作为

27、下次管理评审的输入.The management review output is the next management review input。5.5改进、纠正和预防措施Corrective and prevention action5.5.1 Genesis对管理评审报告中提出的改进项目,要求有关部门落实改进。如需采取纠正和预防措施按纠正和预防措施控制程序执行。Genesis ask related departments to carry out according to improvement items forwarded in management review reports

28、。 Carry out corrective and preventive actions according toCorrective and Preventive actions control procedure 5.5.2 若管理评审结果引起文件更改,应执行文件控制程序。Carry outDocument Control procedureif management review result cause the alteration of document.5。6跟踪验证Follow up and verified5.6.1 Genesis负责对质量采取措施的实施效果进行跟踪验证,验

29、证人员应记录验证结果。对验证有效的措施涉及到文件更改时,由Genesis组织相关部门对文件进行更改,具体执行按文件控制程序。Warning警告: Electronic versions (L:QUALITY01_Management system) are controlled. 电子版本的文件(L:QUALITY01_Management system)是受控的。Printed version are uncontrolled except when stamp ”CONTROLLED COPY” in red. 打印的文件只有敲上“控制复印件”的红章,才是受控的文件。页码Page:第8页,

30、共11页仅供内部使用For Internal Use OnlyGenesis is responsible for following and verifying implement effect of quality measurement, verified staff should note the results。 Genesis organize related departments to change documents according to Document Control Procedurewhen verified measurement is effective an

31、d document need to be changed。5.7记录归档管理评审产生的相关记录,Genesis按记录控制程序进行保管并予以保存。Genesis should reserve related records about management review according toRecord control procedure11) Related Documents/涉及文件6。1 SPS/QP015文件控制程序Document control procedure6.2 SPS/QP016记录控制程序Record control procedure6。3 SPS/QP035纠

32、正和预防措施控制程序Corrective & Preventive action management procedure12) Related Records/涉及记录7.1 SPS/R028-02管理评审报告Management review report8。0 附录AppendixWarning警告: Electronic versions (L:QUALITY01_Management system) are controlled. 电子版本的文件(L:QUALITY01_Management system)是受控的。Printed version are uncontrolled e

33、xcept when stamp ”CONTROLLED COPY” in red. 打印的文件只有敲上“控制复印件”的红章,才是受控的文件。页码Page:第11页,共11页仅供内部使用For Internal Use Only附录A:管理评审输入一览表SNCommentResponsible11) 经营计划评审结果、年度方针目标完成情况Results of business plan and quality objective2) 可能影响质量管理体系的变更,包括法律法规和其他要求的发生变化Maybe affect the alteration of quality management s

34、ystem ,including Laws and rules or other requirements have been changed3) 以往管理评审的跟踪结果Following results of past management review4) 改进的建议Recommendations for improvement管理者代表MR21) 内部审核结果Results of audit2) 预防和纠正措施的状况Status of preventive and corrective actions3) 顾客抱怨、投诉、退货情况分析和改进Customers complain and r

35、eturn质量部Quality313) 顾客订单、产品销售以及合同完成情况顾客满意度状况Customer Satisfaction销售部Sales414) 过程的业绩和产品的符合性Process performance and product uniformity15) 生产过程中的质量控制、运行情况及改进Process quality control and improvement16) 设备管理及改进Equipment Management and Improvement生产工厂Production plant 5产品设计开发评审汇总报告Product design develop rev

36、iew report市场分析及实际和潜在市场失效分析Research report for customer requirement, market trend and status.技术部Technical 6采购控制和供方供货考核Purchasing control and supplier delivery performance采购部Sourcing 71) 人力资源状况及员工满意度调查结果分析改进Human resource and employee satisfaction analysis and improvement2) 培训计划执行完成情况Training plan人事部HR8质量成本报告Cost of Quality report财务质量部FinanceQuality9公司环境及安全运营情况Environment and safetyEHS

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