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9、justiceThe following items refers to the procedures used to arrive at your (outcome). To what extent: 1。Have you been able to express your views and feelings during these procedures? 2.Have you had influences over the (outcome) arrived at by those procedures? 3.Have those procedures been applied con

10、sistently? 4。Have those procedures been free of bias? 5。Have those procedures been based on accurate information? 6.Have you been able to appeal the (outcome) arrived at by those procedures? 7.Have those procedures upheld ethical and moral standards?DistributivejusticeThe following items refer to yo

11、ur (outcome)。 To what extent: 1.Dos your (outcome) reflect the effort you have put into your work? 2.Is your (outcome) appropriate for the work you have completed? 3。Does your (outcome) reflect what you have contributed to the organization? 4.Is your (outcome) justified, given your performance?Inter

12、personaljusticeThe following items refer to (the authority figure who enacted the procedure)。 To what extent:1。Has(he/she)treatedyouinapolitemanner?。2.Has(he/she)treatedyouwithdignity?3。Has(he/she)treatedyouwithrespect?4.Has(he/she)refrainedfromimproperremarksorcomments?InformationaljusticeThe follo

13、wing items refer to (the authority figure who enacted the procedure)。 To what extent:1。Has (he/she) been candid in (his/her) communication with you? 2。Has (he/she) explained the procedures thoroughly? 3。Were (his/her) explanations regarding the procedures reasonable? 4.Has (he/she) communicated deta

14、ils in a timely manner? 5。Has (he/she) seemed to tailor (his/her) communications to individuals specific needs?信度:效度:备注:ProceduralJustice英文名称:ProceduralJustice中文名称:程序公平作者:Farh,J.-L。,P.C。Earley,etal.出处:Farh,J。-L.,P。C。Earley,etal.(1997)。”Impetusforaction:Aculturalanalysisof justiceand.AdministrativeSc

15、ienceQuarterly42(3):421。简介:条目:Farh, J。-L., P. C。 Earley, et al。 (1997)。 Impetus for action: A cultural analysis of justice and。” Administrative Science Quarterly 42(3): 421。 The sample for this study consisted of employees drawn from eight companies in the electronics industry of Taiwan. All eight c

16、ompanies were locally owned and were members of the 500 largest companies in Taiwan。 Thirty to forty matching questionnaires were distributed to supervisors and subordinates in each company。 The sample consisted mainly of low to midlevel managers, engineers, salespersons, and clerical staff.Particip

17、ation1。Managers at all levels participate in pay and performance appraisal decisions; 2。Through various channels, my company tries to understand employees opinions regarding pay and performance appraisal policies and decisions. 3。Pay decisions are made exclusively by top management in my company; ot

18、hers are excluded from this process; (R) 4.My company does not take employees opinions into account in designing pay and performance appraisal policies. (R) Cronbach alpha was .71 7point scale (1=strongly disagree, 7=strongly agree)Appeal MechanismThe company has a formal appeal channel; The company

19、 imposes a time limit within which the responsible parties must respond to the employee appeal; Employees questions concerning pay or performance appraisal are usually answered promptly and satisfactorily. Cronbach alpha was 。81 7-point scale (1=strongly disagree, 7=strongly agree)信度:Cronbachalphawa

20、s。717pointscale(1=stronglydisagree,7=stronglyagree)效度:备注:JusticeScale英文名称:JusticeScale中文名称:公平问卷作者:Niehoff,B。P。,Moorman,R。H.出处:Niehoff, B. P。, Moorman, R。 H. (1993). Justice as a mediator of the relationship between methods of monitoring and organizational citizenship behaviors。 Academy of Management

21、 Journal, 36(3), 527-556.简介:条目:Sample: The employees and general managers of a national movie theater management company that operated 11 theaters in a large southwestern city were studied。 The employees (N = 213) averaged 19。9 years of age and nearly two years of experience working in the theaters。

22、 A majority had completed high school, but only 17 percent had completed college. Each theater was under the authority of a general manager; thus, 11 general managers took part in the study. The number of employees per theater varied from 15 to 45. At each location, a group of assistant managers aid

23、ed the general manager in the operation of the theater, but there were no direct lines of authority between these assistants and specific employees。 In fact, the vice president for human resources described the assistant managers as a pool of assistants who could be assigned to any shift on any day。

24、 The one constant at each theater was that each general manager had ultimate responsibility for the operation and was onsite for most of the theaters hours of business。 The assistant managers were not included in the data for this study.The employees completed a survey describing their perceptions o

25、f distributive and procedural justice and the monitoring behaviors of their general manager。 Since the assistant managers worked various shifts but the general managers remained on-site for most of the working hours, we considered the general managers the appropriate referents for the measurement of

26、 leader monitoring behaviors。 The general managers provided data for the measures of organizational citizenship behavior; some general managers assessed OCB for 15 employees, and some assessed 45 employees。All surveys were completed on company time。 Since data were being collected from two sources,

27、employees and general managers, we asked all participants to put their names on the surveys but took precautions to insure confidentiality。 Each employee received an envelope in which to seal the completed survey and mailed it directly to us。 In total, 213 out of 260 employee surveys were returned f

28、or a response rate of 81 percent。 Conversations with the companys vice president for human resources suggested that the demographic characteristics of the respondents reflected those of the general population of employees at the theaters。All items used a seven-point response format。 Distributive jus

29、tice 1. My work schedule is fair. 2。 I think that my level of pay is fair。 3。 I consider my work load to be quite fair。 4. Overall, the rewards I receive here are quite fair. 5。 I feel that my job responsibilities are fair。 Formal procedures 1。 Job decisions are made by the general manager in an unb

30、iased manner。 2。 My general manager makes sure that all employee concerns are heard before job decisions are made. 3。 To make job decisions, my general manager collects accurate and complete information. 4。 My general manager clarifies decisions and provides additional information when requested by

31、employees。 5。 All job decisions are applied consistently across all affected employees。 6. Employees are allowed to challenge or appeal job decisions made by the general manager。 Interactional justice 1. When decisions are made about my job, the general manager treats me with kindness and considerat

32、ion。 2。 When decisions are made about my job, the general manager treats me with respect and dignity. 3。 When decisions are made about my job, the general manager is sensitive to my personal needs. 4。 When decisions are made about my job, the general manager deals with me in a truthful manner。 5. Wh

33、en decisions are made about my job, the general manager shows concern for my rights as an employee. 6。 Concerning decisions made about my job, the general manager discusses the implications of the decisions with me. 7。 The general manager offers adequate justification for decisions made about my job

34、。 8. When making decisions about my job, the general manager offers explanations that make sense to me. 9. My general manager explains very clearly any decision made about my job。信度:TheCFIforthethreejusticedimensionswas。92。ThisscalewasbasedononeusedbyMoorman(1991)andhadreportedreliabilitiesabove。90f

35、orallthreedimensions。效度:备注:OCB Scale 英文名称: OCB Scale 中文名称:组织公民行为问卷作者: Niehoff, B. P。, Moorman, R。 H。 出处: Niehoff, B。 P。, Moorman, R。 H。 (1993)。 Justice as a mediator of the relationship between methods of monitoring and organizational citizenship behaviors. Academy of Management Journal, 36(3), 5275

36、56。 简介:条目:Sample: The employees and general managers of a national movie theater management company that operated 11 theaters in a large southwestern city were studied. The employees (N = 213) averaged 19。9 years of age and nearly two years of experience working in the theaters。 A majority had compl

37、eted high school, but only 17 percent had completed college. Each theater was under the authority of a general manager; thus, 11 general managers took part in the study. The number of employees per theater varied from 15 to 45. At each location, a group of assistant managers aided the general manage

38、r in the operation of the theater, but there were no direct lines of authority between these assistants and specific employees。 In fact, the vice president for human resources described the assistant managers as a pool of assistants who could be assigned to any shift on any day。 The one constant at

39、each theater was that each general manager had ultimate responsibility for the operation and was onsite for most of the theaters hours of business。 The assistant managers were not included in the data for this study。The employees completed a survey describing their perceptions of distributive and pr

40、ocedural justice and the monitoring behaviors of their general manager. Since the assistant managers worked various shifts but the general managers remained onsite for most of the working hours, we considered the general managers the appropriate referents for the measurement of leader monitoring beh

41、aviors。 The general managers provided data for the measures of organizational citizenship behavior; some general managers assessed OCB for 15 employees, and some assessed 45 employees。All surveys were completed on company time。 Since data were being collected from two sources, employees and general

42、managers, we asked all participants to put their names on the surveys but took precautions to insure confidentiality。 Each employee received an envelope in which to seal the completed survey and mailed it directly to us. In total, 213 out of 260 employee surveys were returned for a response rate of

43、81 percent。 Conversations with the companys vice president for human resources suggested that the demographic characteristics of the respondents reflected those of the general population of employees at the theatersAltruism 1。 Helps others who have heavy work loads。 2。 Helps others who have been abs

44、ent。 3。 Willingly gives of his/her time to help others who have work related problems。 4. Helps orient new people even though it is not required. Courtesy 1。 Consults with me or other individuals who might be affected by his/her actions or decisions. 2。 Does not abuse the rights of others。 3。 Takes

45、steps to prevent problems with other workers. 4。 Informs me before taking any important actions。 Sportsmanship1。 Consumes a lot of time complaining about trivial matters。 (R) 2。 Tends to make ”mountains out of molehills (makes problems bigger than they are). (R) 3. Constantly talks about wanting to

46、quit his/her job。 (R) 4. Always focuses on whats wrong with his/her situation, rather than the positive side of it。 (R) Conscientiousness1。 Is always punctual。 2。 Never takes long lunches or breaks。 3。 Does not take extra breaks. 4。 Obeys company rules, regulations and procedures even when no one is watching。 Civic virtue 1。 Keeps abreast of changes in the organization。 2。 Attends functions that are not required, but that help the company image. 3。 Attends a

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