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1、Hansen Project Phase I 汉森传动公司一期工程Hansen Wind Energy Drives (Tianjin) Co.Ltd汉森传动(天津)有限公司CONSTRUCTION ORGARNIZATION DESIGN施工组织设计MCC TIANGONG CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD.中冶天工建设公司2008-9-15CONTENT目 录Brief introduction of the propsoal编制说明Construction Organization施工组织General Situation工程概况Sub-division item Constr

2、uction method主要分项工程施工方法Work Schedule plan施工进度计划Work Schedule Guaranty施工进度保证措施Quality Assurance / rol Plan 质量控制与质量保证计划Safety and Security Plan 安全生产与管理Construction Machine & Equipment Plan and Labor Plan主要施工机具计划和劳动力计划Construction echnology Management施工技术管理Winter construction measures冬季施工措施Construction

3、 Plan 施工平面布置图Brief Introduction of the Proposal编制说明一 、Brief introduction of the Proposal编制说明 We arranged professional people to discuss and study the construction method and construction critical points as soon as we received the bid invitation. We have worked out construction organization desgin fo

4、r your review.我公司根据招标文件和设计图纸的要求,对本项目的施工方案和施工难点进行了细致的探讨,精心编制了施工组织设计文件,供贵公司审阅。This constructional organization design is completed on the basis of your bids files combining our own construction experiences. During making process, we absorbed our advantages but forestalled defects so that we get this s

5、cheme improved in many sides, such as full contents, reasonable economy, updated technique and workable measures etc. We also set a higher goal in construction period, quality and civilized construction.本施工组织设计是在贵公司提供的招标文件、施工图和我公司多年施工经验的基础上编制的。在编制过程中,我们认真总结了以往类似工程的经验和不足,使方案不断地完善,并力求做到方案切实可行、科学合理,技术先

6、进可靠、措施得力,使本工程在工期、质量、安全、文明施工上有明确的目标和可靠的保证。Our bid hereby is a general arrangement of the whole project designing. It may have difference with the actual situation on site. But we believe if we can get the project, we can do the necessary modifications when we get contract signed and drawings studied.

7、 Depending on the advantages of talent wealth, scientific management, superior technique and up-dated equipment, we can provide you with and excellent constructional project prior to finish time.本施工组织设计是对该项目工程工作内容的总体部署和安排,本施工方案在编制过程中力求减少与现场实际情况的差距,在项目的实施过程中,针对施工现场的实际情况还需对施工组织设计进行更细致的修订和补充,不断加以完善。我们将

8、依靠我公司在人才、管理、技术、装备上的优势恪守合同、精心组织、确保工程质量达到优良并按期完成本项目施工任务。二Policies of Company公司政策 1. List it as a major project列入重点项目2. Project Safety工程安全和文明施工Try to realize our safety goal of zero accident. Strictly follow Construction Safety Produce Supervision Regulation, tighten up the management of safety, meet t

9、he owners requirement and follow TianJin” Construction Project Civilization Construction Management Temporary Regulation.确保施工零事故,严格遵循建设部颁发的建筑安全生产监督管理的规定,加强安全施工管理,严格按照业主的要求并遵循天津市建设工程文明施工管理暂行规定,项目执行过程中做好文明施工管理和交通管理的工作。3.Project Quality工程质量Construction should be conducted with strict standards put forw

10、ard by the owner. The qualified percentage of unit work must be 100% and for each work items we try to meet the qualified criteria.严格按照国家现行的建筑安装工程施工及验收规范和业主要求的质量标准施工,单位分项工程的质量评定合格率达到100%,单位工程的质量评定都达到合格标准。4. Project warranty工程保修Our company warrants to Owner that from the day of completed contract wor

11、k, the warranty of this project shall follow related clause described in the biding document, the owner can not be influenced by our construction process or lack of material.我公司向业主保证,在完成本项目合同,办理完竣工验收之日起,对本项目的工程保修按照招标文件中要求的规定执行,业主不会受到由于我方施工工艺或所供材料的缺陷而出现的不良影响。5.Project term工程工期Construct as owners requ

12、irement under the prerequisite of safety construction and project quality. We guarantee that we will fulfill the project on schedule without the influence of unpredictable weather.在确保施工安全和工程质量的前提下,严格按照业主的工期要求进行施工在不受自然现象的影响下,保证按工期要求完成。三、Working-out Basis编制依据1 Working-out Basis of Construction Organiz

13、ation Design施工组织编制依据This construction organization design is worked out according to current national specification, code & quality procedure documents compiled by our company in conformity with quality criteria system ISO9002, administration standard for venture and successful management experience

14、 of CTMCC and tendering documents and drawings provided by the project owner. 本施工组织设计依据国家现有规范、标准,及我单位按照ISO9002质量体系标准编制的质量体系程序文件,企业管理标准和成功的管理经验,业主提供的本工程招标文件和施工图纸编制。2 Major current national construction criteria & code quoted is as follows:主要引用国家现行施工规范和标准如下:Quality Acceptance Specification for Archite

15、ctural Sub Grade Construction建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范 GB50202-2002Quality Acceptance Specification for Underground Waterproofing Engineering地下防水工程质量验收规范 GB50208-2002Uniformed Quality Acceptance Specification for Architectural Construction建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准 GB50300-2001Construction of Concrete Structure Works an

16、d Acceptance Specification混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范 GB50204-2002Steel Rebar Welding and Acceptance Specification 钢筋焊接及验收规范 JGJ18-96Test & Evaluation Criteria of Concrete Strength混凝土强度检验评定标准 GBJ107-87Quality Acceptance Specification for Roof Works屋面工程质量验收规范 GB50207-2002Quality Acceptance for Architectural Groun

17、d Floor Works建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范 GB50209-2002Quality Specification for Architectural Drainage & Heating Construction建筑给排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范 GB50242-2002Safety Specification for Temporary Electric Power in Construction Site 施工现场临时用电安全技术规范 JGJ46-88Safety Test Specification for Architectural Construction建筑施工安全检查

18、标准 JGJ59-99Quality Test & Evaluation Criteria for Engineering Decoration Project建筑安装工程质量检验评定标准 TJ303-88Industrial Metal Pipe Construction and Acceptance Codes工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范 GB50235-97Industrial Devices and Pipe Insulation Construction and Acceptance Codes工业设备及管道绝热工程施工及验收规范 GBJ126-89General Situatio

19、n工程概况一、General 工程概述The project is located in the crossing of Hi-Tech Road and Jingtong Road in BEDA, main workshop is 31204 m2 including production area, logistic area, public and office area, with pre-stressed pipe pile base, foundation of concrete C30, bedding course of concrete C10. The column fo

20、undation is sole reinforcement concrete and connect with steel structure column by embedded hold-down bolts. The workshop is single layer and 5 spans of 30.00m, 25.50m, 14.00m, 3x24.00m, and total length is 237.25m, width 142.20m. basic distance between column is 4.5m and several 24m, with roof of d

21、ual slope drainage, the max top level of column is 17.2m, main structure members include steel column, solid steel plate girders, solid bracket beams, and crane girders. The main steel structures should be connected with high strength bolts, the max weight of column is 5.5 tons, the max truss of roo

22、f 9.5 tons, total weight is 4250 tons, the cladding panels will be applyed to roof and walls. 本工程位于天津北辰科技园高新大道和景通路交口,主厂房建筑面积31204平方米,包含生产区,物流区,公用站房区和办公区,预应力管桩地基,基础采用C30砼,垫层采用C10砼,车间厂房柱基础为钢筋砼独立基础,钢结构柱与基础为预埋螺栓联接。 为单层连续五跨(跨度30.00m、25.50m、14.00m、3x24.00m)钢结构厂房,厂房全长237.25m,宽度142.20m,基本柱距4.50m(个别约24.0m),屋

23、面为双坡有组织排水系统,最大柱顶标高17.20m,主要构件包括:钢格构柱、实腹钢板梁,实腹托架梁及吊车梁等。主要构件之间连接采用高强螺栓,最大格构柱重量约5.50t;最大屋架重量约9.50t,钢结构总量约4250t。厂房围护结构屋面及墙皮采用夹层保温彩钢板。Currently the nature level is about -0.8m, the site is plane after completion of piles construction.目前场地自然标高约为-0.8m。桩基已施工完毕,场地开阔平坦。 The lay out and section sketch of works

24、hop see 1-1 and 1-2厂房结构平面示意图及剖面示意图见图1-1、图1-2。 图1-1、 图1-2图12二、Engineering Speciality工程特点1. The work schedule management must be emphasized based on the schedule sheet according the extension work , short time limited of this project. This project will be constructed in Summer and Winter seasons, and

25、some work undertaken at the same days.本次工程为扩建项目的工作,工期短,而且处于雨季和冬季两个季节,多工种交叉施工,因此,施工中必须依靠进度计划加强施工进度管理。2. The pre-phase work of construction should be fully prepared as lot of the labor, the machinery once operated and the tools centralized at the very beginning. The work sequence should be arranged pr

26、operly and utilized the labor resource and machinery to save the cost of the construction. 施工现场的人员多,一次性投入的机械、周转料具使用量大,相对集中,施工前期的准备工作要充分。施工中必须合理安排施工顺序,有效利用人力资源和施工机具控制工程造价。3. To pay special attention on the security because the number of the plan labor and each classification of workers are high centr

27、alized during construction. 本次施工任务计划投入的人力较多,各专业之间相互穿插作业人员集中,安全工作必须狠抓落实。4. Take efficient steps to strengthen the management of the civilized construction, and embody the civilized construction level of our company.采取得力措施,加强现场文明施工管理,体现我公司的文明施工水平。5. Roof system is complex with various structure shape

28、and joint, roof waterproof work is the key and specialty for the project.屋面系统结构复杂。本厂房结构屋面系统结构形式变化多,不同结构界面相交多,屋面防水施工难度大,是本工程的特点和重点。6.the workshop is continuous 6 span liner arrangement, its is convenient to execute at several spans simultaneously, and possible to deploy more resource and expedite the

29、 progress.本工程厂房连续6跨呈线性布置,便于多跨工作面同时展开,对安装工程资源配置和加快工程进度十分有利。7.it is required high manufactory skill for the large mumbers members and types, the most important thing is to hold tightly the structure members management and corporation of conctruction resources,in order to ensure the smooth progress and

30、 completion of key target.构件数量大,品种多,对制作工艺水平要求高,难度大;安装工程重点应注意加强对整个工程现场的构件管理和施工资源的工效及协调控制,保证整个工程按计划顺利协调进行,保证过程控制的重要节点目标的完成8.the key point, difficulty and measures工程重点难点及主要应对措施8.1the key point and difficulty of the project is including fabrication and installation of column and beam of workshop, bracke

31、t beam and crane dirder. The system installation and waterproof is the key point and difficulty.本工程重点难点:厂房主体结构主要构件包括柱梁、托架梁及吊车梁的制作安装及屋面系统安装是本工程的重点及防水工程是本工程的难点也是重点8.2 the main measures主要应对措施8.2.1 work out the fabrication, transportation and installation methods, considering the complex nature during e

32、xecution. Establish the measure to assure the quality, progress and safety, and specify authorized persons.编制针对性强的制作、运输和安装工艺方案(作业设计方案),充分考虑方案实施过程中的复杂性。制定落实保证质量、进度和安全控制措施,落实到责任人。8.2.2 ensure the fabrication and transportion capacity during manufacture, arrange 5 line to produce the members, 3 lines f

33、or the main members, 2 lines for the others. The main members should mathch with other members for the stabilization requirement of installation units. It is essential to transfer the main member to site on time and safely.制作工程主要保证工厂加工能力和运输能力。安排5条生产线加工构件,其中安排3条加工主要构件,2条加工次要构件。主要构件和次要构件加工应配套出厂,确保安装单元

34、的空中稳定性要求。重要构件运输安全可靠准时运至安装现场,是十分必要的8.2.3 according to the integrated principle, reduce sited assembling and welding, ensure the main member manufacture, delivery and lifting in whole.按照整体性原则。减少现场拼接及结构安装焊接量,应最大限度保证主要构件整体制作,整体出厂,整体吊装。8.2.4 exactly calculate the data according to the lifing equipments t

35、echnical parameters and environment conditions, ensure the number and capacities of transportion vehicle and lifting equipments to meet the requirement of safety and reliability.依据重要构件安装和主吊机械的技术参数及工作环境条件等综合因素进行精确计算,确保运输车辆和主吊机械的数量和性能满足工程的安全性可靠性要求三、Organization of Project Department项目部组织机构This project

36、 here is handled totally by our company and set up project department, which execute the projects organization and construction work. The main labor resource is the constructional company, which we belong to. Personnel in project are composed by technicians and administer who have rich expenses in p

37、roject management.本项目由公司直接管理,组建公司级项目部,成立该工程项目部,代表公司进行项目的组织和管理,由项目经理部统一组织和协调施工。施工劳动力以公司所属建筑工程公司为主体,项目部的工程技术人员和管理人员由具有较强工程管理经验的人员组成。Business Scope of Management管理部门业务范围:Project manager: the plenipotentiary of the legal representative of the Company, execute Contractors rights and duties, be in charge

38、of the performance in all aspects of the project in line with the contract work scope, contents and the contracted construction period, quality standard项目经理:公司法人代表在该工程项目上的全权委托代理人,行使合同中承包方的权利和义务,负责按合同规定的承包工作范围、内容和约定的建设工期、质量标准、全面完成本项目的建设任务。Site manager: Under authorized by project manager, implement p

39、art of the functions of project manager, contact directly client, be in charge of and coordinate the site construction, safety management, civilized construction, and quota and equipment management.现场经理:在项目经理的授权下,在施工现场代理项目经理的部份职能,直接与业主联络,全面负责和协调现场施工、安全管理、文明施工、劳动定额、设备管理等。General engineer: Be in charg

40、e of and coordination of construction technology, safety management, civilized construction, organize all construction and technical staff in all fields to accomplish the drawings examination, approval of important technical method, execute aiming management, organize quality appraisal and evaluate,

41、 take part in the investigation, analyses and the treatment of quality incident; Make the quality evaluation report to project manager in regularly.总工程师:全面负责和协调现场的施工技术、安全管理、文明施工,组织各专业进行图纸会审,确定工程重要技术方案,实行目标管理,定期组织质量评审,参加质量事故的调查分析及处理,定期向项目经理作出施工质量评估报告。Quality manager: Carry out the quality assurance p

42、rogram and quality plan for the project, execute the supervision, inspection and direction in all aspects to the construction quality and undertake the leader responsibility to construction quality, recheck and confirm the construction in accordance with “Quality Assurance Manual” of the Company; be

43、 in charge of the collection of construction data and file-up to the as-built data and documents.质量工程师:贯彻实施工程质量保证程序和本项目质量计划,对工程的施工质量,行使全面的监督、检查和指导,并对工程施工质量负全面的领导责任,对施工活动按公司的质量保证手册进行审查和确认,负责工程资料的收集和竣工资料整理的领导工作。Materials chief: Set up project procurement team based on the project requirement, be respo

44、nsible in all aspects for the material purchase, material keeping and material delivery, manage and superintend the material consumption of construction site.材料负责人:根据项目任务的需要,组织项目采购组,全面负责本项目的物资计划、采购、保管与发放,管理和监督施工现场的材料使用。Contract chief: Attendance of project quotation and the talks to the terms of the

45、 Contract; be responsible in all aspects for the contract, budget, cost accounting, account closing and restricted financial affairs of the project.合同负责人:参加项目报价和项目合同条款的谈判,全面负责工程的合同、预算、成本、结算及内部财务工作。Site safety manager: Work independence; be responsible in all aspects for site safety construction and

46、civilized construction; make the safety work sequence and safety work management rules; be responsible for site safety education and training.安全经理:独立工作,全面负责和协调现场安全施工、文明施工,负责指导监督现场的施工安全管理工作,制定安全管理工作程序和安全工作管理办法,负责现场的安全教育与培训。Chief EngineerSafety ManagerQ/S Dept.Safety/ Quality/ Measure./ Civilized Construction ManagementEng. Dept.Tech. ManagePlant Manage

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