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1、外语下载中心 人教版高二上学期英语期末考试复习试题第一部分单项填空()1 Only when the war was over _to his hometown.A. the young soldier returned B。 returned the young soldierC. the young soldier did return D。 did the young soldier return2。 Ill go on _ the story where I left off last time. A. to B. with C。 for D。 at3. We observed her

2、 _on the opposite side of the way. A. to walk B. walked C。 walking D。 walks4. Could you show me the radio you want _? A. to have repaired B. to repaired it C。 to have it repaired D. it repairing5。 -What does your foreign friend, Tom think of Zhengzhou? - Tom _Zhengzhou a very beautiful city。 A。 cons

3、iders B。 elects C. agrees D. recognizes6。 In order to change our attitudes _learning English, our teacher told us English was very useful and important at the meeting。 A. about B。 towards C. of D. on7。 To whom did his teahouse _after the old man died? A。 give B. leave C。 belong D. get 8. His English

4、 is so poor that he cant make himself _。 A。 understand B. to understand C. understanding D。 understood9. When _ to make a speech, he said he would be glad to do so。 A。 inviting B. invited C。 to invite D。 invite10。 As we all know, Lu Xun made great contributions _Chinese literature. A. for B. in C。 t

5、o D. on11. The old pictures _ memories of his childhood。 A. called in B. called on C。 called up D. called for 12._well go fishing tomorrow depends on the weather. A。 If .heather C。 That D. Why13。 Even after a long time, they find _ difficult to say simple things in Chinese. A. this B。 that C. it D.

6、these14. With a lot of work _, he was too tired too move。 A. done B. to be done C。 to do D。 to have done15。 It is _ to think how _ people fall when it is snowing. A. frightening, easy B。 frightening, easily C. frightened, easily D. frightened, easy16。You should _attention to _your pronunciation. A.

7、pay more, improve B. draw many, improve C. pay more, improving D. draw many, improving17。 The officer _ _ the outcome of the election would be at the meeting。 A。 forecasted, that B。 forecast, how C. forecast, why D。 forecast, what18。 Mother _ my father to give up smoking and drinking , but she faile

8、d。 A. managed B. persuaded C. advised D. enjoyed19.It is reported that about 20 percent of the old people in this area suffer high blood pressure 。 A. of B。 from C. in D。 towards20-Look! Its raining hard. We cant go to the concert now。 -What a pity! How I wish the rain _soon. A. will stop B. would s

9、top C。 stopped D. had stopped II。 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1。5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项It was a Sunday afternoon and , unlike the past few weekends , the four of us did not sit at the kitchen table playing cards 。That evening, my parents seated my sister Emily 21 I down in the liv

10、ing room because they said that they 22 to talk to us .My father began slowly , as if he was 23 something back . 24 grew deep in his forehead 25 he told us that he and my mother were getting a divorce . Tears began to 26 in my mothers eyes 。 My father went over and stared out 27 the view of the back

11、yard .I always 28 of my parents as being in love , 29 they fought all the time 。 I saw them as 30 in every way . I looked up to them 31 anyone else , and now they destroyed their 32 。I think the 33 came from not having anyone to look up to .Now I see my father about once a week , and it is 34 。 I ca

12、n talk to him more 35 and I have learned to appreciate the time I get to spend with my father 。 36 my mother it has changed in a different way . I have 37 to respect her more 。 She works so hard to 38 the family 。 It took lots of time for me to know that what they did was for the 39 and to 40 them f

13、or it . I now know that parents are not perfect and also make mistakes .21Aand Bbut Cwhen Dwhile 22Adecided Bought Chad Dmeant23Agetting Bholding Ctaking Dstopping 24AThreads BMarks CSignsDLines 25Abefore Bas Cafter Dsince 26Abuild BfallCdrop Dpile 27Awithin Boff Caway Dbeyond 28Aknew Bheard Clearne

14、d Dthought 29Aas if Beven though Cso that Dnow that 30Aperfect BhappyCconfused Dpuzzled 31Aas much as Bno more than Cnot more than Dmore than 32Adream Bmind Cimage Dfigure 33Aeffect Bsense Cfeeling Dpain34Adifferent Bdifficult Cdistant Ddelicious 35Aoften Bclosely Copenly Dkindly 36AFor BTo CAt DWit

15、h37Acome Bknown Choped Drefused 38Ahelp Bafford Csupport Dsupply39Abest Bbetter Cmost Dmore 40Aadmired Bforgive Cthank Dpraise III:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AMr Smith is well known in Washington because of his many social blunders 。 He always likes to attend the variou

16、s social functions because he wants to expand his circle of friends . Whenever he is invited, he goes , unless he is ill .Recently he received an invitation to a fashionable banquet . Although he did not know the hostess , he accepted the invitation . He was secretly very pleased , because he felt t

17、hat his reputation as a desirable guest was growing 。When he arrived at the banquet hall , he found that about one hundred people had been invited 。 He began to move around the hall . He spoke to other guests whether he knew them or not 。 He soon realized that he had never met any of the other peopl

18、e present , although they seemed to know each other 。At dinner he was seated beside a very dignified woman 。 The woman tried to be friendly even though she had never met Mr。 Smith before 。 She spoke politely whenever he spoke to her . Between the first and the second course of the meal , she , turne

19、d to Mr. Smith and said , “Do you see that gray-haired man at the end of the table ? The one with glasses 。“Ah , yes 。 Who is he ?”“Hes the Secretary of the Interior !” she replied 。Mr 。 Smith said , “So thats the Secretary of the Interior ! Im afraid that I find very little to admire about him, alt

20、hough he is the Secretary .”The woman stiffened and did not reply 。 Mr. Smith continued in spite of her coldness 。 “I really cant see how he received his appointment unless he is perhaps a relative of the President 。”“It hardly matters whether you like the Secretary or not , ”she said . “He was chos

21、en because the President thought he was the man for the job . If he does the job well , you should have no complaint 。”“Thats just it,” persisted Mr。 Smith . “No one does the things he does , unless he is a complete fool ! ”“Sir !” said the woman in all her dignity . “Do you know who I am ?” “No,” r

22、eplied Mr。 Smith 。“I am the Secretarys wife ,” she said coldly 。 Mr。 Smith was shocked , but he went on in spite of his embarrassment 。 “Madam , do you know who I am ?”“No , I dont ,” the woman replied .“Thank goodness ! exclaimed Mr。 Smith , as he quickly left the table 。41Why is Mr. Smith well kno

23、wn in Washington ?AHes the Secretary of the Interior 。BHe has more friends than other people 。CHe always makes foolish mistakes on social occasions 。DHe likes to go to all kinds of parties .42At dinner he was seated beside a very dignified woman . The underlined part means 。Abeautiful Bserious Cnobl

24、e Dkindhearted 43When Mr。 Smith learned that the woman didnt know who he was , he felt Ashocked Bworried Cembarrassed Drelieved BBiomass energy (生物能), often forgotten as promising alternative (替代物)to oil , received its day in the sun with the gathering of the Bio-Energy World Congress and Exposition

25、 in Atlanta , Georgia , late in April , 1990 。 Nearly 1700 scientists , businessmen , and policy-makers , onequarter from the foreign nations, gathered for a week to discuss various means of squeezing usable energy out of trees , crops manure , seaweed , algae and urban waste 。 Biomass in the United

26、 States contributes 2。5 percent of the total supply , but this amount can be doubled by 2000 and then doubled again by the year 2010. Eight percent of Swedens energy supply , for example , is presently coming from wood bark and pulp remains 。 Sweden intends to raise this percentage by more intensive

27、 harvesting of waste food lying around in forests , and through the planting of socalled energy forests of fast-growing trees such as willow and birch .Brazil is frequently pointed to as a nation with a major successful investment (投资) in energy coming from grains : it presently runs 330,000 automob

28、iles on a water and alcohol (酒精) mixture , replacing 10 percent of its previous oil supply 。 Brazilian representatives (代表) at the conference said they wish to double this in five years , with a final goal of total replacement . Most of the cars are built at the factory to use the mixture , while ol

29、der models are changed through low-cost government programs .44In Line 2, the phrase received its day in the sun most probably means .Acame to the public mind Bhad its turn in the sunlight Cwas regarded as a solar energy Dcame from the energy of the sun45Which of the following statements is supporte

30、d by the passage ?A1700 scientists attended the conference 。BA quarter of American businessmen were present at the conference .CForeign policymakers accounted for a quarter 。DThree-quarters of the representatives were from the U。S。46Of the total supply twenty years later , biomass in the U。 S. will

31、be .A5B20C10%D15%47Which of the following is not regarded as biomass energy ?AWillow and seaweed 。BWood and grains 。CWater and alcohol mixture .DCrops and oil mixture 。48A suitable title for this passage would be 。AAn energy Conference BApproval of Biomass Energy CBioEnergy for Automobiles DKeys to

32、Energy Crisis CInsurance (保险) is the sharing of risks . Nearly everyone is exposed to risk of some sort . The house owner ,for example , knows that his property can be damaged by fire ; the shipowner knows that his vessel may be lost at sea ; the breadwinner knows that he may die at an early age and

33、 leave his family the poorer . On the other hand , not every house is damaged by fire nor every vessel lost at sea . If these persons each put a small sum into a pool , there will be enough to meet the needs of the few who do suffer loss . In other words , the losses of the few are met from the cont

34、ributions of the many . This is the basis of insurance 。 Those who pay the contribution are known as “insure” and those who administer the pool of contributions as “insurers.Not all risks lend themselves to being covered by insurance . Broadly speaking , the ordinary risks of business and speculatio

35、n cannot be covered 。 The risk that buyers will not buy goods at the prices offered is not of a kind that can be statistically estimated (评估)and risks can only be insured against if they can be so estimated 。The legal basis of all insurance is the “policy” ! This is a printed form of contract on pap

36、er of the best quality . It states that in return for the regular payment by the insured of a named sum of money , called the “premium”, which is usually paid every year , the insurer will pay a sum of money or compensation for loss , if the risk or event insured against actually happens 。 The wordi

37、ng of policies , particularly in marine insurance , often seems very old-fashioned , but there is a sound reason for this . Over a large number of years many law cases have been brought to clear up the meanings of doubtful phrases in policies . The law courts , in their judgments , have given these

38、phrases a definite and indisputable meaning , and to avoid future disputes the phrases have continued to be used in policies even when they have passed out of normal use in speech 。49According to this passage , insurance is possible because .Aeveryone at some time suffers loss Bonly a small proporti

39、on of the insured suffer loss Cnearly everyone suffers loss Donly insured people suffer loss 50By “ the pool of contributions” the writer means .Amoney paid by the insured Bmoney paid by the insurers Cthe cost of administering insurance Dthe mount of each premium 51Old-fashioned wording is sometimes

40、 used in insurance because 。Ainsurance is oldfashioned Binsurance has existed for a long time Cit enables ordinary people to understand it Dthe meaning of such wording has been agreed upon 52The writer of this passage seems to think that insurance is .Aa form of gambling Ba way of making money quick

41、ly Cold-fashioned Duseful and necessary DFrom good reading we can get pleasure , companionship , experience and instruction 。 A good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surroundings and even ourselves . Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures

42、 in life . It increases our contentment when we are cheerful , and lessens our trouble when we are sad 。 Whatever may be our main purpose in reading , our contact with good books should never fail to give us enjoyment and satisfaction .With a good book in our hands we need never be lonely . Whether

43、the characters portrayed are taken from real life or purely imaginary , they may become our companions and friends 。 In the pages of books we can walk with the wise and the good of all lands and all times . The people we meet in books may delight us either because they resemble (像) human friends who

44、m we hold dear or because they present unfamiliar types whom we are glad to welcome as new acquaintances (相识) 。 Our human friends sometimes may bore us , but the friends we make in books need never weary us with their company 。 By turning the page we can dismiss without any fear of hurting their fee

45、lings . When human friends desert (抛弃) us , good books are always ready to give us friendship , sympathy and encouragement 。One of the most valuable gifts bestowed (授予) by books is experience 。 Few of us can travel far from home or have a wide range of experiences , but all of us can lead varied liv

46、es through the pages of books . whether we wish to escape from the seemingly dull realities of everyday life or we long to visit some far-off place , a book will help us when nothing else can 。 To travel by book we need no bank account to pay our way , no airship or ocean liner or stream-lined train to transport us

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