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1、蜜蜂消化和排泄系统的解剖精品资料一 蜜蜂消化和排泄系统的解剖:(操作10分,绘图及标注20分)1 将蜜蜂固着后沿胸、腹部两侧剪开,除去头壳、背壁、背板和肌肉。观察并绘出消化系统和排泄系统结构图。 2 按从前到后标注出消化和排泄系统10个主要部分结构和名称(内含3个消化腺,不含口器部分。)二 马蜂的解剖观察(34分)(1)1 正确剖开体壁,显示血管,将有血管的体壁贴于右边框内,用一大头针指出血管(2分)2 制作装片,示气管系统与生殖腺的关系,在低倍镜下以目尺的中心指出能显示气管系统与生殖腺关系的部位,用高倍镜观察生殖腺处气管系统的分布特点,并画出气管系统与生殖腺关系显微结构图。(6分)(2)3

2、指出蝗虫的排泄器官:写出其排泄器官的名字,以另一枚大头针指出给工作人员看。(2分)4 绘出其完整消化道的图(10分)5 取出它的口器,粘贴在指定的纸上,写出名称。(3分)(4)6 将其用于发声的器官按位置贴在指定的纸上。(2分)(5)(6)7 写出性别:_性,要给工作人员看。(1分)蜚蠊的解剖观察一、先辨别雌雄,并举手告诉评审老师结果 结果: 二、 察蜚蠊心脏搏动提示:下图为蟑螂背面观,及其心脏之相对位置。 步骤(1)剪掉蟑螂的双翅,若无翅则免剪,背面向上,腹面向下,置于培养皿内的粘土上。(2)将培养皿移到解剖显微镜下,观察腹部第一节的心脏,可以看到心脏的搏动。(3)记录蟑螂的心跳频率(次/分

3、)。三、观察内部结构 步骤(1) 解剖蜚蠊,制作气管装片,回答以下问题。完成后保留装片。 识别昆虫气管的依据是管壁有 质的 ,作用是 。(2) 分离完整消化道,绘出消化道结构图。回答是否看到肠盲囊,如果看到,回答有多少对。肠盲囊的作用是 美洲蟑螂的观察与实验已经麻醉并固定三对脚,而个体还活着的美洲蟑螂雌、雄各一只。请依题意回答下列各题:1. 先辨别雌雄,并举手告诉评审老师哪一只是雌的?然后在下列空白写出雌雄不同的特征。(6)评审老师签名 评审老师签名 2. 在其中的一只指出单眼,并举手请评审老师确认,然后在下列空白写出单眼和复眼的不同。(6)4. 利用其中一只蟑螂,设计实验以探讨低温对蟑螂心跳

4、的影响。(20)提示:下图为蟑螂背面观,及其心脏之相对位置。 步骤(1)剪掉蟑螂的双翅,若无翅则免剪,背面向上,腹面向下,置于培养皿内的黏土上。(2)将培养皿移到解剖显微镜下,观察腹部第一节的心脏,应该可以看到心脏的搏动。(3)数一数蟑螂的心跳率(次/分)。(4)用低温生理盐水滴在蟑螂头部,持续三分钟后,再数一数蟑螂的心跳率(次/分)。(5)停止滴低温生理盐水5分钟后,重复上述步骤(3)。(6)将(3)(4)(5)的数据列表并呈现结果。答: 回答问题 1. 上面实验中,何者为对照组?何者为实验组?(6)2. 为什么低温生理盐水不滴到腹部,而要滴到头部?(6)3. 为什么还要数停止滴低温生理盐水


6、骤:1. 于解剖盘中加水,约1.5公分深。2. 将动物适当的摆正固定,解剖过程可于双眼显微镜下进行。以小剪刀自肛门部位沿两侧剪开到胸前。3. 将背甲掀起剪下,内面朝上摊开。(5分)4. 将消化道拉直,挑起放在体外,但勿剪断。再将不同颜色的彩色大头针插于正确的位置上。1号针(红色)嗉嚷(5分)2号针(蓝色)砂嚷(5分)3号针(橙色)消化道盲嚷(胃盲嚷)(5分)4号针(黑色)中肠(5分)5号针(黄色)马氏管(5分)6号针(绿色)后肠(5分)7号针(白色)神经索(5分)8号针(粉红色)脂肪体(5分)5. 切一小段气管,滴水包埋,放于显微镜下检视,确定样本够薄。将此样本放于载玻片与盖玻片间,置于显微镜

7、下,对好焦距。本部份须于40分钟内完成。本部份须经由助教检查。当完成本部份后,须举手请助教检查。你和助教两人均需于评分卷上签名。再评量会由助教监督下进行。请将蟑螂解剖后想办法在标本上清楚且干净地标示出以下结构:(1) 胸神经节 (thoracic ganglion) (神经节没有断掉才给分) (10分) (2) 腹神经节 (abdominal ganglion) (神经节没有断掉才给分) (10分)(3) 前胃 (proventriculus) (10分)(4) 马氏管 (Malpighian tubules) (10分)(5) 唾腺 (salivary gland) (两对唾腺均要完整才给分

8、) (10分)一 家蚕消化和排泄系统的解剖:(操作3分,绘图及标注5分)a) 沿气孔上缘由左右两侧将家蚕的体壁剪开直至将整个个体剪通,除去背壁b) 观察并绘出消化系统和排泄系统结构图 c) 按从前到后标注出消化和排泄系统主要部分结构和名称(不含口器部分)一、 对蟋蟀进行适当处理,完成下列各小题(13分)1 取下其发声器官贴于下方(0.5分)2 取下其听器所在附肢贴于下方并指出其听器所在具体位置(0.5分)3 绘出其后足结构图并标注各节名称(2.5分)此为 足4 解剖蟋蟀,绘出其消化道结构图(操作1分,绘图2分)5 蟋蟀有 个肠盲囊(0.5分)6 制作一气管装片,并绘出一气管结构图(2分)7找出

9、其腹部一神经节举手要求检查(1分)8将蟋蟀和其余四种标本编制为一分目检索表(3分)材料:克氏螯虾(雄虾)、解剖工具、染色剂等1、 取下第五和第十四附肢,作图并写出其功能。2、 收集螯虾血液,制作血液涂片,并写出制作过程,在显微镜下观察,并画图;根据克氏螯虾的循环系统,判断其血液中是否含有呼吸色素,为何种呼吸色素?3、 解剖消化系统,画出前肠结构,注明个部分的名称,并说明其功能。4、 解剖出排泄系统,作图,表明各结构。5、 解剖生殖系统,制作精子涂片,并画图。(所花图形必须注明为俯视图还是侧视图)观察装片IIV,完成下列各小题(5分)7 各口器类型分别是(2分)I II III IV8 请绘出典

10、型的咀嚼式口器(3分)code:14-TH INTERNATIONAL BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD8-16 JULY / MINSK / BELARUSPRACTICAL / LABORATORY 2: ANIMAL MORPHOLOGY, ANATOMY AND SYSTEMATICS_Dear Participants!各位参赛者In the laboratory ANIMAL MORPHOLOGY, ANATOMY AND SYSTEMATICS you will be given the following three tasks:在动物形态、解剖及分类实验中,你将回答下列三题:

11、Task 1. Detaching pedes (extremities) of crayfish (Astacus) and determination 第一题分离虾(蝲虾属)的附肢并决定它们的功能of their function.Task 2. Test for knowledge of animal taxa. 第二题测验你动物分类上的知识Task 3. Determination of species name of freshwater gastropod molluscs.第三题决定淡水栖腹足类软类动物的分类地位The duration of the lab work is 60

12、 minutes.实验时间为分钟Maximum number of points 66.你最高可以得到分You have to write down your results and answers into the ANSWER SHEET 你必须将结果及答案写在答案纸上,当时间一到,助教会收走答案纸 。which will be collected by an assistant when the time elapses. It is not necessary to 没有必要在题目卷上写任何字。write anything in the task sheets.Result lists

13、 taken away from the laboratory will not be accepted!各项结果表格不可拿出实验室Please note that the results from the task 1 must be shown to the assistant 请注意第一题的结果必须在时间结束之前给助教看过!BEFORE the time limit!Please do not forget to put zoological objects and instruments in their 结束时,请不要忘记把动物材料及器材归回原位,好让下一组使用。original p

14、ositions when finished, as these will be used by the next group. Should the mollusc shells become damaged, you can ask for a replacement.如果软体动物的壳有损坏,你可以要求更换。Good luck!祝好运_Country_国家First name_ Family name _名姓Code_编号Task 1. (36 points) Detaching pedes (extremities) of crayfish (stacus) and determinat

15、ion 第一题(分)分离虾(蝲虾属)的附肢并决定它们的功能of their function. Material, instruments and equipment材料、用具及设备1.Astacus leptodactylus ().蝲虾()1 2.A set of instruments (2 forceps, scissors, scalpel, dissecting needles).工具一套(支镊子、剪刀、解剖刀及解剖针)1 3.Dissecting tray.解剖盘1 4.A magnifying glass.放大镜1 5.Cotton sheet.棉纸1 6.Latex glov

16、es.橡皮手套1 7.Pins marked 1 to 18.编号至的编号针18 8.Foam plate for pins.插针用的泡棉平盘1 The narrow-fingered crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) is quite common in fresh water bodies in 窄指虾(狭趾蝲虾)在温带淡水中常见,温带淡水的特征是溶氧及矿物质浓度较temperate climates which are characterised by a relatively high content of dissolved oxygen and 高。

17、用放大镜即足以研究虾类附肢的构造。mineral salts. A magnifying glass is sufficient to study the structure of pedes (extremities) of crayfish.You need to observe the details of animals segmentation, to find its body parts and 你必须观察动物分节的详细情形,找到它身体各部分之后,逐一将动物身体sequentially detach the pedes (appendages excluding the firs

18、t (antennuales or smallest) pair of antennae) from one side of animals body, assembling them in order on a 一侧的附肢分离(不包括第一对最小的触角),在一板子上按次序用编号针排好,plate with the help of pins. Then it is necessary to determine the function of each ped and write it 然后必须决定每一附肢的功能,并写在答案纸上。down in the answer sheet.Descripti

19、on of the techniques.关于技术的描述1. Take the animal in your hand abdominal (ventral) side up. It is recommended to use a cotton sheet 将动物拿在手中,腹面朝上,要求使用棉纸及橡皮手套,要小心在背甲上的and latex glove. Beware of small spicules on the carapace! Carefully study the pedes of all body 小剌!仔细研究全身各部的附肢(假如必要,可使用放大镜)parts (with th

20、e help of a magnifying glass if necessary).2. Using forceps sequentially detach all pedes from one side of animals body. To do this, 用镊子将动物身体一侧的附肢一一分解下来,操作时用镊子由附肢基部挟紧并拉hold the ped at its base with the forceps and pull away from the crayfish. You can also use 开,如有必要,你也可以使用剪刀及或解剖刀。scissors and/or sca

21、lpel if necessary. 3. Assemble the pedes on pins with the corresponding numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). Start 3.以编号针按顺序重组附肢(1、2、3等),由头部开始将附肢依正确次序排numbering from the head. Put the pedes on the foam plate in the correct order. 在板子上。Attention! The practical results of task 1 must be registered by an assistant

22、 on a 注意!第一题的实验结果,必须交给助教登记在特别的纸上,所有附肢的制作special control sheet. The correctness of pedes preparation and numbering is scored. If a 及编号也会计分。如果有任何附肢在操作过程中有受损到不能被辨认的话,那个附肢ped is damaged in the process of preparation to such an extent that cannot be recognized, 就不能被计分。the points for this ped are not scor

23、ed. Please raise your hand when finished with the first task so that your work can be 当结束第一题时请举手,如让助教来检查;如果助教很忙,你可以先做下一题,但checked. If the assistant is busy with another participant, you should continue with the next 是请注意,第一题结果如果在全部时间(分钟)内都没有给助教看过,第一题就不task, but please note that the results of task 1

24、 are not counted if they were shown to the 计分了。assistant after the total time limit (60 minutes).In the answer list of task 1 each ped has 3 variants of its possible function. Study the table, 在第一题的答案纸上,每个附肢的可能功能有三个选项,研究该表格,决定每一附determine the function for each ped, then mark the correct function for

25、 each ped in the table with 肢的功能,用把圆圈涂满的方式标记每一附肢的正确功能,每答对一题得一分,答错一painting a circle (=). Note: a participant gets 1 point for every correct answer and losses 题则倒扣0.5分。0.5 point for every wrong answer.Pedes (extremities)足肢(附肢)Functions功能1. sensory respiratory reproductive感觉呼吸生殖2. swimming food grindi

26、ng respiratory游泳磨碎食物呼吸3. transferring food to mouth respiratory reproductive将食物移送到口中呼吸生殖4. reproductive transferring food to mouth sensory生殖将食物移送到口中感觉5. transferring food to mouth walking defence/attack将食物移送到口中行走防御攻击6. defence/attack transferring food to mouth reproductive防御攻击将食物移送到口中生殖7. reproducti

27、ve swimming respiratory生殖游泳呼吸8. swimming capturing and holding food reproductive游泳捕捉并抓紧食物生殖9. reproductive respiratory defence/attack生殖呼吸防御攻击10. reproductive walking sensory生殖行走感觉11. reproductive transferring food to mouth walking生殖将食物移送到口中行走12. walking food grinding sensory行走磨碎食物感觉13. walking repro

28、ductive defence/attack行走生殖防御攻击14. walking respiratory reproductive行走呼吸生殖15. defence/attack swimming walking防御攻击游泳行走16. swimming food grinding respiratory游泳磨碎食物呼吸17. reproductive sensory swimming生殖感觉游泳18. swimming transferring food to mouth respiratory游泳将食物移送到口中呼吸Task 2. (10 points) Animal taxonomy t

29、est. 第二题(分)动物分类测验Page 7 has pictures of ten animals numbered with roman numerals. The table below has 第七页中有十种以罗马数字编号的动物图片,下表中有动物门()、亚门或纲()及属()的名称。the names of animal phyla (AK), subphyla or classes (ak) and genera (110).PhylumSubphylum/ClassGenus动物门亚门纲属.Annelida.环节.Anthozoa.珊瑚虫1.Araneus.蛛形属B.Arthrop

30、oda.节肢b.Cephalopoda.头足2.Asterias.海星属C.Chordata.脊索c.Chelicerata.铗角3.Corallium.珊瑚属D.Cnidaria.腔肠d.Crustacea.甲壳4.Cyclops.水蚤属E.Echinodermata.棘皮e.Hydrozoa.水螅虫5.Fasciola.肝吸虫属F.Mollusca.软体f.Insecta.昆虫6.Hydra.水螅属G.Nematoda线虫(Nemathelminthe线形) g.Polychaeta.多毛7.Locusta.蝗属H.Platyhelminthes.扁形h.Scyphozoa.钵水母8.Mu

31、sca.蝇属J.Porifera.海绵j.Asteroidea 海星(Stellaroidea)星形9.Nereis.沙蚕属K.“Protozoa”.原生k.Trematoda.吸虫10.Sepia. 乌贼属Please label the taxonomic position of each animal using the information from the table put 由表中的资料按分类的地位来标示下列动物在答案纸上的动物图片旁边注明该动the corresponding code for phylum, subphylum/class and genus next to

32、animal picture in the 物的动物门、亚门或纲、属的名称编号answer sheet. IIIVIIIIIVVVIIXVIIIIXTask 3. (20 points) Determination of species name of freshwater gastropod 第三题(分)决定淡水栖腹足类软类动物的种名molluscs.Materials, instruments and equipment 材料、用具及设备1.A tray with 10 shells of gastropod molluscs to be classified.一个盘子中装有十个要让你分类

33、的腹足纲软体动物1 2.An accessory tray for used shells.装用过的壳之盘子1 3.A ruler.尺1 4.A set of instruments (forceps, dissecting needles).一套工具(镊子、解剖针)1 5.A magnifying glass.放大镜1 Many species of gastropod molluscs live in fresh waters. They play an important role in 有许多种类的腹足纲软体动物住在淡水中,他们在淡水生态系中扮演重要的地位,water ecosyste

34、ms. Many are specific intermediate hosts of helminthes parasites of humans and 其中许多是特殊扁形动物(人类及家畜寄生虫)之专一性中间宿主。domestic animals. In this connection taxonomic identification of freshwater gastropod molluscs has 在本分类实验中,淡水腹足类动物的鉴定不但具有理论上的价值,同时具not only theoretical, but also applied value.有应用上的价值。The tra

35、y has 10 numbered shells of gastropod molluscs. The classification key below 盘中有十个标有数字的腹足纲软体动物,下面的分类表能用来鉴定allows the identification of species names and includes illustrations explaining the details of shell它们的种类名称,并包括壳的详细构造及测量方式的图解。structure and measurements. Classify the molluscs you are given and

36、 place the numbers written 将给你的软体动物分类,并将其壳的数字编号写在答案纸on their shells next to species names in the table in the answer sheet.上所附的表中。Species nameShell number种名螺壳编号Viviparus contectus内实田螺Bithynia tentaculata触丝豆螺Physa fontinalis似泉左旋螺Aplexa hypnorum无褶螺Radix ovata卵状根螺Radix auricularia耳状根螺Lymnaea stagnalis静

37、水椎实螺Planorbarius corneus角平卷螺Planorbis planorbis平卷平卷螺Segmentina nitida光亮有隔扁螺CLASSIFICATION KEY分类检索表1a. Shell aperture (opening) has an operculum (lid)(2)壳口(开口)具有厣(盖)1b. Shell aperture without an operculum (lid).(3)壳口不具有厣(盖)2a. Shell is at least 20 mm high, green-brown, sometimes with three dark strip

38、es on the 壳至少有20 mm高,棕绿色,在最后一螺旋上有时会有三条暗色的带状条纹 last turn of the whorl.Viviparus contectus内实田螺2b. Shell is not more than 15 mm high, uniformly brown without 壳高不会超过15 mm高,呈现单一棕色,不具条纹 stripes.Bithynia tentaculata.触丝豆螺3a. Shell is like a tower or a cone with variable number of turns.(4)壳呈塔状或角锥状,具有不同数目的螺旋

39、3b. Shell is flat.(8)壳呈扁平状4a. Shell is sinistral.(5)螺壳左旋4b. Shell is dextral.(6)螺壳右旋5a. Shell is egg-shaped. Whorl height is less then aperture height. Yellow- brown or light 壳呈卵圆形,螺体高度小于壳口高度,呈现黄褐色或淡褐色 brown.Physa fontinalis.似泉左旋螺5b. Shell has spindle-like shape. Whorl height is twice the aperture h

40、eight. Brown or 壳呈纺缍形,螺体高度为壳口高度的两倍,呈现褐色或深褐色 dark brown.Aplexa hypnorum.无褶螺6a. Aperture height is significantly more than whorl height.(7)壳口高明显大于螺体高6b. Whorl height is equal or slightly exceeds aperture height. Shell is up to 60 mm 螺体高等于或略为大于壳口高,壳可达60mm高 high.Lymnaea stagnalis.静水椎实螺7a. Aperture height is approximately twice its width. Shell height is up to 25 mm, 壳口高度约为宽度的两倍,壳高可达25mm,壳宽可达15mm width up to 15 mm.Radix ovata卵状根螺7b. Aperture height and width are approximately equal. Shell height is up to 40 mm, 壳口高度与宽度约略相等,壳高可达40mm,壳宽可达30mm width up to 30 mm

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