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1、双基限时练(九)Unit 8Warmup & Lesson 1.单词拼写1All children like to listen to his _ (奇遇) in the mountains.答案adventures2We all have had a very _ (令人疲惫的) day. Lets go to bed.答案tiring3I enjoy _ (徒步旅行) but prefer a soft bed, hot waters, and great food instead of camping.答案hiking4You dont have to have this radio i

2、n your new car; its an _ (可选择的) part.答案optional5We should get _ (额外的) pay for doing more work.答案extra6People didnt know what would happen and they looked _ (忧虑的)答案anxious7I have offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a weeks _ (住处)答案accommodation8The _ (组织) of such a largescale party takes a l

3、ot of time and energy.答案organisation9I am very _ (不舒适的) lying on this hard, cold floor.答案uncomfortable10This is the shortest _ (路程) from Boston to New York.答案route.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1The weather is perfect for flying. What time does your flight take _?答案与解析off句意:这天飞行再好不过了。你的飞机什么时候起飞?take off“起飞”,符合题意。2

4、My brother is wild _ travelling. He has been to many places of interest.答案与解析aboutbe wild about sth.“热衷于某事”。3The old lady was kind enough to make _ (accommodate) for the homeless man.答案与解析accommodations句意:这位和善的老太太为这个无家可归的人供应膳宿。make accommodations for“为供应膳宿”;当accommodation意为“住宿,膳宿”时常用复数形式。4Leaves are

5、 found on all kinds of trees, but they differ greatly _ size and shape.答案与解析in句意:各种树上都有叶子,但叶子在大小和外形方面有很大的差别。differ in“在方面不同”。5With so much work to do, she was too anxious _ (leave)答案与解析to leave句意:由于有格外多的工作要做,所以她很焦虑,早早地离开了聚会。6Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefers _ (ride) a bicycle.答案与

6、解析to ride本题把rather than置于句首,使考题增加了难度。本题考查了句型prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.结构。7They are busy making _ (arrange) for the meeting to be held tomorrow.答案与解析arrangementsmake arrangements for“做支配;为做预备”。8He offered _ (help) me work out the problem, but Id prefer to depend on myself.答案与解析to helpoffer

7、 to do sth.表示“主动提出做某事”。9For many persons in Beijing, dreams of living in _ green area are becoming _ reality.答案与解析a; aarea“地区;区域”,是可数名词,前面需加冠词; reality“现实;真实之物”,是可数名词, become a reality“成为现实”。10Her English was so poor that she could hardly make herself _ (understand)答案与解析understoodmake oneself unders

8、tood为“make宾语宾补”结构; understand与her之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾补。.同义句转换1Not just children but some adults are interested in cartoon films.Some adults _ _ _ children are interested in cartoon films.答案as well as2Look out while you are crossing the street.Look out while _ _ _.答案crossing the street3You neednt leave i

9、n such a hurry.You _ _ _ leave in such a hurry.答案dont need/have to4They are busy making preparations for the wedding.They are busy _ _ the wedding.答案preparing for5There are no more than 30 children in a class.There is _ _ _ 30 children in a class.答案a maximum of.完形填空My husband hasnt stopped laughing

10、about the thing that happened to me. Its _1_ now but it wasnt at that time.Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town, I _2_ a rest before catching the train,so I bought a _3_ and some chocolate and went to the station coffee shop that was a cheap, selfservice place with long _4_ to si

11、t at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to _5_ a place, and went to get a cup of coffee.When I came back with the coffee, there was someone in the _6_ seat. It was one of those _7_ young men, with dark glasses and torn clothes,and hair coloured bright

12、 _8_ at the front,not so unusual these days. What did _9_ me was hed started to eat my chocolate!Naturally, I was annoyed (生气). However, to avoid trouble then really I was rather uneasy about him I just _10_ down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee,and took a bit of chocolate. The b

13、oy looked at me _11_. Then he took another piece of my chocolate. I could hardly _12_ it. Still I didnt want to start an argument. When he took a _13_ piece, I felt more _14_ than annoyed. I thought,“Well, I shall have the last piece.”And I _15_ it.The boy gave me a _16_ look, and then stood up. As

14、he left he shouted out, “This womans mad!” Everyone _17_. That really made me feel silly, but it was _18_ when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My face went red as red as his hair when I _19_ Id made a mistake. It wasnt my chocolate hed been taking. There was mine, _20_, just under my ne

15、wspaper.1A. seriousB. wonderfulC. funnyD. exciting2A. enjoyedB. tookC. hadD. wanted3A. cakeB. newspaperC. magazineD. bag4A. chairsB. tablesC. benchesD. beds5A. orderB. findC. keepD. do6A. veryB. sameC. freeD. next7A. wildlookedB. wildlookingC. goodlookedD. goodlooking8A. redB. blackC. brownD. white9

16、A. interestB. surpriseC. frightenD. hurt10A. lookedB. layC. satD. put11A. eagerlyB. friendlyC. closelyD. shyly12A. believeB. bearC. noticeD. stop13A. lastB. bigC. singleD. third14A. angryB. contentC. happyD. pleased15A. coveredB. threwC. gotD. wrapped16A. strangeB. terribleC. disappointedD. pleasant

17、17A. agreedB. promisedC. staredD. followed18A. betterB. worseC. laterD. easier19A. wonderedB. realizedC. decidedD. recognised20A. tastedB. splitC. tiedD. unopened答案与解析1C从开篇句中的laughing以及本句后面的转折词but,可推断出答案是funny。若还不能确定,等读完全篇后,不难发觉答案为C项。2D从后面的“.so I. to sit at.”一句可知此时作者还没有休息,可见A、B、C三项都不符合语境。3B从本段最终一句的内

18、容不难得出此答案。4B依据后面作定语的不定式“to sit at”,可知应当选此答案。sit at the table意思是“坐在桌子旁边”;其余三项都不能与at搭配。5C作者把报纸和巧克力放在桌子上又离开去买别的东西,只能解释为“占地方”。6D从后面的情节可知,那位年轻人就坐在作者的旁边,即“next seat”。两人不行能坐同一个座位,所以B项是干扰项;既然有人坐,何谈“free seat”,可知C项也不对。7B依据下文该年轻人的衣着,尤其是那场误会带给作者的感受,可知用wildlooking“形象粗野的”比较合适。8A本空要读到最终一段倒数第三句时,才能得出确定答案。9B前一句说“他的装

19、束当时并没什么不同寻常”,即并不会使我感到意外,而本句的后半部分说“他开头吃我的巧克力”,就不能不使我感到“惊异”了。10Aat the front page of the newspaper等信息,是选此答案的依据。11C该答案的选择,必需读完全篇知道故事的原委后,才可以确定。12A很难信任现在眼前的情形,“我的巧克力”让他人任凭吃。13D年轻人在此之前已吃了两块巧克力了。14A这句话的意思是“我格外生气”。15C前一句说“I shall have the last piece.”,所以就随之拿了最终这一片(got it)。16A从故事的最终才知道为什么小伙子用惊异的眼神看着她(原来她吃的是

20、他的巧克力!)。17C听到小伙子的叫喊“This womans mad!”四周的人还能不都愣愣地看着她?stare意为“目不转睛地看”。18B刚才感到silly,只是由于有人说她是“mad woman”,而此时,当她发觉自己弄错了,吃了别人的东西时,心情更糟糕。所以用what was worse来描绘。19B发觉自己弄错了,这是从后面的事实中“意识”到的。20D后面的under my newspaper是自己的巧克力“还没有打开(unopened)”的注释。.阅读理解Gardening can be a very relaxing hobby for many people and this

21、wonderful experience is not just for adults. Children are interested in gardening as well, if given the chance to explore nature and science in this way. Gardening can bring joy to both children and their parents alike, especially when the experience is shared together. The time that is spent garden

22、ing together builds precious memories within their hearts and minds for years to come. When you are gardening with your children, try to give them their own special area. Keep their area in the center of the best soil and light, as you want to make sure of a successful gardening experience. Plastic

23、tools easily break and are difficult to use in the dirt, so when you are gardening with your children, give them real tools to use if possible. Even offering to let them use your tools is a way to admit the worth of the work they are doing. It is also important to talk with your children about the w

24、hole process of gardening, from planting to the harvest. They need to understand how things work and the importance of what they are doing. Show off the childrens gardening work by taking friends and visitors for a walking tour through the garden and point out the childrens particular spot. When you

25、 give attention to the childrens work, this is a great motivation (动机) for children to continue wanting to be involved. Do not force children to take part when they are in a bad mood or if they are becoming bored. Instead, allow them to do something different, like building a scarecrow (稻草人)! This m

26、akes the gardening experience even more interesting. As you work together side by side with your children, you will encourage a love of the land in them, as well as create lasting memories of time spent with you. 1What is the text mainly about?A. Teaching children how to garden. B. Giving children t

27、he chance to show off. C. Helping children realize the importance of work. D. Sharing the joy of gardening with children.答案与解析D依据第一段中“Gardening can bring joy to both children and their parents alike, especially when the experience is shared together. ”园艺可以给孩子和父母都带来欢快。尤其是当阅历被一起共享的时候。由此可知孩子和父母可以共享在园艺劳

28、动中的欢快。D项正确。2Why should you introduce your childrens work to your friends?A. It makes your friends believe your children are smart. B. It helps you gain more confidence in your children. C. It encourages children to continue doing such work. D. It attracts your friends to take part in your gardening.

29、 答案与解析C依据第四段中的“Show off the childrens gardening work by taking friends and visitors for a walking tour through the garden and point out the childrens particular spot. When you give attention to the childrens work, this is a great motivation(动机) for children to continue wanting to be involved. ”可知领着伴侣或参观者穿过花园时向他们指出孩子们园艺劳动时的地方,这种关注会让孩子们有更大的动力连续参与其中。C项正确。3What kind of people is the text mainly written for?A. Children.B. Parents.C. Farmers.D. Teachers. 答案与解析B阅读文章可知园艺劳动给父母和孩子都带来欢快的经受,在劳动过程中一起使用你们的劳动工具,带着伴侣来看自己孩子的劳动成果,故可知应是父母的阅历之谈。B项正确。

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