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1、航空航天工程本科专业培养计划一、 指导思想1、 我校航空航天工程本科专业涵盖飞行器设计、航空宇航推进理论与工程、航空宇航制造工程、人机与环境工程四个二级学科。教学内容要突破传统专业设置的界限,体现当代科学技术发展中学科交叉的特点。与国际通行的航空航天高等教育模式接轨,推行通才教育。2、 学校是知识的聚集地,也是技术创新的主体。为了培养学生的创新精神,学校教育应从单纯的以教师为中心的知识传授模式逐步转向以学生为主体、教师为主导的共同探索的“学习”模式。3、 强化实践性教育环节,培养学生综合运用所学知识处理实际问题的能力。4、 增加选修课门类和学生选修的自由度,注重学生个性发展,以适应社会对人才需

2、求的多样性。二、 培养目标本专业培养德、智、体、美全面发展,知识、能力和素质协调发展,可胜任航空航天领域各项工作的宽厚型、复合型、开放型和创新型的优秀人才。三、 基本要求1、 基本掌握马克思主义原理、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和三个代表的思想。热爱祖国,拥护中国共产党的领导,坚持四项基本原则,拥护改革开放,遵纪守法,有强烈的事业心和责任感。2、 具有扎实的自然科学基础,较好的人文、艺术和社会科学基础以及正确运用本国语言、文字的表达能力。3、 掌握本专业所必须的数学、物理、力学、机械学、电路和电子技术、自动控制、航空航天的基本知识和技能。4、 具有本专业某个领域方向所必须的专业知识,了解学科前沿及其

3、发展趋势。5、 具备本专业必须的计算、测试、文献检索能力,具有较强的计算机和外语应用能力。6、 接受严格的军事训练和一定的体育锻炼,身体健康,具有良好的文化修养和心理素质。四、 学制和学位推荐学制四年。实行弹性学制,允许学生在取得规定学分后提前毕业,也允许延长学习年限,但一般不超过六年。学生修完本专业培养计划规定的学分,德、智、体考核合格,按照中华人民共和国学位条例规定的条件授予工学学士学位。五、 课程体系构成本专业课程体系由公共课程(人文社科类、经济管理类、自然科学类、外语类、体育类和计算机类)、专业课程(学科基础类和专业方向类)和实践教学课程等三个课程模块组成。其中公共课程和专业课程的学时

4、和学分分配如表1,其中选修课所占比例约为三分之一。表1 公共课程和专业课程的学时和学分分配课程类别必修课课内学时(学分)选修课课内学时(学分)占总学时比例人文社科类198(11)108(6)11.18%经济管理类72(4)2.63%自然科学类468(26) 108(6)21.05%外语类216(12)72(4)10.52%体育类36(2)54(3)3.29%计算机类54(3)36(2)3.29%学科基础类774(49)135(16)42.76%专业方向类 234(8)5.26%总计1854(103)900(49)100%六、 本专业主干课程体系本专业主干课程是: 低速空气动力学、高速空气动力学

5、、飞行器空气动力学、飞行器结构分析与设计、航空航天动力装置结构、航空航天推进基础、航空航天制造工程、飞行器控制、飞行器设计与实验等。七、 实践教学环节安排本专业实践教学课程学时和学分分配如表2。注:1、 人文、社科模块课程的课外实践活动由学校和学院统一安排。2、 学院帮助和鼓励学生利用假期,参观现代化的企业与研究单位,参加志愿者公益活动和其它社会实践、行政管理,以利了解社会,理解社会,增长才干,拓宽视野。3、 学院帮助和鼓励学生积极参加有关的科技活动,并可通过评审,申请学院学生科技活动基金和配备指导教师。对于获得国家和省、市科技奖的学生,可优先考虑优秀生的评选和直升研究生。4、 每学期开展专题

6、学术讲座,请资深教授或著名专家、学者作学术性讲座,结合讨论给学生机会,以表达自己的学习体会或介绍自己感兴趣的话题,提高学生的学术交流能力。表2 实践教学的学时和学分分配序号名 称周数学时/学分备 注1军训254/32教学实习(金工)4108/63机械设计基础课程设计254/34航空航天工程专业课程设计381/4.55生产实习(航空航天工程)4108/66毕业设计(论文)18486/277人均上机时间300学时以上8人文、社科模块的实践教学162学时以上(由学校和学院统一安排)9课程实验182学时以上小计33891/49.5八、 毕业规定修完课内164.5学分及实践性教学环节45学分,通过毕业设

7、计(论文)答辩者,可获准在本专业毕业。九、 教学进程表见航空航天工程本科专业教学进程表。航空航天工程专业教学进程表课程代码课 程 名 称学分学时学 时 类 型 分 配按学期周学时分配课 内课 外讲课实验实践上机课程设计12345678人文社科类必修课程(11学分)TH023思想道德修养与法律基础(1)118181TH021中国近代史纲要236362TH004军事理论13618181TH022思想道德修养与法律基础(2)25436182TH025毛邓三重要思想概论39054363TH024马克思主义基本原理25436182人文社科类选修课程(选满6学分)人文科学及文化素养课程610810842经

8、济管理类(选满4学分)P0202能源与可持续发展2363062EV009环境工程导论(A类)236362I0201工业工程导论236362AM001管理基础236362EC201工程经济学(A类)236362自然科学类必修课程共26学分MA082高等数学(F)(1)61081086MA083高等数学(F)(2)472724MA012线性代数 2.545452.5MA031概率论与数理统计(A类)2.545452.5PH001大学物理(A类)(1)472724PH002大学物理(A类)(2)472724PH006大学物理实验(1)1.527271.5PH007大学物理实验(2)1.527271.




12、3545043专业课程:学科基础类选修课程选满12学分AE402飞行器控制(1)2.545452.5AE412飞行器控制(2)1.527271.5AE403飞行器空气动力学(1)2.545452.5AE413飞行器空气动力学(2)1.527271.5AE405推进装置原理与结构(1)2.545452.5AE415推进装置原理与结构(2)1.527271.5专业课程:学科方向指定选修课程8学分AE404航空宇航制造工程2362792AE301飞行器设计236362AE411人-机-环境工程 236362AE425叶轮机械基础236362专业课程:任意选修课须选满4学分(见任意选修课表)专业课程任

13、意选修课(二门)472724实践教学课程:各类实习必修课12学分ME008教学实习(金工)61081086XP438生产实习(航空航天工程)61081086实践教学课程:各类实习军训必修课3学分TH010军训354543 实践教学课程:专业设计必修课34.5学分ME318机械设计基础课程设计354543AE401航空航天工程专业课程设计4.581814.5BS021毕业设计(论文)(航空航天工程)2748648627各学期所有课程学分合计201.5263026.527.5251722.527PROGRAM GUIDE FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDY IN AEROSPACE E

14、NGINEERING AT SHANGHAI JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY1 General Guidelines(1) The undergraduate program in Aerospace Engineering at Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU) covers four secondary disciplines: aircraft design, theory and application of aerospace propulsion, aerospace manufacturing, and human-machine-a

15、nd-environment. The curriculum is set up in a way that bridges the barriers among various traditional aerospace disciplines and puts emphasis on interdisciplinary characteristics. The program thrives to meet the modern standard of international aerospace higher learning.(2) A university should be a

16、basin of advanced knowledge and a principle in generating technological innovations. Based on this assertion, the program creates an environment that fosters the innovative spirits among the students. The teaching-learning is breaking away from the traditional mode of centering on the instructors an

17、d is turning to a mode of co-exploration where the students are the principles while the faculty provides the guidance and inspiration.(3) The program puts emphasis on practical trainings, through which the students are given the opportunity of applying knowledge to realistic engineering problems.(4

18、) The program gives the students more freedom in selecting elective courses, respects each students individualism, and encourages students self-development, in order to provide the society with diversified college graduates.2 Program Objective, Goals, and OutcomeThe SJTU Aerospace Engineering progra

19、m prepares students for success in aerospace and related engineering systems. The goal of the program is to train students in ethical, intellectual, physical, and aesthetics aspects; and to educate students to have coordinated development in knowledge, ability, and character. The outcome of the prog

20、ram is professional talents that are open-minded and innovative and with a broad and composite knowledge base.3 Basic Requirements1、 To educate students to have a basic understanding of Marxism, Mao Zedong Thoughts, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and the Three-Representative Theory; to be patriotic; to be su

21、pportive of the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party; to stick to the Four-Basic-Principle and the Open-and-Reform Principle; to be law-abiding; to have strong professionalism; and to become responsible individuals. 2、 To educate students to gain a solid mastering of various natural science sub

22、jects; to be exposed to social sciences and liberal arts; and to have strong verbal and written communication skills using the Chinese language.3、 To educate students to master a deep working knowledge and skills of technical fundamentals, such as Mechanics, Electrics, Automatic Control, and Aerospa

23、ce Engineering. 4、 To educate students to gain a deeper knowledge in one of the aerospace disciplines; and to be exposed to the related engineering frontiers and modern development.5、 To educate students to be able to perform computation work, to take measurements, to check technical references; to

24、efficiently use computers; and to have foreign language skills.6、 To educate students through strict military and physical trainings to be healthy both physically and mentally.4 Terms and DegreeThe length of study to complete the program is flexible with a recommended length of four years and should

25、 generally not exceed six years. Students who obtain the minimum credits required by this program guide and deem qualified in ethical, intellectual, and physical aspects will be awarded Bachelor of Engineering degree in accordance with the Academic Degree Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China

26、.5 Course StructureThe curriculum consists of three modules: common courses (Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Economics and Management, Natural Sciences, Foreign Languages, Physical Education, and Computers), major courses (fundamentals and advanced Aerospace Engineering), and practical-training co

27、urses. Table 1 lists the credits/hours of the common and major courses, of which one-thirds are elective courses.Table 1 Credits/hours of the common and major coursesCourse TypeCredit Hours (Credits), Compulsory CoursesCredit Hours (Credits), Elective CoursesPercentage of All CoursesLiberal Arts and

28、 Social Sciences198(11)108(6)11.18%Economics and Management72(4)2.63%Natural Sciences468(26) 108(6)21.05%Foreign Languages216(12)72(4)10.52%Physical Education36(2)54(3)3.29%Computers54(3)36(2)3.29%Professional Fundamentals774(49)135(16)42.76%Professional Advanced 234(8)5.26%Sub-Total1854(103)900(49)

29、100%6 Core CoursesThe core aerospace courses are: Low-Speed Aerodynamics, High-Speed Aerodynamics, Aircraft Aerodynamics, Aircraft Structure, Structure of Aerospace Propulsion Devices, Fundamentals of Aerospace Propulsion, Aerospace Manufacturing, Aircraft Control, Aircraft Design and Experiment.7 P

30、ractical TrainingTable 2 lists the credit/hours of practical-training courses.Table 2 Credit hours of practical-training coursesNo.Course TitleWeeksHours/CreditsNote1Military Training254/32Machinery Practice4108/63Mechanical Design Project254/34Aerospace Project381/4.55Aerospace Internship4108/66Und

31、ergraduate Design/Thesis18486/277Computer Time300 hours8Practical Training, Social Sciences.162 hours (arranged university-wide)9Course Experiments182 hoursSub-Total33891/49.5Notes:(1) The extra-curriculum practical training is to be arranged university-wide.(2) It is encouraged that students take a

32、dvantage of term-breaks to visit related industrial and research facilities, and to volunteer for public events and activities. These activities are beneficial to the students in terms of getting to know more about the society in-large, having a better understanding of the real world, and gaining mo

33、re experience.(3) It is encouraged that students participate in related engineering and research competitions and other activities. On a competitive base, the College of Mechanical Engineering will award research funds to selected students and assign faculty members as project directors. For those s

34、tudents who medal in national and provincial competitions, their applications for Excellence Awards and post-graduate study will be given favorable consideration.(4) There will be a number of academic seminars given by leading authorities and experts each semester. Students are encouraged to take ad

35、vantage of such opportunities to have face-to-face discussions with experts, to learn more, to present students own thoughts, and to enhance communication skills.8 Requirements for GraduationStudent(s) who finishes 164.5 in-class credits and 45 practical-training credits and passes Undergraduate Design/Thessis defense will be allowed to graduate.9 CurriculumSee the separately listed official Aerospace Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum.

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