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1、外语下载中心Lesson 1 Excuse me!Excuse me!Yes?Is this your handbag?Pardon?Is this your handbag?Yes, it is.Thank you very much.Lesson 3 Sorry, sir.My coat and my umbrella please.Here is my ticket.Thank you, sir.Number five.Heres your umbrella and your coat.This is not my umbrella.Sorry sir.Is this your umbr

2、ella?No, it isnt.Is this it?Yes, it is.Thank you very much.Lesson 5 Nice to meet youMR.BLAKE: Good morning.STUDENTS: Good morning, Mr. Blake.MR. BLAKE: This is Miss Sophie Dupont.Sophie is a new student.She is French.MR. BLAKE: Sophie, this is Hans.He is German.HANS: Nice to meet you.MR. BLAKE: And

3、this is Naoko.Shes Japanese.NAOKO: Nice to meet you.MR. BLAKE: And this is Chang-woo.Hes Korean.CHANG-WOO: Nice to meet you.MR. BLAKE: And this is Luming.He is Chinese.LUMNG: Nice to meet you.MR. BLAKE: And this is Xiaohui.Shes Chinese, too.XIAOHUI: Nice to meet you.Lesson 7 Are you a teacher? ROBER

4、T: I am a new student.My names Robert.SOPHIE: Nice to meet you. My names Sophie.ROBERT: Are you French?SOPHIE: Yes, I am.SOPHIE: Are you French too?ROBERT: No, I am not.SOPHIE: What nationality are you?ROBERT: Im Italian.ROBERT: Are you a teacher?SOPHIE: No, Im not.ROBERT: Whats your job?SOPHIE: Im

5、a keyboard operator.SOPHIE: Whats your job?ROBERT: Im an engineer.Lesson 9 How are you today?STEVEN: Hello, Helen.HELEN: Hi, Steven.STEVEN: How are you today?HELEN: Im very well, thank you. And you?STEVEN: Im fine, thanks.STEVEN: How is Tony?HELEN: Hes fine, thanks. Hows Emma?STEVEN: Shes very well,

6、 too, Helen.STEVEN: Goodbye, Helen.Nice to see you.HELEN: Nice to see you, too, Steven. Goodbye.Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?HEACHER:Whose shirt is that?HEACHER:Is this your shirt, Dave?DAVE: No. Sir. Its not my shirt.DAVE: This is my shirt. My shirts blue.TEACHER: Is this shirt Tims?DAVE: Perhaps i

7、t is, sir.Tims shirts white.HEACHER:Tim!TIM: Yes, sir?HEACHER:Is this your shirt?TIM: Yes, sir.HEACHER:Here you are. Catch!TIM: Thank you, sir.Lesson 13 A new dressLOUISE: What colours your new dress?ANNA: Its green.ANNA: Come upstairs and see it.LOUISE: Thank you.ANNA: Look!Here it is!LOUISE: Thats

8、 nice dress.Its very smart.ANNA: My hats new, too.LOUISE: What colour is it?ANNA: Its the same colour.Its green, too.LOUISE: That is a lovely hat!Lesson 15 Your passports, please.CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are you Swedish?GIRLS: No, we are not.We are Danish.CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are your friends Danish, too?GIRLS:

9、 No, they arent. They are Norwegian.CUSTOMS OFFICER: Your passports, please.GIRLS: Here they are.CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are these your cases?GIRLS: No, they arent.GIRLS: Our cases are brown. Here they are.CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are you tourists?GIRLS: Yes, we are.CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are your friends tourists too?G

10、IRLS: Yes, they are.CUSTOMS OFFICER: Thats fine.GIRLS: Thank you very much.Lesson 17 How do you do?MR. JACKSON: Come and meet our employees,Mr.Richards.MR. RICHARDS: Thank you, Mr. Jackson.MR. JACKSON: This is Nicola Grey,and this is Claire Taylor.MR. RICHARDS: How do you do?MR. RICHARDS: Those wome

11、n are very hard-working.What are their jobs?MR. JACKSON: Theyre keyboard operators.MR. Jackson: This is Michael Baker,and this is Jeremy Short.MR. RICHARDS: How do you do?MR. RICHARDS: They arent very busy!What are their jobs?MR. JACKSON: Theyre sales reps.Theyre very lazy.MR. RICHARDS: Who is this

12、young man?MR. JACKSON: This is Jim.Hes our office assistant.Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty MOTHER: Whats the matter, children?GIRL: Were tired BOY: and thirsty, Mum.MOTHER: Sit down here.MOTHER: Are you all right now?BOY: No, we arent.MOTHER: Look!Theres an ice cream man.MOTHER: Two ice cream please.MO

13、THER: Here you are, children.CHILDREN: Thanks, Mum.GIRL: These ice creams are nice.MOTHER: Are you all right now?CHILDREN: Yes, we are, thank you!Lesson 21 Which book?MAN: Give me a book please, Jane.WOMAN: Which book?WOMAN: This one?MAN: No, not that one. The red one.WOMAN: This one?MAN: Yes, pleas

14、e.WOMAN: Here you are.MAN: Thank you.Lesson 23 Which glasses?MAN: Give me some glasses please, Jane.WOMAN: Which glasses?WOMAN: These glasses?MAN: No, not those.The one on the shelf.WOMAN: These?MAN: Yes, please.WOMAN: Here you are.MAN: Thanks.Lesson 25 Mrs. Smiths KitchenMrs. Smiths kitchen is smal

15、l.There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.The refrigerator is white.It is on the right.There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.The cooker is blue.It is on the left.There is a table in the middle of the room.There is a bottle on the table.The bottle is empty.There is a cup on the table, too.The cup

16、 is clean.Lesson 27 Mrs. Smiths living roomMrs. Smiths living room is large.There is a television in the room.The television is near the window.There are some magazines on the television.There is a table in the room.There are some newspapers on the table.There are some armchairs in the room.The armc

17、hairs are near the table.There is a stereo in the room.The stereo is near the door.There are some books on the stereo.There are some pictures in the room.The pictures are on the wall.Lesson 29 Come in, Amy.MRS. JONES: Come in, Amy.MRS. JONES: Shut the door, please.MRS. JONES: This bedrooms very unti

18、dy.MAY: What must I do, Mrs. Jones?MRS. JONES: Open the window and air the room.MRS. JONES: Then put these clothes in the wardrobe.MRS. JONES: Then make the bed.MRS. JONES: Dust the dressing table.MRS. JONES: Then sweep the floor.Lesson 31 Wheres Sally?JEAN: Wheres Sally, Jack?JACK: Shes in the gard

19、en, Jean.JEAN: Whats the doing?JACK: Shes sitting under the tree.JEAN: Is Tim in the garden, too?JACK: Yes, he is.Hes climbing the tree.JEAN: I beg your pardon?Whos climbing the tree?JACK: Tim is.JEAN: What about the dog?JACK: The dogs in the garden, too.Its running across the grass.Its running afte

20、r a cat.Lesson 33 A fine dayIt is a fine day today.There are some clouds in the sky,but the sun is shining.Mr. Jones is with his family.They are walking over the bridge.There are some boats on the river.Mr. Jones and his wife are looking at them.Sally is looking at a big ship.The ship is going under

21、 the bridge.Tim is looking at an aeroplane.The aeroplane is flying over the river.Lesson 35 Our villageThis is a photograph of our village.Our village is in a valley.It is between two hills.The village is on a river.Here is another photograph of the village.My wife and I are walkingalong the banks o

22、f the river.We are on the left.There is a boy in the water.He is swimming across the river.Here is another photograph.This is the school building.It is beside a park.The park is on the right.Some children are coming out of the building.Some of them are going to the park.Lesson 37 Making a bookcaseDA

23、N: Youre working hard, George.What are you doing?GEORGE: Im making a bookcase.GEORGE: Give me that hammer please, Dan.DAN: Which hammer? This one?GEORGE: No, not that one. The big one.DAN: Here you are.GEORGE: Thanks, Dan.DAN: What are you doing to do now, George?GEORGE: Im going to paint it.DAN: Wh

24、at colour are you going to pain it?GEORGE: Im going to paint it pink.DAN: Pink!GEORGE: This bookcase isnt for me.Its for my daughter, Susan.Pinks her favourite colour.Lesson 39 Dont drop it! SAM: What are you going to do with that vase, Penny?PENNY: Im going to put it on this table, Sam.SAM: Dont do

25、 that. Give it to me.PENNY: What are you going to do with it?SAM: Im going to put it here, in front of the window.PENNY: Be careful! Dont drop it!PENNY: Dont put there, Sam.Put it here, on this shelf.SAM: There we are! Its a lovely vase.PENNY: Those flowers are lovely, too.Lesson 41 Pennys bagSAN: I

26、s that bag heavy, Penny?PENNY: Not very.SAN: Here! Put it on this chair. Whats in it?PENNY: A piece of cheese.A loaf of bread.A bar of soap.A bar of Chocolate.A bottle of milk.A pound of sugar.Half a pound of coffee.A quarter of pound of tea.And a tin of tobacco.SAN: Is that tin of tobacco for me?PE

27、NNY: Well, its certainly not for me! Lesson 43 Hurry up! PENNY: Can you make the tea, Sam? SAM: Yes, of course I can, Penny. SAM: Is there any water in this kettle? PENNY: Yes, there is. SAM: Wheres the tea? PENNY: Its over there, behind the teapot. PENNY: Can you see it? SAM: I can see the teapot,b

28、ut I cant see the tea. PENNY: There it is! Its in front of your! SAM: Ah yes, I can see it now. SAM: Where are the cups? PENNY: There are some in the cupboard. PENNY: Can you find them? SAM: Yes. Here they are. PENNY: Hurry up, Sam! The kettles boiling! Lesson 45 The bosss letter THE BOSS: Can you c

29、ome here a minute please, Bob? BOB: Yes, sir? THE BOSS: Wheres Pamela? BOB: Shes next door. Shes in her office, sir. THE BOSS: Can she type this letter for me? Ask her please. BOB: Yes, sir. BOB:Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela? PAMELA: Yes, of course I can. BOB: Here you are.PAM

30、ELA: Thank you, Bob.PAMELA: Bob!BOB: Yes? Whats the letter.PAMELA: I cant type this letter.PAMELA: I cant read it! The bosss handwriting is terrible!Lesson 47 A cup of coffeeCHRISTINE: Do you like coffee, Ann?ANN: Yes, I do.CHRISTINE: Do you want a cup?ANN: Yes, please, Christine.CHRISTINE: Do you w

31、ant any sugar?ANN: Yes, please.CHRISTINE: Do you want any milk?ANN: No, thank you. I dont like milk in my coffee.I like black coffee.CHRISTINE: Do you like biscuits?ANN: Yes. I do.CHRISTINE: Do you want one?ANN: Yes, please.Lesson 49 At the butchersBUTCHER: Do you want any meat today. Mrs. Bird?MRS.

32、BIRD: Yes, please.BUTCHER: Do you want beef or lamb?MRS.BIRD: Beef, please.BUTCHER: This lambs very good.MRS.BIRD: I like lamb, but my husband doesnt.BUTCHER: What about some steak? This is a nice piece.MRS.BIRD: Give me that piece, please.MRS.BIRD: And a pound of mince, too.BUTCHER: Do you want a c

33、hicken, Mrs. Bird? They re very nice.MRS.BIRD: No, thank you.MRS.BIRD: My husband likes steak,but he doesnt like chicken.BUTCHER: To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird,I dont like chicken either!Lesson 51 A pleasant climateHANS: Where do you come from?DIMITRI: I come from Greece.HANS: Whats the climate l

34、ike in your country?DIMITRI: Its very pleasant.HANS: Whats the weather like in spring?DIMITRI: Its often windy in March.Its always warm in April and May,but it rains sometimes.HANS: Whats it like in summer?DIMITRI: Its always hot in June, July and August.The sun shines every day.HANS: Is it cold or

35、warm in autumn?DIMITRI: Its always warm in September and October.Its often cold in November and it rains sometimes.HANS: Is it very cold in winter?DIMITRI: Its often cold in December, January and February.It snows sometimes.Lesson 53 An interesting climateHANS: Where do you come from?JIM: I come fro

36、m England.HANS: Whats the climate like in your country?JIM: Its mild,but its not always pleasant.JIM: The weathers often cold in North and windy in the East.Its often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the south.HANS: Which seasons do you like best?JIM: I like spring and summer.The days are long

37、and the night are short.The sun rises early and sets late.JIM: I dont like autumn and winter.The days are short and the nights are long.The sun rises late and set early.Our climate is not very good,but its certainly interesting.Its our favourite subject of conversation.Lesson 55 The Sawyer familyThe

38、 Sawyer live at 87 King Street.In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day. She does the housework.She always eats her lunch at noon.In the afternoon, she usually sees her friends. They often drink tea together.In the evening, the childre

39、n come home from school.They arrive home early.Mr. Sawyer comes home from work. He arrives home late.At night, the children always do their homework. Then they go to bed. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television.Lesson 57 An unusual dayIt is eight oclock

40、. The children go to school by car every day, but today, they are going to school on foot.It is ten oclock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops.It is four oclock. In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room. But this a

41、fter, she is drinking tea in the garden.It is six oclock. In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden.It is nine oclock. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night. But hes not reading

42、 his newspaper tonight. At the moment, hes reading an interesting book.Lesson 59 Is that all?LADY: I want some envelopes, please.SHOP ASSISTANT: Do you want the large size or the small size?LADY: The large size, please.LADY: Do you have any writing paper?SHOP ASSISTANT: Yes, we do.SHOP ASSISTANT: I

43、dont have any small pads. I only have largeone. Do you want a pad?LADY: Yes, please.LADY: And I want some glue.SHOP ASSISTANT: A bottle of glue.LADY: And I want a large box of chalk, too.SHOP ASSISTANT: I only have small boxes.Do you want one?LADY: No, thank you.SHOP ASSISTANT: Is that all?LADY: Tha

44、ts all, thank you.SHOP ASSISTANT: What else do you want?LADY: I want my change.Lesson 61 A bad coldMR. WILLIAMS: Wheres Jimmy?MRS. WILLIAMS: Hes in bed.MR. WILLIAMS: Whats the matter with him?MRS. WILLIAMS: He feels ill.MR. WILLIAMS: He looks ill.MRS. WILLIAMS: We must call the doctor.MR. WILLIAMS:

45、Yes, we must.MR. WILLIAMS: Can you remember the doctors telephone number?MRS. WILLIAMS: Yes. Its 09754.DOCTOR: Open your mouth, Jimmy. Show me your tongue.Say, Ah.MR. WILLIAMS: Whats the matter with him, doctor?DOCTOR: He has a bad cold,Mr. Williams,so he must stay in bed for a week.MRS. WILLIAMS: Thats good new for Jimmy.DOCTOR: Good news?Why?MR. WILLIAMS: Because he doesnt like school!Lesson 63 Thank you, doctor.DOCTOR: Hows Jimmy today?MRS.

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