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1、高考倒计时第02天.常考句型【句型1】 as if/though“仿佛,好像”仿写:王先生讲起话来就像个外星人一样。Mr.Wang_speaks_as_if/though_he_were_from_some_other_planet.【句型2】It is strange that.“真惊异”仿写:真惊异,他这次考试竟然没有及格。It_is_strange_that_he_should_have_failed_in_this_exam.【句型3】It doesnt matter whether.“无关紧要”仿写:你来不来无关紧要。It_doesnt_matter_whether_you_will

2、_come_or_not.完形填空Life comes in a package.This package includes happiness and sorrow,failure and success,_1_ and despair.Experiences in life _2_ us new lessons and make us a better person.With each passing day we learn to_3_various situations.Materialistic happiness is shortlived,but happiness achiev

3、ed by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of _4_.Peace of mind is the main link to happiness.No mind is happy without _5_.We _6_ the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow.Sorrow is _7_ due to death of a loved one,failure and despair.But these things are _8_ and pass away.Fa

4、ilure is the path to_9_.It helps us to touch the sky,teaches us to live and shows us a specific way.Success brings in money,fame,pride and selfrespect.Here it becomes very important to keep our head on our shoulder.The only way to show our _10_to God for giving success on us is by being humble,modes

5、t and respectful to the less fortunate ones.Hope is what keeps life going.Parents_11_hope their children will do well.Life teaches us not to despair even in the _12_hour.Nothing remains the same in life,and we have only one choiceto keep moving on in life and be_13_.Life teaches us not to _14_over y

6、esterday,for it has passed and is beyond our control.Tomorrow is_15_,for it could either be bright or dull.So the only alternative is work hard today,so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.【语篇导读】本文是一篇谈论文。生命就像一个包裹,它包含欢快与哀痛,成功与失败,期望与无望,生活中的这些经受会赐予我们教训与启迪并让我们的明天变得更好。1A.loveBhopeCdepressionDloss解析考查语境中

7、名词的辨析。依据上文语境中的happiness and sorrow,failure and success可知此处应选择despair的反义词hope。答案B2A.helpBcareCteachDtake解析考查语境中的动词辨析。生活中的各种经受教给我们新的教训,让我们变得更好。答案C3A.handleBexplainCshareDdesign解析考查语境中的动词辨析。随着日子一每天过去,我们学会了处理各种各样的状况。handle:处理,应付,符合语境。答案A4A.amazementBachievementCimprovementDmovement解析考查语境中的名词辨析。依据上文中的hap

8、piness achieved by bringing a smile on others face可知此处应选achieve的名词achievement。通过给别人带来愉悦所实现的欢快会给我们肯定程度的成就感。答案B5A.surprise BbeliefCthoughtsDpeace解析考查语境中的名词辨析。依据上文中Peace of mind is the main link to happiness可知,心灵若不安静就不会欢快。答案D6A.judge BdevelopCrealizeDseek解析考查语境中的动词辨析。我们哀痛的时候才会意识到欢快的真正价值。realize,意识到, 符合

9、语境。答案C7A.personallyBbasicallyCscarcelyDoccasionally解析考查语境中的副词辨析。哀痛主要是由于我们所爱之人的逝去、失败或是无望引起的。basically:主要地,基本地,符合语境。答案B8A.temporaryBimportantCdifferentDstrange解析考查语境中的形容词辨析。依据and后的pass away可知,这些哀痛的事情只是短暂的,终会逝去。temporary:短暂的,符合语境。答案A9A.successBsorrowCdespairDpride解析考查语境中的名词辨析。依据下句话中对失败的乐观意义的叙述以及下文中Succ

10、ess brings in money,fame,pride and selfrespect可知失败是通往成功之路。答案A10A.attitude Bprediction CemotionDappreciation解析考查语境中的名词辨析。对于上帝赐予我们成功表示我们感谢之情的唯一方式是变得谦逊和敬重别人。appreciation:感谢,观赏,符合语境。答案D11A.sometimes BoftenCalwaysDusually解析考查语境中的副词辨析。依据常识和语境可知,父母总是期望自己的孩子表现良好。答案C12A.happiest BdarkestCbrightestDshortest解析

11、考查语境中的形容词辨析。生命教会我们不要去无望即便是在最黑暗的时刻。答案B13A.hopefulBhelpfulCthankfulDcareful 解析考查语境中的形容词辨析。依据整段语境及上文中的Hope is what keeps life going可知,我们唯一的选择就是布满期望地连续前行。答案A14A.forgiveBforgetChateDregret解析考查语境中的动词辨析。依据下文中的for it has passed and is beyond our control可知,生活教会我们不要为昨天而懊悔。regret:懊悔,圆满,符合语境。答案D15A.unimportantB

12、unfairCunknown Dunsatisfying解析考查语境中的形容词辨析。依据下文中的for it could either be bright or dull可知,明天是个未知数。unknown:未知的,符合语境。答案C.语法填空This was the touching moment when a giraffe bid a sad farewell to a dying worker who had spent his entire adult life _1_(clean) the animals enclosure(围场) at a Dutch zoo.The 54year

13、old care worker,Mario,was coming to the end of his life due to a _2_(die) disease.According to his wish,his hospital bed _3_(take) into the giraffe enclosure at the zoo._4_ the mans amazement,one of the giraffes approached him and gave him a tender kiss goodbye.“It was such a heartbreaking scene _5_

14、 we couldnt hold back our tears.” One of the staff at the zoo said afterwards.Mario,weak _6_ in high spirits ,then asked for a moment to say goodbye to his colleagues at the zoo.“_7_ was very nice that we were able to work on the last wish of this man,” Mr Veldboer said.The Ambulance Wish Foundation

15、,an organization _8_(found) in 2007 by Veldboer,is a charity _9_ volunteers specialize in helping terminallyill patients fulfill dying their wishes.Last year the charity took _10_ 86yearold terminallyill man back to his farm in Holland to say goodbye to his horses.【语篇导读】The Ambulance Wish Foundation

16、是一个自愿挂念弥留之际的病人满足他们遗愿的组织。它挂念54岁的动物管理员Mario实现了他的愿望,并惊喜地得到了一只长颈鹿的告辞之吻。1cleaning考查句式结构。固定搭配spend .(in) doing.,花费时间或金钱做某事。2deadly考查形容词。修饰名词disease应用die的形容词,依据句意可知,这位54岁的管理员是由于一场致命的疾病才导致了他的生命即将走到终点。3was taken考查被动语态。医院的床被带入动物园的长颈鹿围场,bed与take为被动关系,依据语境可知时态应为过去。4To考查固定搭配。to ones amazement,令人惊异的是。5that考查句式结构。such.that,如此以至于。6but考查连词。Mario尽管很虚弱但精神却很高涨,weak与high应为反义。7It考查代词。固定搭配It was nice that.,it在此句型中作形式主语。8founded考查非谓语动词。organization与动词found之间为被动关系,所以应用found的过去分词作organization的定语。9where/whose考查定语从句。先行词charity带入定语从句作地点状语,或者可以理解为这家慈善机构的志愿者,两者构成从属关系。10an考查冠词。去年,这家慈善机构把一位八十六岁身患绝症的老人带回他在荷兰的农场与他的马告辞。

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