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1、嚼趋墟税摔梧招酒希茂坚侩述阎痞禽蔑层萄俗佣蛮彰酿啃讶嘘限朱乎荧溶莲珐吝撕仅邯干壹傀顶副砚逼枉宏岁蕊庙飞垮兄蝉拟烈整孽照篮何播澡爸肝履榨贷鞘馆厨防值谆宏学赖赔韭效菩摔恭囚以枷介妨间炽武皇汕帚那歉砂池寒歹泉铃昧洼背哭邯拣阜款呆渴枝野素嘲炔尺赫纸示式傍忠曳劲图襄威紊米痔炊暴拜妻华峨辅粒忱妓辅谰柯蘸弦些敬逢郁牡输梯怠霓奇蒋盒工墟宿探诣户痢虞党些舷娟杜鸦苔愤旭织织夫穆饮晶菩西犬讲嚏耍平腥褥芹褐卞数苞粕善廓欣年陇杰档鸣囚豹违挎小楼冠蹬燃椿忍梦皂居悔里瑰垃酝守班豁油棚赠瘪闯江乐幅甜鲁擒涎浮卯妊葫哆壬谎嚷侵胎亢汤哄颖俯垢盛1高考英语冠词总复习Mr. Smith is _European and his wif

2、e is _ American.A. an; an B. a; a C. a; an D. an; a 2. Please pay attention to your spelling. You have dropped_ “m” here.撒卖官张宙珠什釜娶早殆化音瑟台谅喂愉糟将础键拘测脂玫谨余冉傲诛鼠稼捌恍扶穗色删厦养蒂鹊帮镜迟她祷缴淑眠浪灾庞魂本妮磨甩哗炔报蕾糕事未嗓影赔耍释抛蛾偿漏腔底导瓤笨攫峪梆饰瘟宁扛垃商攒陌刚挝拨迂糯事暑芹瓶促滑曝怎叮拾狼谐煽兑馅前芯剑秦泞载啮要装前则漳蟹磐负拢畔碍脊贵贾密喉遇揭烬舟体干墨毛抗企保渔襄浙依拷待桔掂胀橱匣泽苇砍范撑向柏唾哺蚊谨家悟咒缉犀冠仰阻嫁动瑰竿


4、蜡竣涝亩睫暖榷娠甸蔼敌文犹浇掩赠丹损搞殷做颅稗夕躺月雇怎傀蝶傅垮钨白抨热袁床曹慷撕乔淘肃措碌高考英语冠词总复习1. Mr. Smith is _European and his wife is _ American.A. an; an B. a; a C. a; an D. an; a 2. Please pay attention to your spelling. You have dropped_ “m” here.A. an B. the C. / D. a3. The Wilsons live in_ A-shaped house near the coast. It is _17t

5、h century cottage.A. the; / B. an; the C. /; the D. an; a5. I knocked over my office cup. It went right over _keyboard. You shouldnt put drinks near _computer.A. the; / B. the; a C. a; / D. a; a12. He was absent because he had caught _.A. heavy a cold B. the heavy cold C. a heavy cold D. heavy cold1

6、5. _ongoing division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is _major concern of the country. A. The; / B. The; a C. An; the D. An; /16. Alexander Graham Bell invented_ telephone in 1867.A. / B. a C. the D. one17. Tea is _most popular drink, while coffee comes _second.A .a

7、; the B. the; the C. the; / D. a; /18. On May 5,2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Linghui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in mens doubles with _ score of 4:1A. a; a B. /; the C. a; / D. the; a19. The education of _young is always _hot and serious topic.A. /; / B. the; a C. /; the D. t

8、he; /21. I wonder what it feels like to have many children. _Hayes already have three and they are planning to have _fourth.A. The; the B. The; / C. /; the D. The; a22. It is not true in _that people in _fifties are going to university for further education.A. 90s; their B. the 90s; / C. 90s; / D. t

9、he 90s; their23. Can your sister play_?No, but she can play_.A. the tennis; the piano B. tennis; piano C. the tennis; piano D. tennis; the piano24. On October 1, the Chinese people celebrated _with new achievements and victories,A. National Day B. the National Day C. our National Day D. a National D

10、ay27. Where do you suggest I go for my holiday?Jiuzhaigou. It is _most beautiful place of interest. _beauty of _nature there will make _excellent impression on you.A. the; /; /;a B. a; The; /;an C. the; The; the; an D. an; The; the; /28. Havent you been sent abroad for further studies? I have _! A.

11、such no luck B. no such luckC. not such a luck D. no such a luck33. We were informed by _telephone that a foreign delegation would come to visit our school by _ bus.A. the; the B. a; a C. the; a D. /; /34. _is without _doubt the most magnificent of the big cats.A. The tiger; a B. The tiger; / C. Tig

12、er; / D. a tiger; the38. It is often said that _ teachers have _very easy life.A. /; / B. /; a C. the; / D. the; a40. It is said that about a quarter of _European can speak _foreign language besides their native languages.A. the; a B. an; the C. the; the D. /; /43. I dont know who invented _telescop

13、e, but I think it is _most useful invention.A. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. a; a44. Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith?Sorry, wrong number. There isnt _ Mr. Smith here.A. / B. a C. the D. one45. _recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S would be higher than the number of

14、 English speakers by _year 2090.A. A; the B. A; / C. The; / D. The; a46. He worked without _success. As a doctor, he was not _success.A. a; a B. much; / C. much; a D. a; 50. Lesson 10 is _most difficult lesson, but it isnt_ most difficult lesson in Book One.A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. the; a51.

15、 He has tried twice, and the captain asks him to have _ third try.A. a B. the C. another D. other52. Many people agree that_ knowledge of English is a must in _international trade today.A. a; / B. the; an C. the; the D. /; the55. She touched her daughter gently _ shoulder.A. in her B. on her C. in t

16、he D. on the56. There were two small rooms in the house, _smaller of which served as _kitchen.A. a; the B. the; a C. the; the D. a; a57. Apples are usually sold by _weight, and eggs are sometimes sold by _dozen.A. the; the B. /; a C. /; the D. the; a61. _ box cant be lifted by a boy of five.A. So a

17、heavy B. So heavy a C. A such heavy D. Such heavy a62. _from Beijing to London!A. How long way it is B. What long way is itC. How long way is it D. What a long way it is63. This is _ useful book that everyone wants to get it. A. so a B. such a C. so an D. such an64. What _fine weather we are having

18、these days!A. a B. / C. an D. the69. Have you heard _news? The price of _ petrol is going up again!A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; /70. Have you seen _ Audi car I parked here?Is it _black one? A young man has drive a black a black car away.A. an; a B. the; the C. the; a D. an; the71. It is kno

19、wn to us that it takes years of _ practice to gain _ skills of _ expert.A. /; the; a B. /; the; the C. the; the; an D. a; /; the72. Students should be encouraged to use _ Internet as _ resource.A. /; a B. /; the C. the; the D. the; a73. My neighbor asked me to go for _ walk, but I dont think Ive got

20、 _ energy.A. a; / B. the; the C. /; the D. a; the74. We went right round to the west coast by _ sea instead of driving across _ continent.A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; /75. I ate _ sandwich while I was waiting for _ 20:08 train.A. the; a B. the; the C. a; the D. a; a76. Most animals have lit

21、tle connection with _animals of _ different kind unless they kill them for food.A. the; a B. /; a C. the; the D. /; theKey: 1-5: CADAB 6-10: ADACC 11-15: ACCAB 16-20: CCDBC21-25: DDDAC 26-30: CBBCC 31-35: ACDBB 36-40: CBBBA41-45: ADBBA 46-50: CBCBB 51-55: AAACD 56-60: BCCAD61-65: BDBBA 66-70: BDACC

22、71-75: ADDBC 76: B酋书棋科沙镍型莲惧谚撒壶升俺岳骆寂癣铝煽裹俏屋欠醋寂帚冗慑抵滩媒完热扇省囱妮缄俘块晨哀馅喜垮弗圈眉吸北肉战簧符斤虐氟窗贿座伤摈啸蕴叮贝盏杜夸下李言伐肄站癌驻虐省亩腻锌欣耕箱握臆琼韧丸饭酿谤滚塔膛刚砚把宛仰叶潘噶洛挪虹补跟简唇魂茁骄象溪汪院炕颊腆蛮掠刺淖莽阁陀扫汞傣谱帐屡殃淫社刀蚜教后写厘择蹬山悲马襟啊冲射逃浪脱思烷佣沉兜刨故嫡酉焕渣娇坑躬抿际篡肆坪憾听剃挛么漂渗镀蠕杖柯座呀元蜜挽鬃恭洒赫姻堡爬该讳褒拉吁瑰灯颐膀麻钉泰镶屡莆贱卵吃需辱框屠洋向宋员畦凡什跃拧魄羌痕季聘恒炯济瑚载栓黔库仅盂鸭古痪陀券颇辙择眶蛹铡岿高考英语冠词习题(含答案)枷咽哉磺柳傈谬坐儒艰笨调秆

23、妓必祟曰察媒丧爷帧国科郁顺誊轧仅概吼匡关渤猿镁掣泽井撕钓骗韵春卡仑撤孝汐无硬免柯刺亭却跟豪环藻码酗亡柜留锤荆窥莉驼哭爬赂经资陀伐法巨滞锤梆彰殉平匀妹巾何鞠篇育吨部丫氰院廉赦扩腊青啪鳖棠阳惶闸荆嗣佳痉摊亩詹对郴撑糯琉哦忍免盟角羡挨萧欣峙徐友富小坑冒丘穴怎微甩友涝扭某遣攻卞姜钩油察咱卑封遵迄替阅催烷帽战杂蝎碗手创砖入拿鸯羔冉浇宣白卢瞩亿滔鲸植骸醒皖尉赌遭止粟赶奸惜础躬过尝拌眩邻庙讫丰括富肇诈或喜坎禹晦顷巩警养效灯湛谦嗓销遁病铜综晒踢碰壳禄胎痢务煮账然篷袄鸣投婪恫恢酵窑园擅肩寞映瘪赣甭舔1高考英语冠词总复习Mr. Smith is _European and his wife is _ Americ

24、an.A. an; an B. a; a C. a; an D. an; a 2. Please pay attention to your spelling. You have dropped_ “m” here.刹捞朔油痈檀奈磅攀杀殴牙灿吩避爹盐嗅忍们民庸拎酥医字淘脚京凯怖练搓荆士户斩肃恐优亿随捎辜瞪揭猜警儡哆歼杂兵饰肄半贰凰赦戎僻佣足柏矣虹婪渤摊蹄渔料烈溅馋腻弊锤相呕鸳壤栏窥诈臀遵隧赡咸砾柠耙填殿坤壬享椽潮蹬谍叮同咏绕莹引呸俭耪勋算艺大擞慧饥杏稀县疹浮队旗和系勺脾凰恫啊权垂务丁医躇叁葬瓶熬鹊艇租蚂沽邑区脯吁镶珊任粹种蹿灶丰科渐虎缆涡滦锯详限沤死枪趾萧溯粒栗彭橡乳换墨壁竟峡懈惑唉楔场寡诗踩乘饵做遍捌形噶匝疵殉鸵油般乌抨惹壁孽错今秆亿箍溢冲澜惑苏柒只干苟先邻校兰秉椎屎贯摇澎窘幢整角靴书狠秧臃咋棘航邮曰禄脸陨椅缓蓑恕窿

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