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1、Member Interest Purchase Agreement成员权益购买协议This Member Interest Purchase Agreement (this “Agreement”) is entered into, effective upon execution by the parties and delivery of consideration set forth in Section 1.2, by and between ,(“Buyer”), and, (“Seller”). 本成员权益购买协议(“本协议”)由,(“买方”)与,(“卖方”)订立,本协议自双方签

2、署且交付第1.2条约定的对价时生效。Recitals:序言:Whereas, pursuant to that certain Amended and Restated Limited Liability Company Agreement (the “LLC Agreement”) of (the “Company”) dated January 1, 2008, Seller is the record and beneficial owner of 400,000 Units constituting a forty percent (60%) Member Interest (as d

3、efined in the LLC Agreement) in the Company (the “Transferred Interest”);鉴于,根据2008年1月1日签署的的经修订及重述的有限责任公司协议(“有限公司协议”),卖方系拥有代表公司百分之四十(60%)成员权益(如有限公司协议所定义)的600,000股权单位的记录及实益拥有人(“转让权益”); Whereas, Seller and Buyer have entered into that certain Settlement Agreement and Release (“Settlement Agreement”), d

4、ated September _, 2009, pursuant to which the Seller and Buyer agreed that Seller will sell to Buyer, and Buyer will purchase from Seller, the Transferred Interest on the terms and conditions set forth herein;鉴于,卖方和买方已于2009年9月 日订立了特定的和解及解除协议(“和解协议”),根据该协议,卖方和买方同意卖方将出售给买方且买方将从卖方处购买基于本协议所载条款和条件规定的转让权益

5、。 Now Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties do agree as follows:因此,基于本协议所载之共同约定,及其他业已足额收讫的有效对价,现双方达成一致并立约如下:Article 1 Purchase and Sale

6、of Transferred Interest第一条转让权益的购买及出售1.1 Purchase and Sale of Transferred Interest. Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement, Seller hereby sells, transfers and delivers the Transferred Interest to Buyer, and Buyer hereby purchases and acquires the Transferred Interest from Sell

7、er for the consideration set forth in Section1.2.1.1 转让权益的购买及出售。 根据本协议规定的条款和条件,卖方特此向买方出售、转让和交付转让权益,且买方特此以第1.2条所述的对价从卖方处购买和取得转让权益。1.2 Consideration. In consideration for the Transferred Interest and concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, Buyer is delivering to Seller in exchange for the T

8、ransferred Interest Five Million Dollars and 00/100 ($3,000,000.00) in immediately available funds. 1.2 对价。 在签署本协议的同时,买方向卖方交付即时可用的三百万美金($3,000,000.00)以获得转让权益并作为转让权益的对价。1.3 Conditions Precedent to Sale of Transferred Interest. This Agreement shall not be effective and the sale of the Transferred Inte

9、rest shall not occur until the payments to Buyer (or an affiliate of Buyer, as applicable) as set forth in Section 1 of the Settlement Agreement are made.1.3 出售转让权益的先决条件。 如和解协议第一条所述的向买方(或买方的关联机构,如适用)的付款发生后,本协议生效且转让权益的出售发生。Article 2 Representations, Warranties and Covenants of Seller第二条卖方陈述、保证和承诺Sell

10、er represents and warrants to Buyer as follows:卖方向买方做出以下陈述和保证:2.1 Authority. Seller has the requisite power and authority to enter into, and perform its obligations under this Agreement and to sell the Transferred Interest as contemplated by this Agreement. No authorization or approval of any person

11、 other than Seller is required in order to permit Seller to perform all of its obligations hereunder. The acceptance and performance of the terms and provisions of this Agreement have been duly authorized and approved by all necessary corporate actions of the Seller. This Agreement, together with al

12、l other agreements, documents and instruments executed in connection herewith by Seller constitute valid and legally binding obligations of the Seller, and are enforceable against the Seller in accordance with their terms, subject to bankruptcy, receivership, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium o

13、r other similar laws affecting or relating to creditors rights generally and subject to general principles of equity.2.1 授权。 卖方拥有必要的权力和授权以签订本协议,履行本协议项下的义务并且出售本协议项下的转让权益。卖方无需获得除卖方外任何人的授权或批准以履行其在本协议项下的所有义务。卖方已通过其所有必要的企业决策程序,授权并批准了卖方接受和履行本协议项下的条款和条件。本协议,以及所有其他卖方执行的与本协议有关的协议、文件和文本,构成对卖方有效的且有法律约束力的义务,并且可

14、以根据该等条款对卖方进行执行,但该等条款将受制于破产,接管,无力偿债,重组,延期偿付或其他类似的影响或与债权人权利相关的法律,并且将受制于衡平法的一般原则。2.2 Title.Seller is the sole record and beneficial owner of the Transferred Interest. Seller has good and marketable title to the Transferred Interest and owns the Transferred Interest free and clear of all liens (includin

15、g tax liens), claims, pledges, charges, security interests and encumbrances of any kind or nature (“Liens”). Except pursuant to this Agreement, Seller has not transferred, assigned, pledged or contracted to transfer, assign or pledge the Transferred Interests. There are no outstanding subscriptions,

16、 options, warrants, calls, rights, commitments, arrangements, understandings or agreements of any character affecting Sellers right to transfer the Transferred Interest as contemplated herein. On consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, Buyer will own all of the Transferred I

17、nterest free and clear of all Liens and will own 100% of the Member Interests of the Company.2.2 所有权。 卖方是转让权益的唯一登记及受益所有人。卖方对于转让权益拥有完整的及可转让的所有权,并且所拥有的转让权益上未创设任何的留置权(包括税务留置权)、赔偿请求、抵押、押记、担保物权以及任何种类或性质的权利负担(“优先权”)。不存在影响卖方转让本协议项下转让权益之权利的任何性质的未决的认购权、选择权、授权令、偿债要求、权利、承诺、安排、保证或协议。除本协议外,卖方并未转移、转让、抵押或通过合同转移、转让

18、、抵押转让权益。在本协议交易结束时,买方将拥有全部的且无任何优先权的转让权益并且将拥有公司100%的股东权益。2.3 Litigation. There is no suit, action, proceeding or investigation pending or, to Sellers knowledge threatened against the Company or any of the Companys properties, rights or assets before any arbitrator, court or other governmental entity.

19、There are no suits, claims, actions, proceedings or investigations pending, or to the knowledge of Seller threatened, seeking to prevent, hinder modify or challenge the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 2.3 诉讼。 就卖方所知,在任何的仲裁员、法院或其他政府实体前,没有任何未决的或潜在的公司或任何公司财产、权利或资产的诉讼、起诉、法律程序或调查。据卖方所知,不存在未决的

20、任何诉讼、赔偿请求、起诉、法律程序或调查以威胁、试图阻止、妨碍、修改及挑战本协议下的交易。2.4 No Actions on Behalf of the Company. Seller has not bound or attempted to bind the Company in any manner to any agreement with any third party or otherwise acted so as to result in any liability to the Company.2.4 无代表公司的行为。 卖方无意以任何形式致使或试图导致公司受与任何第三方之间

21、合同的约束,或通过其他行为导致公司承担任何责任。2.5 Liabilities and Financial Affairs. Seller represents and warrants that it has not incurred any liabilities on behalf of the Company other than the liabilities which are reflected on the books and records of the Company.2.5 责任和财务事宜。卖方陈述和保证,除本公司账册及记录已反映的责任外,卖方未因其代表公司的行为而导致公

22、司承担任何债务。2.6 Taxes. 2.6 税务。(a) All federal, state, local and foreign tax returns required to be filed by or on behalf of Seller or any consolidated, combined, affiliated or unitary group of which all or any portion of the income of Seller is or has ever been included have been timely filed or request

23、s for extensions have been timely filed and any such extensions have been granted and have not expired. All Taxes (as defined below) with respect to taxable periods covered by such tax returns and all other material Taxes of Seller, that are due have been paid in full and, to the extent the liabilit

24、ies for such Taxes are not due, adequate reserves have been established, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in use in the United States (consistently applied), or GAAP. (a) 应当由卖方、或代表卖方、或构成卖方所有或部分收入来源的合并的、联合的、附属的或单一的组织申报的所有联邦、州、地方和国外的纳税申报已按时申报,或者纳税延期申报请求已按时申报,且被批准并未过期。纳税申报涵盖的

25、纳税期间内所有到期税务(见下述定义)以及所有其它到期的重大的卖方税务已被付清,并且对于尚未到期的缴税义务,已经根据美国普遍接受使用的会计准则或美国通用会计准则做出充分的拨备。(b) All Taxes due from Seller, with respect to any completed and settled audit, examination or deficiency litigation with any taxing authority have been paid in full. There is no audit, examination, deficiency or

26、refund action pending with respect to any Taxes of Seller and no taxing authority has given written notice of the commencement of any audit, examination or deficiency litigation with respect to any such Taxes.(b) 因任何已完成的审计、检查或与任何税收主管机关涉及清偿税务的诉讼而产生的卖方的所有税务已被付清。不存在任何关于卖方税务的未决的审计、检查、清偿税务诉讼或退款诉讼,并且任何税务主

27、管机关都未给予卖方任何涉及该等税务的审计、检查或清偿税务诉讼已启动的书面通知。(c) No encumbrances for Taxes exist with respect to any of the assets of either Seller or the Transferred Interest.(c) 涉及卖方或转让权益的任何财产上都不存在因税务而产生的权利负担。(d) There is no tax sharing agreement that will require any payment by Seller after the date of this Agreement.

28、 (d) 不存在任何要求卖方在本协议签署日后做出任何支付的税收分享协议。(e) Seller is not required to file Tax returns (including Tax information returns) in any jurisdiction other than the United States. There are no outstanding agreements or waivers extending the statutory period applicable to any Tax of Seller, and Seller has not r

29、equested any extension of time within which to file any Tax return (including Tax information returns) which return has not yet been filed. There is no dispute or claim as to the Tax liability of Seller as to which Seller has any obligation. (e) 卖方无需在美国以外的任何法域提交税收申报(包括税收信息申报)。不存在任何适用于延长卖方税务法定时限的未决的协

30、议或豁免,并且卖方未请求延长税务法定时限以申报尚未申报的税收申报(包括税收信息申报)。不存在针对卖方负有的税务义务的任何争议或权利主张。Taxes means all taxes, charges, duties, fees, levies or other assessments, including, income, excise, property, sales, use, gross receipts, recording, insurance, value added, profits, license, withholding, payroll, employment, net w

31、orth, capital gains, transfer, stamp, social security, environmental, occupation and franchise taxes, imposed by any governmental entity, and including any interest, penalties and additions attributable thereto.“税务”指由任何政府实体施加的所有的税、收费、关税、费用、征税或其他课税基础,包括收入、消费、财产、销售、使用、收入、登记、保险、增值、利润、许可、预提、薪酬、雇佣、净值、资本收

32、益、转让、印花、社会保障、环保、执业、和特许税,且还包括可归因于前述税务而产生的利息、罚金和附加费用。Article 3COVENANTS OF SELLER第三条卖方承诺3.1 No Rights under the LLC Agreement. Seller acknowledges and agrees that from and after the date of this Agreement (a) neither Seller nor any of its affiliates are entitled to any rights under the LLC Agreement,

33、(b) all of Sellers and its affiliates rights, titles and interests, whether as a member or otherwise, in and to the Company are terminated and (c) Buyer may amend, restate or change the LLC Agreement in any manner. 3.1 有限责任协议项下权利的丧失。 卖方确认并同意自本协议签署之日之后(a) 卖方及其所有附属机构将不再享有有限责任协议项下的任何权利,(b) 卖方及其附属机构基于其股

34、东或其他身份而享有的对公司的所有权利、所有权及权益将被终止,且(c) 买方可以以任何方式修订、重述或修改有限责任协议。3.2 Resignation. Concurrently herewith, Seller and Sellers shareholders, directors and officers tender their written resignation as member or manager of the Company.3.2 辞职。 与此同时,卖方及卖方的股东、董事及行政人员将提出书面辞呈以辞去其公司成员和管理人员的职务。3.3 Allocations. Upon t

35、he execution of this Agreement, Seller shall have no further legal or equitable ownership in the Company or any of the Companys profits, losses, revenues, distributions, bonuses or other assets, inventory, capital account balances, or property. Seller further acknowledges and agrees that no salary,

36、bonus, income, or other distribution shall be due to it from the Company for any period of time prior to the date hereof and subject to the foregoing, Seller hereby waives and releases any claims it may have with respect to any salary, bonus, income, or other distribution due to it from the Company

37、for any period of time prior to the date hereof. 3.3 分配。 本协议一经签署,卖方应不再享有其对公司的任何法律上或衡平法上的所有权,或享有或承担任何公司的利润,亏损,收入,分配,奖金或其他资产,库存,资金账户余额,或财产。卖方进一步承认并同意在本协议签署之日前的任何期间内,公司应不亏欠卖方任何的工资、奖金、收入或其他分配,并且受制于前述的内容,卖方在此弃权并放弃在本协议签署日前的任何期间内,其对公司享有的有关任何工资、奖金、收入或其他分配方面的任何索求。3.4 Non-Competition. (a) The Seller agrees th

38、at during the period beginning on the date of this Agreement and ending on the third anniversary of such date (the Non-Competition Period), it shall not, and shall cause each of its Affiliates (as defined below) not to, directly or indirectly, either for himself, itself or for any other person, part

39、nership, corporation or entity (i) receive any revenue or other compensation or economic benefit from; or (ii) participate in any business or enterprise engaged in the business of selling commercial truck chassis, to include all , anywhere in the Non-Competition Area (as defined below). For purposes

40、 of this Agreement, (i) the term participate includes any direct or indirect interest in any enterprise, whether as an officer, director, employee, partner, member, sole proprietor, stockholder, agent, sales representative, manufacturers representative, independent contractor, consultant, franchisor

41、, franchisee, creditor, investor, owner or otherwise; provided that the term participate shall not include ownership of less than 5% of any class of capital stock traded on a national securities exchange or in the over-the-counter market, and (ii) the term “Non-Competition Area” means The United Sta

42、tes of America. The Seller acknowledges that the restrictions set forth above are reasonable and necessary with respect to duration, geography, and scope to protect the goodwill of the business being sold pursuant to this Agreement.(a) 卖方同意自本协议签署日至该日期的第三周年日(“不竞争期间”),卖方将不进行,且应当促使其每个附属机构(如下文所定义)不直接或间接

43、地,为了自身或为了任何其他自然人、合伙、企业或实体而(i) 接受来自不竞争区域(如下文所定义)的任何收入或其他补偿或经济利益;或(ii)参与任何公司或企业的任何在不竞争区域(如下文所定义)销售的商业活动。为本协议之目的,(i) “参与”包括在任何企业中的任何直接或间接的权益,无论是作为行政人员,董事,雇员,合作伙伴,成员,独资经营者,股东,代理人,销售代表,制造商代表,独立承包商,顾问,特许经营人,被特许经营人,债权人,投资人,所有人或以其他方式,但“参与”不应包括拥有少于5%的股份,该股份系在国家级的证券交易市场或场外交易市场交易的任何种类的股份,且(ii) “不竞争区域”指美利坚合众国。卖

44、方承认为保护根据本协议被出售的业务的商誉,上述限制的期间、地理区域以及范围是合理且必须的。(b) The parties hereto agree that the Buyer would suffer irreparable harm from a breach by the Seller of any of the covenants or agreements contained herein and that money damages would not be an adequate remedy for any such breach. In the event of a brea

45、ch or threatened breach by the Seller of any of the provisions of this Section 3.4, the Buyer or its successors or assigns, in addition to all other rights and remedies existing in their favor, shall be entitled to specific performance and/or injunctive or other equitable relief from any court of co

46、mpetent jurisdiction in order to enforce or prevent any violations of the provisions hereof, without posting any bond or other security. (b) 各当事方在此同意如果卖方违反本协议的任何约定,将导致买方遭受无法挽回的损失,并且金钱救济对于该等违约将不构成充分救济。如果卖方违反或试图违反本第3.4条的任何条款,买方或其继任者或受让人,除了享有已存的所有利于买方的权利和救济外,还将享有相关管辖法域的任何法院的实际履行救济和/或禁令救济,或其他衡平救济,旨在不提交任

47、何保证金或其他担保的情况下执行本协议条款或防止违反任何本协议的条款。(c) For purposes of this Section 3.4, “Affiliate” shall mean with respect to any Person, (a) any other Person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with, such Person, (b) any other Person that owns or controls 10% or more of any c

48、lass of equity securities (including any equity securities issuable upon the exercise of any option or convertible security) of such Person or any of its Affiliates, or (c) any director, partner, member, officer, manager, agent or employee of such person. For the purposes of this definition, control (including, with correlative meanings, the terms controlling, controlled by and under common control with) means, with respect to any Person, the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause t

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