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1、Dated May 20092009年5月 日 NYK LOGISTICS (HONG KONG) LIMITED(XX物流(香港)有限公司)(“Transferor”“出让方”)AND与 (“Transferee”“受让方”)_AGREEMENT FOR TRANSFER股权转让协议OFSHAREHOLDING INTEREST inxx物流(福州保税区)有限公司(NYK LOGISTICS (FUZHOU BONDED ZONE) CO., LTD.)_1THIS AGREEMENT is made on the day of 2009本协议于2009年 月 日由以下双方在 签订:BETW

2、EEN(1) NYK Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited (XX物流(香港)有限公司), a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong, with company no. 80249, and having its registered office at 17th Floor, Sun Life Tower, 15 Canton Road, Harbour City, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong (“Transferor”); andNYK Logistics (Hong Ko

3、ng) Limited (XX物流(香港)有限公司),一家根据香港法律注册的有限责任公司,公司注册号码为80249,公司注册地址为17th Floor, Sun Life Tower, 15 Canton Road, Harbour City, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong,下称“出让方”。(2) XXX, a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong, with company no.XXX, and having its registered office at XXX (“Transferee”).

4、一家根据香港法律注册的有限责任公司,公司注册号码为 ,公司注册地址为 ,下称“受让方”。WHEREAS鉴于(1) xx物流(福州保税区)有限公司 (NYK Logistics (Fuzhou Bonded Zone) Co., Ltd.) is a domestic company incorporated in The Peoples Republic of China (“PRC”) whose legal address is at Lot No. 24-1, Fuzhou Bonded Zone (福州保税区第24-1号地) (Company), and the registered

5、capital of the Company is USD2,700,000.xx物流(福州保税区)有限公司 (NYK Logistics (Fuzhou Bonded Zone) Co., Ltd.)是一家在中华人民共和国(以下简称“中国”)福建省福州市注册成立的有限责任公司,公司注册地址为福州保税区第24-1号地,下称“目标公司”,公司注册资本为270万美元。(2) As at the date hereof, the Transferor is the registered owner of the entire interest in the registered capital of

6、 the Company (Shareholding Interest).在本协议签署日,出让方是目标公司全部注册资本(下称“股权”)注册登记的所有权人。(3)Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Transferor has agreed to sell and the Transferee has agreed to purchase the entire Shareholding Interest (Sale Interest).按照本协议约定的条款和条件,出让方同意出售,受让方同意购买目标公司的全部股权(下

7、称“标的股权”)。NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:双方达成本协议如下:1.Interpretation释义1.1In this Agreement, except where the context otherwise requires:在本协议中,除非另有定义,以下词语含义如下:“Accounts” means the balance sheet and the profit and loss accounts of the Company as at the Accounts Date attached hereto as Schedule 4; “财

8、务报表”指目标公司在财务截止日的资产负债表和损益表,财务报表为本协议附表4。“Accounts Date” means 2009;“财务截止日”指2009年 月 日。“Approval Authority” means the commerce authorities of the PRC government empowered to grant approval in respect of the transfer of the Sale Interest, namely, the Bureau of Economic Development of Fuzhou Bonded Zone a

9、nd / or subordinate government department of trade authorized to grant such approval; “审批机关”指中国政府外经贸主管部门有权批准本协议项下股权转让的政府主管机关,即福州保税区经济发展局或其下属机构。“Articles” means the articles of association the Company for the time being;“章程”指目标公司的章程。“Assets” means the assets owned by the Company as set out in Schedul

10、e 2;“特定资产”指目标公司拥有所有权并且在本协议附表二列明的资产。“Balance” shall have the meaning ascribed in Clause 4.2.3;“余额”指本协议第4.2.3条约定的余额。“Company” meansxx物流(福州保税区)有限公司 (NYK Logistics (Fuzhou Bonded Zone) Co., Ltd.), particulars of which are set out in Schedule 1;“目标公司”指xx物流(福州保税区)有限公司 (NYK Logistics (Fuzhou Bonded Zone) C

11、o., Ltd.),目标公司主要情况见附表一;“Completion” means the performance by the Transferor and the Transferee of their respective obligations in accordance with Clause 6 and Clause 7;“成交”指出让方和受让方按照本协议第六条和第七条履行完成各自的义务。“Completion Date” means at or before 5:00 p.m. of Fujian, PRC time on the first business day after

12、 the fulfilment or waiver (as the case may be) of the Conditions but in no event will be later than 30 June 2009, or such other date as the parties hereto may mutually agree;“成交日”指先决条件全部成就或者被弃权(根据情形)后,中国福建的第一个工作日当地时间下午五点之前;但任何情形下,成交日不得晚于2009年6月30日或者双方同意的其它日期;“Condition” means the conditions preceden

13、t set out in Clause 5;“先决条件”指本协议第五条约定的先决条件。Consent includes any licence, approval, authorisation, permission, waiver, order or exemption;“同意”包括任何许可、批准、授权、允许、弃权、命令或者豁免;“Consideration” means the consideration payable for the Sale Interest in accordance with Clause 4;“对价”指本协议第四条约定的标的股权的购买价款。“Corporate

14、Documents” means documents in relation to the Company including, where applicable, the Articles, its current business licence, approval letters and certificates issued by the relevant PRC authorities, minute books and records, corporate seal, chops, cheque books, cheque stubs, bank statements, recei

15、pt books, accounting records, contracts, documents proving and showing the Companys title and/or interest in the Assets and all other documents and correspondence, if any, in relation to the Company;“目标公司档案”指与目标公司有关的全部文件档案,包括章程、营业执照、中国政府主管机关签发的批复和批准证书、财务帐册、公司公章、印鉴、支票、支票存根、银行对账单、收据和发票(含底联)、财务记录、合同、特定

16、资产的权利证书,以及其它与目标公司有关的其它文件档案。“Deposit” shall have the meaning ascribed in Clause 4.2.1;“定金”指本协议第4.2.1条约定的定金。“Encumbrances” means any mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, hypothecation, equities, adverse claims, restrictions, pre-emption rights or other encumbrances, priority or security interest or other r

17、ights of whatsoever nature or interest or any agreement for any of the same;“财产负担”指任何抵押、质押、留置、共有权、用役权、用益权、被限制使用、被追索、被采取查封扣押等财产保全措施、优先购买权以及其它设定在财产上的限制财产所有权人权利之权利或者在财产所有权人权利之先的权利。PRC shall have the meaning ascribed in Recital (1);“中国”与本协议鉴于条款第(1)条的定义相同;“RMB” means Renminbi, the lawful currency of the

18、PRC;“人民币”或“RMB”指中国的法定货币;“Sale Interest” shall have the meaning ascribed in Recital (3);“标的股权”与本协议鉴于条款第(3)条约定的定义相同;“Second Instalment” shall have the meaning ascribed in Clause 4.2.2;“第二期付款”指本协议第4.2.2条约定的付款;Shareholding Interest shall have the meaning ascribed in Recital (2); and“股权”与本协议鉴于条款第(2)条约定的定

19、义相同“Warranties” means the representations, warranties and undertakings relating to the Company, the Sale Interest and/or the Assets given on the part of the Transferor or the Transferee respectively under Clause 9 and Schedule 3 hereto.“担保”指本协议第9条及附表三约定的,出让方或受让方各自作出的与目标公司、标的股权、特定资产有关的陈述、保证、承诺。1.2Ref

20、erences to statutory provisions shall be construed as references to those provisions as amended or re-enacted or as their application is modified by other provisions (whether before or after the date hereof) from time to time and shall include any provisions of which they are re-enactments (whether

21、with or without modification). 本协议所涉及的法律规定应解释为包括被修订、重新制定的法律规定或被其它法律规定所更改适用的法律规定(无论在本协议签署日之前或之后),包括任何重新制定的法律规定(无论是否被修改)。1.3References herein to clauses and schedules are to Clauses in and Schedules to this Agreement unless the context requires otherwise and the Schedules to this Agreement shall form

22、part hereof. 除另有约定外,本协议所涉及的条款及附录是指本协议中的条款及附录。本协议的附录为本协议的组成部分。1.4The expressions “Transferor” and “Transferee” shall, where the context permits, include their respective successors, personal representatives and permitted assigns.“出让方”和“受让方”在相应情况下,应当包括其各自的承继人、个人代表以及允许的受让方。1.5The headings shall be igno

23、red when construing this Agreement.对本协议进行解释时应忽略各条的题目。2.Sale of Shareholding Interest股权转让The Transferor as the registered owner of 100% of the Shareholding Interest, in reliance on the Warranties made or given by the Transferee, hereby agrees to sell the Sale Interest free from all Encumbrances toget

24、her with all rights and benefits which are on the Completion Date or which may at any time thereafter be attached thereto or arising therefrom, including but without limitation to any undistributed profits and undeclared dividends; and the Transferee, relying on the Warranties made or given by the T

25、ransferor, agrees to enter into this Agreement and to purchase the Sale Interest subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 出让方作为目标公司100%股权注册登记的所有权人,基于受让方作出的担保,在此同意将标的股权(该股权上不存在任何财产负担)及其截止成交日及之后该股权所有附属的权利和利益(包括但不限于全部未分配的利润和未支付的应付股利)出售给受让方。受让方基于出让方作出的担保,同意签署本协议,按照本协议约定的条款和条件购买标的股权。After t

26、he Completion Date, the Transferee shall own 100% of the Shareholding Interest in the Company, the Transferor shall has no rights or benefits in the Company, including but not limited to any Shareholding Interests, undistributed profits, undistributed dividends, claims.在成交日后,受让方将拥有目标公司100%股权的所有权;出让方

27、对目标公司不享有任何权益,包括但不限于股权、未分配利润、未付股利、债权等权利和权益。3 Information Disclosure Relating to the Company与目标公司有关的信息披露3.1 Before or when signing this Agreement, the Transferor shall provide the Transferee with the following documents: 在本协议签订之前或同时,出让方应当向受让方提供以下文件:(1) Business License of the Company (Registration No.

28、 350100400003308, sealed with the annual inspection stamp of the year 2008), Certificate of Approval for Establishment of Enterprises With Investment of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and Overseas Chinese in the Peoples Republic of China (Shang Wai Zi Min Rong Wai Zi Zi 2002 No.0261), Tax Registration Cer

29、tificate (Min Guo Di Shui Zi No. 350105739507870), Organization Code Certificate; Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate (No. B3501050021) and photocopies of other approvals and licenses as necessary for the operation of the Company;目标公司的企业法人营业执照(注册号:350100400003308,完成2008年度年检)、中华人民共和国台港澳侨投资企业批准证

30、书(商外资闽榕外资字20020261号)、税务登记证(闽国地税字350105739507870号)、组织机构代码证、外汇登记证(证号:B3501050021)及其它公司经营所需的许可证件的复印件;(2) Fuzhou Municipal Government: Use Certificate of State-owned Land of the PRC (Rong Guo Yong (2005) No.00946000076), the Property Ownership Certificate of the PRC (Rong Fang Quan Zheng R Zi No. 064283

31、0) issued by Fuzhou Real Estate Administration Bureau on July 30, 2006, Contract for Granting Land Use Right of State-owned Land (Rong Ma Di 2003He No. 01) entered into by and between Mawei Bureau of Land & Resource, Fuzhou and the Company on January 16, 2003 (Rong Ma Di 2003 He No. 01) and photocop

32、ies of payment vouchers of the fee for granting land use right and other fees under such contract and the approvals of governmental authorities, etc.; 福州市人民政府:榕国用(2005)第00946000076号中华人民共和国国有土地使用证、福州市房地产管理局2006年7月30日颁发的榕房权证R字第0642830号中华人民共和国房屋所有权证、2003年1月16日由福州市马尾区国土资源局和目标公司共同签署国有土地使用权合同(榕马地2003合01号)

33、及该合同项下土地出让金及其它有关费用的支付凭证及政府批复手续等文件的复印件;(3) The resolution of the Shareholders meeting/the Board of directors of the Transferor approving transfer of the Sale Interests hereunder; 出让方股东会/董事会同意本协议项下标的股权转让之股东会决议/董事会决议;(4) The resolution of the Board of directors of the Company approving transfer of the

34、Sale Interests hereunder;同意本协议项下标的股权转让的目标公司董事会决议;(5) The originals of the unadjusted Accounts as at 2009 of the Company and the notes thereto.目标公司截至2009年 月 日的未经调整的财务报表原件,以及财务报表附注。3.2 The Transferor confirms that: to the knowledge of the Transferor, all information, documents and materials relating t

35、o the Company disclosed by the Transferor to the Transferee shall be true and authentic and do not contain any omission, false or misleading information, including without limitation, legal status, financial status, information and documents relating to the Transferor and the Company disclosed or su

36、bmitted to the governmental authorities as necessary for transferring the Sale Interest. 出让方确认:尽出让方所知,出让方及目标公司向受让方披露的与目标公司相关的所有信息、文件、资料,包括但不限于法律状况及财务状况、为进行股权转让需向政府主管部门披露或申报的有关出让方及目标公司的信息和文件全部真实,不存在任何遗漏、虚假或者误导。4.Consideration 对价4.1Subject to adjustment, if any, to be made pursuant to Clause 7.2.4 bel

37、ow, the Consideration shall be RMB17,000,000.00 (Renminbi Seventeen Million) payable in accordance with the manner provided in Clause 4.2.除非根据本协议第7.2.4条进行调整,受让方购买标的股权的对价为人民币壹仟柒佰万元(RMB17,000,000.00元),付款方式按照本协议第4.2条的规定执行。4.2The Transferee shall pay the Consideration in cash by depositing the same into

38、 designated bank account of the Transferor by instalments in accordance with the following timetable, or in such other manner as the Transferor may designate: - 受让方应当按照本协议约定的时间通过向受让方指定的银行账户存款的方式或者出让方指定的其它方式分期用现金支付对价。4.2.1the Transferee shall pay to the Transferor the Deposit, being 30% of the Consid

39、eration, representing RMB5,100,000.00 (Renminbi Five Million and One Hundred Thousand), within seven (7) days of the date of the signing of this Agreement; according to the Earnest Money Contract entered into by the Transferor and Kerry EAS Logistics Limited on May 14, 2009, the earnest money at the

40、 amount of RMB 850,000 (Renminbi Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand) already received by the Transferor will set off against the above Deposit, i.e. the Transferees payment of RMB 4,250,000 (Renminbi Four Million Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand) within seven (7) days after the date of signing this Agre

41、ement shall be deemed to have fully paid up the Deposit. 在本协议签署之日起七(7)天内,受让方应当向出让方支付相当于对价金额30%的定金本合同适用中国法律,根据担保法的规定,定金不得超过合同标的金额的20%。建议定金调整为总队价的20%,即340万元。将第二期付款增加到40%,即680万元。 ,即人民币伍佰壹拾万元(RMB5,100,000.00元)。根据出让方与嘉里大通物流有限公司2009年5月14日签订的诚意金支付协议,出让方收取的人民币捌拾伍万元(RMB850,000.00元)等金额折抵上述定金,即在本协议签署之日起七(7)天内,

42、受让方支付人民币肆佰贰拾伍万元(RMB4,250,000.00元)即足额支付了全部定金。4.2.2 the Transferee shall pay to the Transferor the Second Instalment, being 30% of the Consideration, representing RMB5,100,000.00 (Renminbi Five Million and One Hundred Thousand), within seven (7)days from the obtaining of the Approval Authoritys grant

43、of approval in respect of the transfer of the Sale Interest and the amended approval certificate, the issuance of new business license by the original registration authority of the Company and the completion of handing over the management power pursuant to this Clause 7.1 by the parties;在审批机关颁发批准标的股

44、权转让、批准本协议生效之批复,颁发新的批准证书,目标公司原注册登记机关颁发目标公司新营业执照,并且双方按照本协议第7.1条完成管理权交接之日起七(7)日内,受让方应当向出让方支付相当于对价金额30%的第二期付款,即人民币伍佰壹拾万元(RMB5,100,000.00元)。4.2.3 the Transferee shall pay to the Transferor the Balance, being 40% of the Consideration, representing RMB6,800,000.00 (Renminbi Six Million and Eight Hundred Th

45、ousand) subject to adjustment, if any, to be made pursuant to Clause 7.2.4 below, on the Completion Date.在成交日,受让方应当向出让方支付相当于对价金额的全部余额,在未发生本协议第7.2.4条约定的对价金额调整的情形下,该余额为对价的40%,即人民币陆佰捌拾万元(RMB6,800,000.00元)。4.2.4 The Parties Agree to pay the above consideration in Hong Kong, and the Transferee may pay th

46、e consideration in Hong Kong dollar. If the Transferee chooses to pay in Hong Kong dollar, it shall make payments based on the central parity rate of the Renminbi against Hong Kong dollar announced by Hong Kong branch of Bank of China on 10:00 AM of the payment day. 双方同意在香港支付上述对价金额,受让方可以以港币支付上述对价金额,

47、如果受让方以港币支付,则以支付当日中国银行香港分行公布的当日上午10:00适用的人民币对港币汇率的中间价请决定汇率确认方式 计算当期应当支付的港币金额。5.Conditions Precedent 先决条件5.1Completion shall be conditional upon the following conditions having been fulfilled and remaining fulfilled and valid as at Completion:- 各方同意在成交时,以下条件应当已经全部成就并且在成交时以下条件继续处于成就及有效状态:5.1.1all Consents required of the Transferor, the Transferee and / or the Company for the entering into, implementation or completion of the transfer of the Sale Interest to the Transferee, or for the performance

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