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1、股权转让协议 (节录) Equity Transfer Agreement (excerpt) .(2) The Indemnifying Party shall be entitled to employ counsel reasonably acceptable to the Indemnitee to assume and defend any such third party claim or demand asserted against the Indemnitee at its own expense; provided, however, that such counsel h

2、as no conflict of interest. The Indemnitee shall be entitled to participate in (but not control) the defense of any such claim or demand at its own expense. The Indemnifying Party shall notify the Indemnitee in writing, as promptly as possible after the date of the notice of claim given by the Indem

3、nitee to the Indemnifying Party under Section 8.5(1), of its election to defend in good faith any such third party claim or demand. The Indemnitee shall not settle compromise any such third party claim or demand without the consent of the Indemnifying Party (not to be unreasonably withheld) unless t

4、he judgment or proposed settlement by its terms (i) obligates the Indemnitee to pay the full amount of the liability in relation to such third party claim; (ii) releases the Indemnifying party completely in relation to such third party claim; (iii) does not impose an injunction or other equitable re

5、lief upon the Indemnifying Party; and (iv) dos not otherwise adversely affect the Indemnifying Party. The Indemnitee shall cooperate with and shall make available to the Indemnifying Party or its agents, all records and other material in the Indemnifies Partys possession reasonably required by it fo

6、r its use in contesting any third party claim or demand. .(2)补偿方有权聘请可被受补偿方合理接受的律师对第三方向受补偿方提出的索赔或要求进行辩护,费用由补偿方承担;但是,该律师不得有利益冲突。受补偿方有权要求自费参加(但不得控制)对该索赔或要求的辩护。在受补偿方按照第8.5(1)条的规定向补偿方送达索赔通知后,补偿方应尽早将其选择对第三方索赔或要求进行善意辩护的决定书面通知受补偿方。未经补偿方同意(如无正当理由不得拒绝同意),受补偿方不得对该第三方索赔或要求予以和解或妥协,除非判决或所提议的和解方案含有以下条款:(i) 受补偿方承担支

7、付该第三方索赔的全部责任金额的义务;(ii) 完全解除补偿方就该第三方索赔须承担的责任;(iii) 没有对补偿方采取禁令或其它衡平法上的救济措施;和(iv) 没有在其它方面对补偿方产生不利影响。受补偿方应与补偿方(或其代理人)合作,如果补偿方(或其代理人)为抗辩改第三方索赔或要求而合理要求受补偿方提供其所掌控的全部相关文件和其它资料,受补偿方应该提供此等文件和资料。(3) In the event any Indemnitee should have a claim against any Indemnifying Party under Section 6.1 or 6.2, that do

8、es not involve a third party allegation or claim being asserted against or sought to be collected from such Indemnitee, the Indemnitee shall deliver notice of such claim with reasonable promptness to the Indemnifying Party; provided, however, that such notice shall not be effective unless its expres

9、sly specifies, or it is reasonable apparent from the document, that it is a notice for indemnification hereunder. Subject to Section 6.5, the failure by any Indemnitee to so notify the Indemnifying Party shall not relieve the Indemnifying party from any liability that may have to such Indemnitee und

10、er Section 6.1 or 6.2, except to the extent that the Indemnifying Party demonstrates that it has been prejudiced by such failure. If the Indemnifying Party does not notify the Indemnitee within sixty (60) Business Days after its receipt of such notice that the Indemnifying Party disputes its liabili

11、ty to the Indemnitee under Section 6.1 or 6.2, such claim specified by the Indemnitee in such notice shall be conclusively deemed a liability of the Indemnifying Party under section 6.1 or 6.2 and the Indemnifying Party shall pay the amount of such liability to the Indemnitee on demand or, in the ca

12、se of any notice in which the amount of the claim (or any portion thereof) is estimated, on such later date when the amount of such claim (or such portio thereof) becomes finally determined.(3)如果受补偿方根据第6.1或6.2条的规定享有对补偿方提出索赔的权利,且该索赔不涉及第三方向受补偿方提出指控或索赔,则受补偿方应尽合理可能及时将有关该索赔的通知送达补偿方,但是,除非该通知明确指出(或者根据合理判断通


14、部分)进行评估,则在责任金额(或其中评估的部分)最终确定后由补偿方向受补偿方支付。关于外商投资举办投资性公司的规定(节录) Provisions Regarding Establishment of Investment Companies by Foreign Investors (Excerpt) .第五条 申请设立投资性公司的外国投资者符合本规定第三条第一款第(一)项规定的条件的,该外国投资者须向审批机关出具保证函,保证其所设立的投资性公司在中国境内投资时注册资本的缴付和属于该外国投资者或关联公司的技术转让。 以全资拥有的子公司的名义投资设立投资性公司的,其母公司须向审批机关出具保证函,

15、保证其子公司按照审批机关批准的条件完成对所设立的投资性公司的注册资本的缴付,并保证该投资性公司在中国境内投资时的注册资本的缴付和属于该母公司及其所属公司的技术转让。 Article 5 If a foreign investor applying to establish an investment company meets the conditions specified in Item (i) of Paragraph (1) of Article 3 hereof, it shall submit a guarantee letter to the examination and ap

16、proval authority in which it guarantees payment of registered capital, and the transfer of technology owned by the said foreign investor or its affiliate(s), when the investment company established by it makes investment in China. If an investment company is invested in and established in the name o

17、f a wholly-owned subsidiary, its parent company shall submit a guarantee letter to the examination and approval authority in which it guarantees completion of payment, in accordance with the conditions approved by the examination and approval authority, by its subsidiary of the registered capital of

18、 the investment company to be established; and guarantees, when such investment company makes investment in China, payment of the registered capital and transfer of technology owned by such parent company and its subsidiary (subsidiaries). 第六条 申请设立投资性公司,投资者应将下列文件经拟设立投资性公司所在地的省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市商务主管部门审核同

19、意后,报商务部审查批准。(一) 设立合资的投资性公司的项目建议书、投资各方签署的可行性研究报告、合同、章程;设立独资的投资性公司外国投资者签署的项目建议书、外资企业申请表、可行性研究报告、章程; (二) 投资各方的资信证明文件、注册登记证明文件(复印件)和法定代表人证明文件(复印件);(三) 外国投资者已投资企业的批准证书(复印件)、营业执照(复印件)和中国注册会计师出具的验资报告(复印件);(四) 依法审计的投资各方近三年的资产负债表; (五) 依据本规定第五条应提交的保证函;(六) 商务部要求的其他文件。 上述文件除已注明为复印件的,一律应为正式文件。非法定代表人签署文件的,应出具法定代表

20、人的委托授权书。 委托依法设立的中介机构代为办理申请手续的,应出具由投资者法定代表人签署的委托授权书。 Article 6 To apply for establishing an investment company, an investor shall submit the following documents to the Ministry of Commerce for examination and approval after such documents have been verified and consented to by the department in charg

21、e of commerce of the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government or city with a separate development plan where the proposed company is to be established: (1) the project proposal for the establishment of an investment company in the form of an equity joint ventur

22、e, and the feasibility study report, contract and articles of association executed by all investment parties, the project proposal, application form for foreign-invested enterprises, feasibility study report and articles of association executed by the foreign investor that establishes an investment

23、company in the form of a wholly foreign-owned company; (2) certifying documents on the creditworthiness of the investment parties as well as certifying documents (copies) of registration and legal person representatives; (3) copies of the approval certificate(s), business license(s) of the enterpris

24、e(s) invested by the foreign investor and the capital verification report(s) issued by a PRC certified public accountant; (4) legally audited balance sheets of the investment parties for the recent three years; (5) a letter of guarantee that shall be submitted in accordance with Article 5 hereof; an

25、d (6) other documents as required by the Ministry of Commerce. All of the aforementioned documents shall be official originals except as indicated as copies. Where a document has not been executed by a legal representative, an authorization letter from such legal representative shall be provided. Wh

26、ere an agency established legally is appointed to follow application procedures, an authorization letter executed by a legal representative of the investor shall be provided. 第七条 外国投资者须以可自由兑换的货币或其在中国境内获得的人民币利润或因转股、清算等活动获得的人民币合法收益作为其向投资性公司注册资本的出资。中国投资者可以人民币出资。外国投资者以其人民币合法收益作为其向投资性公司注册资本出资的,应当提交相关证明文件

27、及税务凭证。出资应在营业执照签发之日起两年内全部缴清。 Article 7 A foreign investor shall contribute capital to the registered capital of an investment company in a freely convertible currency or by using renminbi profits gained in China or legal renminbi proceeds derived from such activities as equity transfer or liquidation

28、. The Chinese investor may contribute capital in renminbi. If a foreign investor contributes capital by using its lawful renminbi proceeds, it shall submit relevant certifying documents and tax payment receipts. The capital contribution shall be fully paid in within two years of the issue of a business license. .

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