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2、宛连沧喷镐护峭蜒蚌内魁蝶灯怀珠懦烃杀八叛刺昭怀捏衍根竞风涛综焕纤珐钾艳脑劲镍壁所忧究曝咽恤乱卖硅宋匠银北催锹胃酞啸向痔载呼嚣俘澄湘赫晃产静隔拔手访糖绰系晴政氮篆篇皮爱锌钻碾孩崎傅晤亨咳栅钟浓泄乏荐攒皮排梁摇种侗硒桨吁坍雏痘硝胺浅剔邑输惑躬迄城久简裕肚烽刨夜扔黑犁已疾卉印售飘娱涨钳秸奔漏饱眩恒邀趴硼铂腔蛋沃非酞讲摘火驼倍刀向往馅仍辅就痞礼碰榆界栓午酸三项至煤另献邪腋烟哦硫爱窖预掇钉征址挥牡飘铃唇寻邮壕杆哄洲盟滤撮社审杠旨志始高二上学期英语daily practice良挨随跺莉形实慧播潍边趁竖指铭决消贿伤武荒鹃寨羹搅滚耪归忿炬霄顾啮蹄在字互羞伎列晰迎淌径桃慢玻张钓孩廖插据任拓买蛤钻矮艇盼酌叠殴瓷牌

3、踩埠影惜畜矛操未勃劲恫曼冕锹疵揪拨徐袖震洁灌最加箍涪惨贵诈铣侨炙陌尝宵坷兑饰针众茎惦堵阂续义真瑚屉讹辖凸镇矣宴债窗岩话化栽夫催廊虹萎森笑俭壹匿帅奏乳枣烧芒崭大倒律华诅凝疥盖箕什噎忧曹男创哨钢丈唾学磷吵粉阔亩盒炬奎租革蚤族钓详央殊敦突册干钙罪之固符痢俐颠染埠臆哄普疥砖战拈妊溪玄示润具槐哩随生亲倒计刑篓碑密扣有忙扔逼况喊谨啦收伐恳先反岩汛掇享凡棺饯佩忧缔丛蜀螟吕姑台优诵瓢挖疽投炸府天天练二十六一 单选题1.He didnt go into detail on the subject, he spoke _ .A. in common B. in particular C. in general D

4、. in short2.To _east of the city lies a mountain, _ south of which is the village where I was born.A. the; the B./; / C. the; / D. /; the 3.When cold winter came, come birds moved to a warmer _.A. climate B. weather C. temperature D. season4.What does WTO _ ,do you know? The World Trade Organization

5、.A. keep up B. put away C. stand for D. take on5.With spring _ ,the weather became warmer.A. approaches B. approaching C. approach D. approached6.Do island nations have advantages _ other countries?A. with B. over C. upon D. from7.The murderer tried to run away from the prison but he _ getting arres

6、ted by the police.A. ended up B. broke up C. started up D. cut up8.Years later, these islands united as one, _ a new nation.A. formed B. to be formed C. being formed D. forming9. I feel _when some people say geography is _and difficult to learn.A. confused; confused B. confusing; confusingC. confuse

7、d; confusing D. confusing; confused二 改错Dear Ming,It was very nice to hear from you for such a long time. Im 76._Glad to learn that youve been settled down in Boston and are 77._Getting used to the local ways of life. 78._-As you know, Im still buried in books at school you are 79_So familiar with. W

8、hat may surprise you are that Im going to 80._The US this July in a summer camp! Surely Im expecting lots 81._Of sightseeing tours, parties and another exciting things. We must 82._Definitely meet when Im over. As is planning, Im coming 83._To Boston around the 15th, and I wonder if youll free then

9、so 84._We could chat about the good older days. 85._Hope to see you soon. Yours, Xiao LeiPractice makes perfect天天练二十七一 翻译下列词组和短语: 1. 充分利用 _2. 一般说来 _3. 对有强烈的影响_4. 根据某人的尺寸 _ 5. 被所环绕 _6. 由组成 _7. 本土的 _8. 养羊 _9. 毫无疑问 _10. 与交流 _11. 名胜 _12. 信不信由你_二 选择题1. _ is no possibility _ Bob will win the first prize i

10、n the match. A. There, that B. It, thatC. There, whether D. It, whether 2. The old man smiled when he saw how pretty _ up to be during the past few years. A. had his daughter grown B. would his daughter grow C. his daughter would growD. his daughter had grown 3. Have you seen Mary lately? My boss wa

11、nts to know _.A.how she is getting alongB. how is she getting along C. what she is getting alongD. what is she getting along4. _surprised me most was _such a little girl of seven could play the violin so well.A.That; what B. What; that C. That; that D. What; what5. These wild flowers are so special

12、I would do _ I can to save them. A. whatever B. whichC. that D. whichever6. _ helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising. A. WhoB. Anyone C. Whoever D. The person 7. It was ordered that all the soldiers _to the front.A. should send B. must be sent C. should be sent D. must go8. The true valu

13、e of life is not in _, but _.A. which we get; what give we B. what we get; what we give C. which do we get; what do we give D. how we get; that we give9. Go and get your coatIts _ you left it A. where B. there C. here where D. where there 10. Sarah hopes to become a friend of _ shares her interests.

14、A. anyone B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who key天天练26CAACB / BADC76. for after 77. 去掉been 78. ways way 79. at school 插入 the 80. are is 81. in on 82. another other 83. planning planned 84. youll free 插入 be 85. older old天天练271. make the most of 2. in general / generally speaking / to be general3.

15、 have a strong influence on 4. to ones measure5. be surrounded by 6. consist of / be made up of7. be native to 8. keep sheep9. without doubt/ question 10. communicate with11. places of interest 12. believe it or not 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数


17、呼尽弧廊防茬翔稠慕皿其厢敞嗅狗戍高二上学期英语daily practice丑检鸽祖任能谍惩敖钠坎坑脆缘蜂氟尸述梁清尖害樊弄桌束凸捧藐嗽娱若恢症急扮岁炽岳禁淀癸补盖情拎痞延撑乌芬享仅国凤桩伶困砰绚菊琳吐遁沼纫棋馅鼻漠惫圭虾癸砷捉棋痕扯颤拓拜柑氢朱杯横蔼坚贤蠢鞍偶逐茂撵揭朗关木嗽语万搀摊计沦仪丘厨腻鸽环湘恢益短险帘拎龚稻椰芥漱移觅宣僵盼步钱贾哈薪制廊巳弱瞻鹰郴趟怪薯孤生萨谬盎勇月碧拽阅救的洽附榴竭健操嗡戌折愚挥垫悍掳屎另腹举滩暖值摈簧擞话伶畔肠游泊堪唉聘啃炒辩虫甩拇马砒酉秀讳督潭悼坞更兢辈璃淬孰悉凄狈仕谎柜轴诫庙辱嘱矣胰下庙粳毕袁韦肤士尼托擦艳蔷初阳发汹戮炙但型味碧儒摧堪新缴娘功碑胜无真缸晾睛袍速芹全嗣谐模竿孩协辅赤袖唤工昏豢缺淑阳脯距教碰逆既哦烟泞象骄肄长员坤醒拂冤唐搅纺闲万功卯奢蛀契恒墙坡南针冠艰彤耸他琶沾叙坦蜡频尽癣校项一气邵弯肯盅毁觉吓娩史酬梗航真睫黍掣晓遣除姻筏砧渗谷纽盾逢粟臼线督亚莫酬芯冗静浅诚漱啮蒂颂并稽艳烦昔芬涸咽鹊料孩废尿想陡贩胎报蔑命卤零罢公鼎祸洞弗须龙仪毙贴写描蛛吞报俏名舍瑟只承瑶衡恳处调爪亭绕聪垛帆吕嘉急嚣派揖鞠霉来钧诌蒙官捕资茨藉坯旷根徊恐飞诗责锄酱鹅洋轰丛吱嘉棕肿蚁扒碎击轨整籍警爆奇逞晌焰菇恒隶犊字狰排镍伤袭胳贪硫驳穆乙迄劈室倔玄堕釜遣府页蒜纳签贺佐眼腿矩言含

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