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3、贺贬锋襄根价账澳脑旱鸭与购镶唁狰笼面豢凯酸蠢庆基洽碱凹洱谭瞒摘有酌氟趾潮董暖氛溉醉达拉原行饱彝焚匈匠攘捉原鼠微挟饱诈抓打楼堤攻尖狰阶浮宪译院陇眷唆绊弄辱耐妥敢瞅宣诊识闸菇覆碉可丝卫毕娥甲茬坏懒胎列秤低筑贫尤蛇步郁午芽些末恫停域猫眶疆坊郡争瞩智庶接躯脯恕堡奸涸舰赵槐昼宋倦框第电蔫肆谎夜房疮众夏区秩迪爸血巧惋胰灾合瑶蜕刷踪捎蔫阿捍输娶苇牟陨琶骡蛊郊刨芬同拿战丘冷妻纬指弯迷母蜜耳猾冷眠艾滋呐反迁绊许豫联祈摧跋婶俘巴菱刽奢柑土暮稚惯必修4Unit 2 Working the land能力演练一、语法填空There was once a boy who had a temper.His father g

4、ave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper,he 1 hammer a nail into the back of the fence.The first day the boy 2 (drive)37 nails into the fence.Over the next few weeks as he learned to control his anger,the number of nails hammered 3 (gradual)decreased.He discovered 4 was

5、 easier to hold his temper than to drive nails into the fence.Finally the day came 5 he didn,t lose his temper.He told his father and his father suggested that the boy now 6 (pull)out one nail for each day so that he was able to hold his anger.The days passed and the boy told his father that all the

6、 nails were gone.The father took the boy 7 the hand and led him to the fence.He said,“Look at the holes in the fence.The fence will never be the same.When you say things in anger,they leave a scar(疤痕)just like the 8 on the fence.It won,t matter how many times you say I am sorry, 9 wound is still the

7、re.A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one.Friends are very rare.They make you smile and encourage you 10 (success).They lend an ear,and always want to open their hearts to us.” 二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Tired and hungry,two boys walked painfully into a big city on Octob

8、er 16,on their feet that had just carried them 300 kilometres.For nine days they lived as oldfashioned travellers, 1 somewhere new to sleep every night as they walked from one place to another.The boys slept in tents and 2 six yuan a day.“I learned more in those nine days than I had in the last nine

9、 years,”said 17yearold Li Zhao 3 .Li and 15yearold Li Xuemeng 4 their journey on October 7,with three teachers from the Educational Motivation Research and Service Centre.The purpose of the 5 was for the two troubled boys to develop a more 6 attitude to school and life.With two 7 and some instant no

10、odles for the first day,the five 8 mainly along Highway 107.On the way to the big city, 9 of them visited schools and interviewed 10 people from all walks of life(各行各业的人).Both boys were asked to write down what they 11 during the walk.“The two boys need to learn about 12 life and learn how to deal w

11、ith difficulties,so we 13 this programme.”explained Du Junpeng.The 14 of dealing with the difficulties may change them into 15 ,cooperative citizens.1.A.finding B.huntingC.searching D.inventing2.A.lived on B.worked onC.carried out D.went on3.A.anxiously B.luckilyC.excitedly D.happily4.A.developed B.

12、separatedC.controlled D.started5.A.study B.tripC.task D.job6.A.negative B.popularC.loyal D.positive7.A.tents B.lightsC.drinks D.tools8.A.ran B.droveC.walked D.marched9.A.all B.noneC.either D.some10.A.famous B.braveC.different D.strange11.A.covered B.learnedC.heard D.recognised12.A.interesting B.real

13、C.hard D.meaningful13.A.carried on B.cared aboutC.took over D.worked out14.A.possibility B.challengeC.ability D.story15.A.determined B.negativeC.hard D.selfcentered三、阅读理解专题训练(四) 如何做好推理判断题(2)方法点拨推理判断题的答案在原文中是不能直接找到的,其设题特点是在四个选项中有一、二个选项是原文中的细节,这是出题人设计的陷阱,使有些同学错选了细节选项还不知道错在哪里。所以记住:只要题干有suggest,infer,in

14、dicate,conclude,imply等词,其答案一定是在原文中没有直接表达出来的,千万不要错选了细节选项。活学活用根据上述技巧,完成下列读写任务。You,re busy filling out the application form for a position you really need; let,s assume you once actually completed a couple of years of college work or even that you completed your degree.Isn,t it tempting to lie just a l

15、ittle,to claim on the form that your diploma represents a Harvard degree?Or that you finished an extra couple of years back at State University?More and more people are turning to utter deception like this to land their job or to move ahead in their careers,for personnel officers,like most Americans

16、,value degrees from famous schools.A job applicant may have a good education anyway,but he or she assumes that chances of being hired are better with a diploma from a well-known university.Registrars at most well-known colleges say they deal with deceitful claims like these at the rate of about one

17、per week.Personnel officers do check up on degrees listed on application forms,then.If it turns out that an applicant is lying,most colleges are reluctant to accuse the applicant directly.One Ivy League school calls them “impostors(骗子)”; another refers to them as “special cases”.One wellknown West C

18、oast school,in perhaps the most delicate phrase of all,says that these claims are made by “no such people.” To avoid outright(彻底的)lies,some jobseekers claim that they “attended” or “were associated with” a college or university.After carefully checking,a personnel officer may discover that “attendin

19、g” means being dismissed after one semester.It may be that “being associated with” a college means that the jobseeker visited his younger brother for a football weekend.One school that keeps records of false claims says that the practice dates back at least to the turn of the centurythat,s when they

20、 began keeping records,anyhow.If you don,t want to lie or even stretch the truth,there are companies that will sell you a phony(假的)diploma.One company,with offices in New York and on the West Coast,will put your name on a diploma from any number of nonexistent colleges.The price begins at around twe

21、nty dollars for a diploma from “Smoot State University”.The prices increase rapidly for a degree from the “University of Purdue”.As there is no Smoot State and the real school in Indiana is properly called Purdue University,the prices seem rather high for one sheet of paper.以约30个单词概括短文要点。_.根据所读短文,选择

22、正确答案。1.The main idea of this passage is that_.Aemployers are checking more closely on applicants now Blying about college degrees has become a widespread problemCcollege degrees can now be purchased easily Demployers are no longer interested in college degrees2.According to the passage,“special case

23、s” refers to cases where_.Astudents attend a school only part time Bstudents never attended a school they listed on their applicationCstudents purchase false degrees from commercial firms Dstudents attended a famous school 3.We can infer from the passage that_.Aperformance is a better judge of abili

24、ty than a college degreeBexperience is the best teacher Cpast work histories influence personnel officers more than degrees do Da degree from a famous school enables an applicant to gain advantage over others in job competition4.This passage implies that_.Apersonnel officers,like most Americans,valu

25、e degrees from famous schoolsBpersonnel officers only consider applicants from famous schools Cmost people lie on applications because they were dismissed from school Dsociety should be greatly responsible for lying on applications5.As used in the first line of the second paragraph,the word “utter”

26、means_.Aaddress CthoroughBultimate Ddecisive参考答案一、1.解析:根据上下文,这里应该填意为“必须”的情态动词。答案:must2.解析:此处应该是谓语动词的过去式。答案:drove3.解析:这里需要副词修饰动词decreased,意为“逐渐减少”。答案:gradually4.解析:这里作形式主语指代后面的不定式短语。答案: it5.解析:引导定语从句修饰主语the day,因谓语动词太短仅came一个词,故将从句后置。全句意思是:他不发脾气的那一天终于到来了。答案:when6.解析:suggest(建议)后的宾语从句谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即shoul

27、d+V原形,should 可省略。答案:(should)pull7.解析:take sb.by the hand是习惯搭配,凡表示“拉、拖、握、揪、牵”等意思的英语动词都是这个搭配,即take/seize/pull/lead sb.by the sleeve/hair/arm/nose/ear.答案: by8.解析:指代上文的scar,这里用复数指代篱笆上被钉子钉过的洞痕。答案:ones9.解析:wound在这里是特指前面提到的疤痕scar,故应该加定冠词。答案: the10.解析:鼓励某人做某事:encourage sb.to do sth.答案:to succeed二、1.解析:此处指在他

28、们从一个地方到另一个地方的徒步旅行中,找到某个地方睡觉,故选A。答案:A2.解析:两个男孩晚上在帐篷里睡觉,每天靠六元钱生活。live on表示“靠生活,以为主食”;work on 表示“从事”;carry out表示“执行,实行”;go on 表示“继续”。答案:A3.解析:这么艰苦的徒步旅行他们竟然完成了,当然应该感到激动兴奋,而且从李昭说话的内容也可以看出这一点。答案:C4.解析:旅行于10月16日结束,持续了9天,故可推算出他们是在10月7日开始旅行的。答案:D5.解析:本句讨论的是这次旅行的目的。答案:B6.解析:旅行的目的是使两个“问题”男孩形成对学校及生活的积极态度,故选D。po

29、sitive意为“积极的”;negative意为“消极的”。答案:D7.解析:从上文“他们在帐篷里睡觉”可知此处选A。答案:A8.解析:五个人主要沿着107高速公路步行往前走,故选C。答案:C9.解析:根据下文两个男孩被要求写出他们在徒步旅行中所学到的东西,可知此处也应是他们两个。 答案:A10.解析:他们在旅途中参观了许多学校,采访了来自各行各业的不同的人,故选C。答案:C11.解析:learn意为“学到,了解到”;hear意为“听到”,他们被要求写出旅途中的所见所闻,只说他们所听到的是片面的;cover意为“覆盖,掩盖,占(时间或空间),包括、涉及,走过(路程),对进行新闻采访、报道”等;

30、recognise意为“认出,辨别出”。答案:B12.解析:real life现实生活。答案:B13.解析:work out 此处意为“制订出,想出”,它还有“解决,确定,使精疲力尽,算出,理解、弄懂,产生结果,发展,成功”等意思;carry on 意为“继续开展,坚持下去”;care about意为“关心,在乎”;take over意为“接管,接任,接替”。答案:D14.解析:“应对困难的挑战”,D最合题意。答案:D15.解析:迎接挑战会让人更“意志坚决”。答案:A三、.The passage mainly tells us lying about college degrees has b

31、ecome a widespread problem because applicants find a better college degree sometimes enables them to gain advantage over others in job competition.1解析:主旨大意题,见第二段第一句。学历在求职中的重要,导致了文凭造假成为了一个普遍的现象。答案:B2.B3ZK(4解析:推理题,见第二段。著名大学的文凭可以为求职者带来比他人更多优势,才导致了其造假,间接反映了用人单位的标准,所以社会在这个问题也应该有责任。第四题的选项A有较大的迷惑性,但只要记住原文中



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