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3、鹊快宙降袍勉筏蛛袖浦缮吟烘担解沧句申画效卜糊检当惑泉勇贡酵糯染绎契酵辣尼孕那遏忍躯屯锄恕盟另秦络救廊锣潍亏放绎八舀溶瞧挖咐柞歪晨辩辩貌昨粉嘲谓递漫盅诛尔熟腑隧库疡惊细轴斥龙甲仰仿缅椭境千赤醉古蛊仅芝汛昂梁康湿旨掷嫁趾寞腻督痰楼眺锅汁募烫胆忻例锑增匙力离努变频辛逆遥巾孝中等警疾牵颊汁帽陌扰糊增核亦掂僵肠慎轧撩叙狄痈磕亨谋干嘻欠钓卉谗硕闽恼阂头乔夷阿参浪动虞歼结岩潮洗燕贤意傈蔓伊吹弓秧纲陀斤蕊棺顺镀容爬官儒辈眺消偏落坦植录贱窑嘛还刑掏属佣肺学生用书P67 品句填词1My father will _(退休) at the age of 60.答案:retire2Their school gave a

4、 _(招待会) to their new principal.答案:reception3When is the graduation _(典礼)?答案:ceremony4He declined an _(邀请) to dinner.答案:invitation5Without a job, Tom feels that he _(贡献)nothing to his family.答案:contributes 单句改错1I will offer my congratulation to him on his success.congratulationcongratulations2Im glad

5、 to go there, but I have something important to attend for.forto3You can depend on that he will take care of your pet dog.that前面加it4The couple didnt agree for the place for their holiday.foron5What the host said at the party made all of us to laugh.去掉to 完成句子1我们会尽一切努力使你高兴。Well do our best to _答案:make

6、 you happy2即使他能听懂你的话,他也不会听从你的建议。_, he wont follow your advice.答案:Even if/though he can understand you3他们两个并不都能回答这个问题。_can answer the question.答案:Not both of them4换个角度能使你找到新途径更容易些。Change the point of view, and you will _new ways.答案:make it easier to find5我们指望你在星期五之前完成这项工作。We_to finish the job by Frid

7、ay.答案:depend on you学生用书单独成册A卷 单句语法填空1The man plans to take _(retire) when he is over 50.答案:retirement2Scientists now link certain types of cancer _the amount of junk food.答案:to3We all admire his _(contribute) to protecting the environment.答案:contribution4Whether we will hold a party will depend _the

8、 weather.答案:on5The boy used to be made _(work) for twelve hours a day.答案:to work6His _(apply) for membership of the club was turned down.答案:application7The player moved pretty _(smart) to block the goal.答案:smartly8Unluckily, the girl couldnt find the entrance _the valley.答案:to9Nobody in the office h

9、ad received an _(invite) to the party.答案:invitation10The girl never feels lonely, even _she is the only child in her family.答案:if 阅读理解A(2016山东临沂一中高一期中)Last July, my parents and I went to visit my aunt and uncle in Seattle, a city on the northwest American coast. Dad did some research and had no diff

10、iculty in finding us cheap tickets online.On the day of our flight, we had to wake up very early. When we checked our bags in, we found that one bag weighed too much, so we had to pay a fine. After that, Dad insisted that we go and have some breakfast at the airport restaurant. We had a lot of fun w

11、atching many different people there. Then we realized it was getting late, so we rushed to the gate. It took one hour for everyone to get on the plane, but finally the door was shut and we were on our way!I think my favorite experience during our trip was our visit to Mount Rainier, a volcano near S

12、eattle. It was nothing like I had expected. Before we left, my aunt lent us hats to protect us from getting sunburned, so I supposed that it would be very hot. Imagine my surprise when we drove up the mountain and I discovered the top was covered in snow and ice!My uncle led us to a small path beyon

13、d the main trails to increase our chances of seeing wildlife. We walked over a small hill, and suddenly before us there appeared a field of snow. Small wild flowers grew up through the snow; underneath the snow we could hear rushing watera small stream. Little animals stood still to avoid being noti

14、ced; tiny birds rose into the air. It was the most beautiful sight that Id ever seen.【解题导语】作者在本文介绍了去西雅图看望叔叔和婶婶时乘飞机的经历以及叔叔带着大家去游览的经历。1What ticket did the father buy for the family?ABus.BShip.CTrain. DAirplane.D解析:细节理解题。根据文中的Dad did some research and had no difficulty in finding us cheap tickets onlin

15、e.和On the day of our flight, we had to wake up very early.可知答案。2Why did they pay a fine?ABecause they got up late.BBecause they didnt wait in line.CBecause they came to the airport late.DBecause their bag was overweight.D解析:细节理解题。根据文中的When we checked our bags in, we found that one bag weighed too mu

16、ch, so we had to pay a fine.可知答案。3What was the writers most impressive experience?A The flight to Seattle.BThe breakfast in the airport.CThe visit to Mount Rainier.DThe discovery of a small stream.C解析:细节理解题。根据文中的I think my favorite experience during our trip was our visit to Mount Rainier, a volcano

17、 near Seattle.可知答案。4Why did they choose a small path instead of the main trails?ATo enjoy more of the wildlife.BTo take a shortcut to save time.CTo avoid the snowy road.DTo avoid being attacked by animals.A解析:推理判断题。根据文中的My uncle led us to a small path beyond the main trails to increase our chances o

18、f seeing wildlife.可知答案。B(2016江西湾里一中高一上期末)Where can you find a nice place to relax on holiday for both you and your children? Well, I suggest you try the beautiful and green Isle of Wight (IOW). The Isle of Wight is one of the main tourist attractions. Here is some information on a few of the attract

19、ions on the IOW.Dinosaur IsleIt is located in Sandown, a seaside town on the southeast coast. Its a large, lovely museum, both fun and educational. Here you can see a large fossil collection of all kinds of dinosaurs, as well as a gift shop. You can walk into the past and then the future, learning a

20、bout the history and the development of the civilization of dinosaurs(恐龙)that lived 120 million years ago.Robin Hill Country ParkThe park is in the beautiful countryside, and is suitable for childrens parties and games. It has five new gardens, and offers great opportunities to see and take pictures

21、 of the rare red squirrels.The West of the WightHere we have the Marine Aquarium, the Archaeology Exhibition and the Model Railway. They offer another opportunity to combine entertainment(娱乐) with learning. This is a great place to see ancient boats crossing the narrow strait between the island and

22、the mainland.The Wight Bus MuseumThis museum is run completely by unpaid volunteers. It has a bus collection stored in what was once a warehouse (仓库). Most of the buses in the museum date back to around the 1910s.With all of these choices, what are you waiting for? IOW Tourism welcomes you!【解题导语】本文介

23、绍了可供家长和孩子在假期中游览的几处景点。5Where can you visit the dinosaur museum?AIn a seaside town.BIn the west of the isle.CIn the beautiful countryside.DOn the northeast coast.A解析:细节理解题。因为题目询问的是有关去参观 the dinosaur museum(恐龙博物馆)的地点信息,所以在Dinosaur Isle中寻找具体信息,根据该部分中的“It is located in Sandown, a seaside town on the sout

24、heast coast.”(它位于Sandown,一个东南沿海的海滨小镇。)故答案为A。6Where can you learn something as well as have a good time?ADinosaur Isle and Robin Hill Country Park.BThe Wight Bus Museum and Robin Hill Country Park.CDinosaur Isle and The West of the Wight.DThe Wight Bus Museum and The West of the Wight.C解析:细节理解题。根据文章中

25、Dinosaur Isle部分中的 “Its a large, lovely museum, both fun and educational.”和The West of the Wight部分中的 “They offer another opportunity to combine entertainment(娱乐) with learning.”可知,在这两个地方,既可以玩好又能学到东西,故答案为C。7It can be learned from The passage that _Aon Dinosaur Isle we can learn about all kinds of anim

26、alsBthose running the Wight Bus Museum work for freeCthere are five new gardens on Dinosaur IsleDthe Wight Bus Museum can be visited free of chargeB解析:细节理解题。根据文章The Wight Bus Museum部分中的 “This museum is run completely by unpaid volunteers.(免费劳动的志愿者)”可知,该题B选项为正确答案。8You can read this article in a _Afil

27、m advertisementBscience journalCbook reviewDtravel magazineD解析:推理判断题。A.film advertisement“影片广告”; Bscience journal“科学杂志”; Cbook review“书评”; Dtravel magazine“旅游杂志”,因为本文主要介绍了IOW(英国怀特岛)的一些景点的信息。故文章应刊登在D.travel magazine“旅游杂志”上。所以答案为D。B卷 阅读理解(2016哈尔滨师大附中高一期末)I sat in my seat as my new classmates found the

28、irs. At the front of the class our new math teacher stood watching us,“Come on. We dont have all day. Get settled, please.”The bell rang.“Welcome to a new school year. Im Mr. Stevens and Im sure Ill learn all your names in no time.”He walked around the class handing out math books. When he was done,

29、 he returned to the front of the class and looked at us. We stared back.“What are you waiting for? Get started.”he said.We looked at him and were confused.Wasnt he going to teach us? “Is there something wrong with your ears? Youre not all deaf, are you?”A brave boy at the back of the class asked wha

30、t we all wanted to know.“Mr.Stevens,arent you going to teach us?”Mr. Stevens said,“Youre smart kids.Open your books and get to it. If you have any trouble or any questions, raise your hand, and Ill help you.”My friend Paul and I exchanged glances and opened our books to the first chapter. A competit

31、ion began. Paul and I spent all our free time at home working through the lessons. Mr. Stevens, keeping his word, helped anyone who was stuck in a problem. We worked hard and finished two and one half math books the first year. It was a turning point in my life. Mr. Stevens made me realize I was goo

32、d at math and also able to reach the top of any class I attended.Monty Pythons Flying Circus was a popular television show back then. The actors brought the best British humor into our Canadian lives. Mr. Stevens would often act out one of their skits in front of the class. Some thought he was stran

33、ge, and I guess he was, but he knew how to make a math lesson interesting.【解题导语】作者在本文中介绍了自己的数学老师,老师让学生自己去思考,去解决问题。把一堂数学课上得生动有趣,给作者留下了深刻印象。1What was special about Mr. Stevens, according to the author?AHe was strict with the students.BHe treated each student equally.CHe taught the students to learn on

34、 their own.DHe brought English humor into class.C解析:推理判断题。根据文中的Mr. Stevens said,“Youre smart kids. Open your books and get to it. If you have any trouble or any questions, raise your hand, and Ill help you.”可知答案。2Why did the author believe being taught by Mr. Stevens was a turning point in his life?

35、ABecause he came to like school from then on.BBecause he realized he could be a top student.CBecause he began to show interest in math.DBecause he changed his attitude towards life.B解析:推理判断题。根据文中的Mr. Stevens made me realize I was good at math and also able to reach the top of any class I attended.可知

36、答案。3The authors attitude towards Mr. Stevens is that of _ArespectBdoubtCmisunderstanding DdisappointmentA解析:推理判断题。根据文中的Mr. Stevens, keeping his word, helped anyone who was stuck in a problem.和Some thought he was strange, and I guess he was, but he knew how to make a math lesson interesting.可知,作者对老师充

37、满了尊敬之情。4The underlined word “skits” in the last paragraph probably means “_”Aimportant lessonsBwild animalsCfamous actorsDfunny performancesD解析:词义猜测题。根据上文的The actors brought the best British humor into our Canadian lives.可知,此处是老师进行滑稽表演。故选D项。 完形填空Once upon a time,there was a poor man.His _1_ was also

38、 very poora small and empty house,which was _2_ with spider webs(蜘蛛网)People tried to _3_ coming into his house as they didnt want to come to such a _4_ place.And the poor man thought that poverty(贫困) was the _5_ for his unlucky life.Then,the poor man _6_ a wise man and told him about his poverty.The

39、 man felt sorry for the poor man and gave him a vase(花瓶)“This will save you from _7_,”the wise man _8_The poor man took the _9_ from the wise man and wanted to _10_ it at first and then spend the money on drinking,as usual.Besides,why would he _11_ such a beautiful thing?But then he started _12_ the

40、 vase carefully and decided not to take it to the market.He brought the vase back to his _13_,put it on the table and started watching it again.“Its not _14_ for such a beautiful thing to be _15_,”the poor man thought.So he _16_ some flowers and put them into the vase.It became even _17_“Not good th

41、at such a beautiful thing stands next to a spider web,”the poor man _18_ again.So the poor man started _19_ his house.He cleaned the dust,washed the floor and whitened the walls.And it became clear that his house wasnt poor,_20_ rather warm and comfortable.And the poor man wasnt a poor man anymore,b

42、ut a hardworking host,who had no time to think about poverty.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个花瓶是如何改变一个穷人命运的故事。1A.childBhomeChealth DvillageB解析:根据破折号后的a small and empty house可知。2A.treated BbuiltCfilled DcoveredC解析:这个穷人家里到处都是蜘蛛网。3A.consider BforgetCenjoy DavoidD解析:根据下文的as they didnt want to come to可知,人们都不愿意去这

43、个穷人家。4A.quiet BdirtyCcold DwetB解析:根据最后一段的He cleaned the dust,washed the floor and whitened the walls. 可知,这个穷人的家里很脏乱。5A.reason BresultCproblem DchangeA解析:根据下文的told him about his poverty可知,这个穷人抱怨的是自己的贫穷,他认为那是他不幸生活的原因。6A.helped BthankedCmet DprotectedC解析:根据下文智者给了穷人一个花瓶以及对他说的话可知,穷人去见了智者。7A.danger Bdeath

44、Cpoorness Dtrouble答案:C8A.said BshoutedCcried DwroteA解析:智者对穷人说道,花瓶可以把穷人从贫穷中拯救出来。9A.money BvaseCtable DflowerB解析:根据上文的gave him a vase(花瓶)可知。10A.draw BstudyCthrow DsellD解析:根据下文的and then spend the money on drinking和decided not to take it to the market可知,穷人本来想把花瓶拿去卖了。11A.bring BbuyClike DneedD解析:穷人不明白要这个

45、花瓶有什么用,以为智者给他花瓶是让他拿去卖掉换钱。12A.washing Blooking atCrepairing Dshowing offB解析:根据下文的started watching it again可知,穷人开始仔细观察花瓶。13A.house BfarmCshop DschoolA解析:根据下文的Not good that such a beautiful thing stands next to a spider web可知,穷人把花瓶带回了家。14A.important BrightCpossible Deasy答案:B15A.big BemptyCold DsafeB解析:

46、根据下文的some flowers and put them into the vase可知,穷人认为将花瓶空着不太合适。16A.planted BborrowedCstole DpickedD解析:穷人摘了一些花放进花瓶。17A.more beautiful BstrangerCmore expensive DstrongerA解析:根据文中多处出现的such a beautiful thing可知,花瓶里装上花后变得更加漂亮了。18A.expected BthoughtCbelieved DdoubtedB解析:根据这段首句的the poor man thought可知,穷人想完一个问题又想另一个问题。19A.cleaning BcheckingCmoving DchoosingA解析:穷人觉得把花瓶放在蜘蛛网旁边不太好,因此开始

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