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1、专题能力训练七完形填空(记叙文)AThere was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm.And he was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play with out in the woods.He 1 in the woods,2 he could never hit the 3.And getting a little discouraged,he headed back to dinner.As he was walking back he saw Grandmas pet duck.Just ou

2、t of impulse(冲动),he let fly,hit the duck square in the head,and killed it.He was shocked and felt very sorry.In a panic,he hid the 4 duck in the woodpile,only to see his sister 5.Sally had seen it all,but she said nothing.After lunch that day Grandma said,“Sally,lets wash the dishes.” But Sally said

3、,“Grandma,Johnny told me he wanted to help in the 6 today,didnt you,Johnny?” And then she whispered to him,“Remember,the duck?”So Johnny 7 the dishes.Later Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing,and 8 said,“Im sorry but I need Sally to help make 9.” But Sally 10 and said,“Well,thats all

4、right because Johnny told me he wanted to help,” and she whispered 11,“Remember,the duck?” So Sally went fishing and Johnny 12.After several days of Johnny doing 13 his various small tasks and Sallys,he 14 couldnt stand it any longer.He came to Grandma and 15 that he killed the duck.She bent down,ga

5、ve him a 16,and said,“Sweetheart,17.You see,I was standing at the window and I saw the 18 thing.But because I love you,I forgave you.But I was just wondering how19 you would let Sally make a slave 20 you.”1.A.walkedB.playedC.practicedD.aimed答案:C解析:根据后文内容可知,约翰尼从来没能射中目标,由此推断他在树林里练习弹弓。故选C项。2.A.orB.andC

6、.soD.but答案:D解析:由第1题的解析可知前后句为转折关系,故选D项。3.A.birdB.targetC.duckD.woods答案:B解析:由第1题的解析可知答案为B项target “目标,靶子”。4.A.deadB.squareC.dyingD.living答案:A解析:前文提到 “he let fly,hit the duck square in the head,and killed it”,由此可知鸭子被约翰尼打死了,故选A项。5.A.surveyingB.noticingC.observingD.watching答案:D解析:约翰尼将死鸭子藏在木头堆里,结果却被萨莉看见了。A

7、项 “调研,调查”;B项 “注意到”;C项 “观察,观测,遵守”;D项 “观看,注视”。这里强调萨莉一直在注视着约翰尼的一举一动,所以D项符合题意。6.A.toiletB.kitchenC.living-roomD.fields答案:B解析:上文提到 “After lunch that day Grandma said,Sally,lets wash the dishes.”,由此可知应是在厨房,故选B项。7.A.watchedB.droppedC.didD.made答案:C解析:此处考查短语do dishes,意思是 “洗碗”。故选C项。8.A.GrandmaB.GrandpaC.Johnn

8、yD.Sally答案:A解析:结合上下文可知,祖父询问谁愿意去钓鱼,而祖母想要留下萨莉帮忙做晚饭。故选A项。9.A.cookB.lunchC.supperD.breakfast答案:C解析:根据上一段开头的After lunch可知,这里应该是要做晚饭了,故选C项。10.A.laughedB.smiledC.criedD.wept答案:B解析:由下文的 “Well,thats all right because Johnny told me he wanted to help” 可知,萨莉故意笑着说这些话。故选B项。11.A.againB.onlyC.twiceD.loudly答案:A解析:这

9、是第二次萨莉要挟约翰尼了,故选A项。12.A.followedB.stayedC.rememberedD.boated答案:B解析:最终结果是萨莉随祖父去钓鱼,而约翰尼则留在家里。A项 “跟随,跟踪,遵守”;B项 “停留,驻足”;C项 “记忆”;D项 “划船,乘船”。故选B项。13.A.allB.eitherC.neitherD.both答案:D解析:根据后文his various small tasks and Sallys可知,约翰尼既要做自己的各种事情,还要完成萨莉的,所以用both。故选D项。14.A.secondlyB.firstlyC.finallyD.thirdly答案:C解析:

10、由后文内容可知,约翰尼最终无法忍受萨莉,将自己打死鸭子的事情告诉了祖母。故选C项。15.A.liedB.deniedC.admittedD.spoke答案:C解析:根据第14题的解析可知答案为C项admitted “承认”。A项 “躺,撒谎”;B项 “否认”;D项 “讲,说”。16.A.beatB.petC.surpriseD.hug答案:D解析:由上文She bent down及下文内容可知,祖母并没有因这件事情责备约翰尼,而是给了他一个拥抱,并原谅了他。give sb.a hug “拥抱某人”。17.A.I knowB.you knowC.he knowsD.she knows答案:A解析

11、:由后文内容可知,祖母已经看到了当时发生的一切,故选A项。18.A.otherB.wholeC.funnyD.dull答案:B解析:根据第17题的解析可知答案为B项,表示 “看到了整个过程”。19.A./B.muchC.manyD.long答案:D解析:我只是想知道你想让萨莉支使你多长时间。根据句意可知答案为D项。20.A.ofB.forC.fromD.into答案:A解析:根据第19题可知答案为A项,考查短语make a slave of sb. “把某人当奴隶”。BIt was a moving story.There was a 1 boy named Roy Freetz in a 3

12、0-student classroom who was really hungry and had 2 to eat.He felt jealous of all of his 3 when they were eating and enjoying their food.One day,he was 4 in one of the corners of the classroom as usual when his classmates had lunch.At that moment,a girl came to him and gave him all the food in her 5

13、.The boy was surprised and tried to 6,but the girl left.Then the girl dropped out of the school and went to another town.The boy didnt see the girl again.Many years had passed,and the girl was 7 as a meat vendor(小贩)in her town.There was a 8 when she was walking to and from the market.But everything

14、changed when she was 9 by a car.She was taken to hospital at once.She was badly 10 and the doctors did everything they could to 11 her.After 12 for five days,she woke up and cried because her family had no money to 13 the hospital bill.At that moment,the nurse came and gave her the hospital bill.It

15、14:“Everything is paid by one box of food many years ago.” It was 15 by Roy Freetz.The girl cried and 16 everyone in the room.Then,when she looked at the 17 of the bill,she saw the words:“WILL YOU MARRY ME?” She was very 18 at this.And at that moment,the doctor came and gave her a 19.The girl 20 his

16、 proposal(求婚)and they lived a happy life from then on.1.A.naughtyB.poorC.niceD.mean答案:B解析:由后文内容可知,小男孩很饥饿,却没有吃的,所以判断他很穷困。故选B项。2.A.anythingB.somethingC.everythingD.nothing答案:D解析:根据第1题的解析可知答案为D项。3.A.friendsB.classmatesC.relativesD.colleagues答案:B解析:前文提到a 30-student classroom,由此可知小男孩嫉妒那些正在吃饭的同学们。A项 “朋友”;

17、B项 “同学”;C项 “亲戚”;D项 “同事”。故选B项。4.A.stayingB.screamingC.complainingD.singing答案:A解析:当别的同学在享受午餐的时候,小男孩只能待在角落里。A项 “停留,驻足”;B项 “尖叫”;C项 “抱怨”;D项 “唱歌”。故选A项。5.A.bagB.carC.boxD.basket答案:C解析:根据文章最后一段中的 “Everything is paid by one box of food many years ago.” 可知,小女孩递给小男孩的是一盒食物,故选C项。6.A.packB.changeC.sellD.refuse答案:

18、D解析:小男孩想要拒绝,但是小女孩已经离开了。A项 “包装,裹起来”;B项 “改变”;C项 “出售”;D项 “拒绝”。故选D项。7.A.paintingB.workingC.teachingD.studying答案:B解析:多年以后,小女孩在她所在的城镇成了一名卖肉的商贩。work as “做工作,担当”。8.A.monthB.secondC.timeD.minute答案:C解析:一次女孩在往返市场的路上遭遇了车祸,从此一切都变了。time在此意为 “一次”。9.A.hitB.beatenC.foughtD.caught答案:A解析:根据第8题可知答案为A项hit,意思是 “碰撞,打击”。B项

19、 “连续地击打,跳动,打败”;C项 “打架,战斗,对抗”;D项 “抓住,赶上,领会”。10.A.damagedB.woundedC.destroyedD.injured答案:D解析:下文提示女孩伤得很重,所以答案为D项injured,强调意外伤害。A项 “损害,破坏”;B项 “受伤”,指战争中受到的刀伤或枪伤;C项 “摧毁”。11.A.raiseB.saveC.askD.educate答案:B解析:医生们尽最大努力抢救她的生命。答案为B项。12.A.sleepingB.lyingC.strugglingD.dreaming答案:A解析:根据后面的she woke up可知,女孩已经昏睡了几天了

20、。故选A项。13.A.costB.spendC.payD.give答案:C解析:因为无法支付医疗费用,所以女孩大哭。故选C项。14.A.issuedB.actedC.displayedD.stated答案:D解析:下文是医院账单的内容,所以答案为D项stated,意思是 “陈述,说明”。A项 “公布,发行”;B项 “行动,扮演,表演”;C项 “展示,显示,表现”。15.A.permittedB.promisedC.admittedD.signed答案:D解析:既然是医院的账单,肯定会有医生的签名,所以答案为D项signed,意思是 “签名,做标记”。A项 “允许,许可”;B项 “承诺,答应”;

21、C项 “承认,允许进入”。16.A.thankedB.pleasedC.awardedD.praised答案:A解析:女孩很受感动,大哭,并感谢在场的每个人。故选A项。17.A.surfaceB.coverC.middleD.back答案:D解析: “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” 这句话肯定不会写在账单的前面,所以写在背面是比较合理的。故选D项。18.A.alertB.surprisedC.sensitiveD.amused答案:B解析:账单背面的话肯定是女孩意想不到的,所以B项正确。A项 “灵敏的,警觉的”;C项 “敏感的,易受伤的,善解人意的”;D项 “愉快的,觉得好笑的”。19

22、.A.medicineB.adviceC.ringD.dollar答案:C解析:女孩和男孩结婚了,过上了幸福的生活。由此可知,男孩送给女孩的肯定是用于求婚的东西,故选C项。20.A.testedB.consideredC.acceptedD.believed答案:C解析:根据第19题的解析可知答案为C项accepted,意思是 “接受”。CPeople say one mans trash(垃圾)is another mans treasure.That 1 comes to me as I 2the house purchased in 1962 by my parents.My mothe

23、r passed away in 1996.My father left the house 3 my sister and me when he died a few months ago.After Dad was 4,we looked around the 5 house where we grew up and that Dad loved so much.At first we felt so 6 all the stuff(东西)left.Like so many of their generation,my parents 7 everything.And like many

24、in my generation,we faced anxious 8 about what to abandon and what to keep.As we started throwing out old phone books and every medical bill from every 9 my parents ever saw,I also 10 many hidden treasures.Moms pocketbook was in their bedroom closet,which had everything in it,11 her hairbrush with h

25、air,as if she were still here.And Dad,who was a World War veteran(退伍兵)and a world traveler,12 everythingfrom little spoons from all over the world to every letter he wrote to his parents while in the 13.The letters he wrote during the war 14 his thoughts as a young man.Later,in the basement,I 15 our

26、 old kitchen table,which brought back 16 of my parents and sister and me having breakfast together.Im realizing all these things 17 my parents life journey.Each time I go to 18,I find something that reminded me of my childhood or teaches me something about my parents I 19 knew.20,from the shabby fur

27、niture to all the hidden treasures,means more to me than all the money in the world.1.A.coincidenceB.goalC.principleD.thought答案:D解析:作者在查看父母留下的房子的时候想到了前面提到的这句话:one mans trash is another mans treasure.(一个人的垃圾是另一个人的宝。)由此可知应该选择D项thought “想法,思想”。A项 “巧合”;B项 “目标,球门,得分”;C项 “原则,准则,原理”。2.A.looked forB.looked

28、throughC.looked intoD.looked after答案:B解析:父母去世,作者在收拾他们留下的遗物,所以答案为B项,意思是 “浏览,查看”。A项 “寻找”;C项 “调查,研究”;D项 “照料,看管”。3.A.toB.forC.withD.by答案:A解析:几个月前,父亲去世,把房子留给了姐姐(妹妹)和作者。leave sth.to sb. “留下某物给某人”。4.A.retiredB.illC.goneD.injured答案:C解析:根据第3题的解析可知答案为C项gone,作为形容词意思是 “去世的,消失的”。A项 “退休的”;B项 “生病的”;D项 “受伤的”。5.A.cl

29、eanB.strangeC.emptyD.modern答案:C解析:父母相继去世后,留下了这栋空空的房子。故选C项。6.A.pleased withB.familiar withC.astonished atD.disappointed at答案:C解析:下文提到父母留下了一切他们可以留下来的东西,所以作者和姐姐(妹妹)感到很惊讶。A项 “对感到满意”;B项 “对感到熟悉”;C项 “对感到惊讶”;D项 “对感到失望”。故选C项。7.A.savedB.enjoyedC.purchasedD.designed答案:A解析:根据第6题的解析可知答案为A项,意思是 “保存”。B项 “享受,喜爱”;C项

30、 “购买”;D项 “设计”。8.A.decisionsB.bargainsC.challengesD.responsibilities答案:A解析:根据下文what to abandon and what to keep可知,作者和姐姐(妹妹)要决定父母遗物的取舍,所以答案为A项 “决定,决心”。B项 “廉价物,便宜货”;C项 “挑战”;D项 “责任,职责”。9.A.personB.doctorC.neighbourD.child答案:B解析:前面提到父母的medical bill “医疗账单”,由此可知这是他们当初看大夫留下的,故选B项。10.A.boughtB.discoveredC.bu

31、riedD.lost答案:B解析:根据后面的hidden treasures “隐藏的宝藏” 可知,应该是发现 “宝藏”,所以答案为B项 “发现,发觉”。A项 “购买”;C项 “埋葬”;D项 “失去,丢失”。11.A.justB.evenC.onlyD.yet答案:B解析:母亲的皮夹子在他们卧室的衣橱里,里面什么都有,甚至带头发的梳子也在里面,仿佛她还在这里生活。A项 “仅仅,刚才,正好,简直”;B项 “甚至,更”;C项 “仅仅,唯一的”;D项 “仍然,还”。故选B项。12.A.likedB.boughtC.keptD.lost答案:C解析:根据后文 “from little spoons f

32、rom all over the world to every letter he wrote.” 可知,父亲同样留下了他所有的东西。答案为C项,意思是 “保留,储藏”。13.A.countrysideB.schoolC.collegeD.army答案:D解析:前文提到父亲是一位二战退伍老兵,由此可知这些信件应该是他服兵役的期间写给家里面的,故选D项。14.A.receiveB.directC.senseD.describe答案:D解析:父亲在当兵期间的信件自然是描写他年轻时的各种想法的,所以答案为D项describe “描写,描述”。receive “收到,接到”;direct “指导,指挥

33、,导演”;sense “感觉,意识到,理解”。15.A.repairedB.cleanedC.spottedD.set答案:C解析:在地下室,作者发现了原来厨房的餐桌,这使作者回忆起当初一家人一起吃早餐的情景。A项 “修理,修缮”;B项 “清理”;C项 “发现,认出,用灯光照射,玷污”;D项 “设定,放置”。16.A.introductionsB.memoriesC.descriptionsD.communications答案:B解析:根据第15题的解析可知答案为B项memories “记忆”。A项 “介绍,引荐”;C项 “描绘,描写”;D项 “交流,交际”。17.A.representedB

34、.recognizedC.instructedD.confirmed答案:A解析:所有这一切可以代表父母的生命旅程。A项 “代表,象征,阐释”;B项 “承认,意识到,认出,识别出”;C项 “指导,命令”;D项 “证实,批准,确认”。故选A项。18.A.the supermarketB.churchC.my officeD.the house答案:D解析:每次回到这栋房子里,作者总会发现一些能使自己回想起童年时代的东西,了解到自己并不知道的父母的事情。故选D项。19.A.merelyB.alwaysC.reallyD.never答案:D解析:根据第18题的解析可知答案为D项。20.A.Every

35、thingB.NothingC.AnythingD.Something 答案:A解析:从破旧的家具到所有 “隐藏的宝藏”,这一切对作者来说比世上所有的钱都要有意义。故选A项。DThis was my grandmothers first Christmas without Grandfather,and before he passed away we had promised him that we would make this her best Christmas ever.When my parents and I 1 at her house,we found she had wai

36、ted up all night for us.The house did seem a little 2 without Grandfather.Grandfather had always said that the Christmas 3 was the most important decoration of all.So we immediately set to work on the beautiful artificial tree that was stored in grandfathers closet(壁橱).Through our efforts,we finally

37、 stepped back to 4 our handiwork.It looked beautiful.5 something was missing.“Wheres your star?” I asked.The star was my grandmothers favorite part of the tree.“Oh,it 6 be here somewhere,” she said,starting to sort through the boxes again.“Your grandfather always 7 everything so carefully when he to

38、ok the tree down.”As we emptied the boxes and 8 no star,my grandmothers eyes filled with tears.Grandfather had given it to Grandmother some fifty years ago on their first Christmas together.It brought them great happiness.Now,on her first Christmas without him,the star was 9,too.“Dont worry,Grandmot

39、her,” I 10 her.“Well find it for you.”My mother and I formed a search 11.“Lets start in on the closet where the ornaments(装饰品)were,” Mother said.“Maybe the star just fell out of the box.”That sounded 12,so I began to search the closet.I thought I tried every 13,but no star.I could see Grandmother wa

40、s 14,although she tried not to show it.“Whats in this wrapped box?” Mother suddenly called out.“It was at the bottom of Fathers closet.”Grandmother took the box in 15 and opened it.Her face 16 when she unfolded the paper and pulled out a golden star.There was a(n)17 attached.Dont be angry with me,de

41、ar.I broke your star while packing the decorations,and I couldnt 18 to tell you.I hope it brings you as much 19 as the first one.Merry Christmas!Love,BryantSo Grandmothers tree had a star after all,a star that expressed their everlasting love for one another.And we were glad we were able to make thi

42、s Christmas 20 for her.1.A.arrivedB.lookedC.stayedD.worked答案:A解析:当作者和父母到达祖母家里的时候才知道祖母等待了一整夜。故选A项。2.A.noisyB.emptyC.safeD.clean答案:B解析:没有祖父的家显得有些空。A项 “吵闹的”;B项 “空旷的,空的”;C项 “安全的”;D项 “干净的”。故选B项。3.A.flowerB.bellC.stockingD.tree答案:D解析:根据后面提到的the beautiful artificial tree可知,这里指的是圣诞树,故选D项。4.A.admireB.repairC

43、.paintD.design答案:A解析:经过一番努力,一家人终于可以欣赏他们手工装饰起来的圣诞树了。A项 “欣赏,钦佩,感激”;B项 “修理,修缮”;C项 “粉刷,油漆,绘画”;D项 “设计”。故选A项。5.A.OrB.SoC.ButD.And答案:C解析:圣诞树很美,但好像是缺少了什么东西。故选C项。6.A.mightB.mustC.needD.will答案:B解析:祖父以前总是把圣诞树上的装饰物小心翼翼地收好。由此判断答案应该是B项must,表示祖母很确定这颗圣诞星星一定在这些盒子里。7.A.packedB.decidedC.coveredD.searched答案:A解析:根据第6题的解

44、析可知应该选择A项,pack sth.up,意思是 “将包装起来”。8.A.madeB.leftC.foundD.felt答案:C解析:在这个没有祖父的圣诞节,那颗大约50年前送给祖母的圣诞星星也找不到了,祖母此时显得有些激动,眼里噙满了泪水。故选C项。9.A.goneB.hiddenC.brokenD.forgotten答案:A解析:根据第8题的解析可知答案为A项gone,作为形容词意思是 “丢失的,找不到的”。10.A.warnedB.persuadedC.remindedD.comforted答案:D解析:根据前后句可知,作者在安慰祖母,所以答案为D项,意思是 “安慰,慰藉”。A项 “警

45、告,告诫”;B项 “说服,劝服”;C项 “提醒,使想起”。11.A.gameB.classC.companyD.party答案:D解析:母亲和作者组成了搜索小组,努力寻找那颗圣诞星星。答案为D项party “党派,聚会,小组”。12.A.challengingB.reasonableC.pleasantD.difficult答案:B解析:由后面 “so I began to search the closet” 可知,作者认为母亲的建议合理,所以答案为B项 “合情合理的”。A项 “有挑战性的”;C项 “令人感到舒适的,惬意的”;D项 “困难的”。13.A.suggestionB.directi

46、onC.possibilityD.method答案:C解析:作者找遍了所有可能藏有那颗圣诞星星的地方,结果还是找不到。祖母有些失望,尽管她尽力不表现出来。A项 “建议”;B项 “指导,说明”;C项 “可能性”;D项 “方法”。故选C项。14.A.ashamedB.shockedC.disappointedD.frightened答案:C解析:根据第13题的解析可知答案为C项disappointed “失望的”。A项 “感到惭愧的,害臊的”;B项 “震惊的,惊愕的”;D项 “害怕的,受到惊吓的”。15.A.fearB.reliefC.angerD.surprise答案:D解析:在祖父衣橱的底部找到了一个包装好的盒子,祖母惊喜地接过盒子并打开了它。A项 “恐惧,害怕”;B项 “安慰”;C项 “生气,愤怒”;D项 “惊喜,惊讶”。故选D项。16.A.clearedB.brightenedC.darkenedD.tightened

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