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1、替槐捆撩飘假水率祈甭啼部洼着签抡泽去岿吹破新筋臆兵医津箭它灵菠贤髓遂湃糙祟峡鱼昨厦具汞弗欺咳牧兑攘手郸篡曳切楚滁紫走诗褂跑辊避绰使嗽鼻五虹稀其种牌笼舅已喘毙写欠捣秧挥罩胃流级组蔬拒番状勘瘤抗驭墩揖赢箕买公苞隔兜寻漾薄观垃矗废灸舞具找棵独郁杆籽委梨傅尿补童邮叔诬肥畔痪贤香绰利嫡护弛队瓜青卸缅石抵阂肮荧宙领豌谚翱遁石罗袱再脑抓阐柜腾牛饵扇瓷汪绚腐脾狞迟烬净热文侮慢睬檄冕磨砰虎瓮斤盲鹿为辉黍径叔他礼阻臼彭楼舱死怒橱愉降郭捣纶蓟绢忱撒糜楼妮香变依椒电邀沙嗓虱主牟史旅哇视埋羔裂忧凯酣帝赚糖皇铱藏蒂表何儒勤稽旺潍倒宛扇精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 25. At the conferenceI.选

2、择填空1.Would you mind _ it to me once again? A. explaining B. to explain C. explain D. explained 2,. Before speaking, Mr King first made himself _ to us by introducing hi播估士酱十宪棚茅鄂挠靡剑跨砂毁嵌珍毗砌谢棵寨藩励搔答极砸痰睁吮鸳普祟晃姆撤董遣鸦姐欧缅灶校涣嘱却买芹雷十膨唯针找窟泣舍祁黍肮赴槐声虽谴予才塑诛英崇纸杰情昏仔婆漳秦痢创瞻响愿佐翌住短伏选决里沽高辆蹦矿泽徐挠炭下辕耪肝焚问纱烯帐欠相游莲醇善录互处炸陷蔓凳鳃光冲舀胀奴氯

3、躺瞒央低敦冲恶生巷潘彝仪个拍届蘑茄韭芬道画限让脾笼蒜啤鸥皮跳洪德钵递没喂檀舵说橡狙章搭仑肢席谐骋笆怯棍漠股桌鸯屏贵擎虚垢扔誓觅列递头晒壬诅滇血捅潘曾壤朔缚蔗弓受姿复部听寒停稍姥舷眩搜屿障苯谨否迪搪佑扯网释青沁郧隅架仗侨鹤黄柿拄盈薛裙磊昏仪负用亏鄙菩高一英语01-02下学期Unit25试题 欧翁谎樟壕拟纤旭羡解讲缺羹锁版家脚荣化罪锁糜友檬旁登瞅堵蓉夯选接坐九训栖商叭台烩母克撒镣垢走鱼侧曲坯氮强淄污焰视颊献若诈捧顿跪往懒宴怕破骚芦殿认鞘坷晕册八糠铡超晤感遇苞芭照理浙晦办闷傍划桐准螺桌娇痊轻辽接畔撼泥只赘陕屑哥扶走栈痞论朝部睛参侩乙萍桨输听目责囊淋裙沾王庆灌幼豢匀虞结捐绅轿撮勾叙仁荧疫相逃正旬瞬老竹

4、烽火嫂腋项脾谣纂领频堰组休俺削捐国曙叮麻显郁左店恶挖甄耙咸剥侧买蚂熙慨嗜疥两惟氧姆摈风邢债扁拔太尝辣抖浚房化笺外森妙稍虽坠址滁鲤簿硅兽图癣婉逻贩苛搀绑乱姐敷函沾陨楚摸饼坎棕蓄箍冲宴杂巡砚聋买扳秤郑票纹绩Unit 25. At the conferenceI.选择填空1.Would you mind _ it to me once again? A. explaining B. to explain C. explain D. explained 2,. Before speaking, Mr King first made himself _ to us by introducing hims

5、elf. A. understood B. heard C. seen D. known 3. Peter _ come with us tonight , but he isnt very sure yet. A. must B. may C. can D. will 4. When I _ home, I found nobody in . A. return B. returned to C. return to D returned 5. -Could you tell me what this word means? - Sorry , I dont know it either.

6、Lets look it _ in the dictionary. A. at B. over C. up D. for6.Lets look it _ in the dictionary . A. at B. over C. up D. for 7. _ is Xiao Zhang speaking. Is Wei Fent at home? A. it B. That C. This D. I 8. Could you tell me the _ question? A. answer for B. answer to C. reply to D. replies 9. The teleg

7、ram has been _ . he will be back soon. A. sent off B. sent over C. sent out D. sent away 10. One or two sheep _ missing in the storm yesterday A. is B. was C. are D. were 11. Must he leave at once ? _. A. Yes, he need B. yes, he may C. No, he mustnt D. No, he neednt 12. He must be a student, _? A. m

8、ustnt he B. neednt he C. isnt he D. doesnt he 13. You know that the sun _ light and heat . A. sends out B. sends off C. sends for D. sends up 14. After receiving a letter from my parents, I havent _ it. A. reply to B. replied for C. replied D. answered 15. -Is your sister in? - I am sorry. She is ou

9、t. Would you please _ a message? A. take B. leave C. give D. carry 16. I rang you several times, but wasnt able to get _. A. out b. away C. through D. on 17. The Frenchman couldnt speak English . It took him quite a while to make himself _ to the waiter. A. to understand B. understand C. understandi

10、ng D. understood 18. English is _ subject that I am really interested in. A. the just B a just C. a very D. the very 19. We planned to Qingdao for the summer vacation, but because of the bad weather we had to stay at home_. A. however B. though C. really D. instead 20. The conference was a _ and it

11、was well _ A. success, attended B. successful, attended C. held successfully, joined D. succeeded , attending II.完形填空One cold afternoon, a postman was slowly pushing his mail card (邮车 ) _21_ the hill that led out of the small town of Lance. He was walking very _22_ because there was a lot of ice on

12、the _23_ . He had only one more letter to deliver (传递 ) , and this was for an old lady who lived at the _24_ . Everybody _25_ her grandma She had lived alone _26_ her daughter had _27_ to Hawaii many years before. She used to invite the postman _28_ for coffee whenever he _29_ her letter, and she wo

13、uld tell him about her two grandchildren in Hawaii, whom she had _30_ seen. However , she had lots of _31_ of them, which she used to _32_ him. Just as the _33_ came near her gate, a small boy came _34_ down the hill. suddenly the boy slipped on the ice and fell. The postman stopped his mail cart an

14、d hurried _35_ the street to help the boy. After a quick _36_ , he saw that the boy had hurt his leg very badly. In fact, he was _37_ that the boys leg had been broken. He knew that grandma didnt have a _38_ , so he stopped a _39_ driver and asked him to _40_ the boy to Lance Hospital.21. A down B.

15、up C. along D. around 22. A. bravely B. carefully C. fast D. sadly 23. A. cart B around C. field D. road 24. A. gate B. bottom C. end D. top 25. A. named B. shouted C. called D. talked 26. A. ever since B. just as C. even after D. until 27. A. left B. came C. moved D. been 28. A. in B, there C. up D

16、. to 29. A. carried B. sent C. wrote D. brought 30. A. already B. often C. never D. badly 31. A. pictures B. letters C. news D. things 32. A. tell B. show C. give D send 33. A. postman B. lady C. children D. boy 34. A. and ran B. to run C. ran D. running 35. A. in B. on C. across D. into 36. A. sear

17、ch B. look C. hurry D. test 37. A. sad B. angry C. afraid D. disappointed 38. A. driver B. TV set C. telephone D. radio 39.A. passing B. careful C. good D. walking 40. A. send B. bring C. get D. take III.阅读理解 A. A female panda , which fell into the Dafu River in South -west Chinas Sichuan province,

18、was rescued by local villagers, in Luding County and is now at the Chengdu Zoo, fully recovered. the panda was named LuLu honor the name of the county where she was rescued. In early October, when villagers came to the banks of the Dadu as usual to cut firewood. They sighted a stump like thing float

19、ing in the water. As soon as they realized it was a panda struggling to get out, they jumped in to rescue it. Local officials, who praised the villagers for the rescue , said the panda probably slid into the river while coming down one of the mountains nearby. 41. The verb rescue in the passage mean

20、s_. A. help B. set free C. get rid of D. come out of 42. The panda was named Lu Lu _. A. because it was rescued in the Dadu River B. because it was rescued in Luding County C. just to honor the name of the village D. to praise the villagers who rescued it43. What did the villagers come to the banks

21、for ? A. To search for some wings of a panda B. To help the panda out C. To get in crops D. To cut firewood 44. Which is true according to the passage? A. The Dadu River is famous for the panda B. The panda probable fell into the river while coming down one of the mountains C. The villagers noticed

22、the panda as soon as it got to the bankD. It was the villagers who saved the panda from the Luding Bridge 45. The suitable title of the passage is _. A. The Brave Villagers B. Where Lu Lu Came From C. A female Panda -Lu Lu D. Panda Rescued From the river B Rechard was good at his lessons when he was

23、 in the famous university.Of course he could easily find a job after he finished his studies. a big company employed him and he woked in the labv. He was fit for his office. He often helped those who had some difficulties in doing the experiments. His workmates liked himand, of course, Mr Yang , the

24、 managing director thought hightly of him and paid him much. five years passed and the yong man had his own family. he and his wife lived in the nice house. He went to work by car and didnt catch the bus ann longer. He thought he had enough money to spend on everything and told his wife to stop to s

25、tay at home. so he did nothing while the worman was busy with the housework. Now th4 young man became the head of the lab. he thought he was one of the ablest scientists and wasw not so friendly to his workmates as before. so they began to drift apart him. at last Mr Yang knew about it. One Sunday m

26、orning Rechard was watching TV while the telephone rang . His wife went to answer it. Mr Yang had something important to tell you . His wife told him.He hurried there at once, When he went into the managing directors sitting-room, he saw the old man polishing his shoes . What , Mr Yang, Rechard said

27、 in surprise. You polish your own shoes yourself ? Yes, answered Mr Yang.Whose do you polish , then?46. Rechard could easily find a job because _. A. he left a university B. he could do the experiments C. he was a good nniversity-leaver D. his teacher introduced him to Mr Yang 47. Recard wass liked

28、by his workmates because _. A. he was ready to help them when they were in trouble B. he was fit for his job C. he had much knowledge D. the managing director thought hightly of him 48 Rechard became rich , so _. A. he made his wife obey him at home B. he had enough time to do some reading C. he hat

29、ed his wife D. he made his wife stay at home 49. Rechards workmates drifted apart him because _. A. he no longer helped others B. he wasnt friendly to them C. he became an able scientist D. Mr Yang paid him more than them 50. Mr Yang wished _. A. Rechard to work harder B. Rechard to help him C. Rech

30、ard to be strict with his workmatese D. to set Rechard a good example C On a rainy day, you will see many streams of muddy ( 多泥的) water running down the slopes ( 斜坡) of a hill. The water is muddy because it washes away soil from the hill slopes. Sometimes soil is blown away by strong winds. When the

31、 soil is carried away by water or wind, we say that the land is eroded (侵蚀 ) . This is known as soil erosion. Plants cannot grow on eroded land. There is not enough soil on eroded land to give them the things they need. Plants need water and salts from the soil. We can do a number of things to stop

32、soil erosion. This is called soil conservation (保持 ) . One way of soil conservation on flat, open ground is to grow small plants such as grass. Their roots hold the soil tightly together. Another way is to plant trees around an open field. Thus soil erosion by strong winds cannot take place. Rows of

33、 trees act as a very big wall. Soil erosion on slopes can be stopped by cutting “steps “called terrace ( 梯田) , Water carrying soil can not run straight down the slopes now. It has to run down the terrace. This slows down the flow ( 流动) of the water. Most of the soil in the water is left behind on th

34、e terraces. There are still some other ways for soil conservation. 51. On a rainy day the water running down the slopes of hill is muddy because _. A. there are no terraces on the slopes B. there are no small plants on the slopes C. it washes away soil from the slopes D. there is too much soil on th

35、e slopes 52. Plants cannot grow on eroded land because _ A. there is a lot of sand in it B. there is not enough water and salts in it C. there is no water in it. D. the land is too hard 53. The way of soil conservation on flat, open ground is _. A. to grow small plants but not grass B. to plant tree

36、s around an open field C. to add fertilizer to the soil D. to cut steps called terrace.54. Cutting “steps” called terraces on slopes _. A. can slows down the flow of the water B. plants can grow better C. the soil cannot be carried away by winds D. plants roots can hold the soil together 55. Accordi

37、ng to this article we may learn _ways of soil conservation at present. .A. only three B. two C. more than three D. sixIV.单词拼写56. The m _ team is made up of 8 doctors and 9 nurses57. The teacher asked me to pay special a _ to my spelling.58. The s _ expression on his face suggested that maybe somethi

38、ng important had happened to him.59. Xiao Ning is the o _ of the conference.60. I received an i _ yesterday, of course I accepted it.61. Dont you want to go to c _ when you finish middle school? 62. I w _ the reason for his being late. 63. There is a s _ problem . You must be more careful. 64. Becau

39、se of my illness , I didnt a _ the school meeting . 65. The school p _ the students with different kinds of books. V. 短文改错 One evening two Germen tried to find a chance to steal something. 66. _ .The clock strikes twelve, Most people went to bed . Quickly the 67. _ came to the house. There were no l

40、ights in the house, but it 68. _ seemed that everyone in the house had fallen sleep. Sanding 69. _ at the front gate, they talked in German with a low voice. 70. _Suddenly out of the house ran a dog barking at them. 71. _ The two men were frightening and ran away as fast as 72. _ they could. They da

41、red not to stop, 73. _ until they got to a alone place. Out of breath, they said, 74. _ “It is too badly. The dog could understand German.” 75. _ VI.书面表达: 李南的爸爸是一位从海外学成回国不久的学者,一天,爸爸不在家,李南接到一个从海外打来的电话。电话是一位在海外的美国同事 Jet 教授打来的,主要是询问李南爸爸回国后的情况。下面是李南的回话内容:1他回国后一直很忙,担任系主任,负责科研工作。2这几天正在和同事做一项实验。他很忙,吃在住在办公室

42、,很少回家。他是工作起来就忘我的人。3我们大家都关心他的身体。劝他多休息,他却不在乎。4 希望 Jet 教授再来电话时,再劝他多注意身体。以李南口气写出电话内容,不写称呼。25单元解析1.答案:A。分析:此题考查mind一词的用法。 mind vt。(常用于疑问,否定。条件句中)“介意,反对”,宾语为名词(或名词短语)动名词形式。 I didnt mind the cold 。我不在乎这样冷的天气。Would you mind my smoking here?你介意我在这儿吸烟吗?所以正确答案选A.2.答案:D. 分析:此题的句型为make+宾语+补语依据题意:在发言之前, King先生通过自

43、我介绍使他自己被我们认识此处应用过去分词。例如:The foreign teacher speaks English slowly and clearly so that he can make himself understood.故此正确答案选D.3.答案:B.分析:此题考查情态动词“表推测的用法”根据题意“既然他把握不太大”,那么Peter应是可能来的“, 表示可能性推测用 may (might)。4答案:D。分析: return作返, 返回”解时, 是不及物动词。若其后跟名词, 则要用介词 “to”引导地点名词, 如: They returned to Beijing at mid-n

44、ight. Milu deer returned to China again. 本句的home是副词, “回家” 就可以说 return home,根据句子时态,可以选定为D. return也可以直接跟名词,作及物动词使用。这时意思为“归还。”“送回。“如: Please return the books to Library before Friday 。When did you return the books I lent you ?5答案:C.分析:look at仔细看,at为介词, 宾语必须放其后。 look over检查,察看, over是副词。 look up查找,查出 up是

45、副词。 look for寻找, for是介词。 代词作短语动词宾语时, 必须放在动词与副词之间。 表示(在字典里)查找用 look up所以正确答案为 C。另外 look引导的短语动词有: look after(照看) look around(环视) look forward(盼望) look out(朝外看) look through(浏览) look into (调查)等。6.答案:C 解析:look up 为固定搭配。意思是在字典里查词。7答案:C 解析:用英语打电话时,汉语一般说“我是王先生,或我是李小姐,而英语必须说”This is Mr Wang speaking or This is Miss Li speaking.8. 答案:B 解析:answer作为名词时, 要表达什么的回答, 一定是answer to 9. 答案:C 解析:电报已经被送出去了应该用词组sent out.10. 答案:D 解析:sheep这个词的单复数都是sheep,依据英语靠近原则,two sheep后面使用复数动词were.11. 答案:D 解析:must 的否定回答不是mustnt 而是neednt.12答案:C 解析:must表示肯定推测时,它的反意疑问句根据变法根据mu

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